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Pete Dowson

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Everything posted by Pete Dowson

  1. It is installing, just not being loaded by SimConnect. That is odd. I'd need to check your DLL.X ML file, from the Appdata\Roaming L-M folder for P3D4, i.e. in C:\Users\Rus\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 BTW if you downloaded 5.123 very soon after I uploaded it you will probably need to download it again, as I uploaded a corrected version. The original had an odd SimConnect incompatibility with P3D 4.1.7. It wouldn't result in it not being run, only in it failing, with a log entry, when running. Pete
  2. Some implementations have the L:Var as a "memory" of the switch position, not an activator of it. Sometimes the actual switch function is switched though the switch graphic does not change. Check that. If that's not the case you'd need to find an alternative. As it looks to be a main Battery switch, are you sure the normal control isn't usable? Use FSUIPC Logging to log events and see if a control is logged when you operate the switch with the mouse. If nothing works you are really down to help with it from the aircraft authors I'm afraid. Keyboard shortcuts perhaps? Pete
  3. I'm sure it is possible to assign such aircraft specific custom controls. Many folks use LINDA for aircraft like the PMDG series which use such control extensions. No, I clearly said no such thing! I only said that FSUIPC itself can only support 32, as published! Maybe one year there will be space enough to do the rewrite of all of the joystick part which would be needed, but that time is certainly not now, and I am not jeopardising the program for the 99.99% of users without such needs for the very few who do. And there is a way using plugg-ins as I pointed out. Even the thread you linked to provides such a solution: Read it again if you missed that, where it was resolved. Pete
  4. That's normal for a throttle axis on which you are using reverse too. -4096 is 25% reverse thrust which is the maxiumum allowed by more Aircraft.CFGs. This value might be reduced still further 9towards zero I mean) according to individual aircraft configurations. This is all done automatically by FSUIPC so that you get the full reverse range no matter what. If -4096 was the most reverse and aircraft could use, sending values less than that, down to -16384, would be a waste of axis movement. You need to calibrate with no reverse zone then. If they do have a reverse you'd need to use a method allowed or provided by the aircraft model. The main error is that you are using a very old and completely unsupported version of FSUIPC4. Please always check such things before posting here. Pete
  5. Only other thing to try would be to disable each P3D3 add-on 9DLL or EXE pre-loaded, eg via EXE.XML) one at a time. something is blocking it somehow. It isn't P3d3 itself, unless there's something corrupted doing it which is really unlikely. Simconnect uses ports, so check Simconnect.xml too. I've use WideFS with P3D3 as well as FSX-SE and P3D4 with no problems and the same WideClients at the many clients. Pete
  6. Correct. FSUIPC uses a standard joystick interface across all versions which supports only up to 32 bittons, as documented. This is partly historical, but it is too late to change now without a major re-write, which is just not on. I really don't know. LINDA might do the job, or you can use a Lua plug-in script, using the built-in COMhid interface. There may be something else around. Pete
  7. Ah, it appears that the L-M SimConnect library I'm using is incompatible with 4.1.7. Sorry, I'll re-build immediately and re-upload. Apologies. Try downloading again, now, please I'm going to get back to L-M about this. Pete
  8. What's the "main page"? It's on the Download Links subforum, and the link in Mr. Schiratti's website always points to the most up to date version. Ignore the text. It takes him a while to change it. I have no control over it at all. Pete
  9. Ah yes, of course. Sorry. I've got so used to answering many posts relating to P3D4 it came semi-automatically. In that case it is identical code of course, so there really can't be any difference is WideFS actions between FSX and P3d3. Something is somehow blocking it. Pete
  10. Well, seeing that your FSX has no problems, presumably with the same WideClient running on the client PC and the same settings both ends, and, apart from the WideServer code in FSUIPC5 being 64-bit instead of 32-bit, the code at both ends being identical between FSX and P3D4, it just has to be down to something else running when you are using P3D4 but not with FSX. And I can't think of anything but ports being in use. Did you change ports in the [WideServer] section of the FSUIPC5.INI file, as I advised? Both ends need changing, of course. No. There's no separate INI file for WideServer. It is part of the FSUIPC INI file, as I pointed out. The last time there was a separate WideServer.INI was when there was a separate WideServer.DLL, i.e. FS9 and before. If you have a WideServer separate to FSUIPC4 in your FSX then you must have put it there, it isn't used! Pete
  11. I was updating the thread. Version 5.123 is now released. Pete
  12. Which version of MakeRunways? Only the latest version (4.84) can use MakeRunways. And which is the "correct folder"? If you meant the main P3D4 folder, please say so. MakeRunways 4.84 checks the Registry for the AddonOrganizer (which also needs to be a recent version). The Rgistry gives MakeRunways the path to the AddonOrganizer, and the latter is then called with a command-line option requesting it to make the MakeRunways_Scenery.cfg file. Pete
  13. Can you find the FSUIPC5.log file after this happens (it's in the P3D4 Modules folder) and show me please? You can either attach it, or use the <> button above the edit area to paste in its content. Pete
  14. Only P3D. It could be due to a crash, or simply corrupt data from its weather server which is used to update the station list. Pete
  15. No one in this thread. If you are referring to the CAPS in the quote from the User Guide, that's only because it is a direct quote, by copy, from the User Guide, including the red. I believed you in any case. I'm sorry, I'm running out of ideas. I'm no Network expert. Something is obviously wrong somewhere. The Network code is straightforward, lifted direct from Microsoft examples. I don't know any better than to copy working examples, and this has worked now since WideFS first started, with little change, from 1999. One more desparate thought. Could the Port Number being used be in use by something else on the Server? You could try changing it. You'll need to do so both in the client INI and the [WideServer] section of FSUIPC4.INI. Well, it IS still waiting for a connection. It would only change to show how many connections it has when there are any. In all this I have been assuming that you have the IP Address correct. I know it doesn't connect when you use ServerName instead, but I have seen cases where this hasn't been met with a correct IP address either (it still uses an address. The name is just used to ask Windows to supply the address).. This can sometimes happen when a router is providing some sort of proxy, and when you have two or more network connections between the two PCs. In the latter case it is possible that WideServer is on the other. Pete
  16. Within 10 seconds? How could you tell? Some parts of your setup were probably still loading. BTW you don’t close FSUIPC. You started closing P3D4, but it never finished. One other thing to check for is a corrupt weather file. FSUIPC will be causing those to be read so it can supply weather data to clients. (But it does that whether registered or not). Anyway try deleting .WX files from the P3D4 documents folder and the weatherstation.bin file from the same folder as your Prepare3d cfg file (in Programdata). Pete
  17. FSUIPC has no knowledge of where you are and doesn't care at all. If the simulsator is seizing up in certain parts of the world then there is something pretty serious wrong with the installation. The PMDG modules will still be ryunning, however, unless you removed all those too. Did you try stopping all AI traffic? I've seem probablems reported which specific aI aircraft textures which would only load when the appropriate liveried aircraft is actually relevant to a n airport withing your 2rewality bubble". Well, Registration will enable FSUIPC to provide all the user facilities, including Lua plug-ins. Are you using any? Otherwise, FSUIPC is doing exactly the same things whether registered or not. The FSUIPC is really of little use as it shows a session which sadly was closed normally within 10 seconds of everything being ready to fly. you need to show a log which at least has a chance of demonstrating the problem. 74234 Starting everything now ... 74234 ASN active function link set 74234 Ready for ActiveSky WX radar with additional data 84156 === Closing session: waiting for DLLStop to be called ... I note that you either didn't wait for long enough afterwards to grab the log (because FSUIPC is actually sitting dormant waiting to SimConnect to tell it that it is okay to close), or P3D4 effective hung or crashed prematurely on close. Neither are good and would confirm you definitely have something very wrong in the installation. Pete
  18. Yes, I know. I never disputed that. Why are you arguing so? Where are you shoulting? Shouting is ALL CAPS. Emboldening is just emphasis, to attract attention, and also I use emboldening when quoting from documents to show it isn't part of the normal narrative. In my last case I use red to attract attention within the quotes. Have you yet done as I kept advising, in every reply, i.e. to add the Protocol line as well as either the ServerName or the ServerIPAddr? This is absolutely needed, as I said (and explained the reason, very early on!), if you have either of those! I don't understand why you continued ignoring this advice even when I emphasised it. Pete
  19. Wow! That is unusual! Thanks for the update. Pete
  20. But why did you add ServerName in the first place? Did it not connect just with the default installation? If you do add an excplict Server identity (it doesn't matter whether by Name or Address), you must also provide the protocol for the reason I explained. Sorry, but you haven't yet explained why you changed the INI file to begin with! Not separately to having the Protocol specified! and the main and first recommendation is to leave it alone, viz (from the User Guide): So, to summarise: in order to use WideFS with its default protocol (recommended) you should really not need to do anything other than Install as described above. BUT if you have a mix of XP, Vista and Win7 PCs, check and fix the workgroup names first. then: Once you have the same Workgroup names throughout, and either no firewall or exceptions properly made, everything should work ... ... However, if you find the connection is still not happening, or you have more than one Server and it is connecting to the wrong one, then you will need to add these lines to the [Config] section of the WideClient.ini file (add the [Config] section too if your ini file hasn‘t even got one!): ServerName=NameOfServer Protocol=TCP (My emphasis in red for the important parts) If this is the part you read, threen you simply missed the part about the Protocol parameter, which i've been mentioning already in each reply! Please do read the above and my previous relies, or refer to the section in the User Guide headed thus: Configure your Network IT IS IMPORTANT FOR ALL USERS TO READ AT LEAST PART OF THIS! it starts on page 4, after the initial sections describing what WideFS is and how to Register it. Pete
  21. Glad you got it fixed, but it's a shame the cause couldn't be tracked down specifically and somehow fixed without a reinstall of everything. Now don't forget to make a system backup! And another one you've added the addons. Pete
  22. No. I did NOT advise that! That needs the protocol parameter too. It's exactly the same as giving the IP Address. It would have been easier for you to simply deete the ServerIPAddr line, or add the Prototocl parameter. Didn't you try things first before messing with the INI file? The default with NO ServerIPAddr and NO ServerName and NO Protocol is normal for a connection within the one workgroup -- the Client then simply waits for the broadcast from the Server and gets the information that way. If you identify the Server you defeat the automatic method and you must also then provide the Protocol selection. Pete
  23. Although, if they are in the same Workgroup, the automatic connection should work fine, you've put the ServerIPAddr parameter into the WideClient.INI. This should be unnecessary, but if you do add it, as you have, you MUST put the Protocol parameter in as well. Pete
  24. What aircraft do you think you need it for? Pete
  25. Macros (i.e .mcro files with sequences of commands) are the same in FSUIPC5 as before. Perhaps you mean "mouse macros" which are just one specific type of macro only applicable to cockpit panels written using the FS2002 C/C++ gauges SDK. I really don't think any P3D4-compatible panels will be suitable even if the facility was somehow still possible. If that is what you mean, I am seeking solutions to the problem of accessing mouse-action only switches and dials, to allow keyboard and hardware button/switch assignment, for cockpit panels -- though I am not currently aware of any panels with such problems -- but I don't yet have a solution. Pete
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