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Posts posted by MJKERR

  1. 6 hours ago, MickeyTKSFO said:

    If you are using MS Edge, it does try and stop the download but you do have the option to tell it to download and keep it "anyway." It will do the same thing when you try and install and again, you simply have to tell it to install anyway

    I had no issues downloading the file
    The issue was installation
    Windows 10 Professional was recognising it as a program already installed
    I had assumed it was similar to a Windows Update where you simply run the program and then you end up with the main program and the update
    I then gave Windows 10 permission to overwrite, but it made no difference
    My next attempt will be to uninstall the original program and then reinstall

  2. Same here
    Received the eMail, directed to the main EGLL purchase item at Feel There

    Attempted the original provided download link from FastSpring, but this returns a error
    Below the Fastpring download are details to access My Account
    However, that does not recognise my eMail address

    Same here, off to the Feel There Support ticket system

  3. 10 hours ago, EliGrim said:

    I prefer to have only the airlines, airports and aircraft in the files that are needed for the current schedule. Whether the game builds a database internally when loading the airport/schedule or scans the files constantly, the game becomes more performant the fewer records need to be processed. Whether this will be noticeable in the framerate, for example, I don't know. Most likely, you won't even gain a fraction of a frame per second.
    Nevertheless, my personal experience with the airlines file has shown that the fewer entries in the file, the better the speech recognition works, especially with callsigns like UZBEK or SICHUAN, which the speech recognition likes to have difficulties with, at least for me

    The only difference in framerate I have noticed is once you select an aircraft
    With EGLL it reduces by about half
    On my test files (which are usually just one aircraft type, one airline and one terminal) I have not noticed any difference (ODMB and EGLL)

    I also agree with reduced / minimum files
    The most noticeable is the
    For each airport I have amended it for the airlines that are included only
    I have also amended some of the callsigns to assist / optimise the speech
    An obvious one is

    I also revised the
    I placed all the aircraft in a more sequential order, whilst again removing any that were not required
    However again I have not noticed any difference
    It does make it easier to find aircraft though

  4. 2 hours ago, koohead said:

    is realistic based on the Real Traffic data I'm assuming?

    I have found the Real Traffic Data is a compromise
    It appears to take the actual data for a specific date and then removes or amends flights that cannot be included in the simulation due to overlap, rare operations, dropped, no free terminal
    As an example in EGLL all the Pisa flights have been removed as there are not enough stands at Terminal 3

    Ironically for EGLL with some flights only operating on specific dates this results in an imbalance, where there is only the incoming or outgoing flight, which results in stand blocking

  5. On 1/15/2020 at 5:32 AM, EliGrim said:


    Modified version with enhanced commands.

    Tower3D.rec Mod

    I searched for this list of phrases to use, but all I find is this same partial list that ends and fades out at number 22
    Could you please provide this listing within the ZIP file?

  6. As Alaska Airlines has now joined One World, many airlines have dual liveries; a main one and an alliance one

    Given the Retro livery is in the format $x
    We also have the Cargo liveries in the format #x
    What about splitting out the legacy liveries using other special characters?
    Alliance livery -> &x
    Older livery -> @#
    and so on

    It would mean updating the older packs, but I am quite sure that would be a simple process

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