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Yes Pete.

I am sending whatever I find to both you and them.

Eventually it will be resolved. I am sure.

Just let me know if I can help with anything else.



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  On 6/5/2017 at 2:35 PM, stopnicki said:

Just let me know if I can help with anything else.


Yes. I think you only read the last part of my last message. This would be useful please, as in the first part of that message:

Now could you remove one of those at a time, so I can see which action of the three is causing PMDG grief, please?

That was referring to the three lines you added.




I tried to add the line 


and sometimes, after loading a default aircraft first, the 747 loaded correctly, but only a couple of times, then no more. I can't inderstand the logic behind this behaviour.


I removed one line at a time, so that after three times, none of the lines was there.

Then I removed one line, but always left the other two in place.

In all six trials, the B747-400 worked OK, but only after a default airplane was loaded first.

In all six trials, the B747-400 would not work, if loaded first.




Hi everyone,

I guess I'm just the lucky one.

I have Win 10 Home Edition, using P3D v4, PMDG 747, and FSUIPC 5.  Everything is working just fine.  I've loaded the sim with the 747, no problem, then restarted the sim, loaded with another a/c, then switched to the 747 and had no problems.  

Hope you all get everything worked out as it's been a great experience so far.  After installing FSUIPC 5 my controllers (CH Yoke & Rudder Pedals) are calibrated and working great. A big thanks goes out to Pete.

Safe Flyin',



Next test: without the line NoPanelsAccess=Yes (so default FSUIPC): if, as soon as I run P3D, I select the default situation, that is F22 at KVSP runway threshold, then, from inside that situation, I switch the plane to the 747, it works!

All this is with Win 7-64.

  On 6/5/2017 at 3:38 PM, stopnicki said:

In all six trials, the B747-400 worked OK, but only after a default airplane was loaded first.

In all six trials, the B747-400 would not work, if loaded first.


That's interesting, and the opposite of what i get! But then the problem it gives me is that it hangs P3D4, completely.

Ah well ... hopefully PMDg will track it down. I think they need to call in L-M's help, as I did last week -- they resolved by weird baffling problem within hours. They'd have to be able to reproduce it, though, and it seems it isn't universal.





Three basically new platforms trying to talk to each other, they are bound to find some conflicts.

I have read in forums of other utility developers, that they have also encountered issues with P3Dv4, as you did Pete, and L-M is trying to resolve them, as they did with you. 

I am sure that eventually all this will be fixed. Opening the sim with a default airplane, is quite OK for the interim.

"This, too, shall pass"




Just as an additional thought after reading the multitude of reports about this conflict between the QOTS II and FSUIPC5, it appears to me that another factor might be the operating system.

Is it possible that those with Windows7 are encountering  the issues while those on Windows10 are not?

i also posted this thought in the PMDG forums.



Posted (edited)
  On 6/6/2017 at 11:11 AM, stopnicki said:

Just as an additional thought after reading the multitude of reports about this conflict between the QOTS II and FSUIPC5, it appears to me that another factor might be the operating system.

Is it possible that those with Windows7 are encountering  the issues while those on Windows10 are not?

i also posted this thought in the PMDG forums.




I have 2 systems:

- Windows 10x64 : PMDG747 and FSUIPC5 working perfectly, even if 747 is loaded as first aircraft.

- Windows 7x64  :Problem to load the PMDG 747 if FSUIPC 5 module is running.

I tried everything, starting PMDG module first then FSUIPC, other way around, no chances.

I think this problem is due to a missing system file on Windows 7, Visual C++ redistributable, framework or any other differences on this 2 OS

Let's copy the simple table below to see if the problem is OS related: (just copy paste and add 1 to the faulty OS)

Problems running PMDG747 with FSUIPC on:

  • Windows 7x64      2
  • Windows 10x64
  • Windows 8x64


Edited by Galager

I've added to the Win7 count. But I have the same problem if I load the 747 later, with or without FSUIPC. It also loads okay as first aircraft, from the Scenario menu, again with or without FSUIPC.



  On 6/6/2017 at 2:37 PM, Galager said:

Did you compile the module on Windows 10 or Windows 7?


Not that it's relevant, but my development system is Win7 Pro 64. I used the current VS15 compiler system with the libraries set the same as P3D4 and the target set to Win10.




Have you tried to compile it with target SDK 8.1 instead of 10?

Maybe something missing on Windows7 causing the issue (If the issue is caused by FSUIPC which is not sure at all)

  On 6/6/2017 at 2:47 PM, Galager said:

Maybe something missing on Windows7 causing the issue


Well, it doesn't bother me in any case. I only installed it to see if I could identify the FSUIPC/747 conflict, but I don't get one.  I don't actually use any PMDG aircraft and this one will be uninstalled.

As for a target environmnet. Win10 is certainly more likely to be best as I'm sure hardly anyone stuck with the buggy Win8.

I like Win7 Pro, the best O/S Microsoft ever came up with. Win7 Pro 64 is on all of my PCs (8 of them, 6 used for the cockpit alone). I have an old laptop still on Vista (ugh, but there's no later screen driver for it), and a Surface Pro 4 on Win10 (updating again, massively, as I type).





I've also experienced this issue, and I'm also running on Windows 7 (and I've also noticed the trend that there's more tales of trouble on win7)

When I removed FSUIPC entirely, PMDG 747 loaded up perfectly every time. This was a bit frustrating as I fly with FTG which has an ACARS requiring FSUIPC.

After hours of trial and error I've found that I can fairly predictably load up the PMDG 747 if I loaded the default F-22 first at the gate (for some reason loading the F-22 at the default scenario KVPS rwy 19 doesn't make the 747 load correctly). I first discovered this while playing with the three extra lines in FSUIPC.ini Pete mentioned, but I've since removed all three and can still predictably load up the 747 at the gate on top of the F-22.


I remember searching the PMDG Knowledge Base at first, and their known cause for this (blank cockpit displays, unresponsive, no landing gear in external view) is not having SimConnect installed. Since the 747 works perfectly with FSUIPC removed, I do wonder if it might be the interaction between FSUIPC and SimConnect that's causing a conflict with PMDG?



Where do we stand now ?

Is Pete or PMDG looking further into it, or is it something for LM to resolve. Feedback seems to have seized in both forums.

Fact is that I cannot use FSUIPC right now.

I mainly use FSUIPC for multiple controller setups, so I don´t have to import different settings when I shift from 2 to 4 engined aircraft or from Aircraft to Helicopters.

  On 6/7/2017 at 7:11 PM, wothan said:

Fact is that I cannot use FSUIPC right now.


Or you can use FSUIPC and not  PMDG. Though most folks seem to be finding workarounbds, to do with the order in which you load aircraft. Even I can do that here.




Sorry to say - but regardless whether I load P3D V4 with the PMDG 747 pre-selected or with one of the default aircraft, the 747 never loads when FSUIPC is activated.

It worked the first time I had installed the PMDG 747 and where FSUIPC allready had been installed (version 5.100), but not subsequently.

I´m sorry, cause I always has used FSUIPC and seen it as an optional service pack for the various FS versions and been very happy about it.

But the use in P3D V4 for me is mainly not having to manually selecting the different control schemes, which I´m left to now, rendering my investment in the registered FSUIPC version useless until further.


I´m not pointing at anyone, but just hoping that either You, PMDG or LM (or all of You in coorperation) will find the culprit.


I´m on Windows 7 64bit Home edition

I have FSX SP2, P3D V3 and P3D V4 installed - all (except right now V4) with FSUIPC installed .

I have the PMDG 747-400 installed in both P3D V3 and V4.


Modules loaded (and also tested de-activated) are:




I also use UT Live, which is started via the EXE.xml and add-on.xml


  On 6/6/2017 at 2:40 PM, Pete Dowson said:

Not that it's relevant, but my development system is Win7 Pro 64. I used the current VS15 compiler system with the libraries set the same as P3D4 and the target set to Win10.




Hi Pete,

By any chance, would it be possible for you to compile one with a target of Win7 please, just as a test to see if that fixes the problem for those of us suffering on windows 7? It does seem peculiar that this problem seems to be mainly affecting windows 7 users.

Kind Regards


  On 6/8/2017 at 9:37 PM, cathay808 said:

By any chance, would it be possible for you to compile one with a target of Win7 please, just as a test to see if that fixes the problem for those of us suffering on windows 7? It does seem peculiar that this problem seems to be mainly affecting windows 7 users.


Does it? Where do you see that? It isn't according to what PMDG are telling me.




Here I can make the PMDG 747 work flawlessly on my Win7 system -- provided I load itt as the first aircraft at the Scenario menu. And thereafter I can swap aircraft back and forth at will.

If I load a different aircraft as the first aircraft and THEN load the PMDG 747, it gives me a black screen only and P3D4 hangs, needing a Task Manager "terminate process" to get rid of it.

And this is exactly the same whether FSUIPC5 is being loaded or not!

This does suggest a loading or initialisation problem in the 747 code.

Incidentally, have you asked PMDG to create a Win7-targetted build to test with? If not, why not? Why only ask me?




Hello everybody:

I believe that developers of other "complex" add ons, such as PMDG, have not yet released their updates for P3Dv4. When they do, it will be interesting to see how those products interact with the simulator.

There are other developers who have found a bug in the code of the simulator, and have had it confirmed by L-M.

Who knows, this whole issue might be more related to P3Dv4 itself and really "nobody's fault".

In the meantime, loading the B747-400 after a default aircraft is not a really big deal. And then, I can enjoy the new experience with these new products.


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