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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. Hello Anonymous,

    Have you read here... 

    ... this document???

    Did you run the installation as an administrator according to the specifications of the document?
    Have you run the DataBaseManager as an administrator?
    Unfortunately, the FSUIPC4 version number is missing!
    Likewise, a screenshot would be very helpful.
    There is no limit for a screenshot!

    A screenshot of 1 monitor has less than 200 kb.



  2. Hello Rob,

    Thanks for the suggestions. I hope it is not misunderstood but I will not carry out the proposals.
    The reason for this is our philosophy from the beginning of the programming of the FlightSim Commander.
    Our goal was to develop a flight planner with a moving map. Our idea was never to program a flight management system.
    Other aircraft addon developers do it much better.

    Anyway, I recommend reading the following chapters and / or paragraphs of this manual.
    Chapter 12 GPS and moving map, paragraph and The Runway Page
    Chapter 12.1 Operating modes, paragraph Arc Distance
    Chapter 5.1.3 Editing the flight plan table, paragraph Printing flight plan
    Information about Descend to Final Fix are listed here.



  3. Hi Ray,

    please read here

    Have you even read this document?
    Vista and Windows 7_8_10 users please read.pdf
    The document is part of the installation and can you find in the "FSC\Docs" folder...

    ... or here ...

    Do you have all installations (Flight Simulator, FSUIPC, FS Commander) carried out as an administrator
    according to the specifications of this document?




    Everything working fine until a few days ago. 

    And what has been changed in the meantime?

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