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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. Hi All:

    Well, it has been 1 week since our beloved Fritzois left us for his adventure "Behind the Iron Curtain" (isn't that curtain getting a bit rusty by now?).

    The initial flurry of mischevous activity has tapered somewhat over the weekend as we all paused to catch our breath and enjoy the spring in the Northern Hemisphere (sorry Madaz!). I was concerned that some of us might become despondent over a lack of posts with the familiar face of our illustrious leader Francois, so I thought I would look through the membership ranks to see who could temporarily fill in as a "surrogate Francois". :shock:

    I think I came up with a good alternate until Francois is back: DON SMITH!.

    (see: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.pperimental)

    With a little digital wizardry and pix from the EFFC forum, I thought seeing this image might keep people from losing hope while Francois takes a well-deserved vacation! :lol:

    Whadya' think? :roll:



  2. Hi Heli!:)

    Many of us lazy americans have shortened the proper English expression "Thank You (often pronounced in Britain as "Than-Kyou" to the one word "Thanks". :roll:

    After former U.S. Vice President Al Gore "invented the internet", some people who were "saving time" by using the "convenient and progressive" new electronic medium (which incidentally required inordinate amounts of time and frustration "typing") decided to speed things up even further by shortening the word thanks to THX and thank you to TY. I always thought the time saved with computers was better used engaging in quality interactions with one another. :D

    After Starbucks and others popularized the extravagant consumption of caffeine-containing beverages so we can speed up life even more, we began to see a decrease of the patience people had for using the computer, reading the screen, and with typing in general; we also began to see a general decline in the quality of interactions with one another. :?

    Now we have people even getting upset to the extent of taking the time to write at length about someone's use of TY rather than thanks! :(

    Now, in some parts of the world Ty is an abbreviation for "Tyrone" a man's first name. But in recent pop culture, Ty is perhaps best known for being the manufacturer of the loveable and eminently collectible "Beabie Babies" (not to be confused with the Beany and Cecil cartoon characters...sorry Cecil!) :wink: (see: http://www.ty.com/newhomein?custid=&r=1145978863 )

    But in american sports history, Ty is synonymous with the reknowned baseball player Ty Cobb, described by some as both a great baseball player and a borderline sociopath. A couple of his more ominous quotes were: "The great American game should be an unrelenting war of nerves" , and "To get along with me, don't increase my tension."

    (see: http://www.cmgworldwide.com/baseball/cobb/quotes.html ) Good thing he wasn't a computer user, huh? :shock:

    What is this world coming to...! But don't feel bad, I think most of us here at EFFC are OK with "TY" because even if you were otherwise in a rush, you took the time to courteously respond in some way with appreciation! :P

    And you know, even Uncle Elmer had his share of stressful days, like when he was out hunting for "Wabbits" and accidentally stumbled across the lair of the famous PNW Bigfoot or as the Indians called it: "Sasquatch"! :mrgreen:

    Take Care Heli!



  3. Hi All:

    I don't know if all of our newer participants know the details from many of our older posts (look at the page numbers listed at the bottom of the main forum page: we're up to 84 now!); there was a mascot previously "chosen" (by default; no other contenders at the time. :)

    Perhaps there would be interest in seeing mascots serve only for terms of specified periods of time (kinda' like U.S. presidents).

    Consider the benefits of a 4 year term limit in regards to current U.S. "mascot" George W. Bush :lol:

    (see: http://politicalhumor.about.com/librarypanzee.htm )

    Here's a list of more notable hits related to the search word mascot at EFFC:






    Whadya' think? :roll:

    PS: I'd like to know what "Sooty" has in his food; can I get some too?!!! :wink:


  4. Well. just remember, Canuckster, that: "ALL YE WHO PARTAKE OF UNCLE ELMER'S DRINK MUST ALSO EAT OF HIS CHEESE" (kinda sounds like one of Fritz's 10 Commandments doesn't it?. :idea:

    Otherwise, you'll have to spend a lot of time on the Emma "Captain's Command Console", and the EFFC spent all it's money on the new control tower, so we don't have a fancy new sanitary pedestal like Cecil has at home. :roll:

    The only web access the Emma pedestal has is "cobwebs", because Fritz is out of town, and I haven't gotten around to cleanin' the johns yet! :lol:


  5. Nah... Nuthin' this fun can be compared to a vice!!! :D

    Nice "sanitary pedestal" ya got there Cecil; I'm jealous... do ya think I can get one of those at IKEA? :roll:

    Well, just tell your wife that 'yer "emptyin' the recycle bin" and "eliminating" spam through your "hardware firewall". :idea:

    Probably works in both directions too; could explain where "crapware" and those buggy Windows updates come from! :lol:


  6. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Cecil and Bill, you guys are verrry funny! :D

    I can't wait to see what happens at Emma next!!! :roll:

    Hmmm... graphic, another yarn, stunt flying... would you say we have a "plethora" of choices on our menu of mischief here? :idea:


  7. ROFLMAO :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Hey Bill, I'm spending so much time on the floor, I might as well start asking for "Powerhouse" at the bar; without the codeword, they'll think I'm just another "over-tanked" regular at the clubhouse!!! :D

    I especially liked the "Cheese Factory" reference! :P

    Thanks for another good'un! :twisted:


  8. Hi Skymaster:

    Whoops... Thanks, I almost forgot! :oops:

    The Skokomish Nation said there would have to be some "concessions" for their contributions to Emma Field, so I bargained as best I could to get some help while Fritzois was gone. I figured with all the other hangar building going on, we could spare a few of our older ones. :wink:

    The Native American entrepreneurs said they wanted it close to the clubhouse so they could "entertain them damn foreigners" after they'd had some of Honorary Chief Elmer's "firewater". :?

    I hope everybody likes the result; those Indians drive a pretty hard bargain! :lol:

    PS: Don Smith rode his motorcycle all the way out from Missoula Montana where he was taking care of Madaz' adopted Caribou for him (that's Don parked to the left); he said he wanted to try his luck at something run by the Skokomish since he lost so much money in the Potawatomi Bingo Casino in Milwaukee! 8)



  9. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Pups, 'yer killin' me!!! That was great!

    You're too kind referring to my Meteorism; I should be so lucky... after sitting in front of this computer so much lately, my condition has fulminated into a case of full blown "As$teroids"! :shock:

    Although I have always tried to appreciate the value of "hind sight" when my perspective on life is "in arrears", rather than as$piring to Proctology, I butted my way into a number of places where I might be described as a Proctor for examinations where people's patience is being tested! 8) :?

    Well, I shall look forward to the next installment, Pups, and more power to ya'! :D


  10. Well, it had to happen... Fritzois went on vacation, and the chaos of the "Last Days" finally manifested prior to the anticipated "EmmApocalypse"! :shock:

    (Watch this forum for the anouncement and be prepared to mark your calendars; actual date may vary according to weather, and may be pre-empted if a movie re-run with great aviation footage is on satellite TV at the clubhouse that day...!) :mrgreen:

    But, back to the chaos; its here: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.php?t=51553


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