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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. Hi Madaz (and Cecil):

    ROFL at the Church sign and Wolves!!! :lol:

    Yup, Fritzois is the official chronicler of all goings-on at Emma; in addition to his beta agreement with Microsoft, he is the official U.N. representative in the impending melee' because we haven't seen much of "Kofi On'and'on" lately! :D

    BTW, since Pups says I got put in charge of some of the physical facilities all by myself because we don't see so much of Nick C, I had to delegate some of the work to "volunteers" from the Native American community down Hwy. 101 at Skokomish.

    I asked them to "get some T.P." and "clear up some of the brush at the approach to runway 18"; this is what we ended up with !!! :oops:

    Well, we'd been getting a lot of complaints anyway, and the stories of some of the near misses had spread into their nation, so they erected some memorials to the notables of Emma Field... I hope everyone likes the new view! :mrgreen:



  2. ROFLMAO yet again!!! :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Pups, I especially liked the part about the beans and frank. :P But lets be frank with one another... first you be Frank, then I'll be Frank! :roll: :D

    But seriously, Skinny Puppy

    I'll bet even V.P. Cheney will borrow a computer when visiting the 'Pentagon' because he can't wait to sit down to another 'round' of drinks and a 'square meal' so he can read about the plot twist in your Part 3 involving a love 'triangle' with Madaz! :mrgreen:


  3. OK, you asked for it!

    So Cecil and the bartender pick up Pups :!: (pickuppups?) from the floor and carry him to the "pilot's ready room" behind the bar and put him on the old army surplus cot to sleep it off next to all the canned food, rat poison, rabbit traps, 'cartouche' boxes, stacks of old PC Pilot and Computer Pilot magazines, mixologist's supplies, and small drums with "XXX" and "E-Rations" stenciled on them.

    Cecil, having been watching all the goings-on from the other end of the room, and having nearly been struck by the flying Pepsi can as it crossed the bar where he sat, now sits down next to Mindy and Barbie as Pups makes like Paul Bunyan and saws some canadian logs in the background. Cecil introduces himself to the girls, in response to which Barbie immediately giggles and says: "Oh, CECIL... like in the cartoon Beany and Cecil?" (see: http://www.toonopedia.com/beany.htm and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beany_and_Cecil ).

    Cecil blushes :oops:, but maintains his cool and replies: "No, more like Cecil B. DeMille the famous director!"

    (see: http://www.cecilbdemille.com/ ) Mindy chimes in: "Oh, I know him, he's the director of 'King of Queens', right?"

    Cecil tries to conceal his "up-chuckle" like Pups did by clearing his throat: "Ahem...Well, you might say that; actually Cecil B. DeMille directed movies, not TV shows."


    "I was going to be a hollywood starlet once" saids Barbie. "Oh", Cecil replied, "Tell me about what happened...". Barbie said her mother enrolled her in a lot of beauty pageants when she was a growing up in Seattle, and when she got to be 21, her agent over at "Q-D Talent" in the Northgate Shopping Center said they had a lead with a contact in Hollywood for a TV pilot of a "Police Detective" situation comedy, that she should go there and try out for the part.

    Barbie continued saying:"I took an early Friday morning flight to L.A., and when I got to the airport there was this guy in a uniform with a sign that read "Barbie" who waved at me to come over by him, so I followed him and all these other girls to a bus that was waiting outside. They were all blonde, blue eyed, and dressed like airline stewardesses. (aka flight attendants!). Just as the bus driver shouted 'All aboard for the Barbie look-alike contest at Mattel's ad agency', some well-dressed guy with dark glasses, a lot of men's jewelry, and slicked-back hair walked up and said 'Excuse me miss, but aren't you the girl from "Q-D Talent" in Seattle?" 'Why, yes I am!" I replied.' The guy said: 'Hi, I'm Shecky Greenbaum, your liason with the studio producing the TV pilot, and I'm here to take you to your casting call.' "


    Barbie said he took her to the studio, but she didn't make second casting call, so Shecky consoled her by taking her out to lunch. They seemed to hit it off quite well, and she liked the exhiliration of possibly living a "Hollywood lifestyle" as Shecky called it. Barbie said Shecky also wanted to treat her to some shopping on "Rodeo Drive" in Beverly Hills so she could see what it was like. After window shopping a while, a cool breeze started blow, and Barbie said she was getting to be a little embarassed because of her revealing outfit she wore to the casting call that morning. "Don't you worry", Shecky said, "I'll take good care of you!", and he directed her into a fancy boutique she remembered had a French name: "Furrier's", she said it was.

    "'Show the lady your finest mink!' Shecky said to the clerk; so the clerk went in the back and came out with an absolutely gorgeous full-length coat", Barbie continued, "As I tried the coat on, the clerk went up close to Shecky, and I heard him whisper something about the price being $65,000; my mind just went blank at that point, but I remember hearing Shecky say: 'No problem! I'll write you a check!' The clerk said: 'Very good sir; today is Friday, you may come by on Monday to pick it up, after the check has cleared.' So we left, and with my head swimming in all the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, we ended up spending a whirlwind weekend together; but without going into any details, lets just say Shecky opened up my eyes to a lot of new things!" said Barbie.

    "On Monday, we went back to the store for the coat, and the clerk seemed very upset; he said to Shecky: 'How dare you show your face in here?!!! ...There wasn't a single penny in your checking account!!!' Shecky got a really strange smirk on his face and said to the clerk: 'I just had to come by to thank you for the most wonderful weekend of my life!'. Then he said to me: 'Well, baby, I guess we'd better get you to the airport for your flight back to Seattle!' "

    "What a jerk I thought to myself; but... if he doesn't have any money, I guess I'll just have to try coming back some other time!" Barbie said. "By now it was almost evening, so after Shecky dropped me at the airport, I used all but my last $5.00 to take a flight back to Seattle; I was exhausted from the long weekend in L.A., so I was counting on sleeping all the way back."


    Barbie continues her story: "On the way back there was one of the other girls from the "Barbie Bus" and we got to talking since we were still so excited from our big weekends in L.A.. We were only 15 minutes into the flight, and the captain announced: '1 of the engines has failed and the flight will be an hour longer; but don't worry, we have 3 engines left'. Then 30 minutes later, the captain announced: '1 more engine has failed and the flight will be 2 hours longer; but don't worry, we have 2 engines left'. Finally 1 hour later the capain announced: '1 more engine has failed and the flight will be 3 hours longer; but don't worry, we have 1 engine left'. Well, when I heard that I got really disgusted, and I turned to the other girl from the "Barbie Bus" and said: 'If we lose one more engine, we'll be up here all evening'. The other girl said: 'Yeah, sounds like it to me too; I just don't want to get home too late 'cause I want to watch the late showing of Oprah Winfrey... Dr. Phil's the guest again tonite!'


    When Cecil returned with a sparkle in his eyes, Barbie and Mindy had just decided that the calorie had gone into the second glass because it was "heavier" than the cola that poured into the first glass since it would have "settled" to the bottom of the can before she opened it up. Bored, Mindy then took the can, crumpled it end-to-end between her her two palms, made a perfect toss into the waste can on the other side of the clubhouse by the dartboard, and burped with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Then she said to Barbie: "Looks like those chest exercizes we've been doing are starting to produce results!"

    Cecil sat back down next to the girls and jokingly said to Barbie: "So thank heavens you didn't lose your last engine; ...did the rest of the flight go OK for you? Barbie replied: "Yeah, except for what happened later..."

    <...Just then a hand appeared from behind and below the bar holding a shot glass; "Powerhouse...!, I want... more... Powerhouse...!" the voice was that of the Pupmeister, who had been awakened by the clatter of the bathroom exhaust fan through the wall in the "pilot's ready room"> :shock:

    "Last call for alcohol" shouted the bartender out into the clubhouse; then looking down behind the bar at Pups he said "...and you sir, are cut off for tonite". Mindy and Barbie looked at their matching aerobic heart rate monitor watches, and said they had better get home, it was almost time for Oprah to come on, and they wanted to see Dr. Phil do a "smackdown" with a woman who had a really bad shopping addiction.



  4. Hi Bill!

    Nope, I figgered 'ya knew I was just joshin' everybody, and the coincidence was the amazing thing. But I must give credit where credit is due: Francois first used the name "Mindy" on page 1 of this thread! :D

    I bet he knew your daughter's name from one of your prior posts, or perhaps some communication you two might have had in the past. <...can't ...let anyone discover my real superpowers; ...too dangerous; ...must pretend to be "normal"> :lol: :lol: :lol:

    CONSPIRACY THEORY: Maybe Phil told Francois as a part of some yet to be revealed insidious plot. What with this bein' the "LAST DAYS" before the apocalypse at Emma (if everybody's not too busy to participate!) 'ya never know what's goin' on in people's minds! :twisted:


  5. Well Chris, how are we supposed to stage an apocalypse on an orderly schedule if you're gonna be outa' town too? JEEZ!!! :shock:

    (How many here are old enough <...or young enough!> to remember the Peace movement poster slogan: "What if they gave a war and nobody came?" )

    Shucks, I'll just have to improvise. Looks like Cecil's off to a good start though! Hmmm... lemmee see.

    I'll get back to you on this, gang! :twisted:

    OK, I think I've got it...: The apocalypse will be delayed due to prior commitments on the part of key participants! All Emma Field Lean & Mean forces and Fat'N'Sassy Forces are hereby declared to be on holiday truce!

    Enjoy the spring weather!

    PS: With Fritz out of town, we'll probably have to hire some temporary help from the Skokomish Indian reservation :wink:


  6. Hey Pups:

    At least you guys have the sense to label humans according to gender! Remember, its the U.S. that originated the expression: "MONTANA... WHERE MEN ARE MEN, ...AND SHEEP ARE NERVOUS!" :twisted:

    I think her jacket says SHE RIFF. According to hits on Google, RIFF could mean either slang for a "musical idea", or a "big-endian" format characterized by "lossy, slow-encoding storage of information". :lol: (a "blonde" file format?)

    Whoops, I'd better be careful! I might end up flying folded into a pet cage on a trans-canadian freight run on Con-Air! :shock:

    PS: Thought you'd appreciate the notoriety as a regular at Emma's clubhouse. Wait till I dream up the story about your guest appearance as a judge on the Food Channel's "Iron Chef" program when it does a road show with "Chez Fritz" at Emma! :lol:


  7. Sufferin' succotash Bill!

    Whoops!!! :oops: Im'a no lika' da' sizea' dat sidearm!!! No offense intended Bill... guess I just tuned in on a "synchronistic wavelength" after I got inspired by the charming young lady pic I stumbled across during a google search the other day. :wink:

    You must be very proud of your daughter, and obviously she disproves the blonde theory these posts have been having some well-intended fun with (sort of a "making fun of the the stereoptype itself" rather than anything meant to be derogatory). :)

    Remind me to behave when I visit BC in the future. But just for a little more fun though, "Conair" is a popular brand of hairdryer here in the USA!!! :twisted:

    PS: "Mindy" eh? ...SHEESH!!! Francois, ya' tricked me into that one all right! :roll: Have a good one, and take care, mon ami! :lol:


  8. Well, Skinny Puppy was sitting at the bar in the clubhouse the other day watching the last few minutes of the football pre-game show on the new 60 inch plasma screen satellite TV. He had just flown in from Winnipeg in his "tricked out" F-16, and his butt was sore from the landing shock on Emma's runway 18.

    All of a sudden, who walks in but Fritz's daughter Mindy, with her new acquaintance, the blonde bombshell lady police officer "Barbie" who recently released Mindy from her speeding citiation as a "professional courtesy" because she realized after looking at her "I.D." that Mindy was "a law enforcement officer also". ('Yep, Barbie's ex-boyfriend lives in "Kenmore"!) The girls then proceeded to sit down next to "Pups" just as the game is starting.

    "Oh, a football game, I've never seen one of these before!" says Mindy. "Me neither" says Barbie, "Lets watch it!" The two blondes decided to split a can of Diet Pepsi because they are really into watching their weight, and they just got back from doing aerobics at the "Lean & Mean" fitness center in the old storefront next to the Lilliwaup grocery/gas station/liquor shop. Mindy opened the can, and poured half the contents into her own glass, and half into her friend's glass.


    Before tossing the Pepsi can across the clubhouse bar into the waste can next to the pool table with stunning accuracy, Mindy stopped to read the nutritional information on the side. "'Only one calorie per can'," she read aloud.

    "Hmm," murmured Barbie; "I wonder which glass has the calorie?"

    Barbie told Mindy proudly about how she methodically came up with the answers to the first questions they asked her, and how Mindy might want to remember how she did it in case she wanted to apply for a detective job too so they could be "partners". She figured since Mindy already "looked the part" and was such a "crack shot" with the 12 gauge shotgun that she would be a natural for detective work, besides, she had seen how "Cagney and Lacey" had gotten along so well on TV.

    Anyway, Barbie said that when the interviewer asked: "So, miss, can you tell us your age, please?", she counted carefully on her fingers before replying: "Ehh... 26!".

    She said the interviewer then asked: "Can you tell us your height, please?", so she stood up, took a measuring tape from her handbag, put one end under her foot and extended the tape to the top of her head, checked the measurement, and announced: "Five foot three!"

    Barbie then said when they asked her: "What was your name please?" she bobbed her head from side to side for about twenty seconds, mouthing something silently to herself so the interviewer couldn't hear her, then she replied: "Barbie".

    She said the interviewer seemed completely baffled at this stage, then he asked: "Just out of curiosity, miss: we can understand your counting on your fingers to work out your age, and the measuring tape for your height is obvious, but what were you doing when we asked you your name?"

    Barbie said she felt at that point honesty was the best policy, after all she was going to be in a position of greater responsibility as a detective, so she said: "Ohh that!", "That's just me running through 'happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...' to be sure I got the right answer!"

    Then, Barbie said, she had her interview with the sheriff himself. After a series of questions to which she thought she might have had the "wrong answers", the sheriff asked her one final question: "Now, listen carefully: Who killed Abraham Lincoln?"

    Barbie said she felt a little surprised, then thought really hard for a minute and finally admitted: "I don't know!"

    So the sheriff said "Well, why don't you go home and work on that one for a while?"

    So she met Mindy at the fitness center later, and now here they were at Emma Field. Barbie seemed as though she just couldn't couldn't be happier. "I was afraid I didn't get approved during the interview with the sheriff until the very end. But now, apparently it's my first day on the job, and it went great..." she said, "...I'm already working on a murder case!"


    Barbie then told Mindy about her trip to Cancun Mexico last winter. She was still new on her job as a traffic cop, and what with only being paid that rural Washington state cop's salary, she could just barely afford the trip. But she'd been watching Dr. Phil's TV show and doing his "Self Matters Workbook" positive affirmations to get up the nerve to book the trip; she was determined to go.

    Barbie said that she finally bought an exclusive non-stop "coach" ticket from Seattle to Cancun. When she got onboard, she decided she'd try taking one of the empty seats up in first class to enjoy her trip, after all, she was a deserving over-worked, underpaid public servant, so she sat down there.

    She said before too long, the stewardess came over saying: "Ma'am your ticket says coach, and you must move to the coach area". But, Barbie said, she just decided to "go for it" and repeated her affirmation outloud: "I'm blonde, beautiful, and going to Cancun".

    Again, the stewardess says: "Ma'am, you must move to the coach area". Again Barbie said: "I'm blonde, beautiful, and going to Cancun".

    The stewardess goes over and gets the head stewardess. The head stewardess comes over and says "Ma'am you must move to coach." Again Barbie said "I'm blonde, beautiful, and going to Cancun".

    The stewardesses look at each other and decide to go get the captain. The captain comes over and says: "Ma'am your ticket says coach, and you must move to the coach area". Barbie just said: "I'm blonde, beautiful, and going to Cancun". The captain shook his head, then after a brief moment of thought, he bent down and whispered in her ear.

    Barbie finished her story by saying to Mindy: "After what I heard from him, I jumped up, grabbed my luggage, went back to the coach area, and sat down".

    Mindy looked quizically at Barbie, and asked: "Just what did the captain say to you?" Barbie replied: "The captain said that first class wasn't going to Cancun."

    "Oh, that must have been embarrassing" said Mindy sympathetically, "How were you supposed to know that first class wasn't actually going there too?"

    "Oh, I really liked it," Mindy replied, "especially the cute guys with all the big muscles, but we both just couldn't understand why they were killing each other over 25 cents."

    Dumbfounded, the artist formerly known as Skinny Puppy then asked, "What do you mean?"

    Barbie blurted out their answer: "Well, we saw them flip a coin and one team got it and then for the rest of the game, all they kept screaming was: 'Get the quarterback! Get the quarterback!'; Well, Helloooo... It's only 25 cents!"

    Pups summarily passed out and fell backward off his bar stool!!! :mrgreen:


  9. ROFLMAO 6297J !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I gotta have me one of those T-Shirts for flying up to Lake Wisconsin this summer!

    How about this one... Cheney's face on a T-Shirt with the caption: "Go drinking with Cheney... the shots are on him!" :D

    or: "Go drinking with Cheney... the shots are ta' kill ya' !!!" (tequila) 8)


  10. Actually his name is Dick Cheney, but when he gets a gun in his hands, everyone shouts "DUCK"!!! :mrgreen:

    Even if he and his companion hunters are out after quail, pheasant, or geese, they still refer to hunting with V.P. Cheney as "DUCK HUNTING" :lol: :lol: :lol:

    PS: For those who might have missed the news a few weeks ago, U.S. Vice president Dick Cheney was reportedly out hunting with some friends, and it was likely the entire hunting party had been taking quite a few snorts from their hip flasks "to keep warm". His old friend, a lawyer, goes off in front of the party to retrieve a bird from the nearby vegetation without getting an acknowledgement from all in the party (always a good idea to let a short hunting dog do the retrieving!). Apparently Cheney fired at a "target opportunity" and some of the buckshot scatter struck his old friend, hospitalizing him for a few days. The incident wasn't reported until later that day; some said it was because they all wanted the alcohol to clear their systems before the mandatory hunting gunshot injury investigation could be conducted! :shock:

    PS-x2: Some might say Cheney is a mean-spirited excuse for a V.P.; others think he's setting a good example, after all, the guy he shot was an attorney!!! :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol:


  11. Word on the street is that in more recent years "Mindy" had developed a somewhat different reputation for flying with an "unbalanced load" of "top-heavy cargo", and for her skills at working the stick in the rear seat! :oops:

    After Fritz got his big workman's compensation settlement from his job at Kenmore's Seaplane service department, Fritz was still was only just getting started in real estate in the Lilliwaup/Lake Cushman area, and he was looking for some extra work to help get the money together for developing an airfield someday. :wink:

    He took his daughter Mindy with him to apply for a job in the service hangar over at Boeing Field. Mindy, then in her early pre-teens, was asked to sit quietly on the plush leather couch in the lobby just down the short hallway from the office where Fritz was being interviewed. Being notoriously as "hyperexcitable" as her father, she soon became bored and started bouncing up and down on the couch while repeatedly chanting "BOEING! BOEING!! BOEING!!! BOEING!!!!....." as her voice got louder and louder. :?

    Mindy, her blonde hair flying and her blue eyes staring blankly as if in a trance, appeared to forget where she was, and even Fritz's interviewer down the hall began to hear the noise as her voice got louder while she jumped up and down on the couch. Fritz, whose hearing had not been at its best since he flew back country cargo VFR in bush planes with out earphones in his early years, was oblivious to the increasing noise down the hall. :roll:

    Annoyed by the goings on, a Boeing employee stepped out of his office behind the wall where Mindy was doing her "aerobics" , came out into the lobby, and shouted "BE SILENT!" :!:

    There was a pin-drop silence immediately as Mindy stopped, sat down, and appeared to be reflecting on the "error" of her ways. Satisfied, the Boeing employee stepped back into his office.

    Just as the Boeing worker sat down to resume his work, he suddenly heard bouncing again as Mindy began shouting "...OEING! ...OEING!! ...OEING!!! ....OEING!!!!". :lol:

    Suffice it to say that Fritz's efforts to get ahead in the real estate profession gained momentum that day, and Fritz hasn't been seen wearing any caps with a Boeing logo since then. ...And Mindy took a liking to bouncing around on couches at airfields! :mrgreen:


  12. Hi All!

    Remember this post mentioning "publicity pix" of Katy with the DeHavilland DHC-2 over by the cabin on Lake Cushman?: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.py&start=45

    Well, I just got some pix back that I had taken to the photolab for some of the guys over at the clubhouse, and I got mixed up about which roll belonged to Whom?!!!

    Anybody know if this Katy's publicity pix, or Fritz's elusive "undocumented" daughter sunbathing over at the cabin?



  13. Hi Phil:

    Yes, please share your creativity with us , and let everyone enjoy the ambiance of the new add-on at Emma Field. :cry:

    A lot of us Washington state flyers enjoy Diamond Point even though we didn't all get a chance for "virtual ownership" there. Why restrict this latest Emma scenery to such a small group of "virtual hangar owners" knowing that the majority of the 1000+ EFFC members would not have been able to experience your newest add-on, whereas all the prior non-commercial add-ons for Emma have (to the best of my knowledge) been un-restricted and/or freeware? :?:

    Here's hoping to try out the new runway without being a member of the "elite"! :roll:


  14. Hi Wayne:

    Glad to hear you invested in UT-USA; because it was based on 90 meter source data according to Holger, you should be fairly happy with how it will align relative to your FSG 76meter mesh. But I encourage you, if you're a "virtual scenery lover" like me, to consider upgrading to a 30 meter terrain mesh.

    If, like me, you're waiting to see what the performance reviews will be for FSX before you decide on the type of hardware upgrade actually to be necessary, you could still see a great difference in FS9 using a 30 meter mesh without a performance hit as long as you keep the mesh complexity slider at no more than 96% as recommended by Steve Greenwood at FS-Traveler and Justin Tyme at FSGenesis.

    Again, if you're a scenery buff like me, you might well be amazed with the enhanced autogen objects and particularly the trees which border the fields and some streets in BEV. You may wish to check out their extensive screenshot gallery for further consideration to carry you through until the absolutely amazing looking autogen scenery for FSX becomes available.

    "Collect the entire set" of FSX screenshots at: http://fsinsider.com/screenshots/default.htm ;

    and: http://www.avsim.com/pages/0106/FSX/fsx_thumbs.html ;

    and checkout this "gorgeous beavershot" :oops: : http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.pscreenshot

    Well, again, good luck with your adventures, and perhaps we'll chat again somewhere!

    Take Care!


  15. Hi Wayne:

    I'm glad you got everything installed OK.

    I assumed Francois had your needs all taken care of, so I went back to my paperwork and never got a chance to re-install Orcas for myself! :?

    Its great to have the ability to fly in FS to the airports you mentioned, and I am confident that you would enjoy the rest of the Georender sceneries from the very earlies to the most current. I am partial to the Washington state series, all within a confortable flying distance of Emma and Orcas.

    In case you didn't know, Georender's Richard Goldstein and Bob Bernstein used to work on freeware sceneries together years ago, and were among the early pioneers colorizing B&W US Geological Survey Digital Aerial Photos to create photorealistic FS sceneries; as such, Bob's FS-Addon Harvey/Monroe is a great package too. You might want to look on AVSIM, Simviation, and Flightsim.com (allnodesarebusy.com---be persistent till you get in!) for their names, and see what Washington state sceneries are out there which have not yet been re-done commercially by Richard, Bob and others.

    Sceneries as old as FS 98 can still be used in FS2004 (with a little tweaking), although of course one could easily get spoiled by the current freeware and commercial offerings. But I like lots of variety during my Washington state flights, so I try to update all my Seattle area airports with whatever is out there, especially those from Holger Sandmann. Even if I have to buy from Lago because SimMarket or FS-Addon doesn't offer it, I would do so to enhance FS. Speaking of Lago, I can recommend Flight Sim Enhancer (FSE) as there are a lot of freeware sceneries for Washington state (and other sites) which were enhanced using FSE to put scenery objects, sound and animation tracks somewhat like Georender and FS-Addon sceneries.

    Although FSX in late 2006 is likely to provide a lot out-of-the-box for a lesser combined price, if you can't wait like the rest of us, I must recommend ---no... I must insist that you buy Ultimate Terrain USA (UT USA) to correct and enhance FS scenery beyond the out-of-the-box experience. Couple that with a 30 meter terrain mesh set from Steve Greenwood at FS-Traveler (probably more extensively tested and corrected), or FS-Genesis, and your level of enjoyment goes up even more! :roll:

    Your autogen objects and trees will be even more enhanced by Bird's Eye View (BEV). Initial reviews are mixed on the Ground Environment (GE) ground textures, but are consistently good for Flight Environment (FE) cloud, water, and sky textures. However, a search in the forums on AVSIM and SimFlight will reveal some comparable excellent freeware files, some by the author of FE, and some by others which could be a nearly equivalent alternative while your budget is spent getting your airports and terrain up to your liking with commercial items. I particularly liked the results I got with combined freeware water files recommended by Holger in the forums. And Bill Lyons' freeware Silver Wings package provides some great VFR ground textures even if you install the other add-ins above.

    But I have to say that my prized sceneries (outside the Emma Field, Orcas and Georender series) in spite of their necessarily long load times, are MegaScenery PNW and MegaScenery San Francisco with the MegaCity module!

    Well, there's a few leads for you to explore as your interest grows; welcome to the world of virtual aviation... and happy flying! :D


  16. Hi Bill & Phil!

    Looks like a great job! :D

    You guys deserve a vacation after all your hard work. I can just see it now:


    Hmmm... could be story line here. May I suggest Cypress Hills/Great Sandy Hills Inter-Provincial Park in Sasatchewan as your first stop? The 600 meter elevation hills there are the highest between Newfoundland and the Rocky Mountains.

    Keep us posted on how things are going!

    < Bill and Phil went up the hill to fetch a pail of Elmer's>

    ('cause he didn't spill a drop!)

    <...And Phil came tumbling after!> (came after him with a tumbler?)

    -about the obscure "tumbler" reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tumbler :wink:

    See what too much U.S. tax paperwork can do to your brain? (Or maybe it was the hooch?) :oops:

    Oh well, as CBris would say: "...hic°°°"!!! :twisted:


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