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Looks like Real Color3D is up


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Just made my day! I don't mind they are sold separatly. Each airport has different airlines. I really thought about TIST as I don't play it that much. I picked up all 3 available and can't wait for KJFK. I will not see much outside today.

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52 minutes ago, achilles1971 said:

I've bought it for LAX...but it's definitely a ripoff. A 737-800 in LAX is the same in PHL...why paying for both...but hey...it's been like this for years with Tower2011

Can not really call it a ripoff.  It just depends on what is important to you personally.  Each airport has a different variety of airlines.  Yes there is some overlap, as in the real world, but this is a big plus, as it gives you a level of choice in terms of how picky you want to be, and how much money you want to spend.  If you are budget conscious, just buy KLAX, and many airlines will automatically migrate to KPHL, KJFK,etc.  Just don't be surprised if you see a few sperm whales (white aircraft) scattered in.  Of course the same will be true when using Schedule Creator, since it does not perfectly match the airlines/airframes included by Nyerges in Real Color, but this is to be expected, and will likely improve as more airports are added. 

You can eve see this now to a degree.  If you buy RC KLAX but not RC KPHL, you will get Delta flights in KPHL, except for Delta MD-80s.  To get those you need the RC KPHL since the Nyerges schedule for KLAX does not have any Delta mad dogs in it.

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The liveries really do look quite nice.  I do hope that down the road Nyerges will find a way to include multiple liveries for airlines that use them (I am thinking of Southwest, Frontier, and Spirit).  It would be fun to see that sort of variety, and would even be willing to pay extra to get it.

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1 hour ago, mpatricksp said:

Must be blind.  Where are you seeing this.  I went to the tower 3d on ATCSuite and there is only JFK and Real traffic listed.  I don't see anything about real color?



It's my (Vic) fault. We have two teams working on the two websites and seems like the ft.com team jumped the gun a bit sooner :) Please expect my apology!!

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5 hours ago, Avwriter said:

It is being sold for airports individually, rather than bundling the default airports as promised.

Yup, .. I remember reading something similar as well, .. where it also was said that when new airports were released, the Real Color update for the new airport(s) would be free of charge.

It looks like they did a 180 on that one. :(

$10 for Real Traffic? .. OK, .. but I thought that the Real Color addon would also be about $10 or so, .. but, that it would cover ALL the default Airports, and that going forward, .. New Airports would be released with a FREE update to Real Color.

So, you spend $30.00 for Tower3D, .. now you have to spend another $31.00 to get Real Traffic and colours for the traffic at the default airports. !!!

I hadn't bought Real Traffic yet, .. as I was waiting for the Real Color addon to be released. Looks like I will have to live without Real Traffic .. :(

Whilst I don't mind paying for new airports, as per Tower 2011, .. I have an issue with having to buy an Airport AND then another addon to get colours on the Aircraft.

I never purchased any Real Color addons for Tower 2011, .. and it didn't really need them (aircraft size too small) .. Tower 3D needs them.!!!

SO, .. what it looks like, .. going forward, .. that with any new Airports, you're going to have to buy the Airport AND Real Color for it. Sure, there'll be some overlap, .. but, there will be one or 2 aircraft that are plain white, .. and you'll need to spend another $6.99 .. JUST to get those 2 Aircraft in the right colours.

Unfortunately, .. Tower 3D is turning out to be a real money sponge, .. and with currency conversion, .. very, very expensive. :(

.. and we haven't gotten to the PRO version yet. !!!!!






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1 hour ago, Thomasew said:

"Yup, .. I remember reading something similar as well, .. where it also was said that when new airports were released, the Real Color update for the new airport(s) would be free of charge."

Sorry, but you misunderstood something there.  Nyerges promised to update Real Traffic for each new add-on airport, adding new aircraft types on occasion.  They never promised free Real Color updates. 

I agree that the costs do add-up quickly if you buy everything right away, but to be fair consider that the base price of Tower3D is $20 less than the original base price of Tower2011 (which I think was $49.99).  Additionally, these add-ons require a considerably larger amount of work than their Tower2011 equivalents, and some are produced by 3rd parties and not FeelThere.  Finally, I expect that buying Real Color for a few of the major airports, KLAX, KJFK (when released) will likely cover most of the other US based airports with only a few gaps here and there.  Keep in mind that having a few white airliners moving about is not really that unusual at many major airports.  I have seen them numerous times when spotting/traveling (My impression is that they are most commonly used by the DOJ for prisoner transport).  Yes, they are more rare than what you will see in this game, but a little imagination goes a long way :-) 

I agree that the system is not perfect, but personally I also do not see it as being outrageous.  After all, this is a niche genre, and there is not very much else out there like this to choose from, at least not with any level of realism.  I think that they have actually accomplished a lot here in a short time, and it is fair for them to want to be paid both for their work and for their risk in taking on this endeavor.  I am glad to see them doing this, and I choose to support them.




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Nope, .. I don't misunderstand anything. Real Traffic HAS ALWAYS been provided free for add on Airports in Tower 2011, so, nothing different here. So, once you purchased the Real Traffic addon, .. there were no additional charges for new airports. Why would that change for Tower 3D?



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8 hours ago, FeelThere said:

It's my (Vic) fault. We have two teams working on the two websites and seems like the ft.com team jumped the gun a bit sooner :) Please expect my apology!!

No problem.  I always expect an apology, but seldom receive one :)


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Dear Folks,


Just for the record;

It was me (Vic) who wrote it once based on the the information we received from Nyerges Design that we are expecting a bundle. Yesterday we received the single airports and today we received the bundle (to be uploaded shortly). As I heard (let me get it straight NO PROMISES FROM FEELTHERE) whoever bought all 3 airports before the release of the bundles will be contacted by Nyerges Design for some kind of offer (once again THIS IS NOT A FEELTHERE STATEMENT).

As of free Real Colors for life. No, we never said that as we never had this information. We said Real Traffic will be updated (once again based on a statement from Nyerges Design and NOT from feelThere). Real Color (as we know) will be a payware add-on for each new airports just like it was for T!2011.

My personal note:
T!2011 had Real Traffic and Real Color just like T!3D has. The only difference is the initial Real Traffic add-on costs $8 more than it was for T!2011. However it has dozens of 3D model which takes so much more work than 2D images. The rest of the pricing structure remained the same.


Thank you



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Thanks for the package deal.  I've only played TIST but everything looks great.


I think it should also be said that while I was trying to get everything installed correctly I noticed that a new version of Real Traffic was available. (SP3).  


I don't remember it being mentioned before. (sry if it has)

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