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Henrik Norgaard

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  1. Remember it is LEFT SHIFT and not LEFT CTRL
  2. Yeah you are right about that, my wrong
  3. May I suggest you go to "Tower 3D\Extensions\Airfields\KLAX" folder and edit the klax_terminal file in there, I guess you have a line with Terminal_GA This terminal dosnt exist so remove it
  4. It is possible with the airport editor to do that, but not via commands
  5. As it still is the same files in airport.xt, airlines.txt and so on you can use the ones from Tower2011 you already have corrected in the addons folders in Tower 3D
  6. Here is a file with traffic for TIST of mine, unzip these into the before mentioned path from futureboy and edit the tist_gaandlocaltraffic.txt to suit your needs for different approaches, stop n go, touch n go, low approach have to be 1 instead of 0 for the approach you want TIST.rar
  7. No I downloaded a file that you have created in an earlier post and yes it is in the correct place. It works fine KPHL and before the service pack I had the same problem with KLAX, but the hours with the error was from 0:00 to 6:00 , so it makes me think it has to do with UTC and local time and not SC24
  8. Just tried your schedule and I get the 70% error when trying to start in the hours from 1900 to 2400 at KLAX
  9. All is white and all aircraft is substituted as ex, wide body jet, narrow body jet, turboprop which you can see in the airplanes.txt. This is the same in Tower 2011 until we get real plane models from Nyerges Real Traffic in Tower3D. So yes both A388 and B772 is the same plane as now. Hope you enjoy the sim
  10. It seems that the exit strategy for this runway is left, and there is no exits to the left. Make an exit and it will work, however not so realistic. Here is an answer for the exit strategy from Feelthere, but seems wrong in this situation and seems it cannot be forced to use the right exits. It's a weighted system. It means it will always exit where the majority of the gates are. It will be reworked for Tower!3dPro.
  11. Here is my airports.txt airports.txt
  12. Just unzip this file into the Tower 3D main folder and you are good to go, it will create the needed folders
  13. I dont, did you use all my files or only some of them? The 70% error seems to be from the terminal.txt file and caused by terminal_GA in KLAX
  14. Makes sense, thx
  15. Seems the problem was in terminal.txt where I had Terminal_GA and removing that fixed KLAX
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