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Posts posted by tinman

  1. When I fly, I fly around Emma and in the area because the area is so nice. Well, since I am in the area, I'll fly in MP just incase anyone is in the area which makes it more fun and passes the time.

    I get some great info about just about anything from flying, flying in FS, computers, routers, weather and general conversation from the folks in the club... it add a little more challenge on landing when someone is watching.

    Welcome and sign on to the servers any time. Hope to see you there some weekend.

  2. When I fly, I fly around Emma and in the area because the area is so nice. Well, since I am in the area, I'll fly in MP just incase anyone is in the area which makes it more fun and passes the time.

    I get some great info about just about anything from flying, flying in FS, computers, routers, weather and general conversation from the folks in the club... it add a little more challenge on landing when someone is watching.

    Welcome and sign on to the servers any time. Hope to see you there some weekend.

  3. Thanks, glad you like them. Their fun to make when I can't fly. With all the time I spend on the road for work, it keeps me busy while in the hotel room. Can't watch THAT much TV!

    I like PowerPoint, that's what I used to make them. What/where would be handy?

    The mountian peaks are a real bugger to get. Lots of slewing and using topo maps, but fun to put all the info together.

  4. Thanks, glad you like them. Their fun to make when I can't fly. With all the time I spend on the road for work, it keeps me busy while in the hotel room. Can't watch THAT much TV!

    I like PowerPoint, that's what I used to make them. What/where would be handy?

    The mountian peaks are a real bugger to get. Lots of slewing and using topo maps, but fun to put all the info together.

  5. Here is a zip of some approach plates of Emma Field. If anybody has any correction or wish additions, please let me know. As I said before, I'm not a pilot, I on;y took examples of other ones and applied them to Emma. Please let me know I need to change anything.

    They are in a PowerPoint format. I can drop them to a jpg if anyone wants them. I didn't do that right off because you loose quality, but if anyone cannot use these, I'll be happy to send jpgs.

    There are four slides... Rwy 36, Rwy 18, Airport diagram, and a wind rose. An old buddy of mine, way back, showed a wind rose to me (or that’s what he called them anyway). He said he had a hard time visualizing the wind so he would make one of these to help out. I just thought it may be helpful.

  6. Here is a zip of some approach plates of Emma Field. If anybody has any correction or wish additions, please let me know. As I said before, I'm not a pilot, I on;y took examples of other ones and applied them to Emma. Please let me know I need to change anything.

    They are in a PowerPoint format. I can drop them to a jpg if anyone wants them. I didn't do that right off because you loose quality, but if anyone cannot use these, I'll be happy to send jpgs.

    There are four slides... Rwy 36, Rwy 18, Airport diagram, and a wind rose. An old buddy of mine, way back, showed a wind rose to me (or that’s what he called them anyway). He said he had a hard time visualizing the wind so he would make one of these to help out. I just thought it may be helpful.


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