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Posts posted by MJKERR

  1. 1 hour ago, MJKERR said:

    KLAX is the only airport on which I have Spirit Airlines, I am confused
    Does this mean I need a later USA airport?
    The XLS Master File does not make this very clear / obivious?

    This does not make sense, as I only have one USA airport, KLAX
    It look like some should be yellow, but I just purchased the KLAX Real Colour and they are all blue / white
    Was it later?
    For the latest livery, which would I require?

  2. Purchased Real Colour today (which also means I can add some options to EGLL and OMDB)

    What a difference to this testing
    It does help there are two providers on youTube so I could revise my operations to better match reality
    I was not aware of how this airport operated (24R / 25L arrivals)

    Sadly the Real Traffic file appears to be quite out of date, with Virgin America which is now Alaska Airlines

    There does also appear to be an issue which affects some aircraft where they are lower then expected and lose their wheels!
    I took screenshots of a Delta B763, but it was not affected, however as I now have Real Colour I will create a new topic specific to this

    Again, looking to create a late Summer 2018 / 2019 timetable

  3. The main reason this does not work is the terminal file is airlines only, there are basically no other editable variables

    Tower 3D does split aircraft types, but even that is flawed as it is prop / medium / heavy only
    This becomes an issue at airports which have aircraft specific type gates, such as KLAX (two B777-300 gates for American) and EGLL (A380 Super gates)

    It was possible to apply this in Tower 2011 through the airport editor
    For EGLL A380 could then sent to specific stands

    Oddly at EGLL I managed to split British Airways flights, which removed Heavy at Terminal 5A which is extremely rare as it reduces capacity

  4. 53 minutes ago, EliGrim said:

    So, if you want it to be as realistic as possible in terms of gameplay, you should give the flight at least 20 minutes at the terminal. This means that the time span in the schedule often has to be much more than 30 minutes. In addition, care must be taken to ensure that no identical aircraft type of the airline is available for the game at the time of the flight number change. (To be taken into account in the Schedule!)

    I need to check my Terminal 4 spreadsheet
    The original airline schedule allows 20 minutes
    My own schedule allows 20 minutes from DBRITE to stand, then the standard 20 minutes
    However on both occasions it had arrived AFTER it should have departed
    I may need to find this this weekend and work out exactly what this was happening
    Maybe this aircraft for this airline always left late!

  5. In Tower 3D I made a few tests on KLAX some time ago, but as I do not have the Real Colour pack I gave in
    Ironically I still require the Real Colour pack to swap over some of the EGLL flights and correct them

    I have now watched a few live videos and realise where I was going wrong

    I now plan to create a summer 2018 or 2019 timetable
    However, when (roughly) is the Real Traffic file from?

    I have sorted my spreadsheet into each airline, I can then search the flight numbers

    I suspect this will be one of the first airports released in the next version of Tower, so nothing like planning in advance

    As an aside
    The USD = GBP exchange rate is ridiculously low now, it is almost as low as what I paid with the normal 25% discount

  6. 5 hours ago, Pedantic G said:

    No I will keep this open until near the end of the month before sending off to Gabor.

    I rushed my first request, as it just looked nice and filled a gap at (fictional 2019) EGLL Terminal 4
    Thank you for confirming a cutoff date

    I need to go back to OMDB, from memory there is one aircraft and airline missing

    I have also now started on KLAX, can then see if there are any combinations that give me a red cell (aircraft and airline required)

    • Thanks 1
  7. 5 hours ago, FeelThere_Vic said:

    It's looking for the plane's type and the time between the arrival and the departure to decide if it's a restarter or a new flight. 

    Yes, I use the following priority criteria :
    Airline, aircraft type, arrival time, departure time, stand availability

    At no point am I using the flight number, it is only used in the schedule and for identification

    The other two flights and aircraft are A330 and A343, and these are created correctly
    It is only the B789 that has the issue
    The second later arrival is correct (it makes little difference as both departures are after 19:00)

  8. Official Virgin Atlantic Airways Summer 2019 diagram :
    VIR23 15:25 LHR - LAX

    VIR24 LAX - LHR 15:15 -> Forms VIR449 20:05 LHR - JNB
    VIR251 PVG - LHR 16:45 -> Forms VIR25 20:15 LHR - JFK
    VIR461 22:30 LHR - JNB

    Log file :
    Restarter airplanes /   parent incoming: VIR24 - 14:55:00    outgoing: VIR23 - 15:25:00
    Restarter airplanes /   parent incoming: VIR251 - 16:25:00    outgoing: VIR449 - 20:05:00

    I have tested again and VIR24 arrives at the stand at about 15:10
    The B787 that is already in place is VIR461, but this should actually be VIR23

    It looks like my 20 minute adjustment from entering airspace on DBRITE to arriving at stand has upset this aircraft / flight
    I have noticed a few other flights that seem to turnaround very quickly, but this one was very obvious as the stands are directly under the tower
    Reducing this to less than 20 minutes should correct this

    I have also noticed the opposite occurs, where adding the 20 minutes should have resolved issues
    There was a flight arriving into Terminal 4, and then one minute later was requesting pushback!
    Again, there is a gap of 30 minutes, but it takes so long for the aircraft to transit across the airport

  9. I have noticed this a few times and have confirmed the flights this has occured with

    VS24 B789 LAX - LHR 15:15
    VS23 B789 LHR - LAX 15:25

    As you can see this is a turnaround of just 10 minutes
    There is a second B789 which the program creates at commencement, and this forms
    VS449 B789 LHR - JNB 20:05

    The incoming VS24 should then form VS449
    The existing VS449 aircraft should be forming VS23 instead

    Any ideas on how to correct this?
    Would changing the optimised file resolve this?

  10. 6 hours ago, FeelThere_Vic said:

    You'll notice the images a bit blurrier than before; this is because of the glass reflection and the dirt on them. This is something we are discussing if it's better this way for realism or drop it for a better graphics. 

    Personally, this should be an on / off option, or graded, just like the weather option in Tower 3D
    As much as I like the weather in Tower 3D, the view becomes distorted when there is rain

  11. 2 hours ago, shebo said:
    1. no gate/terminal information in both

    As mentioned previously, I use flightera.net
    If you have the flight numbers, then you can search by month
    This will show you the aircraft, terminal and stand number

    As Tower 3D does not perform local movements; add / remove aircraft between Terminals, stands, remote stands, maintenance and so on
    Creating a spreadsheet with each stand and then each flight, avoids overlap
    Equally, you may find you are unable to add certain flights
    I had this with EGLL, so removed two British Airways destinations from Terminal 3
    There was a similar issue with Terminal 2 and Terminal 4, as many of the international flights have a long layover time, so block stands either after arrival or before departure

  12. 2 hours ago, beammover said:

    bought the real traffic add on for my tower 3d pro.  norton blocked it as harmful.  i reported it as safe and it disappeared from my downloads 

    Disable Norton
    Disconnect from internet
    Shutdown / Restart
    then continue..

    One of the reasons I stopped using Norton

  13. 45 minutes ago, Pedantic G said:

    Logan Air for EGLL for you

    Logan Air did not operate in Summer 2018, but two others were missing
    I can add the Malaysian A380 now, from another Real Colour airport
    Not sure what the other is as my main computer has the spreadsheet that I use, but from memory it is another airline serving Terminal 4 at EGLL where the real colour is missing although the aircraft "white colour" is created

  14. 4 minutes ago, Pedantic G said:

    An idea but If you want to create a massive spreadsheet covering all the main commercial aircraft and operators in the world and spend weeks doing it and then a huge amount of time keeping it up to date, fill your boots as I am not doing it!

    Agreed, but be realisitic about the timescale
    Start with major orders

    I did the same when I recreated the real-time schedules for OMDB and EGLL, each took me a few days
    Quite easily done for Airbus, Embraer, Boeing, and a few others
    Those gaps can then be easily seen

    I could probably work on a basic spreadsheet in December, you can then see what the missing liveries are

  15. 30 minutes ago, crbascott said:

    Theoretically if a plane is included in a real traffic schedule, then there should be an associated livery in real color for that airport. As a result, I’m not sure this approach would provide much benefit. White planes are more of an issue when using custom schedules.

    Looks like you missed the point
    List all the possibilities with the existing "white planes"
    Where there is a real colour, then it is YES
    Everything else is NO
    You can then determine if it is worth planning a real colour to convert NO to YES

    I use this same principle for missing liveries in order to fill gaps, by purchasing just those airports

    For example
    B737-800 in airline A livery would be a NO, introduced 2019
    However in Tower 3D it already has B737-700, so shows as a YES (but for an older airport pack)

    Another in the XLS spreadsheet is LoganAir
    This has gone from NO to YES

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