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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. ... and where are the answers to these questions?

    Are you sure that in P3D the Wide Server is running?
    Are you sure that Wide Client is running while the FSC is running?
    Do you get a message "... waiting for clients or/and waiting for a connection..."?
    Do you get a connection between client and server?


    before everything was ok but now.....?

    ... and what have you changed?

    The message Simulator Msg # 14 stating "Maybe running on Wide client, but FS not running on the server, or wrong FSUIPC"

    Now your turn!!!



  2. Hi Kees,

    Have you read the document Vista and Windows users please 7_8_10 read.pdf before installation? Please read here
    If the P3D installation was carried out according to the recommendations?
    If the FSUIPC4 installed as administrator?
    ( btw. the current version of the FSUIPC4 = 4.955c and WideFS = 6.99n and WideClient = 6.999y )
    If the FlightSim Commander installed as administrator?
    If the FSC run as administrator?


    ... but when i start GSX ...

    What do you mean by GSX?


    btw. Are you sure that in P3D the Wide Server is running?
    Are you
    sure that Wide Client is running while the FSC is running?
    Do you get a message "... waiting for Client or waiting for server..."?
    Do you get a connection between client and server?


  3. Hi ???,


    I have similar setup and I can see my plans from P3D level.

    Similar is not exactly identical, You agree?
    Publish here 2 screenshot (identical as attached) of the two systems.

    Very very important.
    Have you read the document Vista and Windows users please 7_8_10 read.pdf before installation?
    If the installation was carried out according to the recommendations?
    If the FlightSim Commander installed as administrator?
    If the FlightSim Commander run as administrator?





  4. Hi Malcolm,
    SimMarket is a seller. The do not offer any support.

    Please read the attached documents.

    Are you sure that performed the installation as an administrator?
    If YES, what makes you so sure?
    Everything indicates that the installation is unsuccessful as Admin.
    This applies both to the cycle and for the licensing.

    Please send to my e-mail the complete FSC subfolder /SUPPORT.
    e-mail address can be found here: www.fscommander.com


    Registration failure_some solution.pdf

    Vista and Windows 7_8_10 users please read.pdf

  5. Hi Malcolm,
    Do you have made a clean installation from 9.5 to 9.6 or just an upgrade?
    Then I recommend a clean installation.

    Important to back the following files:

    \Register.fsc - \fsccolor.ini - \fsc.ini -
    \User\Blackbox - \User\Logbook.fsc - \User\aircraft.fsc - \User\BuddyIvao.fsc - \User\BuddyVatsim.fsc
    \Database\UserWP.txt - \Database\UserObj.txt

    De-Install the old version.
    Make sure that the FSC folder is completely removed.




  6. Hi,

    Have you read the document Vista and Windows users please 7_8_10 read.pdf before installation?
    If the installation was carried out according to the recommendations?
    If the FlightSim CommanderSC installed as administrator?
    If the FSC started as administrator?
    If the cycle  installed in the correct folder \FSC?
    If the Cycle installed as administrator?



  7. Hi Ted,

    use the search function of Windows.
    Click on Start and type in the line "Search program and files" FSC, the name of the FlightSim Commander.
    I'm sure this feature will help you further.


    Does, this mean, I'm going to have to purchase another version of FSC, or am I SOL, I won't use FSTramp,
    would much prefer FSC!! I hope someone can help me out, cause I'm not out of the woods yet with the medical problems..

    No and why. I assume that the FSCommander is still installed on your computer.




  8. Hi James,
    The FlightSim Commander is only compatible with the FS2004, FSX and Prepar3D.
    The FSX: Steam Edition is not supported.
    Read also the FSCommander website.


    Surely you have read this information at the simMarket page.

    First download and install the demo version and check functionality!
    The demo version is the product installation file; there is no other download


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