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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. Hee Hee Hee... Gawd, I'm findin' it harder and harder ta' get up off the floor laughin at your posts guys! :lol:

    Francois: Isn't "BILLA" the European division of "Beef'A'Roo?" :wink:

    Hey Bill: Did the people behind the guy with the donkey cart tell him to get his a$$ in gear and get out of the way?!!! :twisted:

    BTW, Bill: 10 pound balls! :shock: No wonder you had the 'Cojones' to do all those Emma add-ons!

    Hmmm... lets see: "J" is pronounced as "H" in spanish... Coho Salmon Balls... Cojones! :mrgreen:

    (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cajones )

    Pups: Must be the "lure" of the "fly" that attracts 'em! :oops: Or maybe they just want to be his "chum"! :P

    (see: http://www.wholehealthmd.com/refshelf/f02,00.html )

    Hey Cecil: I think this is the Barbie we all know and love; Mindy's new friend when she was out in California for her "screen test", she spent some time on the beach over the weekend with the unctious 'Shecky Greenbaum'. The big question is, what's in that bottle she's holding: Evian Water, Vodka, or baby oil for tanning? :lol:

    Believe it or not Barbie was supposed to be a pilot too! :? (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbie )

    (Or did I just totally miss the "Barbie cue" there?) :?:



  2. Look for our ‘Homo-Bromo-Promo’; it’s in the dairy isle.

    ROFLMAO Pups! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    But I think with my dairy protein sensitivity I'll just have to pass that one up :!:

    "So, hurry on down"... thats the phrase I remember one of the SCTV characters using in their "cable TV ad"; hilarious! :D


  3. ROFL Pups! :lol:

    Reminds me of the SCTV characters portraying a stoic "country-fied" couple trying to be motivational to prospective consumers by advertising their various sales promotions on cable TV ad spots. Pretty funny stuff from a fine canadian comedy troupe a few years ago.

    Hey Francois, as a fellow sufferer of periodic migraines since I was a child, I sympathize. I personally found over the years that I had a sensitivity to cheese, ice cream and beef food antigens if I consumed them too often in a week's time, or even in a large portion at one sitting. And like anyone else, I would get a 'non-migraine' headache from non-topshelf booze with a lot of residual toxins in it (like in Uncle Elmer's hooch.) Now that I'm older and have more "cents", I only consume the better brands and specify the mixes to be used by the bartender during the occasional "attitude adjustment" outing with friends. I certainly can't claim to be widely experienced with this, and I never drank booze periodically until I was 30 years old, but I found the better the brand, the less side effects I would have the morning (and day!) after some spirited indulgences.

    For me, within a day or so after a dietary indiscretion with the offending foods above, I would get what medical science now knows to be a delayed type IV hypersensitivity reaction (different than a classic familial "atopic" allergy) with a resultant migraine. Prolonged or transient episodic high tension stress would also sometimes bring on my headaches too. (You haven't been through a lot of high tension stress lately have ya'?) :roll:

    I tried a number of medications over the years since I was younger, but I found generic Ibuprofen (taken according to the printed accompanying instructions) worked the best for me (that's only because I am not sensitive to aspirin and structurally-related drugs; people with asthma would need to assess their risk with this too, and furthermore, prolonged use can block the benefit to the cardiovascular system otherwise provided by low dose aspirin intake). I usually get no results with Tylenol (acetaminophen), but I must say I did get some non-headache pain relief from the 1,000 mg. doses of Extra Strength Tylenol I took alternatively with 500 mg. doses of Ibuprofen for my recent toothache. Good thing the alcohol from my recent office party was cleared from my system before my toothache began, because now it has been discovered that some people experience liver damage if both alcohol and acetaminophen are in one's system at the same time; not a good idea to treat a 'tanked-up' headache with Tylenol/Acetaminophen after too much Uncle Elmer's gang! I have also gotten relief from a series of Chiropractic spinal adjustments and have at times experienced relief from Acupuncture treatments; and my program of dietary discretion and stress management has been my best preventative for my particular migraine problems.

    As one may find out from web research, there are several other types of medications which are also used for headaches, and every person's situation may be different, so one should of course check with their physician at some point to be sure their headache symtom pattern does not warn of other more serious problems. :idea:

    Francois, I hope you will be feeling better soon, mon ami. :)


  4. Hi Andy:

    Aha! :!: So that explains both the residual toxins and the "incorruptibility" of Uncle Elmer's earthly remains after he was rumored to have fallen into the mash tank; (I knew he was in reality just "incorrigible" instead!) :idea: I guess the trace amounts of formaldehyde was the lazy man's way of dealing with the seasonal change of microbial flora that occurs because the Deter Family never gets around to cleaning out the mash tank! :(

    Well, maybe its a good thing that Fritz is planning some changes in the moon shine operation soon; perhaps then we'll not have to eat so much Limberger cheese to "Deter" the "Premature Evacuation" Pups was talkin' about! :?

    Fritz can then go even more cosmopolitan with the bar cheese and what he serves on the clubhouse menu now that he's got his "Ginzu" knife set and he's started his recent "Home Gourmet" telecourses from the Seattle community college district on the new Satellite TV. :D

    Wow, things are really looking up here at Emma; who knows, maybe someday we'll get flush toilets at the clubhouse , and we can fill in the latrine pit so we don't have to keep running that clattering bathroom exhaust fan all the time! :lol:



  5. Hey Fritzois:

    You must be pretty good with a hatchet if you can hit a fly with it! :shock:

    Now tell me the truth, is that the bargain priced cheap australian sausage you got from the "Beef'A'Roo" representative, or did you start thinning out the prolific wild life around Emma to make "PNW PUPS" for the grill? :?:

    Or maybe we could call them "Wabbit Wieners" or "Hare Dogs" !!! :lol:


  6. Hi Cecil:

    I forgot about that; maybe it was Chez Fritz preparing some hot wings to perfect the recipe for formal introduction at the Emmapocalypse "attitude adjustment" hour! :oops:

    Nah! Brewster retired to San Diego, CA; relaxing on the beach, sipping a Corona... watching seagulls with a very keen eye! :roll:

    Apparently he gave up trying for the Buzzards in Texas when the competition got "stiff"; said something about a guy wearing an aviator's cap and glasses from England by way of Germany and Greece?!!! :lol:


  7. Hi Pups:

    Looks like it may be time for Fritz to release his new type of hooch named "F-Rations" for the "performance" conscious guys. :P

    As we all know, Uncle Elmers E-Rations was good for both "rectal dysfunction" and "premature evacuation".:wink:

    Fritz's F-Rations (commercially to be known as "AVIAGRAINE") is good for both the man's "e-rectal dysfunction" and the woman's "headache". For the concerned pilot it also helps "Deter" vulnerability to sudden glide slope changes resulting from a series of microbursts while "at the controls". :lol:


  8. Oh, I get it... he's holding a hat-chet! :D

    I guess that "rant" I unleashed on the forum the other day really set him off; I'd better watch my back! :oops:

    Nah! Probably he was just preparing the fixin's for some "Wabbit" stew! :???:

    Might be the new European look for the "Marlboro Man": a 'Chrome Pony' instead of a horse, a straw hat instead of a Stetson, a fleece garment instead of wrangler's chaps, and a hatchet instead of a gun! :lol:

    But, then again, maybe THAT's what really happened to Uncle Elmer... :roll:

    More than likely, its just Fritz putting some oak staves together while making aging barrels to impart a "new taste" to Uncle Elmers hooch. :P

    He might be getting ready to deploy his new still and the brewing technique that he learned behind the Iron Curtain. :cool:

    PS: Rather than speculate, I should probably just 'axe' him what he's doin'! :mrgreen:


  9. Hi Chris:

    I really like your screen shots with the smoke effect. I've got another mischevous screenie post I'm planning, but I can't get the smoke to trail out very far behind the plane in question before it dissipates and sinks to the ground. :?

    I probably should know the answer to this already as I ask you of all people, but is the secret to the longer trail your speed before you grab the frame? :?:

    Thanks for sharing a little of your expertise with us beginners, if you would! :roll:


  10. So Fritzois, as you keep quiet about the still, you're going to "keep it under your hat" until the last possible minute?!!! :?:

    Or are you describing a newer, high capacity still which doesn't make all those boiling sounds while it works day and night to meet the ever increasing consumption around Emma and Dexter's? :shock:

    Perhaps its just the clever way the Dutch envision the production of the really "good" booze: conducted in a quiet, undercover manner like Uncle Elmer has been doing all along. :wink:

    Hmmm... is "Deter" a Dutch name? Maybe Uncle Elmer learned his methods from the same proud family traditions that gave birth to the Ketel One product line, only with a lot more flavor and toxins! :lol:


  11. Hey Chris maybe you can do a Gmax of the Wiener Car for starters and put a laser cannon in the end of the wiener :oops:

    Aw, might as well go for it... a water cannon. I'm sure there's a way to change the water color for a water bomber effect to yellow!!! :lol:

    I can see it now... "Faced with 'stiff' competition, the L&M Forces whipped out their secret weapon just to 'pi$$ off' the F'N'S Forces who were trying to use their flame throwers." :lol:


  12. Hi Francois:

    Are you saying we still need a still even though we have the infamous Uncle Elmers "electric" still? :shock:

    Still, you did say you needed a new still; in't the current still... still good? :?:

    Be still my heart, for I shall miss the electric current still... still more than you can know. How can I instill some sense of how I would still long for the electric still whose memory lingers on still? :cry:

    But, I am sure, inherent in your distilled wisdom as tenured honcho of Emma Field, you have a good, yet still undisclosed reason for what is still to come. :mrgreen:

    PS: I kinda like that title: "The Tenured Honcho of Emma Field"; could be another story line there...! :idea:


  13. Hi Chris:

    Thanks for the vote of confidence... the Star Wars Speeder Bike would make a pretty cool acrobatic aircraft wouldn't it? 8)

    Regrettably my skills do not yet include making aircraft, although as a joke one time, I did skin a Cessna 172 core MDL file with a flyable version of the Oscar Mayer Wiener Wagon, :oops: (a popular hot dog brand here in the US)

    see: http://www.allamericanhotdog.com/photgallery2.htm

    It actually flew, but that was back in FS2002 and I don't know if I still have the files. I thought it might be fun to have it come for the festivities at Emma sometime! :P

    Eventually I hope to learn how to repaint like you do, and to make aircraft seriously like Bill Lyons and Joe Binka; my must do list includes the Lake Amphibian LA4-200 EP in the exact paint and with the exact panel that I do my real world flying in. :D


  14. Hi Madaz:

    Nice of you comment on the prototype speed bike; and I see what you mean with the caliber difference. However, I think General Bill Dick will be planning some surprises for the L&M Forces.

    PS: F'N'S intel spotted some more suspicious activity, this time an Air America PC6 Turbo Porter. Wonder what's goin' on... :wink:

    And yep, time for more E-Rations! :D

    PSx2: Hmmm... M.A.D.A.Z.: Mutually Assured Destruction And Zeal?!!!



  15. Hi Madaz:

    Your "Fritz Whaler" above underplays the L&M Forces armamentarium to lull the F'N'S Forces into vulnerable complacency. :roll:

    But, F'N'S rebel force intel spotted a "L&M Emmapire" Storm Trooper on a Speeder Bike patrolling the Emma Field perimeter :lol:



  16. Bill, you sly dog! Looks like you were working on this all along; talk about covert ops, buddy! :D

    Well, I feel a little better knowing some further Emma mischief is in the works. I was about to swear off using the keyboard until my current condition improved more, because I thought I wasn't communicating with sufficient clarity, tact, and consideration for all parties concerned. But I'm glad I checked back again this evening to see your posts. :P

    Thanks for following up on this everyone, and I hope to make amends on my "mega-rant" tomorrow. :roll:

    PS: Woody, I also think another airstrip a little farther away, but still in Emma's "day trip" range would be great. Personally, I have been eyeing Ross Lake in the Eastern border of North Cascades National Park at 135 miles from Emma and 55 miles from Darrington. Its an interesting site as it spans the US-Canada border, has Hozomeen Mountain nearby in the Mt. Baker National Forest area rising more than a mile into the sky from Ross Lake/Skagit River, with boat ramps and some interesting scenery such as mountain lakes large enough to land an amphibian in them. I was hoping maybe Bill Dick still had another Washington scenery in him before he leaves for Europe! :wink:


  17. Gentlemen:

    You are very kind; I only hope that I also spoke for the many Emma Field users out there who are still lurking but not posting, as I was until the beginning of this year. Probably there's a few that wish I'd go back to "just lurking" right about now, but I figured it had to be said. :)

    I also wanted to keep fannin' them fires for a mighty fun Emmapocalypse sometime soon! Bill: before ya' go buildin' a new Emma to lure folks off'n the farm now that they done come home for the first time in over a year or so, how's about constructin' them embattlements ya' mentioned? I'll certainly enjoy seeing another one of your ingenious creations wherever and whenever you build it, but I was sorta anticipating we'd have a little more mischief here before things get too quiet at Emma again! :roll:

    Here's hoping for some more Emma "PNW" comeraderie! :D


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