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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. Francois wrote: "Must be the 'baldeagleskinner' .... hmpfff"

    ROFLMAO!!! Outstanding repartee mon ami! :D

    Now Chris, Dr. Phil wants to ask you: "...As I wrote in my book "Self Matters", one's self esteem should not be based on ones appearance, after all I too am bald. But I'm concerned about the ramifications of your constantly having to change your appearance by "skinning" so often, and I just have to ask you during the little remaining time we have left before we break for a commercial: have you considered the possibility that your fascination with the Eagle, and flying upside down may arise from a deep seated compulsion to 'flip the bird' at everyone?" :lol: :lol: :lol:


  2. Hi Phil:

    That's just plain "Riddick-ulous" :lol: :lol: :lol:

    But it probably would increase the commercial appeal of Francois' "semi-autobiographical publication" down there in Texas, don't you think? :twisted:

    Hey Phil, if you have any connections down there, maybe you could get "Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jew Boys" (a real name!) to write a country western ballad about Fritz with all the prerequisite characters, travails and pedal steel guitar musicial refrains! 8)

    This storytelling keeps getting more hilarious all the time!!! :mrgreen:


  3. It is said that early in his marriage during his wife's first pregnancy , Fritz actually did some amateur theater to "keep busy at night" because he would get "restless" too easily; he was then performing in evening and weekend productions at the Seattle Playhouse. :wink:

    Fritz's most acclaimed performance, reviewed in the PNW regional issue of show biz magazine "Variety", was for his outdoor stage performance in Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet adapted to a modern rural setting near Hoodsport, therein playing the supporting role of "MERCUTIO", described by the reviewer as: "disturbingly believeable... a must see!!!", featuring photos of celebrated actor Fritz, out of costume drinking at the bar across the street from Kenmore Air and the neighboring concrete factory during his lunch break. :shock:

    It also rumored that during one of his "lunch breaks", Fritz placed an irate phone call to complain to the editor of Variety about the pictures, also making thinly veiled threats upon the person of the reviewer (something to the effect of "come here taking pictures too close to where I work again, and you might end up with cement all over your shoes"). They interpreted his slurred speech as having said "you might end up with cement overshoes", and this resulted in the famous headlines in a subsequent issue of that magazine: "Sticks Nix Hick Pix"!!!

    Thus ended Fritz's aspirations as a thespian... :cry:


  4. Hi Bill:

    Great Portrait! :D

    Looks kinda like Francois did during his "Jeremiah Johnson" days, dressing in tribute to the movie starring Robert Redford (won't Nina be proud to have you as a Robert Redford look-alike Francois?) :lol:

    PS: ...and as for Fritz's wife, its gonna be something more like "Robert Redfur" (or was that "Robert Redneck")!!! :shock:


  5. Francois:

    Maybe we could make mention that when Fritz was still trying to make a living flying cargo in Alaska, he broke his ankle from falling down drunk and couldn't fly the Beaver, so he was grounded a while. :(

    While young Fritz was recovering, he needed to make a living. He happened to make the acquaintance of some entrepreneurial Native Americans who apparently wanted some revenge against the appropriation of their lands by "them damn foreigners". They had a surplus of Beaver pelts that they wanted to make some money off of, and they told Fritz that he could "Make Big Money in Your Spare Time" by bringing the Beaver skin Top Hat back into style, rented him some space in their old fur processing warehouse sitting idle since the bottom fell out the market in the early 1900's, and showed him "how its done". :?

    (Historically, those hats were made by rubbing the beaver skins with mercury during the hat manufacturing process; the toxic mercury gets absorbed through the skin and lungs leading to the "Mad Hatter Syndrome").

    Anyway, Fritz did his darndest trying to make a go of it in the hat business, but it just didn't catch on. So after undergoing therapy for his mercury exposure, his ankle healed; having passed his flight physical, Fritz was back flying again before too long, poorer but wiser, and somewhat "hyperexcitable". :wink:

    And he has to this day an ongoing love-hate relationship with "Beavers", ...and a fascination with hats! :lol:


  6. Hi Francois:

    So regarding Fritz's not being too talkative, which came first: the impaired social skills, or the chronic consumption of Uncle Elmer's hooch? :?:

    BTW, hopefully I didn't steal any of your thunder about Fritz's personal history in the recent thread at http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.pc&start=45 ; didn't know "them damn foreigners" had also licensed the right to Fritz's biographical details as well! But after seeing how well that "licensing thing" had worked before, I wouldn't be surprised if Fritz would even license a live webcam for the clubhouse if he could generate some cashflow to pay the clubhouse bar bills! :D

    Should we continue with the Emma Field History project if we might risk biasing the public perception of your material yet to be released? :oops:

    PS: Fritzois, wouldn't it be more accurate to describe the publication as"semi-autobiographical" in recognition of your alter ego and multiple personas?!!! (see: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.php?t=50933



  7. Hey Francois: Better tell Fritz to be careful subcontracting EFFC chores to Native American workers. We might end up with the trees at the north end of the runway turned into totem poles in memory of the fliers who have crashed there! :(

    And if Fritz delegates the shopping to them, telling them to get some "T.P." for the clubhouse, some tribesmen might put teepees out in the middle of the taxiway! Although by now one might wonder if they might also do a better job of addressing the bar cheese issue than Fritz has so far... :lol:

    PS: Whoops... NEWS FLASH!!! On second thought, maybe we better rethink this... see the newspaper article about the local bank robbery: http://www.theolympian.com/apps/pbcs.dl1/60331008

    (according to Mason County "Undersheriff" Gary Crane, reservation tribal Police "found money in the car that appears to match what was stolen from the bank". Hmmm... I guess because it was green, and had pictures of U.S. presidents on it? :shock:


  8. OK, thats CBris' vote for shatterproof bottles of Uncle Elmer's hooch in the J3! :lol:

    Additional ideas perhaps? Maybe a fresh copy of Bill Lyons' new jet on CD with a ready-to-use re-paint kit? Or gift certificates for thrill rides in the Biplane at Orcas Island?

    Or beta copies of FSX...? :twisted:


  9. Hey madaz75:

    I kinda like your suggestion for the Ch-47 Chinook helicopter dangling that ol' J-3 on a long cable as a giant Mexican Piñata! :D

    For those unfamiliar with a Piñata, it is a novelty used at kids parties, customarily filled with treats or prizes for the girls and boys who are blindfolded and positioned underneath it (ordinarily with a long stick); the kids are given a specified period of time to swing at it in an attempt to strike it and break it open, pouring the contents out for the participants to all merrily pounce on.

    I guess most of us Emma-ites could handle firing Ack-Ack guns blindfolded at a sound source as loud as a Chinook helicopter pretty well, especially if we were "tanked up" beforehand. But we have to think about what prizes to put inside the fuselage of the J3!

    Any ideas? :roll:


  10. Hi all:

    I received a prompt and courteous reply to my Private E-mail from Don I. He is sort of in between virtual incarnations right now, but has been looking in and enjoying the recent posts here.

    But there will be a second coming, and I am pleased to announce that DON WILL BE RETURNING TO EMMA some time soon! :mrgreen:

    Well, if we don't have a dedication for Cheney Memorial/Emma International because it might then still be "under obstruction", we can instead start the season off with some fun by having an early spring barbeque and fly-in for Don's homecoming celebration!

    How's about it everyone? :roll:


  11. Hi Bill and Phil:

    Understanding of course that this scenery would be an OPTIONAL add-on for Emma-ites to use or not use, with no problem that I can see to the FS community's perception of Emma Field, I wouldn't understand why there would be any opposition to this being made available any more than the other diverse Emma related add-ons offered in the past. I personally would enjoy toggling this on and off in the scenery picklist, and would like to have separately toggled FSE sound file and animation tracks for the add-on itself, so I can have my "Cheney Memorial/Emma International only" ambiance for that session, my "Classic Emma only" ambiance for that session, and another "Emma on Steroids" ambiance (both) for that session!

    I wouldn't like for my scenery options in FS to be determined by someone else's preferences because they feel that is how the world should perceive a given locale, or because they believe it is in keeping with an original concept or vision for a place. We just went through that with Meigs Field, and I hope Microsoft isn't going to change the scenery to "parkland" there in FSX to match the "real world" just because Mayor Daley felt "Northerly Island" should ultimately be developed in keeping with Burnham's vision for the Chicago lakefront. Its bad enough that the Art Institute, Navy Pier, the Wrigley and Tribune Tower buildings, and the true course of the Chicago River were mysteriously omitted from both FS2Kx's and the no-fly zone over downtown was implemented, one might infer, all due to Daley's homeland security concerns, and because he reportedly felt that Meigs pilots were a "special interest group".

    I haven't personally gotten as far as building a full featured airstrip from the ground up yet, so I certainly don't know all of what is involved, and thus I hope this post will be met with some patience. When I read Bill's concerns with having to flatten a large area around Emma in order to work with what I assume would be a rectangular area for the proposed and OPTIONAL bizjet-compatible runway add-on, I felt compelled to try and understand why such a large area would need to be flattened to make this scenery feasible, and why there would be concerns about any mesh file that may have shipped with either the 2K2 or 2K4 version of Emma.

    Intrigued by the development concerns expressed in this thread, I spoke with Steve Greenwood

    ( http://home.earthlink.net/~smgreenwood/welcome.shtml ), FS utility programmer, commercial quality FS mesh producer, and provider of an excellent freeware 30 meter mesh for both the Emma http://library.avsim.net/download.php?DLID=19848 and Seattle http://library.avsim.net/download.php?DLID=16940 ) areas. My goal was to try and better understand the mesh situation at work in the Emma Field area.

    Assuming I understood Steve correctly, if one were trying to create a flatten for scenery based on the default mesh which has elevation data points rather far apart, one might be at risk for a flatten overlapping Emma Field to address an area large enough for an apron under a 4,000 foot runway. Again, if I further understood Steve correctly, if one used a 30 meter mesh with elevation data points closer together, one could achieve greater control over the size and shape of the flatten(s) needed to accommodate a rectangular area such as the proposed new scenery.

    Not knowing anything about whether Airport and/or AFCAD requires flattens to be square versus rectangular, I would be inclined to think it possible to create either a rectangular flatten, or to line up a few smaller square flattens to achieve the desired rectangular shape using Steve's fstFlatten Utility http://home.earthlink.net/~smgreenwood/lities.zip .

    If one used Steve Greenwood's freeware Emma mesh ( fst-30m10-wa-ef.zip at AVSIM) as a basis for all development at Emma, I believe we would all be literally on the same level, and we would be able to achieve greater control and inter-user compatibility. As to concerns about 30 meter LOD 10 detail mesh and any "perceived" FS performance hit, that is likely insignificant compared to a lesser mesh detail if one keeps the FS "Terrain Mesh Complexity" slider setting at no more than 96% as recommended by both mesh authorities Steve at FS-Traveler and Justin at FS Genesis.

    For those scenery geeks who are curious, the coordinate coverage of Steve's Emma Field freeware mesh is: -123.93 to -124.10 West and 46.93 to 48.07 North.

    I hope we can still keep our options open for this project, and others which may come in the future. Thanks to everyone who over the years have taken the time to create something to enhance their vision of Emma, and shared their vision with the rest of us to try out if we wish.

    Happy Flying!


  12. Hey Bill:

    I hope you didn't mean to say the whole jetway is a scrub? I personally always fly VFR and never use a lot of the things FS is capable of simulating so well. I think the "optional" runway addition is a great idea to make available to attract some of the small jet enthusiasts to Emma and for us small craft pilots to test the jet experience in our favorite setting.

    And of course it would also come in handy for special events and general mischief as CBris had described!

    If there's no practical way to do the full dress jetway with all the bells and whistles for the more technical pilots, and if default AI/Traffic methods (rather than FSE tracks etc.) aren't practical right now, please consider keeping the initial package available for the rest of the existing Emma crowd, as I believe most of us are VFR anyway. (Kinda' hard to do stunt flying IFR!)

    But I think that the hangars are a neat idea as well ( we don't want too much do we? I do also want a Jet Decoder Ring and Emma Decals!). It reminds me of the "ownership" concept we had at Diamond Point. The only drawback is with so few spaces are available, some might feel left out. Maybe then we could expand auxiliary hangar condos at valley field, and get a custom shuttle bus to run between there and Emma since Fritz's golf cart won't seat too many of us! :roll:

    Keep up the great work guys!

    PS: Bill, could you post another screenie zoomed out a little farther? I couldn't quite place the proposed hangars relative to our original Emma Field. Thanks.


  13. Here's a copy of a PM I sent to Don I.; I hope its well received. It would be great to have him around here again. And besides, we need a feature for the evening's entertainment the day we dedicate the Jetway add-on for Emma!

    HMMM... He's been in Greenland... Inuit all along! :lol:

    Don: A moment of your time please, your Emma-nence!

    From: GaryGB

    To: timmissartok

    Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:20 am

    Subject: Don: A moment of your time please, your Emma-nence!

    Hi Don.

    I've never used this "PM" feature on a forum before, so I hope it works. I only recently began posting on FS websites instead of just being an observer like I had been for a few years.

    As a frequent visitor at the EFFC, I often enjoyed reading your posts for their unique candor and humor intermixed with an intriguing blend of philosophy and irreverent reverence for diversity of opinions.

    I have really missed seeing your posts in the forums, and especially at the EFFC; it got way too quiet there for a while. There has been a recent rekindling of the rambunctious spirit that we all have enjoyed at Emma, and I wanted to let you know about it in case you might not have checked in there for a while. ( http://forums.simflight.com/viewforum.php?f=19 )

    A number of us there and in other forums regard you as an inspiration and an example for persistent wit and wisdom that seems to keep the fires burning bright. I respect that you may have other adventures and commitments both real world and virtual that you might be pursuing, so I hope I am not intruding on your space by writing to you here.

    I was wondering if you might consider stopping in now and then at Emma to let us all know how things are with you, and to share a little humor and discussion when you get the time? We really miss you!

    I took the liberty of posting a few comedic references to your notable absence from EFFC. I thought you might get a kick out of them, so I hope you'll forgive my sharing the enticement of a few links for you to chase if you have a little time and you are in the mood for a few chuckles:

    http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.php?t=48568 (my first public post)

    And some (I hope) humorous links about Emma, and yourself as a famous Emma-ite:



    I tried reaching you through your FSG post , but got there too late probably before you moved on, but I thought you'd appreciate this reply anyway:

    (I laughed so hard at your post here I needed help getting up off the floor!)


    Having gotten up some gumption since I started posting, I decided to try a few over-the-top posts in the tradition some of us would say were inspired by your style:

    http://www.flightsim-bevs.com/smf_1-0-5pic=1380.0 (not well received, probably could use some further learning from the Master?)

    And these, which I hope is the beginning of something of "enduring value" at Emma! (just like old times?):


    http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.p99&start=0 (especially the Sagas on the later pages!)

    Well, thanks for taking the time to read this "PM thing", and I hope we all might hear from you again sometime.

    And in case nobody else ever said it before now: Thank You so much for having been there as much as you were in the past!

    PS: would you consider a "virtual" country-fied bantering smackdown sometime even if we can't get the real Dr. Phil to join us online? :wink:


  14. No way !!!

    You're a multi-talented Renaissance man doing several peoples' jobs :roll:

    And we all enjoy the many facets of your "personalities". :D

    Just don't let your commitments get you to the point where you start forgetting too many things like I do when I'm overcommitted.

    Sometimes I wonder if I'm experiencing both deja vu and Alzheimer's at the same time, because I feel like "I've forgotten this before"!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Take good care of your self, mon ami.

    BTW, my ancestors are from France, but the family didn't keep up the language tradition. When I read your blog, sometimes I think I'm reading about myself. But wait, maybe you really are me... or I'm really you... (doppelganger perhaps?). After all, we both agreed that you DO have a number of personas. And if I have this sense of familiarity, its just possible... Naaahhh. Couldn't be, I don't wear hats; probably been hitting the Uncle Elmer's too much lately! :mrgreen:


  15. Well Francois, in most promotions there is usually an exclusion for those closely affiliated with the sponsoring entity.

    But, in your case, what with having several alter egos and "wearing so many hats" during the course of your week you're like several different people anyway, so we should see no problem with including one of your personas!!! :D

    BTW, I have enjoyed reading your blog and learning a little more about your experiences and views on things; thanks for taking the time to share a glimpse with us. :roll:

    As for our modern Web versions of the old comic book / radio / TV serials, keep 'em comin' everybody!!! :wink:


  16. Great story and screenies Chris!

    I agree with Francois that there are just not sufficient emoticons on SimFlight to convey the range of real world emotions we subject one another to here in the virtual world!

    I'll be looking forward to the further adventures of EagleSkinner. BTW, who needs blogs when we have good old fashioned serials on the web!

    Hmmm... I can see what the web entrepreneurs might do with this even now... "Try FS-Serials kids, they're a part of this nutritionally complete simming experience"!

    Or... "Send an encrypted, self addressed e-mail to blah-blah-blah and you'll receive coupons for our "Jet Decoder Ring", FS Aviation Goggles, and EFFC Logo Decals, as well as a clue to one of the following unsolved FS mysteries:

    1.) The real origin of the name for Emma Field

    2.) How many daughters Fritz actually has

    3.) The true whereabouts of Jack "Don I." Donnelly

    4.) Why Fritz refuses to address the bar cheese issue

    5.) Who Bruce Artwick is

    :lol: :lol: :lol:


  17. Thanks for the reply Bill, I'm sure the rest of us amphibian enthusiasts are sitting on the edge of our seats to see how it turns out after the thrill we got with your Grumman Goose. I think it must have been the inspiration for Joe Binka's hard work on his Widgeon Radial; now you can raise the bar on engine dynamics realism even higher with another release from the "Lyons' Den"! :D

    Regarding damage profiles and crashes in the Mallard, I should more appropriately have asked :oops: if, in your progressive FS SDK mastery process, have you considered (in one of your future releases) implementing the ability to crash with resulting visible damage to the airplane such as seen in Flight Unlimited 3?

    On this topic now, I just have to ask, if the new features to be available in FSX might also re-inspire you to undertake the "China Clipper" project sometime in the future? I saw this as a potential crowning achievement in your excellent tributes to the airplanes from the golden era of flying.

    Although you're probably very busy right now, I was also wondering if you checked in on the Emma Field Forum recently? A number of us have been stirring up some over-the-top mischief there lately to revitalize the EFFC.

    I recently suggested Francois ask if the Red Carpet Xpress air service could put a small, part-time "jet-setting vacationers" branch for the Seattle area at the recently proposed 4,000 ft runway add-on to Emma Field to keep Fritz on his toes. The posts about the add-on are here: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.pc&start=30.

    I also took the liberty of including a jovial reference in that thread to your expertise with the Challenger ultralite in one of my posts about the possible scenarios for the day the add-on runway is dedicated, if you're in the mood for some outrageous comedy relief from all the development work lately! :lol:

    Oh, I forgot to mention that Francois, ever the European gentleman is probably reticent to ask if your "Flying with the Stars" people could get him connections for a trip to Lake Como Italy for some R&R? (see: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.p7&start=30).

    He didn't put this in his post about your new project ( http://www.fsaddon.com/products/productw_fws.html ), but I have it on good authority that he said "Britney Spears' appearance pales in comparison to Lynn's beauty". :wink:

    Kind Regards,


  18. Folks with a limited sense of humor might not appreciate all this, but I thought this needed an extra link since its way back on page 4 of a growing post!

    All the "creative authors" who post here at EFFC should feel welcome to contribute any input, whether brief, or as long winded as my posts, :roll: to the ongoing Emma Field History Project.

    My humble offering for the latest Saga of Fritz is found here: http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.p9&start=45 Please join in!

    Have Fun!!!


  19. Hi Andy:

    I think thats a great idea... Fritz starting a flying school for bush flyers. Before he took to drinking and working in the hangar so much, Fritz was actually a good bush pilot. I understand he spent some time flying cargo up in Alaska and honing his skills getting in and out of rugged locations.

    Then he met his wife on an extended freight route into Washington State, and..., well..., the rest of details for the Saga of Fritz should be an opportunity for many tales told on other days! But suffice it to say that they settled in the Seattle area after she got pregnant with their first child, and she prevailed on Fritz to "get a real job" to support the growing family by working as an "aircraft support technician" at Kenmore Air in Kenmore, WA next to the cement works. (see Google Earth!)

    Fritz got a mild case of silicosis from the constant concrete dust he inhaled cleaning the windscreens on amphibians, and eventually was forced to retire early with a nice Workman's Compensation settlement. That nest egg was partly used up when Fritz invested in a site on a bluff overlooking the Hood Canal (known as "Bill's Bluff" in Flight Unlimited 3 -really!) near the current Emma location which was to be developed as an aeropark of homes with an airstrip.

    But one by one, the investors in that venture sold out their interest to some city slicker from Seattle named "Bill" who had made a lot of money in some business related to computers. One of the investors, reportedly named "Bruce Artwick" :wink: , said it was: "A 32 bit extension and graphical shell to a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor which was written by a 2-bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition". :lol:

    Apparently Bill wanted a country vacation home there, and he didn't want a lot of noise or any hangars obstructing his view. With his seemingly unlimited financial resources, Bill bought out everybody in the investment group including Fritz, and today maintains that vacation home on the site .:twisted: Thus, Fritz didn't see the aeropark development proceed as he had dreamed. :roll:

    After Fritz was forced to take the sizeable financial buyout settlement on Bill's real estate deal because "his wife just couldn't refuse" the offer, he moved on to some deals with a real estate investment group developing lakefront property on Lake Cushman. There he made a modest profit, raised his family and eventually pursued his dream of an airstrip not far from Bill's Bluff, having gotten a good deal on some property adjacent to a clear cut zone just outside Olympic National Park which no one could develop into a residential community due to its proximity to the Park being in some Federal buffer zone (known locally to Lilliwaup residents at the time as "No Man's Land"). :shock:

    With a couple of local retired military airmen and some small plane pilots from Seattle, Fritz ultimately founded Emma Field. The real origin of the airfield name is subject for great speculation even to this day! But there Fritz saw his dream of an airstrip come true, and he eventually sold most of his interest in the property to a flying club which later developed around the location. :)

    Then, as the story goes, some artistic-looking british entrepreneur who was acquainted with the general location from flying in the Washington state area for a period of time before returning to England, made the acquaintance of some ex-Hippie looking guy from Holland who worked for a software company in Italy. Together they convinced Fritz and the other original flying club members to let them "consult" on the development of the airfield, promising that it could enhance the flying experience there. In return they would hold exclusive license for the right to use Fritz's likeness and name of the airfield in a computer software being developed as an add-on for a "flight simulator". 8)

    Being sharp businessmen, they had researched Fritz's personal history as the main contact for the airfield, and they decided to avoid the risk of a veto by Fritz by not telling him the flight simulator their add-on about "his" airfield was intended for is a product from "Seattle Bill's" company. Subsequently, Fritz and the founders went for the deal, figuring it would be a good thing. :!:

    After seeing that this "licensing thing" with "them damn foreigners" could generate some much needed revenue for the upkeep of the airfield, and some booze money for the weekend parties being held in the old hangar, Fritz and the original founders of the club somehow got connected with another entrepreneur from Europe, this time a hat-wearing guy with a French name; before long, they had a new club name and started putting a club logo on everything including their airplanes. :mrgreen:

    SAGA TO BE CONTINUED (feel free to contribute to the Emma Field History Project!)


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