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Pete Dowson

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Everything posted by Pete Dowson

  1. Yes, but it's bed time here now. The current FSUIPC version is fine. i'll download 4.3 overnight, check and make a new FSUIPC release tomorrow. Pete
  2. I don't know. Sorry. That's why I suggested widening your question to a wider audience! Pete
  3. Nor do I, but I seem to recall that this was a problem with FS dating way back. tell me, did you Arm the A/T and enable Speed Hold first? They may be dependencies for this. Have you asked in the AVSIM FSX support forum? Pete
  4. This is known and reported already in another thread here. It is fixed here ready for the next release, which I'm holding back pending the promised (?) P3D4.3 release -- not that FSUIPC will depend on you updating. Pete
  5. Thanks. So these: A: vars = Aircraft variables: readP: vars = Program variables (eg Sim Rate) sometimes included as E: type vars: readE: vars = Environmental variables (eg Time) : read are SimConnect Variables or "SimVars", this M: vars = Mouse parameters (eg location XY, click type) : read is only available to me via the PDK (as used in the FSUIPC5 Mouse Macro facility) and these are KEY EVENTS (or what i've always called "controls" as they were in early versions of FS) K: vars = Key code (eg commands to sim): write Well, i don't know html either, but I guessed it was >, but this syntax is mystifying: (A:NAV1 radial, degrees) 180 - dnor (>K:VOR1_SET) Meaning what? "Read NAV1 radial, do something odd with something called "dnor" but undefined (?), and if it is Greater Than something (?) send it as the parameter for control VOR1_SET"? The differentiation between reading something and writing it isn't obvious from the syntax. Yes, key events can only be "written" (sent really), but SimVars can mostly be read or written. You don't need to answer. I will just have to make time to read the SDK, when I actually need to know. But it seems likely that first I'd need to read a book on the type of XML being used -- it looks very different to the XML used in P3D's configutation files. I was just really seeking clarification for others reading this, mainly Val, the OP, of course. Thanks, Pete
  6. I'm not sure. did you try using FSUIPC's Logging to find out? (Logging tab, enable Event logging then OK out. Operate the button and see what is logged in the FSUIPC LOG file). Looking down the assignment dropdowns the most likely candidates seem to be AP MACH ON and AP MACH OFF, or possibly AP PANEL MACH ON and OFF. Of course with add-on aircraft it may be completely different in any case. I suspect those controls actually enable or disable the AT speed control as well as operating the C/O. In fact I seem to remember from my days with FS98, using default aircraft, the MACH/IAS changeover could only be done by setting the speed control to one or the other. So you might need to set it ON the OFF, or vice versa. All my use of an MCP with the C/O button for many years has been with add-on systems like Project Magenta and, more recently, ProSim. If you are using an add-on aircraft like one of the PMDG ones they will likely have their own subsystems for this. Pete
  7. It isn't a subject I really know. What I do think is that if the panels have numbers associated with them (defined in one of the files installed for the aircraft), then you could probably use the PANEL ID controls (PANEL ID TOGGLE, OPEN, CLOSE) with the ID number as parameter. If they don't have numbers, maybe those can be added. The ID numbers are the "ident" values in the [WindowXX] sections of the Aircraft's PANEL.CFG file. I think PMDG do give them numbers in any case. Default aircraft panels mostly have names for the IDs -- like "OVERHEAD_PANEL" in the FSX 738 -- but those are translated to numbers in FS. Pete
  8. I asumed that what it must be about. I am just not familiar with "mouse click scripts", nor really how you can write software in XML. Lua is basically a script writing language, in which you can write programs, of course. Hence I thought it might be confusing without some further explanation.. I would have explained it, but I'm not familiar with the syntax you displayed I'm afraid. What are "A:Vars", "P:Vars" and "K:Vars", and what does &gt" mean? Should these be obvious? Would they be covered in the Panels SDK documentation? Thanks, Pete
  9. Those aren't in the Lua which FSUIPC's inbuilt version 5.1 uses. At least I don't recognise it. They look more like scripts for the PANELS.DLL. I think you might need to give Val more clues as to what to do with them. (or me so I can translate). Pete
  10. No. Lua plug-ins arecovered in the separate Lua documentation. And offsets are listed in the List of Offsets. All these documents are in your FSUIPC Documents folder. There are plenty of examples of plug-ins provided there too, in a ZIP file, and you can find other contributions from users in the User Contributions subforum here. Have you thought of getting a third party aircraft for your needs, instead of using the default? The default ones are really quite basic in most respects, so if you are as keen as it sounds it would be worth investigating add-on aircraft. Make sure you read the reviews though before spending any money, and perhaps visit their support forum to see if they are well supported. Pete
  11. Yes. most if not all controls ending in "_SET" need a parameter to set. Yes, those values can be read from FSUIPC Offsets. You'd need a Lua plug-in to do that. There are some controls starting "G1000 ..." I don't see anything specific for these in the list, but there's a lot of "SOFTKEY" ones (12 altogether). Could the ones you want be "soft keys"? Pete
  12. Exactly. Of course I understood that. That's why I told you which of them might interface to FSUIPC, and therefore need WideClient and a WideFS registration! You seem to not understand that WideFS is just a way for FSUIPC's interface for applications to be available across a Network. Pete
  13. WideClient won't work unless you Register WideFS -- it is part of the WideFS package! As I clearly said, PSUtils uses FSUIPC therefore if you run it on a client PC you would need WideFS registered. Active Sky for P3D4 doesn't need FSUIPC or WideFS. TopCat only uses FSUIPC if you opt to send payloads to the current aircraft. ProSim Instructor Station is not a separate program. It is in a browser just like a web site. Pete
  14. Not for ProSim IS. That uses the normal browser connection, just as for a website. The main ProSim EXE provides the service, like a website. But, yes, I think PSUttils needs FSUIPC connect, so WideClient on the client PC. Pete
  15. You need to open your account with SimMarket. If you bought it the registration details will be there. Pete
  16. If you bought WideFS for FSUIPC4, then you can use your original WideFS registration for WideFS with P3D4. Pete
  17. Is that FSUIPC4 (for FSX and P3D3) or FSUIPC5 (for P3D4)? In the FSUIPC4 case, did you purchase the bundle FSUIPC4 + WideFS? If not, or if you purchased only FSUIPC5, you need to purchase WideFS separately. Pete
  18. That doesn't happen here. Not sure why it's different for you. FSUIPC uses similar SimConnect requests for all display needs in P3D. What P3D then does is up to it. There are several Lua plug-ins using the display facility -- display vals, log Lvars, VAS monitor, all three of which loop re-displaying every time there's a change, and this certainly happens without any focus being changed. Pete
  19. Assuming it can actually be used without the mouse, you could try enabling Event logging in the FSUIPC Logging tab, then use that button (with the mouse) in both modes, and check in the FSUIPC4.LOG file (in the sim's Modules folder) to see what control, if any, is logged. For the autopilot heading it is usually AP hdg hold on. which is not the same as AP panel heading hold, which would make the aircraft turn to the setting shown, not the current heading. Not sure about the CDI though. I've only ever seen manual adjustment (VOR1 OBI dec and inc), but then I've never used a G1000. If no named control is logged, then the function is probably encoded internally in the G1000 gauge. In that case the only answer might be using Mouse Macros, or maybe local panel variables (L:vars). Pete
  20. Yes. Thanks. will fix for the next re-issue of the document. Pete
  21. Which control are you assigning to? FSUIPC has always offered its own steering tiller assignment facility, which actually uses the rudder (it dates back to before the Sim had a till control). The rudder assignment for the tiller has a system for gradually changing from tiller axis to the true rudder axis. If you are using the built-in Sim control and it isn't working for a particular aircraft, then it is to do with the implementation of that aircraft, as all FSUIPC can to is send the command on your behalf to the Sim. Maybe there's a Majestic support website in which you could ask about this? Pete
  22. Ok. You can do that all through the Calibration of the controls Ailerons and Elevators. Don’t disable controllers in the Sim, don’t assign in FSUIPC, for now at least. Read the chapter in the User Guide on Calibration, and follow the numbered steps there. Then make response curve adjustments in the Slopes option there until you get a good result. Maybe your adviser can actually tell you the slope values he uses? Pete
  23. Thanks for all those. But i don't know what your problem is, so they are really not of use at present. Pete
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