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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. Hi TATFSN,

    The FlightSim Commander is only a route planner for the lateral navigation.
    The user is responsible for the Higher vertical management itself.

    The values behind FL indicate the maximum FL from the aircraft data.
    If these values are from you now changed (eg FL 130) then appears only in the printed flight plan.

    Important: Read the manual, chapter Distance Arc.
    Then you understand why the changes of the FL values are particularly important and are needed.


    btw. I recommend an update of FSUIPC. Your FSUIPC is long expired.

  2. Hi anonymous,

    again, please read here

    The idea behind a short route string is the following:
    With a few information to get the maximum of necessary information.
    A dispatcher would choke to work if he would create all waypoints necessarily required for a real flight plan route.

    Suppose "only" the first part of your route as an example.
    The first waypoint RETRO is the entry point to the Airway L981. The exit point or change point to the next Airway is ADVAB.

    In between, 15 waypoints are on this Airway L981 required for the FMS for the follow the directions.

    The path from RETRO to ADVAB is not a straight line (or in other words not only a "Great Circle").
    It is an Airway (L981 with 15 waypoints) which must follow certain conditions, specifications or restrictions.

    If the flight plan into the FMS is loaded now, are all required information for the flight information available.

    This is the philosophy behind it. 


    btw. ask Google "How to program a route in a FMS".
    You will get more than xxx responses.

  3. Hi ???,

    FSUIPC4 installed as administrator?
    FS Commander installed as an administrator?

    The message Simulator Msg # 2 stating "Cannot link to FSUIPC or WideClient"

    Are you sure that in FSX the Wide Server is running?
    Are you sure that Wide Client is running?
    Do you get the message in FSX window title"... waiting for clients..."?
    Doyou get the message in WideClient window title "waiting for a connection..."?
    Do you get a connection between client and server?




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