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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. We continue our exciting adventure of Pups Peril: "Terms of End-Deerment"

    Uncle Elmer's drunken aim was so typically poor that when he fired, the blast only clipped Little Puppy's new antlers, and our Deer friend just barely survived! :)

    Wabbit took Little Puppy to the Cartoon Emergency Room to get the care required for characters in the virtual world! :P

    Little Puppy was so upset that he briefly lost bowel and bladder function while waiting in line at the Emergency Room. :oops:

    But he took comfort in the knowledge that soon he would be back home at Emma Field. :D



  2. Hi Francois:

    Must be one of the members of our "joint task force"! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Speaking of which, here's one of the "Natural Guard" recruits showing off his robust fitness achieved through our rigorous basic training program (good thing we don't test for THC and Steroid metabolites in urine tests for that branch of service!). :shock:

    Also we see one of our "Natural Guard" troops on duty, and the honors bestowed on one of our finest for a job well done! :P





  3. Deer me’, Pups exclaimed with shouts of glee!


    Riddle, Riddle bo piddle Bonana fanna fo Fiddle

    Fee fy fo fiddle, Riddle!

    Gawd was that funny Pups! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    You are indeed a force to be reckoned with when it comes to multi-genre written repartee! :shock:

    This is rather like a tag team smackdown at the VWWF (Virtual World Writers Foundation)! :twisted:

    Your quick and imaginative wit coupled with such good English (and musical... and graphical) skills shall surely see the Little Puppy through the toughest of challenges! :wink:

    You're definitely on the right track with your hypothesis as to the whereabouts of "Little Puppy" after his run in with Uncle Elmer's drunken efforts at Deer hunting out on the "main fairway" at Emma Field! :idea:

    The next installment of this gripping serial adventure (from a parallel universe?) will be posted soon... stay tuned! :P


  4. ... and Gary's got way too much time on his hands! :P

    Yeah, off work again today recuperating from this damn cold... as you can see the boredom is driving me wacky! :?

    But, surely my fine fellow Emma-ites wouldn't begrudge me a little levity to lift my spirits now and then... would they? :roll:



  5. Horrors! :!:

    Could this actually happen at Emma Field? :shock:

    Could this be the end of our Deer "Little Puppy"? :cry:

    Could this be the "instant Karma" Pups incurs for dabbling in the forbidden Black Art of "Cloning"? :evil:

    Stay tuned folks, for more news as it becomes available! :roll:

    PS: The "sound effect" might be a clue! :wink:



  6. Pups Peril

    Pups, so thrilled by his discovery of how to "clone" the Reindeer antlers onto his Little Puppy Avatar using his graphics program, forgets that could have dire consequences in rural Washington State areas during Deer hunting season! :mrgreen:



  7. Hi Dougal:

    Well, my girlfriend did say I sounded like a dog barking when I was coughing this morning, so I took today off to recuperate from my cold! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Strange how boredom can affect ones imagination, isn't it? :oops:

    But being the inquisitive sort, I thought it best to ask you if there might be another inference I should draw from the expression " barkin' " as used from across the pond, or elsewhere on the internet that I haven't yet encountered? :roll:

    I have been so busy addressing the fate of sheep, that I scarcely had a chance to ponder how to best take on sacred cows! :twisted:

    Anything I should further consider at this point in my mischievous exuberance? :wink:


  8. GaryGB (substituting for Pups, who has been busy trying to figure out a way to grow some antlers onto his "Little Puppy" Avatar) temporarily assumes once again the role as designated marketing consultant to the Emma Emporium; I am pleased to announce the availability of 2 new special items in the onsite store to complement those in Francois' online store. :!:

    Attention Emma-ites!!!

    Since Pups has become so popular here at the EFFC forum, he is in demand much more often by numerous individuals who may need his unique perspective on things. :)

    In an effort to make Pups' blythe spirit more available to the EFFC forum when the Wabbit is not around to summon him with the big new LogoLite™ next to the Emma Field clubhouse, I am now introducing a compact "desk model" version of the PUPS SIGNAL! :D

    ( See: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.php?t=58436 )

    CAUTION: Don't put it on your bedside stand... the "Little Puppy" logo might piddle on your "brane" while you sleep :P

    Attention Flight Sim Techies!!!

    Got a complex Flight Sim technical issue that no one else seems to be able to decipher? Been trying to get Holger's attention and the Wabbit isn't around to summon him with the big new LogoLite™ next to the Emma Field clubhouse? :roll:

    Well, just fire up this compact "desk model" version of the HOLGER SIGNAL and all will be revealed to you when Holger sees your signal on his copy of FS via the new Emergency Failsafe Communication Subsystem! ("EFCS")! :wink:

    NOTE: A must-have for those really tough questions even the authors of the FS SDK can't answer :idea:

    Items ordered through the online store will be shipped via the usual free delivery by "Elite Airways" Air Freight.

    Standard EFFC Emporium Disclaimer:

    < Not responsible for condition of goods at delivery due to failed parachute deployment; beware of falling bottles! > :mrgreen:




  9. Hi Peter:

    Excellent screenies and a great adventure (saw the entire sequence via your link)! :D

    I must admit I've rarely had time to take more than brief flights in my own flight simming, but when I see your captivating adventures so nicely documented, I feel inspired to try out a longer and more challenging flight sometime soon! 8)

    Thanks so much for expanding our horizons again by sharing your vast experience and love of adventure with us all! :P


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