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Posts posted by Avwriter

  1. 9 minutes ago, Sky King said:

    Great suggestions! One thing that would be useful (especially at KLAX) in airports with multiple runways would be to be able to designate one runway as a default for arrivals (such as 25L) and one default for departures (such as 25R). This could be done at the initial page when a runway is selected. 



    This is already a feature of the sim.  In the airport selection menu, landing runways are select-able on the map.  Takeoff runways are not specifically select-able since the ground controller assigns them anyway.  In Tower3D Pro, default landing runways (those assigned by approach control) can also be changed during a session using the buttons along the control panel.



  2. I currently have MS Speech trained to my voice for use with Tower3DPro under my own Windows profile on my computer.  If a second user, using a separate windows profile on the same computer, trains MS Speech to their voice, will that overwrite my own training when I switch the computer back to my profile, or will the two be kept separate?



  3. 10 hours ago, FS1TR said:

    Assuming West Ops, is there a procedure for which aircraft go to 27R and which to 26L?  Also are 26L and 27R far enough apart that they can handle simultaneous departures without a heading change?

    Great questions:

    1.  Generally, departures that are parked at Terminal F, or at gates along the southern half of terminals T-E will go to 27R, and occasionally to 28.  Departures parked along the northern half of T-E will generally go to 26L.  However this is not an iron-clad rule, and exceptions abound.  If a departure parked on the north half requires the extra length of 27R, it will be sent there regardless (When this happens it is most often with heavies parked on the north half of E, which is used for international departures if all the gates at F are full.  I can also tell you that the direction to the destination rarely factors into this decision (or if it does, it involves assigning an appropriate gate to the plane in the first place).  As a passenger, I have taken off of 27R for northern destinations many times, and was routed left in a wide oval that circles all the way around the east side of the airport before heading north.  Further, I would bet, but cannot prove, that if taxiway E, going to 26L, is more heavily backed up that than M/L going to 27R, then Ground may shift some of the north side departures south to maintain balance (though I cannot document it).  

    2. IRL 26L and 27R departures frequently takeoff simultaneously and then proceed to follow whatever transition to their SID is prescribed, which frequently but not always involves a turn.  In the game, I have yet to receive a penalty at KATL for distance infringement in this situation, but that could just be luck.  I do not know for sure.  I try to stagger departures when practical just to add a bigger margin.  Also keep in mind that departures from 27R must be careful if turning left not to conflict with any traffic coming off of 28.  28 departures usually are given left turns quite quickly after departure, though, while 27R departures continue straight for a mile or so, and then make a wider turn to the left (if called for) to keep clear of this traffic.



  4. 5 hours ago, mjdaerotec said:

    Hi Guys

    I am finding voice recognition on Tower 3D Pro very much inferior to Tower 2011. Main problems are, some callsigns are not pronounced but just have letters spelt out (Jet Blue, westJet and British Airways to name a few. Also using the TAB arrow is really annoying with the continuous multi bleep on occasions which prevents transmit. Any chance of going back to a PTT button via mouse. As the old saying goes, if it ain't broke don't fix it.

    Brgds Mike D

    Hi.  The problems you describe have nothing to do with the VR system.  It is just that the callsigns need to be properly edited in the airlines.txt file at each airport in the game.  Go to Tower3DPro/Extensions/Airfields and you will find a folder for each airport you have installed.  Look in that folder and there is a file called "airlines."  Open it with Notepad, and run a search for each airline that is giving you trouble, and then add spaces in the callsign where needed.  For example, you will find that Jet Blue is written as "Jetblue."  Just put a space between the words, save the file and you will be good to go.  Likewise, UPS should be edited to read U P S, FEDEX should be edited to read Fed Ex, and so on.  You will need to do this for each airport.  I know it is a small pain, and yes it should have been done by Nyerges, the developer of Real Traffic, but it is what it is.  A fairly easy fix.



  5. KATL


    KATL prefers a western operational flow, but east flows are quite common nevertheless.

    West ops:
         North Runway Complex:  Arrivals on 26R and departures on 26L  During busy hours, a large percentage of 26R arrivals are routed all the way around the far end of 26L via B, V, and then brought the gates via F.  However, aircraft with longer wingspans are not permitted on V (767s are the only heavies that routinely use it), and must cross the runway elsewhere. 
        South Runway Complex:  Arrivals are mostly on 27L and en route to the gate are often routed all the way around the end of 27R via N, P, L.  Runway 28 is used as overflow at peak times (particularly arrivals from the south), as well as for Cargo arrivals destined for the south cargo ramp.  Departures are normally from 27R, which is the longest runway at the airport, and thus is preferred departure runway for heavies on long routes, and is also the default runway for emergency landings.

    East Ops:
        North Runway Complex: Arrivals on 8L and departures on 8R.  Arrivals either follow B, V, F, or cross 8R and proceed to the gate via F  Departures taxi to runway via E.
        South Runway Complex: Arrivals via 9R and 10.  Departures via 9L (and occasional cargo departures on 10 as well).  9L departures normally taxi via M and take off from intersection M2, so as to allow 9R and 10 arrivals to use P as an end-around and follow L to the gates.  If there is an unusually big backlog of departures (as may happen after a weather delay), Ground will send some departures up N, have them cross 9L at P, and then head them back down M to M2 from the opposite the main departure stream coming up M from the other direction.  This does work quite well in Tower3D if you are meticulous with Hold Position and or Hold Short commands.


    -You may choose to not activate Runway 10/28 for arrivals in the game menu.  Instead, just activate 27L/9R +26R/8L.  Then use the ENTER FINAL command to side-step planes to 10/28 when the final corridor on 27L/9R gets too crowded.  Likewise 26R arrivals may be sidestepped to 27L if there is space.

    -Departing ground traffic en route to 27R may lined up on both L and M if needed.  Traffic on M may then depart from intersection LB, and alternates departures with traffic on L which departs from the end of the runway.

    -Note that there are two taxi lanes in each of the ramps between terminals T-E.  These do not operate like two-way roads, with planes passing each other on the right.  Instead, an aircraft will always use the lane that is on the side closest to its gate, regardless of whether heading north or south.  Forgetting this detail will result in head-ons between departing and arriving aircraft.  Unlike in the real world, there is no way to instruct an aircraft to switch lanes in order to go around another plane here, even if there is room.

    -Taxiway D (In the game it is called Delta, but IRL it is referred to as "Dixie" so as to avoid confusion with the large number of DAL aircraft based at the airport).  This is the only route for crossing between the North and South runway complexes (contrast with KLAX which has multiple options for this).  On the KATL Airport Diagram, it is marked as a non-movement area, but this does not mean that it is closed to traffic.  It just requires a specific clearance for any aircraft to traverse it (much like crossing a runway).  In the game, it is just treated as normal taxiway without any special restrictions, so do plan taxi routes carefully to avoid nose-to-nose situations here. 

    -Taxiways SC and SJ are a pair of parallel North-South taxiways used for to getting to and from Runway 28/10, which is separated by some distance from the rest of the South Runway Complex.  SC is used for aircraft traveling TO this runway.  SJ is used for aircraft traveling FROM this runway, heading toward the main terminal area.  This mirrors the normal U.S. driving convention of staying to the right side.

    -Tower!3DPro players will find it very beneficial to take advantage of the program's "Vacate Runway" command to assign specific runway exits to arriving aircraft.  If used strategically this will serve both to get arrivals closer to their assigned gates, and also help prevent backups onto the arrival runway during busy sessions by separating them onto different taxiways.  It will also help avoid logistical problems caused by smaller aircraft that by default tend to turn off early, using the high-speed taxiways going in the opposite direction of travel.

    • Like 1
  6. Moderator please make this a Sticky.

    Let's keep this thread clean.  Each post should focus on one airport.  Feel free to use the "Edit" feature to come back and add new information.  Please no discussion.  Start a new thread for that.



    • Upvote 1
  7. On 5/26/2017 at 3:33 AM, FeelThere said:

    To be perfectly honest (and some may call it unprofessional) we put an extra effort into KATL due to the excitement here on this forum :)


    Of course, now that the secret is out, and we know what you guys are really capable of, we will have to start holding you guys to a higher standard.  Isn't life great?  :-))



  8. I am starting this thread to note a few errors and small improvements that would improve the KATL add-on.  I am happy for others to make their own observations, but please do keep to the subject.  If you see something wrong in the add-on, note it (preferably with a screenshot).  I just wanted to make it easy for Vic to see.

    -Could the gates at Terminal F have been coded by mistake as small gates instead of large ones?  Heavies do not seem to show up there.  Using the same schedule, if open the terminal file and assign all the international flights to Terminal E, they show up, but if I assign the same flights to Terminal F they do not.  Instead, F usually gets a bunch of DAL Mad Dogs and other smaller craft.  I tried removing DAL entirely form the terminal, and then it just showed up mostly empty.  Terminal F is the primary terminal for international flights at KATL, and most of the planes there are larger ones (777s, A330s, A340s, 747s).   Terminal E is also used for international flights, but only when there is not enough room at Terminal F.  

    -Tower height needs to be raised a bit.  See this other post with photos/screenshots about this issue:

    -Planes approaching Runway 8L clip the trees off the end of the runway on short final.  This is very hard to get a good screenshot of because it is so far away (really needs to be a video), but I will try when I get a chance.

    -Downtown Atlanta appears to have been nuked!  The Atlanta skyline really needs to be present north of the airport for things to look right.  I assume that this was a performance sacrifice, but I wanted to make a suggestion.  The city is about 8 miles from KATL as the crow flies.  It does not look nearly as large from here IRL, as it does in many pictures/postcards that you may have seen, which are usually taken with a telephoto lens zoomed in all the way.  There just needs to be a smallish clump of distant skyscrapers along the horizon.  The shot below (from the tower looking over the North cargo ramp) should give a good idea, and even this view would be the view at full zoom in the game.  Maybe it is asking too much (I do understand that you have to declare it finished at some point), but it would be a nice touch, just to offer a hint of human life out there ;-).  What do you think VIc?  Would it affect performance much?  If so I understand. 



    -During storms/rain, the building textures look really strange, almost transparent, and the broad tarmac give the appearance of being flooded under several inches of water.  In the first image below note especially how the buildings in the distance look black.  In the second image look how the area to the left of Terminal F appears to be completely under water.  It is not a big problem, but I wanted to document it in case it was easily fixable:

    2017-05-29 16_29_02-Tower! 3D Pro.png

    2017-05-29 16_29_25-Tower! 3D Pro.png

  9. That's cool, John.  Yep, KBOS will be neat.  Also coming up (based on Vics comments) are KLAS, KSFO, KLGA(Simulated Designs), and probably EDDF (strongly hinted at by Vic, but not confirmed that Nyerges is working on this).  All five of these airports have some level of cross runway action, but each in very different ways.  With these releases, I think it is safe to say that Tower3DPro will be coming into its prime, and it will gradually begin to have something that is reminiscent of  the vast playing field we now have with Tower2011.



  10. 3 minutes ago, crbascott said:

    With RT and RC you have to be real careful on where you install your files. The default folders the install programs provides are quite often incorrect.

    To verify that your installs worked correctly, how many files do you see in your [3D Pro root]\Extensions\Airfields\KATL folder? You should probably see at least 12 files with katl_schedule.txt being the file that contains the real traffic schedule for KATL If you open that text file, the first record is a Delta flight 2650 - an M88. If you don't have 12 files or you don't see the schedule file or flight then there is an issue with your RT install.  

    Also, what do you see in your [3D Pro root]\Extensions\Airplanes\Texturepacks folder? Do you have any files beginning with airplanes_texpackX where X is the number 6 or greater? If not, you have issues with your RC install. Note: More than likely KATL is 6 but since I haven't purchased RC for KATL I don't know for sure.  


    PS - Just to be clear the [3D Pro root] is the folder where tower3D.exe exists and you should also see the following folders: Extensions, mmwindow, and tower3d_Data.


    Just checked.  KATL texture pack is 7.



  11. 3 minutes ago, Bill Smith said:

    Well I did as directed and still have the same problem installed latest RT and RC



    Hmmm....  I know that's frustrating, Bill.  Clearly something has gone wrong in the process, as others here do not have this problem.  I just don't know what.  Hopefully, Vic will see this and have some suggestions of his own.  I am just a fellow user, and do not represent FeelThere.

    1. Did you have RT/RC working before with any other airports? 

    2. Without RT/RC was KATL running normally with fake airliners in fake liveries?

    3. Did you buy Tower3DPro from FeelThere's  website, or via Steam (Do not know that this makes any difference) just trying to establish facts for Vic.

    4. You could always try uninstalling the whole game and reinstalling everything, but I know what a pain that is.  It may be better to wait for Vic to respond.  Perhaps start a new thread with "Attn: Vic" in the title, and copy paste the relevant posts from this threat so that will more quickly see that you need help. 


    Best regards,



  12. 23 minutes ago, Russellfire said:

    P.s Andrew thanks for the prompt telling me to upgrade my real traffic. KATL:- Now the challenge begins. Could be picking your brains in the future.

    By all means.  Do also see the post on "KATL operations" that I put up yesterday.  I am updating it as I come up with additional thoughts.



  13. 12 minutes ago, Bill Smith said:

    Hi I have updated the latest RT for Tower3D Pro and installed the RC for KATL but I still only see TA on planes tails all the plane are the same colour. What am I doing wrong


    Hi Bill.  If you are seeing TA or other default airlines, then either you did not install RT correctly (should be installed to root directory of Pro) , or you installed an older version (file should be named be RT_Tower3D_Pro_sp3).  If I recall, it seems like one of the download links still had the older version, but the other did not.  Could you have accidentally downloaded the version for the standard Tower 3D?  For RC, make sure that you pointed the installer to Tower3DPro/Extensions/Airplanes folder.  Double check everything.  Hope this helps. 



  14. 1 hour ago, dickparker said:

    It is not quite as simple as adding them to SC.  SC is based on actual flights at the airports and imports the destination, aircraft, flight number, etc.  So, I would have to redo the entire schedules and hope that some 788, 748 and 388 aircraft are captured.  It might be easier for you to make a schedule and then convert some of the 777 to 788, for example.  I don't know when I would have the time to redo 24 schedules from scratch.

    Thanks for your compliment and interest.

    Thanks Dick.  I look forward to whatever developments you have in store for SC.



  15. 1 hour ago, Russellfire said:

    Your right Andrew, didn't update real traffic thank you. ?


    Enjoy!  I am having so much fun with KATL, but I am still  rooting for EGLL for you.  Even if it is yet another parallel setup, I am realizing that in 3D, the differences between the airports really come alive.  With Tower2011, after KATL came out, I never really bothered with KLAX again, but with Tower3D the atmospheres between the two are completely different, I am sure I will be coming back to KLAX soon.  EGLL with its double perimeter taxiway would also make for a very different strategic situation, more like KJFK than either of the other two.  Nevertheles,s KLAS and KBOS should bring some welcome cross-runway action soon.  The future is looking bright  :-)



  16. On 10/20/2016 at 9:49 AM, dickparker said:

    I don't think that is a problem either.  I manually edited the schedule I posted to include 788 and 748 aircraft and Tower3D loaded and ran without problems.  But, you are correct, Schedule Creator 24 does not include the new aircraft because they were not in the original aircraft file for Tower 2011.  I will change that in the next version.

    Not that I have any grounds to ask it of you (you have given so much to this community already, and it is much appreciated), but it would be really great of you could add these aircraft to SC soon, even if it was just in the form of a small update that did not cover new airports.  Best regards,



  17. Right on Craig.  Yes I too wish FeelThere and Nyerges would work together more closely to better integrate their products, or at least to explain the system more clearly to new-comers.  Several times, I have hesitated to recommend Tower3DPro to friends/colleagues who are into aviation just because there is so much trial an error purchasing, installing, and tinkering needed in order get it functioning the way it should.  I don't mind it so much personally, having come all the way through Tower2011 and Tower3D, but I know several people who would enjoy seeing and playing it on my computer, but who simply would not have the time or patience to wade through the forum and go through process of figuring out all the ins and outs.  It is something FeelThere really needs to work on for the next version if they want to expand their customer base.



  18. 3 minutes ago, futureboy said:

    A kudo for FeelThere is that it seems the more you use the speech recognition the better it becomes.  It seems to be learning your speech patterns.


    Remember the fallen
    “Only the dead have seen the end of war” —Plato

    Agreed 100%.  I love how I can even pause in the middle of a phrase, say if I forget which taxiway I want to use, and then continue without having to start over.  Really beautiful.

  19. 8 minutes ago, Russellfire said:

    Ok , so I purchased KATL and RC. Andrew I know this has been said before but This is a huge airport. On to my question . I'm seeing loads of aircraft with TA on the tail. Has my RC downloaded properly. Should I be seeing these.




    TA?  isn't that one of the default airlines?  Sounds like you forgot to update Real Traffic before installing RC.  Go back to your original purchase link for RT and download the newest version.


    PS. It's not just you.  It is rather large :-)   I do find myself needing to reduce the percentage of traffic flow when not using an SC schedule.



  20. I have had Tower3D Pro since release.  Most of the time voice has been pretty stable for me.  What I do see frequently is that it does not always function well at the start of a session.  Don't know if it is performance lag on may machine, or something else, but I find that often it will not work for the first minute or two, and then it will suddenly start working and continue to do so flawlessly for the rest of the session.  Stranger still, it does not do this consistently each time I play; seems like about half the time it starts out just fine.



  21. 15 minutes ago, crbascott said:

    The price is $6.99 for RC for KATL basically making it $.10 a plane.So, for someone that has purchased the other real color add-ons the value of the 14 new planes at KATL adds up to $1.40.  

    For comparison purposes, RC for KJFK got us about 60 new planes and RC for KSAN only got us 2 new planes. Both being sold for $6.99. Incredible!

    Seems to be an unfair pricing model - especially for loyal customers. Caveat emptor!


    PS - I noticed this issue in Tower!2011 and was hoping it wouldn't carry over to Tower!3D. Unfortunately, it has. I really really hate white planes, but even though $6.99 is not a lot of money it does add up after a few airports. So, out of principal I think I'll pass on new RC purchases for a while.   

    I hear you Craig.  I only bought a couple of the Tower2011 RCs because so little of the liveries was actually visible in a top down view (especially ones like DAL).  With 3D, it definitely adds a lot more to the experience.  However, after you have a few, there is less and less impetuous to buy RC's for all the newer add-ons, but I am glad that it is set up the way it is (the packs add together cumulatively).   It is easy for me to imagine a less scrupulous developer making livery packs that ONLY worked with the airport they were designed for, so that you basically had to buy everything over and over again if you wanted coverage at each airport.  That would have been a true rip-off.  What we have here is reasonable to me, since each customer can pick and choose how complete he wants his livery collection to be.  I can fully see how if someone just now discovered and bought Tower3D, and was especially interested in, say, KATL, they might purchase that one and perhaps 1 or two more.  In our case, since we were here from the start, we did it the other way around (KLAX and KJFK cover the vast majority of aircraft at KATL, KSAN, and KPHL).  No big deal.  As for a few white planes, I have said it before and will say it again.  IRL it is quite common to see a few of them out an about at a major airport.  I see them at KATL quite often (usually cargo planes on temporary lease to other carriers, DOJ prisoner transports, or various charters).  Really no big deal to me.  Just my 2 cents.



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