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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. Hallo Reinhold,

    FSC kennt diesen Airport nicht. Hier kommt die Fehlermeldung "No airport for this code found"

    Im FSC ist nur der alte ICAO Code SPIM active



    Nur zur Richtigstellung;

    der ICAO Code ist nicht falsch, der FSX ist über 9 Jahre alt und kennt somit keinen anderen ICAO Code.

    Dies gilt somit auch für den FlightSim Commander.

    Richtigerweise müsste der Titel Deines Beitrags lauten "Finde ICAO Code SPJC nicht im FS X"!


    "Deutsches" Handbuch, Kapitel 2 Datenbank Manager, Seite 10, lesen !



    1. Nach einem Addon oder einer AFCad Datei suchen, die den ICAO Code SPJC betrifft und installieren. 

    2. Selbst ist der Mann. Zahlreiche Tools bieten die Möglichkeit Änderungen an einem Airport vorzunehmen.




  2. Hi Keith,


    sure you have experience with the creation of a program link on the desktop.

    (Helpful explanations you can find on YouTube).

    Simply create 2 new links with the two different parameters on your desktop. Now delete the old links.

    Reading again this document

    FlightSim Commander Update 9.5 Supplement to the Manual 9.0 Supplément au manuel 9.0 Nachtrag zum Handbuch 9.0.pdf

    from my previous post.







  3. Hi Keith,


    Have you read the link below



    Have you also read this link below



    Have you also read the following document

    FlightSim Commander Update 9.5 Supplement to the Manual 9.0 Supplément au manuel 9.0 Nachtrag zum Handbuch 9.0.pdf

    The document is part of the installation or upgrade 9.5.


    Have you also read in the manual chapter 20, Loading databases for FS2004 or FS X?
    This chapter also applies to P3D and the parameter is "2"





  4. Hello Dave,


    I just can't seem to access them via your Database Manager programme for some reason.


    Exact this is the problem. What reasons are?

    Problems some users had, could be solved.

    Besides a new installation of P3D and FSC I see no solution.

    In this context it's important to confirm the default folder by P3D.

    Optionally, you contact the support of Aerosoft.




  5. Hi Dave,


    Compare your screenshot screenshot with my attached screenshot.

    Do you recognize the difference on the left side (Where is your P3D folder?) and on the right side!


    The problem is I cant select the LM folder you can see on the right hand screen



    The DbManger expects a correct installation of the P3D V3.x !!!


    Are you sure that the P3D and FSC installation is done as an administrator?

    Are you sure that the DbManger was run as an administrator?







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