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Posts posted by Avwriter

  1. 12 hours ago, winsaudi said:

     I wish that Pro would remember the last layout used so I don't have to set it up every time I go up into the tower.


    You wanted us to use first names. How's that Vic?

    I find that it will remember the layout, as long as I "stretch out the screen," while still in the main menu, before I start my session.  If I wait until after the session starts then I must re-position everything to my linking every time.



  2. Just to throw in my 2 cents, I have settled on stretching the main 3d window across both of my monitors, and aligning the radars and strips along the sides.  To me, at least, this creates a more immersive environment that feels like I am looking out the actual windows of a tower.

  3. I don't speak for Feel There, but I believe that was only for the 1st 10 days after it went on sale.  I would suggest just splurging for the Pro version up front.  It includes so much more.  The multi-monitor support alone makes it worth it to me, but in addition you get voice control, multi-player, and a number of smaller subtleties, like taxiway designators marked on the ground radar map, and control over the airport lights.  Its well worth the difference IMHO.

  4. Hi all.  After a catastrophic hard disk failure, I had to reinstall windows and reinstall Tower3DPro.  Now the menu screen, and in-game screens like the radars and strips are all hot pink.  I am guessing that this has to do with video card settings after reinstalling the drivers (using GeForce GTX760). Any ideas where to start?

  5. On second glace, I now realize that what I saw was simply due to a change on the zoom level.  The night photo is zoomed out.  The day shot is zoomed in.  Nevertheless, it looks good overall., but there should be a jet blast deflector around the full length of the Victory Loop.

  6. Very nice indeed.  Thank you for sharing Vic.  You've made my day.  The simplifications you have made, I think are reasonable compromises, both in the interests of performance, and for game play.  It appears that you have slightly compressed the distance from the tower out to the west end of the field, making taxiway V (locally known as "the Victory Loop"), appear closer and more easily visible than it would be.  I think this is an excellent decision and will make it more enjoyable.  I had been a little worried that we would not be able to see the action down there very well.  I look forward to seeing views looking in other directions.  Bravo!



  7. 2 hours ago, Russellfire said:

    Andrew, sorry to hear your trip to the uk was a bit of a wash. You did have the best of the weather up to now though. As I live about 20 miles from Heathrow (EGLL), this is one of the airports that shall be patiently waiting for. Wink wink ? 

    Russell , UK

    We did at least manage to get in a little basic sight-sight seeing and caught up with some family members who live there, so not all was bad.  It just means, we have an excuse now to visit again :-) 



  8. Agreed.  These kinds of instances are frustrating.  I understand the need to give players the challenge of avoiding collisions, but it is just not very realistic.  A better approach (perhaps for a future version of the game, would be to have difference intersecting scenarios created an increased risk of collision, instead of an automatic one..  It would also be great to have the "Give way" command available, which is used all the time in real life.  I.e. "United 5324 give way to the Delta 737 crossing ahead of you on taxiway B."  This way, instead of having to force the plane to stop, and the tell it to go again, the plane will simply slow down, or stop momentarily if necessary, and then move on once the traffic moves past.

  9. 4 hours ago, futureboy said:

    I am all for custom configurations.  That is until people using the customization's start complaining that the sim does not work anymore and the speech is not recognized and the planes aren't landing correctly and the sim is crashing and the planes are not colored correctly and the schedules are not correct and the service vehicles are driving backwards and now the new commands do not work after the new service pack is released.

    It is not buyer beware, but customizer beware.  Like the instance of the person using Dick Parker's custom schedule and complaining that Real Color was not working.


    Not even so much to be ware of really.  If you really get it messed up, and are unable to retrace your steps, then just reinstall the game.

  10. I am back, still not fully recovered, but getting better.  The experience of jetlag combined with recovering from a stomach virus is not one that I can recommend.  My first name is Andrew.  I have on occasion signed my posts, but I guess not consistently enough :-)   Anyway, I did depart and arrive via KATL, going to EGLL on the other end.  And yes, now I do want EGLL for Tower3D as well, but then I wanted it anyway (along with most of the world's other major airports) so that does not change anything really.  Good to be back home, as the vacation was somewhat of a wash; a shame really since the weather was so nice most of the time, but what can you do.  We made the best of it.

  11. Don't feel bad.  Most of us are self taught.  Honestly this forum needs more strategy discussion.  Also, keep on mind that while real world procedures are often helpful, the sim is not perfectly realistic and at time requires a bit of improvisation.  That is not a bad thing at all.  Indeed, you can change things up by creating special challenges.  Ultimately, this is a puzzle game, and like the very best puzzle games there is usually more than one way to solve each problem.

  12. Thank you guys so much?  I am actually out of the country on vacation with my family now, but unfortunately I have caught a stomach bug and am stuck back in the hotel while the family is out sightseeing.  You guys just brightened my day.  Fear not, I will not disappear after ATL is out ( more likely I will be nit-picking it, ha ha).  I even promise to keep buying the add ons as they are released.

  13. 5 hours ago, winsaudi said:

    Hi guys,

    Could you kindly give an update on the progress of the KJFK SP for Pro?


    Last I heard was that the main change in the KJFK update was that they would lower the the height of the tower.  Personally I am not in such a rush for that.  While I recognize that it would be more realistic, but I kind of like it the way it is now; it's fun to be able to see the planes moving around way over in the American terminal.  The bigger question is whether they have begun beta testing the next add-on.  See, I am even exercising restraint by not calling it by name :-)

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