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Everything posted by Andydigital

  1. Feel free to delete this post whenever Pete but just to help our Kuwaiti friend, here is a picture to show him how to post in the correct section of the forum. Just click on the highlighted button in the lower half of the page.
  2. Pete may have already mentioned this but another thing to try is to open up the FSX.cfg in Notepad++ and delete the whole section starting with the heading [Trusted] there will likely be quite a few lines starting with C:\ Program Files and ending with what looks like gibberish, just delete it all. Next time you load FSX you will have to allow all the gauges and modules again as FSX uses them, hopefully that will get around the bug in the trust mechanism is FSX.
  3. Have you run an FSX repair at some point recently by any chance? If you haven't definitely do NOT try that as it will ruin FSX and likely cause the exact same problem as you are having now. Try the version of the xml below, in this version FSUIPC is the last module to load, sometimes changing the order that the DLL's load can help. DLL.XML
  4. There were a couple of errors in it, the attached version should be OK now. DLL.XML
  5. Sorry Gary, I now realise why you said that already, I misunderstood and thought you meant there were differences in the zapping facility between FS versions. You are correct traffic board is FSX only, sorry for the confusion.
  6. Like I said before Super Traffic Board will do what you want automatically, it's another option at least.
  7. Or better yet use the software that comes with the CDU2 that works perfectly with the NGX i.e. VRiSim. I'm really not sure what there is this need for people to use LINDA instead of the software provided by VRi for aircraft like the NGX or Level D 767 FMC's, which work perfectly with those aircraft. You do realise that LINDA and VRiSim or SerialFP2 can both be used at the same time, it doesn't have to be an all or nothing decision. I use LINDA and VRiSim together all the time and they work fine together. Edit: oops sorry!! I just realised you have the CDU1 not CDU2, time to upgrade maybe :)
  8. I'm not sure why you are using LINDA for the Level-D 767 and the CDU2, its works perfectly with the software included with the CDU2 i.e. SerialFP2 or the program that has now replaced that called VRiSim.
  9. I was under the impression that the Traffic Zapper in FSUIPC only works to the front of the user aircraft, it doesn't care about traffic behind. There is a payware program called Super Traffic Board, its primary purpose is to show a departures and arrivals board for AI and User traffic at an airport and it also has many other things you can do too related to AI traffic. One feature you might find useful is that it has the ability to clear traffic that is following behind you and you can configure how close it is allowed to get to you before its zapped (deleted) or warped instantly to its arrival stand. You can also select an aircraft from the arrival or departure board and right click on it and delete it or warp it form there. This is my preferred method of removing traffic as its more clinical, I tend to use the FSUIPC zapper more often on the ground when FS ATC has you on a collision course with traffic going the opposite way on a taxiway..
  10. Support is provided in the iFly forum only in regards to iFlytoFSUIPC.exe, sorry. The developer who wrote the interpreter posts and reads the forum regularly and there are plenty of other users doing the exact same things as yourself, you will find the answer there, there is even a tutorial.
  11. This is the correct forum to talk about FSUIPC but as I said what you want to do isn't possible directly through the normal FS Controls that FSUIPC uses, instead you need to use the application that I spoke of previously as an intermediary/translator which links FSUIPC and the iFly SDK together.
  12. You need to ask about this at the iFly support forum, there is a tool there called iFlytoFSUIPC.exe that has all sorts of things like this covered and it makes setting up hardware with the iFly737 very simple. A great deal of the iFly systems do not use normal FS controls so knowing the codes that FSUIPC normally uses is of no use to you. For example; 510 KEY_COMMAND_ENGAPU_ENG_1_START_LEVER_IDLE The rest of the instructions and documentation on how to set it up are in the support forum which you must register at as no further support is given outside the official forum due to piracy.
  13. I've not even bothered downloading Win8 to look at it, all the negative comments, pictures and download statistics have put me off, apparently 50% less people have bothered to download the preview edition of W8 compared with Windows 7 Beta. W7 is so good nobody wants to bother upgrading, and certainly not to downgrade on functionality. It seems all MS are interested in now is the micro transaction app stores that Apple has done so well with on iOS, W8 seems to be built around this App store mentality of charge little and often for everything.
  14. Don, Pete wasn't asking you to repost anything, the question was aimed at aua668 (Reinhard) and he already reposted his excellent gauge in the user contributions forum.
  15. I have a feeling Win8 is going to fall on its arse big time, its another Vista/ME in the making I think. God knows what possessed them to go with a mobile phone style user interface for a desktop computer, it looks like someone from Fisher Price had been commissioned to design it..
  16. Shift + O is the default key combo to toggle mouse look mode on and off, I just assign Shift-O to one of the buttons on my mouse with the Logitech drivers, the software has a facility that allows you assign different functions to the buttons depending on which program has focus.
  17. Change the key assignments in EZDok instead, you can change those keys to whatever you want, every key in EZDok can be changed if you want to.
  18. That's because they aren't supposed to work with FSUIPC, Saitek officially only support FSX via Simconnect, you need an intermediary application called SPAD to get those Saitek panels working with FS2004 and FSUIPC.
  19. It doesn't do that for me, as soon as the dots go out of view it freezes until they return and the buttons for reseting or pausing do nothing either. Maybe we are using different versions of TrackIR and that explains the differences, I'm using TrackIR 5 hardware with 5.1.300 (Build 9945) software.
  20. The TrackIR software freezes the view the movement the moment 1 or more tracking dots are lost from view, nothing works at all until the dots come back into view. Your likely be waiting for a very long time for EZCA 2.0, I doubt it will ever see the light of day to be honest, by waiting you are missing out on a massively useful addon for FSX. I couldn't live without it anymore, the easy configuration of cameras and assigning key presses or Joystick buttons to quickly swap to those cameras is worth the price of admission alone in my opinion.
  21. I really not sure what you expected to happen when you the use centre or pause function when you aren't actually using TrackIR. What you describe is obviously by design as TrackIR can't possible function or effect the view position any further once the tracking dots are lost out of view of the receiver. If you are using EZDOC too you can get that to automatically move the view back to that cameras centre/home position after the tracking dots have been lost for a predefined number of seconds. Addons>EZdok Studio>Options>TrackIR> and tick "Reset Coords when TIR is out of Range for..... n seconds"
  22. Sorry I dont know what else to suggest, personally I use a couple of buttons on my joystick and assign them directly to the centre and pause assignments in TrackIR, I use them too regularly to mess about pressing buttons on the keyboard. There are a myriad of addons for FS that could be trapping the keys by the way, not just FSUIPC and FSRecorder, even the NGX can trap them, I have many aircraft that trap buttons from being seen outside of FS, even when its minimised.
  23. What about addons like FSRecorder and stuff like that. Dont forget the Trap option in TrackIR itself as well.
  24. If Windows sees your device as a joystick and you can assign the buttons on it in FS itself without problems then give LINDA a look at the link below, LINDA already has a profile for the NGX and its CDU, see if the LSKs work OK through that profile. http://forum.avsim.net/forum/424-linda/
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