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Posts posted by Avwriter

  1. It's just the way they made it.  My guess is that they are trying to keep the volume of radio traffic from becoming unmanageable, since they did not simulate multiple frequencies in the game, as would be the case in real life.  Otherwise, we would never get a word in edgewise.

  2. Agreed.  This is a bit backwards.  Even when the plane is on final approach, you can see which terminal (though not which gate).  This in itself is helpful in many cases, but not always.  It would be nice if the gate assignment could be decided a bit earlier.

  3. Are you talking about that little airport they have down in Georgia?  Are you guys still working on that?  I assumed that you must have postponed it until they build Concourse G  and Runway 28R/10L. The last I heard those are estimated to be finished around 2023.



  4. Very little needs to be changed.  After installing the new monitor, you will need to go to the display settings under your windows control panel, and select  "Screen Resolution."  IN this screen verify that the new monitor is showing up (if not, click the "Identify" button).  Then look down at the last option on the page "Multiple Displays" and select "Extend these displays" from the drop-down menu.  That's pretty much it.  Once you Load Tower3DPro, choose windowed mode and either stretch out the display so that it fills both monitors (my personal preference), or you can wait until you load your session, and move the individual radar and or strips to the second monitor while keeping the main 3D display on the other.

  5. Hi Mike,

    Welcome and glad to hear you like the game overall.  It does have its shortcomings, but as you see there is a lot going for it as well.  The game is part of an evolving series, and each evolution is better than the one before.  Note that there was even a modest improvement in both graphics and performance in Tower3DPro over Tower3D, so even there you can see that FeelThere is striving to make things better. 

    As for the graphics, I am sure that most of us would love that, myself included, but I do not think it is a matter of them simply charging more money for the software.  Better graphics would come a cost of performance requirements, meaning that a high-end PC would be needed to run it.  Even as it is, the developer has mentioned several times that keeping performance within acceptable parameters is a constant challenge, especially with bigger airports and high traffic volumes.  You can argue about where to draw the line, but there has to be a compromise at some point, and I can understand that they want the game to be accessible to as many customers as possible..  Tower3DPro requires that your hardware must render, move, and accurately track very large numbers of moving 3D objects in relation to one another, and this tends to be rather demanding on both CPU and GPU.   Unlike FSX or other flightsims, which can be quite fun even if you turn down the AI traffic to low levels, turning down the traffic level in Tower 3DPro would defeat the whole purpose of the game.  Therefore, IMHO I believe there is a tendency for graphics to be the area that is compromised upon first. 

  6. To be fair, I really don't see Vic's response as being closed-minded, just cautious.  He has demonstrated the opposite too many times to make such an assumption so quickly.  After all, he did not say "no" outright, he simply expressed doubts based upon what he knows (and what we do not know) about the nature of the software.  My take is that he is simply concerned about whether such tweaks in a "delicate" part of the code would be likely to create more problems than they would solve.  It is reasonable to weigh such things against one another.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Just a couple of notes:

    I recal that Dick Parker has commented on this as well, noting that with SC if you includ significantly more flights than the gates can handle that you will actually end up with less flights than if you created a schedule with something more reasonable.

    I also recall that Vic made a comment some time ago that since Tower3D's release that they did tweak the amount of time that planes spend at the gate and that he pointed out that, you will sometimes see some flight depart almost immediately upon arrival. I have observed this on occasion, as I am sure other payers have as well.   I have no idea how this length of time is managed in the game logic, but it is evidence that it can be adjusted, and so there should be some level of hope that further tweaking could improve things even more.



  8. I had precisely the same thing recently.  I had a hard drive failure, and had to reinstall Windows (Win7 Professional).  After reinstalling Tower 3DPro and add-ons, I had this effect.  I tried reinstalling it once and it was still there.  Then following a suggestion from others on this forum, I uninstalled, cleaned my registry with C Cleaner, and then reinstalled and the problem was gone. It has been suggested that something may have gone wrong while installing the add-ons. (perhaps installing the Tower 3D version into Tpwer3DPro by accident.



  9. 11 minutes ago, FeelThere said:

    I need to disagree with you this time (a rare occasion :) ). The wind in fact shows you the direction of the wind. It's a visual reference.



    Fair enough :-)  But (there's always a "but") in that case, you should at least consider the earlier suggestion of changing the pointer, which looks like >, to an arrow with a tail that looks something like this   >- - ->, so that there is no question in the user's mind of what is meant.

  10. 39 minutes ago, FeelThere said:

    In T!3D the wind indicator should show you where the wind is coming from. So if you see a wind direction of 270 then the landing should be made (on a perfect world) on a runway 27.


    Agreed, it should.  The digital readout in the game is correct.  I believe the confusion comes from the arrow, which, depending upon one's perspective, can be seen as depicting the opposite.  That is to say that if the wind is 270, to use your example, the arrow in the game is pointing to 90.  I understand that this is literally correct in the sense that the wind is in fact blowing toward 90 degrees (a windsock does the same thing).  However, for many this will be counterintuitive, since they are thinking (and talking to the pilots) in terms of which way the wind is from (it is extremely easy to get things turned around in one's head when you see an arrow pointing the opposite way and you are trying to talk quickly at the same time).  Note Winsaudi's example of a digital anemometer that points toward 286 when the wind is reported as coming from 286.  It then becomes obvious how this could be confusing.  Perhaps it would be better if the arrow were removed entirely, and we just had the digital readout.

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