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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. Hi Bob:

    Your original serial number will be accepted by the FS2002 installer for Emma Field. They may possibly have changed the serial numbers accepted for the FS2004 patch after they had everyone's 2002 serial numbers allocated to decrease piracy, and it probably has to read your existing serial number from the prior FS2002 Emma installation in the Windows registry before it will accept the older serial... we'll see after the following procedure.

    When I re-installed Emma Field, I first put in the Emma Field for FS2002 ("EMMA_102_ENG.zip"), then the update for FS2002 ("EMMA_152_ENG_UPD.zip", then finally Emma Field Patch for FS2004 ("EMMA_Patch_2004_100.zip") in that sequence; try this on your computer. If the installer asks for your FS2002 installation path, enter the FS2004 path instead.

    Here's the install and read me files:

    "EMMA Emma_102_eng Install Guide.txt"



    Depending on the method you used to get the

    EMMA_***_ENG.ZIP file (most probably by

    downloading it from the Internet) you should now

    located it on your hard disk.



    1. Unzip the file into any folder you like.

    2. Read the Readme file.

    3. Double click on the Setup.EXE icon..

    2. Follow on-line instructions.

    NOTE: If you need to Emma Field 1.00

    be sure to uninstall it first. Do NOT manually

    uninstall the program.

    If this was the last LAGO product on your system

    you can remove ViMaCore.DLL from the MODULES folder

    to remove the LAGO dropdown menu. But take care,

    this will disable ALL other LAGO products as well.



    Emma Field UPDATE

    release 1.02 / August 8 2002.

    This text holds the information we gathered after the manual

    was put to bed.


    - 1.00 Release

    - 1.01 Quick update to solve a few minor issues

    . Correction in sound levels.

    . Strange sound near winch solved

    . Gau files now installed correct, glider works now.

    . Fritz does appear now when starting the Trike.

    -1.02 Second update to solve a few less minor issues

    . Bug that caused the scenery to freeze FS in

    Fall & Winter solved

    . Wind detection improved and better in sync with


    . Terrace lights now upgraded to 75 watt

    . Gitar sound improved and now plays much longer

    . Glider van now has engine sounds

    . Winch now uses different sound when idle and

    when pulling up glider

    . Stork on roof now migrates in winter (only see

    April to September)

    . New ViMaCore DLL solves problem that menu items

    are hidden when user has ALL LAGO FS2002 products.



    - To see all dynamic scenery you will need to have Dynamic

    Scenery set to ON and preferably to the Extremely Dense

    setting. You can find this option under:"Options|Settings


    - We have removed the Glider launch modules from this version

    because we did not have enough time to make 100% sure it did

    what we wanted it to do. Some glider pilots are looking at it

    and we'll decide what do do in the near future. With a highly

    complex product like this we expect to do some other changes

    as well. If you feel something should be different (like the

    sound levels) let us know! We work for you, remember?



    - At the last moment we found a problem with the sound.

    In design the sound would increase in volume when you

    are outside the cockpit (spot view). Somehow this does

    not function as designed. A minor thing but something we

    will fix.

    - When you have an additional mesh scenery for this area you

    could have problems.

    - If you have none standard textures for the default scenery

    of Fs2002 you could notice the blending of our scenery into

    the standard FS2002 terrain (that is close to perfect with

    standard textures) is noticable.



    - Fly low, fly slow, have fun.



    Install by unzipping in the main fs2002 folder,

    overwrIting all older files... If you are not asked

    if files can be overwritten you are not unzipping

    to the correct folder!

    Read the emma_readme.txt file in the [FSMAINDIR]\

    LAGO\EMMAFIELD\ folder for more details.

    "EMMA_152_ENG_UPD ReadMe.tx"

    Emma Field Readme

    release 1.50 / September 4rd 2002.

    This text holds the information we gathered after the manual

    was put to bed.


    - 1.00 Release

    - 1.01 Quick update to solve a few minor issues

    . Correction in sound levels.

    . Strange sound near winch solved

    . Gau files now installed correct, glider works now.

    . Fritz does appear now when starting the Trike.

    - 1.50 Major update.

    . New sounds by MeatWater!

    . The glider launch procedures added!

    . The menu has been updated with a Show thermals


    . SplashScreen added.

    . Sound problem fixed.

    . Thermals can be made visible.

    . Manual updated to 1.50 version. Do read... please..

    . Installer updated to "Designed for Microsoft

    Windows" standard.

    - 1.51 Bug fix

    . Fixed the bug in the air tow launch.

    . Glider truck now opens before glider is unpacked.

    . Re-installed the default FS2002 splash screen and

    installed dlgsplash.LAGO, rename to dlgsplash.bmp to

    use the new Emma Field spash screen.

    . Installed new values in the glider.cfg, optimized for

    standard Fs2002 and Emma Field glider.

    . Added Flight Video that shows glider launch to LAGO

    FLT folder.



    - To see all dynamic scenery you will need to have Dynamic

    Scenery set to ON and preferably to the Extremely Dense

    setting. You can find this option under:"Options|Settings




    - When you have an additional mesh scenery for this area you

    could have problems.

    - If you have none standard textures for the default scenery

    of Fs2002 you could notice the blending of our scenery into

    the standard FS2002 terrain (that is close to perfect with

    standard textures) is noticeability.



    - Fly low, fly slow, have fun.

    "EMMA_Patch_2004_100 Install Guide.txt"




    Depending on the method you used to get the

    distribution zip file, most probably by downloading

    it from the Internet of found in the EXTRA folder in

    most of the 2004 LAGO CD products, you should now

    located it.








    * As Windows NT and Windows 95 are not supported by

    Flight Simulator 2004, the installer will not let

    you install this product if it recognizes you are

    using one of these operating systems.

    * You need Administrator rights to be able to

    complete the installation.

    1. Unzip the distribution file into any folder

    on your hard disk.

    2. Read the README.TXT file.

    3. Double click on the SETUP.EXE icon.

    4. Follow installer instructions.



    * If you need to re-install this product

    be sure to uninstall it first.

    * Do NOT manually uninstall the program. See product

    manual for uninstall instructions.




    We found out there are some 3rd parties addons allowing

    FS2002 version users to be able to use Emma Field 2002

    with FS2004.

    During the beta testing stage we discovered that these

    addons may create some problems with Emma Field 2004,

    if you are using any of them, please read the the


    * Restoration Pack

    If you followed the installation instructions you should

    have a folder in "ADDON\SCENERY" called "Club House".

    This needs to be taken out of FS9 completely and its

    entry removed from the SCENERY.CFG file.

    You will also need to look in your "ADDON\SCENERY\SCENERY"

    folder for AF2_KEWL.BGL and remove it.

    The Restoration Pack itself should in theory still work

    with the Emma Field 2004 but we didn't test it.

    * Tom Constantines AI for Emma

    In the "SCENERY\WORLD\SCENERY" folder there is a file named

    TRAFFIC_KEWL.BGL: remove it if you plan on using Emma's

    own AI as the two get in each others way.

    Other add ons will effect the way the Emma scenery looks,

    these changes may or may not be to your taste. During testing

    no conflicts were noted with these addons. You may want to

    disable these at install so you know what a "Clean" Emma

    looks like.

    * Joe Watsons Cushman Lake stuff

    * Leon Louis Emma Extras

    * Richard Goldstein's EFFC FBO

    * Kurtis Rook's Ultralight Launches, this sits at the top

    of the waterfalls

    * Some FSE stuff just like:

    Cushman.SE2 and Cushman.SC

    Emmafield.SE2 and Emmafield.SC

    The installer will look in your FS9 folder for any

    "Emma*.BGL" file and quits the installation if it found


    Thus, before trying to install, it is worth doing a search

    of your FS9 directory for "Emma*.BGL" and remove anything

    that was found.

    We also suggest to download and run ScanAFD and make sure

    there are no duplicates "EMMA\KEWL\CUSHMAN" afcads around.

    To get ScanAFD search for "ScanAFD.zip" at the main

    flight simulation web sites or contact the author:

    Eliot Rogers




    Copyright © 2004 LAGO Srl, VistaMare Software

    All Rights Reserved.




    *End of document*

    "EMMA_Patch_2004_100 ReadMe.txt"


    EMMA FIELD 2004


    04 may 2004, 1.00

    This document holds the information we gathered

    after we completed the manual.



    - If you are using Emma Field 2002 with FS2004 be

    sure to read the "Install Guide". This document

    is located in the Emma distribution file.



    - The installation program automatically adds the

    required lines in the [FS9]\Scenery.CFG file.

    Before modifying this file a backup copy of the

    original file is made in:

    SCENERY_CFG_Before_[product name]_[date]_[time].TXT

    - During the uninstallation process, all lines added

    by installer are automatically removed.

    Before modifying this file a backup copy of the

    original file is made in:

    SCENERY_CFG_Before_[product name]_Uninstall_[date]_[time].TXT

    By doing so, if something goes wrong, it will be easy

    to go back one step and recover the original files.



    1.00 Release version



    - Opening the PDF formatted manual from within

    the simulator might result in a failure. No crash

    or something like that, just nothing. This is

    because Acrobat Reader times out due to the high

    resource load of the simulator. trying it again

    will open the menu. We can not fix this problem.

    - Opening the PDF formatted manual from within

    FS2004 might result in a system that seem stuck.

    It is not however, if you minimize FS2004 at that

    moment the PDF will open. When you are done

    reading, close the PDF and re-activate FS2004.



    - Probably the best way to start exploring these

    sceneries is to load the situations provided

    with this product. See manual for details.

    - If you want to disable the AI traffic included

    in this product, remove or rename the TRAFFIC.BGL

    files included in the product \Scenery folder.


    NOTE: Everything specifically from LAGO above is:

    Copyright © 2004 LAGO Srl, VistaMare Software

    All Rights Reserved ...Just trying to help a user in need!

    Microsoft, MS-DOS, Internet Explorer, Windows

    (95/97/98/ME/NT/2000/XP) are either registered

    trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation

    in the United States and/or other Countries. Adobe

    and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems

    Incorporated. All trademarks and brand names are

    trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective



    *End of document*

    Let me know how this works for you. I'll be glad to help you further with this if needed.

    Don't worry, we can do the 'full course' if that proves to be indicated, but lets see how this procedure works first. :wink:


  2. Gawd, Madaz that was excellent!!! :shock:

    As I read your post, sitting here all by myself on a Tuesday at the end of a long day in my office, I was laughing my a$$ off (an event of auspicious portents in and of itself!). :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I love this place... keep the faith, gang! 8)

    PS: Pups... I'll have my system more useable for mischief in a few days at most! :wink:

    How's about everyone else... ready for a little comedy relief now that we know we can tweak FSX into a useable configuration without breaking the bank on hardware yet, and that we should have Emma Field available to enjoy in FSX as well? :roll:


  3. Hi Chaders:

    There's a few threads on getting the FS9 and CFS planes into FSX.

    The gauges reportedly can now be read from the aircrafts own panel folder if the legacy aircraft folder chain is of course appropriately placed under FSX's SimObjects folder chain.

    There was also a post in the SimFlight FSX forum by someone since August 2006 suggesting that one can merely create a path or link to FS9's aircraft, effects and sound installation folders via a statement placed in fsx.CFG which I cannot locate at this moment; I haven't tested that.

    Here's a few pertinent links:




    Hope this helps! :D


  4. Hi All:

    The UT FS9 to FSX Converters are ready! :D

    In the accompanying downloadable "Using Ultimate Terrain Products In FSX" PDF document it says:

    "You must currently have a copy of each Ultimate Terrain product that you want to port to FSX installed on your computer

    for FS9/FS2004."

    Download them all here:


    Also consider implementing Garett Schmidt and Holger's excellent landclass corrections/adaptations for FSX documented at:


    Happy Flying! 8)


  5. Hi Bob:

    It isn't really isn't necessary to do a search and destroy for Emma Field in order to just get it reinstalled and working again.

    Emma's files and folders are usually left in the FS folder chain and don't bother anything, even when FS2004 is uninstalled and reinstalled. Then when you come back and re-install Emma Field, its registry entries and Program menu folders are merely refreshed without duplication. But if you've deleted its folders, that won't prevent you from just re-installing it.

    Subsequent efforts to uninstall (if desired) would then be successful after it has "refreshed" its information in Windows; this has been true for most (but not all) programs since Windows 98, and it works for Emma (and other Lago apps).

    Usually if one has an unsuccessful uninstall attempt from the Start > Programs > Settings > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs applet, it is very difficult to find the linked Setup.exe file pertaining to a particular program in the many folders under C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information where they are placed during original installation.

    In Win 98 one could locate these "uninst" files (normally in the install location itself) and double click them to run directly from Windows Explorer.

    This is not so easy in Win XP, unless one uses a special 3rd party utility to "binary" search and find the appropriate subfolder containing the Setup.exe file by looking for the associated 'setup.ini' file containing the string "AppName=LAGO Emma Field 2004"; (Windows search won't find these even if you "Show hidden files and folders" and un-check "Hide protected operating system files" in Folder Options in Windows). Even if you locate the Setup.exe and double click it, it may not work any better than the failed attempt via the Add or Remove Programs applet.

    One must instead use regedit to search and destroy the Lago entries manually. Lago's installers don't write all that much to the registry and don't write anything into the Windows context menu shell extensions, so eradication is fairly simple if you want to remove it manually.

    But it is simpler to just reinstall (and then uninstall if desired), assuming you have already reinstalled FS2004 (Lago needs the FS2004 registry entries present to work). I suggest you try this first and see if you still need/want to "do the nasty".

    If you ultimately wish to "do the nasty" with Emma, post your request here, and I will provide you with the files, folders, and registry strings to search and destroy so it is gone from Windows. :wink:

    Hope this helps! :D


  6. Hi Heli:

    Thanks for again sharing your insights and cheerful presence with us! :D

    I was wondering what settings you used that allowed Emma to be displayed better (if I understood you correctly).

    I'm curious if you were indicating that one may need to set the FSX mesh resolution to the original 'low' FS2002 default level that was used when Emma was built and updated for FS2004?

    That would certainly make sense... I hadn't thought about that quite yet after my initial trial flight there, and was thinking at that early phase of bewilderment that one was seeing a scenery layer assignment issue, or if one needed to use an old-fashioned manual flatten statement in the scenery.cfg file (like in the days of FS98 and FS2000 until the BGL compiler allowed adding such info the scenery BGL files themselves!).

    Perhaps the simplest (mesh setting) solution could be the best one? :?:

    (Understanding of course that this only a temporary measure to keep the comeraderie intact and 'home fires burning' in FSX until we have a new improved Emma Field to purchase and use sometime soon hopefully!) :wink:


  7. Hi Bill:

    After re-reading the above posts, I agree that the primary focus of the thread originator had to do with FSUIPC problems as you may also have concluded.

    Based on the manner in which the orignal post was written, I believe it could be interpreted as largely critical of FSUIPC and/or Microsoft, rather than truly describing a real world technical support response actually received.

    Yet I believe the post, as an FSX consumer's "situational" commentary, however satirical (or mildly sarcastic?) it was worded, was entitled to be made here as well. :roll:

    Based on the manner in which your reply was written, it seemed to me that your post could convey a sense that the other party was unwelcome to post here on the basis of topic specificity, and thereby deserving of pejorative admonishment for having done that, perhaps also for having jovially cast dispersions on FSUIPC and/or Microsoft for the malfunctions experienced in FSX.

    Bill, I do greatly respect the many valuable contributions you have made to the FS community via your posts and freeware submissions over the years, so I hope my rather specific concern expressed on this will not be perceived as anything more general than I describe herein. :)

    I must say that numerous occasions your posts have been rather critical of newcomers who may not yet be familiar with prior information on matters FS, how to use forums and forum search engines etc.. And it has been my perception that you have manifested a marked and vigilant, almost unconditional defense of Microsoft seemingly whenever forum participants exercise their right to voice their critical reactions and opinions, or they voice tentative conclusions (correct or incorrect) while trying to deal with, or to understand the latest FS version.

    I mean no offense by asserting this, as I certainly understand how frustrating it can be to have to wade through some of the more outrageously worded and apparently unfounded end user posts. And yes, it is an overworked excuse by frustrated, impatient and undisciplined people that they simply put the blame for their challenges onto Microsoft or some other 3rd party when they also have some responsibility to sit their butts down repeatedly and do some studying (like many of us have already tried to do) in order to grasp somewhat complex FS subjects that can only be made partially easier to use by people from all walks of life via a graphical user interface.

    But I believe it is important that we remember there are a wide variety of people who are at different levels of understanding in the forums who might just re-think their positions if they were provided with a non-judgemental, patient, simplified, matter of fact explanantion of how things actually are and how things can be if one does 'thus and so'. It might also be really effective at putting out fires (flames?) in forums. Then forums can be more harmonious, and one doesn't have to hose down one's hip waders as much while cruising those forums for one's own purposes. :wink:

    Not everyone has the patience to do this, and it probably can get dis-satisfying rather quickly. But I believe that if we cannot, or will not help someone, we should at least "do no further harm".

    I daresay the forums are not intended to be a shooting arcade where 'ace gunner geeks' possibly despondent over being overworked, underpaid, misunderstood, underappreciated (and frustrated by having so much distraction and stress in the forums as they go about their business) do not just politely and in a moment of remedial instruction, "clear the air", but indulge rather in taking "potshots" at the objects of their derision... just like the people taking "potshots" at Microsoft! :idea:

    I was rather disproportionately vigilant myself at the time I wrote my hastily issued post above after just having dealt with another party's pattern of recurrent negative behavior which I believe jeopardized the good spirit of welcome, comeraderie, and learning in a supportive environment for people at all levels of skill and understanding in the SimFlight Forum system.

    So I suppose my reply above could also be considered somewhat disproportionate to the particular occasion, but well-intended by virtue of a perceived sense of mission on behalf of the open and courteous setting I hope we all would like to maintain here; therefore I offer my apologies to you for my having "risen too far above" the occasion. :oops:

    Kind regards,


  8. Hi Bill:

    Good Heavens... lighten up!!! :shock:

    I believe he is entitled to post information here offering general FSX consumer feedback on the fact that he successfully got an indication of the high interest Microsoft has for the widespread dependency of many add-ons for proper function of FSUIPC, so much so that they actually got people to come in to work on a Saturday, and they are so diligent in their efforts that they will have an answer to his problem by Noon! :wink:

    Personally I think he might have been saying this tongue-in-cheek, but you never know! :twisted:

    I do agree that he should find an abundance of help via the FSUIPC forum (in addition to here) though! :D


  9. Hi Bob:

    Welcome to one of the finest FS forums on the internet! :D

    While you are making the best of your Athlon/ATI 9800 computer, check out some of the tweaks here on SimFlight forums and at the AVSIM FSX forum that actually make FS9 and even FSX run tolerably well on systems such as we both are using for FS!

    I'll be glad to try and answer any questions you might have about getting your particular type of 'semi-legacy' hardware pimped out if you ever wish to ask. And there are many others here who will likely offer their help as well on a wide variety of topics, seeing as how we EFFC folks are such a fine bunch of "Altidudes"!

    Happy Flying! 8)


  10. Hi Mark:

    Thanks for clarifying; I remembered that there was something about a reduction of visual detail or objects which was done on the 2005 version in addition to some sort of minor fixes, but I wasn't clear on what the actual story was at the time. :oops:

    I suspect that a number of others were probably also unsure what the difference was. Now that we know the 2005 version is perhaps better suited for UT and/or Megascenery, and 2004 is more detailed (but perhaps not positionally geo-corrected?), would there be a way (in a freeware tweaked BGL add-on) to insert placement instructions for selected Bremerton 2004 scenery objects into the Bremerton 2005 version VIA Scruffyduck's LOM object placer for FSX or doing placement in FS9 with the appropriate tool (assuming the textures will work OK in FSX)? :roll:

    That is to say, I understand that FS9 standard library format scenery objects placed and written into BGLs from a geo-corrected 38 meter mesh UT or Megascenery aligned FS9 setting using EZ-Scenery, Runway12 etc. are reportedly able to be used in FSX with very few exceptions, such as when unusual texture formats have been used. :wink:

    Just wondering if this would work, and if it would be OK with you to do so, since I guess you might not currently have the time or motivation to make another hybrid version to accomodate more powerful newer computers running in a FS9 or FSX geo-corrected 38 meter enviroment. :)

    Thanks for any further input you could share on this... :D


  11. Hi Mark:

    Good to hear from you; thanks for checking in.

    Here's hoping to see you around here more in the future! :P

    I have the original files and all for both KPWT sceneries on CD if anyone needs help or assistance.

    PS: Would you allow Francois & Simon to host the "newer" files if they are amenable to that as well?

    Otherwise, did you mean you would have to put the software back onto your computer (from a CD) for internet distribution, or is it instead your preference that we acquire it directly from you burned onto a CD?

    Take Care... :D


  12. Hi Pups:

    Which do you think was more expensive: the aggregate product purchase prices, or the time spent (at even a minimum wage rate per hour) installing, configuring, tweaking for performance, and then having to re-install again?. :roll:

    This is the challenging aspect of indulging in our hobbies; we have to love so much the simming experience we ultimately achieve for varying spans of time in order to tolerate the associated necessity of the "techie" aspect of what we do (given current software programming efficiency and end user complexity). :shock:

    In an attempt to make our hobby more "cost-effective" from the standpoint of time investment, we have to address the task of implementing a failsafe backup/recovery mechanism which allows us to quickly get up and running again without having to repeat the entire process.

    It would seem that since Windows and some programs ultimately develop problems within 6 months to a year after any given new install/refresh install, our best investment is to make fully recoverable backup images of our newly completed installations before we begin using them onto extra hard drives (rather than feeding removeable media in and out of our computers for countless hours!).

    Aside from the need for making (duplicate) incremental backups of our personal user-created data somewhere on separate hard drive(s), it now amost seems pointless to use mirroring or redundant striped array rebuild capable hardware to backup our entire working system installation, since the image one would recover would be the same aging, dysfunctional one we had been using at the time of failure. :?

    Inevitable recurrent software corruption should not be happening to the extent it is now, even if the industry is slowly learning how to code better over time with better tools. I can't wait until software programming evolves to the point where incremental damage (due to programming errors and/or cost-containment coding shortcuts based on probability and frequency of problems being weighed against the profit/loss ratio) no longer occurs from simply running Windows and one's 3rd party programs in the manner intended out of the box! :evil:

    It seems a better investment of our time and money to buy extra hard drives and expend the extra 25 watts of electricity per drive on them to archive restore images of fresh installations of our beloved and "mission critical" software, ready to use upon completion of a fast, automated process that runs while we attend to other matters during our daily lives. :wink:

    With your huge installed base of apps, Pups,


  13. Hi Dorian:

    Whoops... missed the fact that you were looking for the MSSKWPTupdate1.zip file that Mark used to host on his MSSCENERY.COM website (now closed); I can't find mine, and I'm not sure if I downloaded it. Maybe Heli or Bruce still has it?

    The original 2004 file is also still hosted by Francois at the FS-Addon site: http://www.fsaddon.com/download_files/msskpwt.zip, I downloaded and looked inside it, but its file dates suggest it to not be the updated version; I don't know if Mark ever hosted the updated "2005" version anywhere other than his site.

    I believe he is still on good terms with us EFFC folks, and so I have sent a PM to him to see if he could allow FS-Addon or Simon's OneStop Shop to host his updated version of Bremerton 2005 / KWPT.

    Hopefully I/we will get a reply from Mark (and Francois and Simon?).

    Cheers! :D


  14. Hi Dorian:

    Here ya' go:


    Also, Simon (A37Gnome) has been kind enough to continue maintaining a repository of Emma and related essentials at: http://www.stansco.co.uk/Flight_Sim/

    Terry's Virtual Pilot server was previously announced a few months ago as "going to be down for quite some time", and I don't know if he found a backup location to cover for him until his system was rebuilt.

    Hope this helps! :D


  15. Many thanks to all who helped negotiate this arrangement! :roll:

    That would be Fritz... uncle Elmer (for bribing some of the financial guys), cousin Lewie for holding the shotgun under the lawyer's nose and Aunt Melissa for sending them a cake (with a file in it).........

    But we're not there yet.... now we come to the nittygritty stuff as how much for who and why...... let alone WHEN !! :shock: :shock: :wink: :lol:

    Heh Heh Heh... gotta' be a story line for some cartoons in there somewhere! :mrgreen:


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