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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. Hi Francois:

    So, just to clarify: did the version you used require discrete speech, or did it allow continuous speech?

    I also used the early discrete speech products off and on for a few years (for lack of anything else being available!); then I switched to the continuous "Natural" speech versions when they became available... a world of difference! :wink:

    In fact, it was actually an article about the state of the art in voice recognition in a PC Magazine 1983 issue which got me more seriously interested in computers as a means of hopefully reducing workload and operating expense in business; the rest as they is history! :lol:

    If you haven't tried a recent version of Dragon NaturallySpeaking, it would be well worth your while, and might help make your many online (online=typing!) activities easier and even more enjoyable; and of course I'd love to see you reduce at least some of the stressload of your many commitments as well, my friend! :D

    All versions still work based on a soundblaster compatible 16 bit sound card and/or most embedded sound systems on motherboards (desktop or laptops, nearly all work!) along with a decent headset w/mic. :idea:

    I actually tried various microphones including the Parrot VOX version often bundled free in the box, the $100 Telex USB, $200 Monitor top "triangulating" type, $20 Labtron, $250 (loaned) Philips handheld professional dictation console type, $20 Koss, $ 15 Harmon-Kardon and 3 flavors of Andrea Electronics: $65, $30 and $15 models.

    Guess what: of ALL that I have tried, my cheap plastic $15 Andrea Electronics headset w/mic (aviation headset maker for the US military for many years) actually proved to be the most accurate of the entire group! Second most accurate was the free "Parrot" headset! :shock:

    Well, I hope you might find these additional details to be of some help as you implement your new years resolutions; I hope one of them was to take the edge off the stress of keeping up with your many commitments which bring so much enjoyment to the rest of us fellow flight simmers! 8)


  2. Interesting.

    I used it many years ago, but found it too cumbersome.

    Like human beings too, Dragon found my 'mumblings' too difficult and made me look even sillier than I already am by nature.

    I have to add that I am the fastest 2-finger typist in the Western Hemisphere.... so I keep my mike closed :oops:

    I also use the "2 finger" typing method when I'm too impatient to wait for "NatSpeak" to load; seems like lately I end up correcting so many of my errors it would have been more time efficient to wait for Dragon to load! :oops:

    I used to use the IBM tactile feedback "clickety-click" keyboards because they reminded me of the IBM selectric typewriters , then Dragon started picking up my corrections; now I use the quieter IBM "soft touch" keyboard (like everyone else is making nowadays) and it works well with Dragon having the mike open.

    Which version(s) of Dragon did you use in the past? :roll:

    Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional 3.52 upgrade and Version 4.x were the best versions that I last used before being forced to upgrade to version 8, and in some ways 4.x had better recognition and command control than the "new and improved" fully XP-compatible versions.

    Were it not for the "bold screen font" inconsistency issues of Wordperfect 8 running in Win XP, I'd still be using it in XP with Dragon 4.x... both apps being otherwise excellent, fast, and size-efficient performers! :)

    Now I'm forced to use the Dragon NatSpeak 8 compatible, bloated, Wordperfect 12 or 13 versions which take forever to load and scroll through large documents (although still better and faster than MS Word IMHO!)


  3. So are your two Dragons speaking to each other then ??? :lol: :lol:

    Yep, fortunately they are on very good speaking terms! :lol:

    Personally, I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional version 8, which includes enhanced features including the ability to do extensive text and command macroing, DDE, and Basic/VBA Scripting via the included Basic IDE editor program; it sure makes my other work easier and more cost-effective (it really does pay for itself quickly in time/$ savings).

    It is so capable however, that always being so pressed for time even after using various versions since the 1990's, I have only begun to scratch the surface of it's abilities! :shock:

    The Preferred edition is fairly capable for the average user as well, and is much more afffordable and practical for those with less specialized needs such as my own; the Standard edition is too limited to be feasible for any kind of productivity IMHO. :idea:


  4. Hi Bob:

    Glad to hear you're back up and flying at Emma Field! :D

    Any further problems, just post back, and I'll do my best to help figure it out.

    This is a slightly different type of crash than I have seen documented previously for Emma Field, so in the event of any recurrence, we would want to figure it out, and keep a record of how to fix it here in the EFFC forum for us all to use as a support base to refer to in the future. :wink:

    Happy Flying! 8)


  5. A thought just crept up and tickled me...

    I wonder if I could do an aerobatic routine to that music?

    ...no! No! Forget it! Don't even think of it!

    Not even with a thrust to weight > 1




    Go for it Chris... we know if anyone can pull it off, you can! :D

    Looking forward to a flight that features a "Finnish Par Excellance" at the end of the next fly-in! :P


  6. Perhaps the other readers here will better understand the basis for your satire, and perhaps your sarcasm, after you describe a little further just what you've been through since last August of 2006 (regardless of which machine it was on).

    Well it’s a sorry and sad tale of despair and whoa. :P

    Let me describe just the past few weeks.


    And that's just the last few weeks! You've been doing these reinstallations repeatedly for months since August 2006, right? :roll:

    No rush, Pups, but could you give us any subjective approximate numbers of hours you had to put in on your system(s) since August 2006 so that we can do a simple example of what an active Windows user and dedicated flight simmer goes through in terms of costly time expenditure? :?:


  7. Pope to Michaelangelo working on the dome of the Sistine Chapel: "When will you make an end?"

    Michaelangelo replied: "When I'm finished!"

    EFFC to Chris "leekspinning" on the forum ceiling: "When will you make an end?"

    Chris replied: "When I'm Finnish'd!" :lol: :lol: :lol:




    Er, ah... the performers are Finnish, and are infiltrating the minds of fans everywhere with a Finnish tune, I believe? :wink:


  8. Hi Bob:

    Remember this thread? :lol:


    Do you have your add-on sceneries in a folder chain outside the FS folder chain?

    If you do, have you tried unchecking that outside add-on scenery folder name in the FS2004 Scenery Library user interface to eliminate some of your add-ons and see if it makes a difference?

    Also, have you tried unchecking "Addon Scenery" in the FS2004 Scenery Library user interface to eliminate a majority of your add-ons and see if it makes a difference?

    If after unchecking ALL your add-ons in the FS2004 Scenery Library user interface you still have a problem, then it may be best to (dare I say it?) reinstall Emma Field. Any custom flights you have saved in [FS2004 install path]\Flights should first be backed up to a safe location outside the FS folder chain.

    The reason is because the "ViMaIscn.dll" file is not available for download at Maurizio's website:


    -and in the event it were corrupted (or one of the other Emma Field files it is trying to access were corrupted or missing, you would only get that file back via reinstallation.

    There is one other means of shedding some light on this scenario which I have not had an opportunity to test for myself with Emma Field yet, and that is using "Filemon" from Sysinternals to try and log the file access taking place at the time of the CTD; that might reveal missing or corrupted file access errors.

    ( see: http://www.sysinternals.com/Utilities/Filemon.html )

    Let me know how this works out for you... :wink:


  9. Pope to Michaelangelo working on the dome of the Sistine Chapel: "When will you make an end?"

    Michaelangelo replied: "When I'm finished!"

    EFFC to Chris "leekspinning" on the forum ceiling: "When will you make an end?"

    Chris replied: "When I'm Finnish'd!" :lol: :lol: :lol:


  10. I wish I could borrow some of you guys' time........ :shock: :!:

    Most of this wouldn't even be possible without the use of Dragon NaturallySpeaking; it is capable of voice-recognition at 160 words per minute, at an average of 95% accuracy after a brief training! :wink:

    Highly recommended for someone who is pressed for time but needs to type a lot during their day... especially someone like you who needs to post many times during the week! :idea:


  11. Gary, I admire your tenacity. I would have never stuck in there like you did for so long. I have 4 simple rules that I believe will be followed one day in the distant future. << Star Trek music cuts in here>>





    Pups (plugged in, in Seattle)

    Hi Pups:

    I can certainly understand your desire to adopt those 4 simple rules in light of the many reinstallations of FS 9 and complex 3rd-party FS add-ons you have performed over the last 4 months.

    Perhaps the other readers here will better understand the basis for your satire, and perhaps your sarcasm, after you describe a little further just what you've been through since last August of 2006 (regardless of which machine it was on). :idea:

    Let's start out with a brief description of what you've installed just for Flight Simulator:

    1.) How many times have you reinstalled FS 9 (with the 9.1 patch)?

    2.) How many times have you reinstalled 3rd-party FS sceneries?

    3.) How many steps were involved in patching those 3rd-party FS sceneries?

    4.) How many times have you reinstalled 3rd-party FS add-on aircraft?

    5.) How many steps were involved in patching those 3rd-party FS add-on aircraft?

    ________ = Approximate hours that the above process involved

    Of course, we haven't even addressed reinstalling your operating system:

    1.) How many times have you reinstalled Windows XP?

    2.) How many times have you reinstalled "official" service packs (EX:SP1, SP2 etc.)?

    3.) How many times have you reinstalled incremental updates for the Windows XP, Internet Explorer, Windows XP security, etc.?

    ________ = Approximate hours that the above process involved

    Also, we must not forget about crucial auxiliary software applications:

    1.) How many times have you reinstalled crucial auxiliary software applications such as Internet security, anti-spy ware, anti-ad ware, etc.?

    2.) How many times have you reinstalled "official" service packs for those applications?

    3.) How many times have you reinstalled incremental updates for those applications?

    ________ = Approximate hours that the above process involved

    Finally, we must address personal daily use software (EX: banking, entertainment, etc.:

    1.) How many times have you reinstalled personal "daily" use software applications?

    2.) How many times have you reinstalled "official" service packs for those applications?

    3.) How many times have you reinstalled incremental updates for those applications?

    ________ = Approximate hours that the above process involved

    Oh, I almost forgot about installing/configuring backup software and performing backups:

    1.) How many times have you reinstalled/reconfigured backup software?

    2.) How many times have you reinstalled "official" service packs for those applications?

    3.) How many times have you reinstalled incremental updates for those applications?

    4.) How much time have you spent performing backups?

    ________ = Approximate hours that the above process involved

    ________ = Approximate total hours above processes involved since August, 2006

    No disrespect intended to anyone here, but just for illustrative purposes, let's say that you had a smart office assistant who was capable of undertaking all of these tasks without getting confused or committing grievous errors that you were able to pay as little as $10 per hour.

    ________ = Approximate total hours above processes involved since August, 2006

    X $10 / Hour

    ________ = Approximate total cost above processes involved since August, 2006 :shock:

    Pups, would you have paid a person $10 per hour to do all of the above?

    OK, now let's get real. If one was lucky, one might be able to employ a somewhat competent independent (non-employee) consultant to do all of the above for as little as $50 per hour.

    ________ = Approximate total hours above processes involved since August, 2006

    X $50 / Hour

    ________ = Approximate total cost above processes involved since August, 2006 :(

    Pups, would you have paid a person $50 per hour to do all of the above?

    All right, I guess I should mention that in the real world some independent IT consultants manage to charge (and collect!) anywhere from $75-$150 an hour (plus travel time to and from the job site) to do the work described above.

    ________ = Approximate total hours above processes involved since August, 2006

    X $150 / Hour

    ________ = Approximate total cost above processes involved since August, 2006 :evil:

    Pups, would you have paid a person $150 per hour to do all of the above?

    Perhaps by now, some readers may have gotten out their calculators just to satisfy their curiosity about just how much they've personally invested in terms of time, effort, and stress in an effort to keep their own computers running.

    Whoops... when we got our computers, they were supposed to be saving us money, not costing us money!

    After all, time is money, right?

    I think software developers need to keep these facts in mind when they develop, market, sell, and service their products. If a product has compromises in its coding which ultimately leads to a collapse of that application, or worse yet a system collapse which requires reinstallation, they are costing the consumer money (beyond the initial cost of software purchase) each time it happens!

    No doubt there are many things to learn with software coding which costs the software development company money while researching ways to achieve certain functions intended to convey some value to the end user.

    Somewhere in that process though, one might wonder who is actually spending the most money during the gradual evolution of the software industry: the developer, or the end user? :roll:

    PS: Although I didn't directly ask you how much you have spent thus far on FS add-ons, which was more expensive: the software purchase, or the software installation/reinstallation/maintenance?

    PPS: Good thing I didn't ask you how much was involved in purchase and labor related to the many other applications you mentioned that you have on your computer! :wink:


  12. Hi All:

    [EDITED=italicized text; mental meltdown after finishing recovery process!]:

    Others here have had problems in FS9 with installing UT USA and Emma Field with outstanding questions about whether problems resulted when Bear Gulch was installed (separate from or as a result of a VOZ 1.2 install) and when UT Enhanced Streams were in use.

    There were also outstanding questions about whether Ranger Creek had a (landclass?) conflict when UT was installed. :idea:

    I just resolved my own UT/Emma Field problems in FS9 and FSX; those interested can read about it here:


    My own travails begin on page 3.. and resolve marvellously on page 4 of of that thread.

    Hope this helps someone else too! :D


  13. Hi Shamir:

    If any of the information in this thread does not directly help you, perhaps posting your question in the MSFS Scenery Design Forum itself as a new Topic would elicit some help? :wink:


    Based on what I saw in your post above at FSDeveloper.com, a few comments might merit consideration here.

    Be sure to click on the "title bar" of the actual window you are trying to capture to a screen shot (screenie), and remember to re-size your screenies within forum limitations!


    If you, for example, have a small window or dialog/message box that has text at too small a size to read when the screenie is resized, click to select just that dialog/message box and capture it to a screenie with {Alt+Print Screen} and paste it into Windows MS Paint per the instructions suggested to you elsewhere in these forums for resizing and saving as a JPG file.

    Then you can enlarge that particular image up to a legible size (within forum screenie limitations of course) so that people can read your text and try to help you further. :roll:

    Hope this helps! :D


  14. During another trip "down on the farm", Uncle Elmer got so drunk on Old #5 with Brewster again, his gender detection was impaired and his inter-species amorous propensities got carried away when he and Brewster reached the "mutual admiration phase" of their drinking session.

    As Brewster was being chased by Uncle Elmer, he kept shouting: "I said... the trigger, Boy, don't 'pullet'!" :mrgreen:



  15. OK Guys:

    I think I've got just what "Doc" ordered: a singing Wabbit Extwavaganza! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    If that isn't sufficiently modern, try this:


    Enjoy! :P

    PS: Uh Oh... First a Wabbit in tights... and now Uncle Elmer and the Wabbit too? :shock:

    Did the rumors start here? :?:


    "Uncle Elmer of course, had always been rumored to have a very open mind about where he sought romance regardless of species, so he felt he would give it a try, after all he was out of the PNW on vacation, and Brewster's mischievous spirit and the 170 proof spirit of his Old #5 had put him into the mood for Love."


  16. Geez, now you guys got me goin' with the fancy words again! :P

    Funny how the winter doldrums and cabin fever fan the flames of inquistiveness. :idea:

    Pups when I chased your last link , I noticed in the left menu list a link to this page:


    Strangely captivating reading; uh-oh... I feel the Muse's influence beginning to work in the background of my mind again. :shock:

    Might not be too long 'til I am in the grips of that odd compulsion to write more "silly" stories for the EFFC forum again! :wink:


  17. That's the spirit, Chris... keep the spark glowing brightly doing what we all love, and let nothing hold you back! :D

    I'll try to "look in" live if I get a chance to figure all this new mutiplayer info out in time. :wink:

    Otherwise, I hope to see a some great screenies afterwards like the Emma fly-in that you had coordinated so well.

    I had hoped to lend a hand being a "virtual photographer", but I guess I'm not quite ready yet, what with my being completely new to the process and all; maybe I'll be ready next time. :roll:

    Happy Flying guys! :P


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