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Posts posted by Avwriter

  1. 1 hour ago, FeelThere said:

    Which shows exactly what we have all been saying;  the prevailing winds are westerly, i.e. from the West, which is the opposite of what we see in the game.

    From Wikipedia:  "Typical prevailing winds in San Diego are from the west and most takeoffs and landings at the airport are from east to west utilizing runway 27."


  2. No such plans have been announced, but it is early.  Think of it this way.  So far, all of the addons for Tower3D, both those released (KJFK,KSAN) and those announced (KATL, KLAS, KBOS) were also produced for Tower2011.  Thus I would not be surprised to see KMIA, KORD, KSFO, and other such fields that were made for Tower2011 to eventually make their way to Tower3D. 

  3. The "next available" command has never worked for me, at least not with the button commands.  The other, more specific ones do work, but only if the aircraft is able to do so comfortably, which varies by aircraft, and even then seems somewhat randomized as to whether or not it makes the requested early turn off (same is true real life; sometimes a pilot lands a bit longer than planned etc.).  I find these commands more consistently useful for getting aircraft to extend their landing rolls rather than reducing them.  That is, at KSAN if I have a Delta or American flight landing on 27, then I will have the plane go to the last or next to last exit so that it does not conflict with other ground traffic heading to the other end of the runway.

  4. 14 minutes ago, AirborneCDS said:

    Yes, and  I would like to hear more jet noises than automobile traffic--although I doubt you actually hear much from the tower.  Been a while since I toured PITTs tower and tracon but I don't recall hearing much from the outside. 

    That is my recollection too, from the tower tours I have had years ago.  No doubt it is even more true when you are wearing a headset with radio traffic blaring in your ears ;-)

  5. 10 minutes ago, FeelThere said:

    Yes, he did :D

    Here is the timeline for the releases. This is just a plan, please don't quote me :)

    Tower!3D Pro SP (feelThere, Atcsuite AND Steam)  - sometimes next week
    SP for KJFK to fix the tower view, now it's too tall - sometimes next week
    KJFK on Steam - sometimes next week
    SP for KSAN, updating the terminal files (making east and west terminals as separate entries) - sometimes next week
    Sp for the non Pro version to include all fixes from Pro - sometimes in March
    Start beta testing KATL - sometimes in March
    Release KSAN on Steam - Sometimes in March, April

    ..and many more :)



    Thank you very much for the time line.  Though I had hoped KATL would not be so far down the list, that helps a lot in putting things into perspective.  A couple of notes/comments:

    As long as you are doing another SP for KJFK, could you possibly separate the two cargo areas into individual terminals, so that we could assign specific airlines each one.   Please please please also do the same for KATL (North Cargo/South Cargo).  If this poses a technical problem, I understand, but if not, it would be very helpful.

  6. Tower3D Pro is not an add-on.  It is a stand -alone product and does not require the standard version, or any add-ons.  It should run fine all by itself (although it will have fake airlines instead of real ones).  Lets try approaching this from a strictly logical approach.  Some questions may sound silly, but I'd like to start with being sure we are all on the same page:

    1.  What kind of computer are you running it on?  CPU/Laptop, processor, memory, video card.  In short, does it meet the minimum requirements? 

    2. Have you tried running Tower 3D Pro BEFORE installing any of the add-ons?    If not, then please try uninstalling everything, then reinstall just Tower3D Pro by itself (no add-ons at all) and see if it runs?  IF IT DOES, this will tell you that something went wrong when you were installing one or more of the add-ons.  IF IT DOES NOT, this will tell you that either there is a problem with the file you downloaded, OR that there is some incompatibility issue with your computer.



  7. Yes those are tricky for me too.  Try experimenting with the length of the pause in your speech between the letter in the number, i.e. Echo....one zero.  There is a sweet spot that works but it is a bit tricky.  I have also noticed that some of the stub taxiways cause problems in other ways.  Try asking a plane on the north side en route for departure on 6R to taxi via Delta, Echo 10, Echo.  The plane will consistently taxi across Echo and then taxi down the active runway to the end where it will turn around for takeoff.

  8. Nice ideas, but some of them, like towing and emergencies, will likely have to wait for a future version.


    As for the traffic level, learn to use the Schedule Creator by Dick Parker (posted at the top of the forum).  It makes it possible to create nearly any traffic level you like at any time of day or night.  Not to mention you can keep generating new schedules so that you do not see the same flights at the same tmie over and over.

  9. 11 hours ago, FeelThere said:

    When you say it happened twice, please consider how many hours the year has and how many percent the last two shifts were out of that number :) 




    1.  Perhaps, but again, in a sim, one should be able to set up a specific scenario when desired.  It is kind of the whole point of a simulator.  Having a realistic scenario options is great, but deliberately NOT including the ability to set up custom winds in order to practice a particular operational configuration (or including a "shifting winds" scenario to specifically practice that type of scenario) in a product dubbed as the "Pro version" is a big drawback from the user's perspective.  I suppose we can always just use the "clear" setting where the winds are rarely over 2 knots in any direction (and pretend that the winds are something other than what they are), but that just seems sad considering that the addition of winds and dynamic runway switching are a major feature in the Pro version.  I mean no disrespect; Pro is fantastic overall, but this one aspect is an unnecessary handicap for the product.  Please reconsider allowing the user more control over winds.

    2.  In any case, the prevailing easterly winds at both California airports are backwards to reality by any standard.  It is well known that both airports use a west flow configuration most of the time (due to prevailing winds out of the west), and yet every time the "Random" feature is engaged the wind is nearly ALWAYS out of the east.  This needs to be reversed.

  10. 13 hours ago, FeelThere said:

    We are using a real weather statistic. By selecting random weather will still use a typical local wind direction based on real world statistic.

    In that case, the statistics you used are either misinterpreted, or largely incorrect.  In Los Angeles and San Diego, for example, the prevailing winds for most of the year are out of the west, not out of the east.  It really would be better if we could simply set the winds ourselves.  Having this option would make the sim much more useful.  Being able to set weather conditions is one of the basics in most flight-sim related products and has been for decades.  Can you imagine a full motion sim at a flight training center in which the operator was not allowed to change the winds just because they did not match the statistical average for that part of the world?   Random weather should really mean random. 


    Beyond that, 180 wind shifts are not as uncommon as you might think.  Just a few weeks ago the wind reversed itself here in Atlanta twice within an hour.  Some of the planes in line at KATL literally had to taxi all the way down to the opposite end of the runway two times before finally getting to take off.  It was like some kind of crazy ballet.  Getting to do that kind of thing in the sim every once in a while would be fantastic.

  11. Good to hear it is not just me.  Hopefully, Vic can take a look and find a way to make the wind direction/speed truly random.  It would also be really nice there there was a way to define custom winds.  Maybe that is asking too much, but after all, this is the Pro version, and this is exactly the kind of customization that would really be handy for more advanced users.  Would love to just be able to look up the METAR for a given airport and be able to set the winds to match in the sim.  I don't even need it to be automated; just let the user have the option of manually setting it however he desires.

  12. Has anyone else noticed that the game (at all airports) seems to have a bias toward easterly and north-easterly winds.  I mostly use the random weather setting, and out of dozens and dozens of sessions over several days, have yet to see a session begin with winds out of the west, thus resulting in nearly continuously east flow operations.  It does not seem to matter which airport I choose (KJFK, KLAX, KSAN), the wind is always out of the east or out of the northeast.  At first, I thought this was just a fluke, but I have been testing it now for days, and have not once seen winds out of the west.  The exact direction will shift, but it is always out of the east.  If the winds are supposed to be random, then clearly, they are not.  If they are supposed to be realistic then this is also not the case, as at many of these airports the prevailing winds tend to be out of the west.  I would provide a log, but unless I send you dozens of them, I am not sure it would be helpful.  Has anyone else noticed this?

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