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Tower3D Pro CAT of different aircraft


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Related to this, if anyone can explain to me the flight strips I would be grateful. I understand some basic information on them, but cannot decipher where the Category I, II or III is designated as Chazsi and Sky King asked above.


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I understand what the categories are- what I would like to know is can you look at a flight's strip in Tower!3D and know what the category of a given aircraft is? Not trying to be a jerk here, I just want to know what information is relayed on the strip. Some of it is dead obvious, the rest? - not so much.

Note: I looked at the Avwriter thread you quoted and saw your breakdown on one flight, thanks. So, are all (M)edium/Cat II flights noted as XXXM and all (H)eavy/Cat III flights as XXXH in the game?


Edited by Pdubya
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From a sim perspective, I really haven't seen where the category type makes a difference. The manual talks a lot about separation on departures. However, you can have a Cessna take off immediately after an A380 has successfully departed without applying any "required" separation and you won't get dinged for it.


Regarding the strips, they look similar to the strips in Tower!2011. Below is from the 2011 manual:

Deciphering an ARRIVAL slip -
Column 1:
• Line one - aircraft call sign and flight number (see Airline identification codes)
• Line two – equipment type (Aircraft identification codes ). Heavy aircraft will have their equipment type followed by /H (See The Theory Behind Air Traffic Control for discussion on aircraft separation rules.)
• Line three – an arbitrary number assigned by the program that generates the strips
Column 2:
• Line 1 – a computer generated arbitrary number
• Line 2 – expected arrival time reported in UTC.
• Line 3 – flight level of aircraft when transferred to you by arrival control
Column 3:
• Line 1– destination airport
• Line 2 – departure airport
Column 4:
• When the aircraft has been cleared to land a check mark will be shown in this datafield..
Column 5:
• Lines 1 up to 3 – assigned runway. Will have a cross through when new runway is assigned.

Deciphering a DEPARTURE slip -
Column 1:
• Line 1 – aircraft call sign (see Airline identification codes)
• Line 2 – equipment type (see Aircraft Identification Codes for more information. Heavy aircraft will have their equipment type followed by /H (See The Theory Behind
Air Traffic Control for discussion on aircraft separation rules.)
• Line 3 – An arbitrary number assigned by the program that generates the strips
Column 2:
• Line 1 – a computer generated arbitrary number
• Line 2 – time of departure, reported as UTC
• Line 3 – flight level of aircraft when transferred to you by arrival control
Column 3:
• Line 1 – departure airport
• Line 2 – destination airport
Column 4:
• Tower will display controller notes under these circumstances -
✔ For local flights the number of go-arounds, low approaches and touch and goes the plane will conduct.
✔ Display the assigned runway intersection for takeoff (see Ground commands, AT command).
✔ When you clear an aircraft for takeoff a check mark will be shown.
Column 5:
• Lines 1 up to 3 – assigned runway. Will have a cross through when new runway is

Aircraft Identification Codes

JTO     Wide-body default jet                    H      WIDE BODY JET
JT1      Narrow-body default jet                 L      NARROW BODY JET
RJ1     Regional jet                                   S      REGIONAL JET
TRP    Turboprop                                      S     TURBOPROP
PRP    Propeller airplane                          S      PROP

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1 hour ago, Pdubya said:


can you look at a flight's strip in Tower!3D and know what the category of a given aircraft is?

Yes, when I see the plane is a 73W, I know that it is a 737-700, its' maximum takeoff weight is 154.500 lbs which makes it a category 2 plane. But I do not have to look at its' designation since I have Nyerges Real Traffic and Real Color I can tell what type of plane it is just by looking at it.

Good job Nyerges,

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Thanks to you both, that helps a lot. Perhaps later this year we are due for a manual update. It would help with reducing newb questions. I found the current one lacking, lots of repetitive paragraphs and basic information but no specifics to answer your questions. I'll leave it at that as I know FT are a small company and rather busy with stuff.

Oh, I also was wondering if the 2011 manual is still available to access or download.

Thanks again.

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  • 3 months later...

Question about line 2 column 2. How is that the expected arrival time? Maybe it's different depending on the airport. At KLAS starting at 0800, the number is 5181 for every arriving aircraft. This number isn't a time. Can @FeelThere or anyone else clarify what that number is supposed to be?


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  • 6 years later...
On 8/13/2017 at 10:04 AM, crbascott said:

From a sim perspective, I really haven't seen where the category type makes a difference. The manual talks a lot about separation on departures. However, you can have a Cessna take off immediately after an A380 has successfully departed without applying any "required" separation and you won't get dinged for it.


Regarding the strips, they look similar to the strips in Tower!2011. Below is from the 2011 manual:

Deciphering an ARRIVAL slip -
Column 1:
• Line one - aircraft call sign and flight number (see Airline identification codes)
• Line two – equipment type (Aircraft identification codes ). Heavy aircraft will have their equipment type followed by /H (See The Theory Behind Air Traffic Control for discussion on aircraft separation rules.)
• Line three – an arbitrary number assigned by the program that generates the strips
Column 2:
• Line 1 – a computer generated arbitrary number
• Line 2 – expected arrival time reported in UTC.
• Line 3 – flight level of aircraft when transferred to you by arrival control
Column 3:
• Line 1– destination airport
• Line 2 – departure airport
Column 4:
• When the aircraft has been cleared to land a check mark will be shown in this datafield..
Column 5:
• Lines 1 up to 3 – assigned runway. Will have a cross through when new runway is assigned.

Deciphering a DEPARTURE slip -
Column 1:
• Line 1 – aircraft call sign (see Airline identification codes)
• Line 2 – equipment type (see Aircraft Identification Codes for more information. Heavy aircraft will have their equipment type followed by /H (See The Theory Behind
Air Traffic Control for discussion on aircraft separation rules.)
• Line 3 – An arbitrary number assigned by the program that generates the strips
Column 2:
• Line 1 – a computer generated arbitrary number
• Line 2 – time of departure, reported as UTC
• Line 3 – flight level of aircraft when transferred to you by arrival control
Column 3:
• Line 1 – departure airport
• Line 2 – destination airport
Column 4:
• Tower will display controller notes under these circumstances -
✔ For local flights the number of go-arounds, low approaches and touch and goes the plane will conduct.
✔ Display the assigned runway intersection for takeoff (see Ground commands, AT command).
✔ When you clear an aircraft for takeoff a check mark will be shown.
Column 5:
• Lines 1 up to 3 – assigned runway. Will have a cross through when new runway is

Aircraft Identification Codes

JTO     Wide-body default jet                    H      WIDE BODY JET
JT1      Narrow-body default jet                 L      NARROW BODY JET
RJ1     Regional jet                                   S      REGIONAL JET
TRP    Turboprop                                      S     TURBOPROP
PRP    Propeller airplane                          S      PROP

For anyone looking up this in 2024. 

Arrival Slip, 

Column 1, Line 3 is the sqwak code(doesn’t matter in game)

Column 2, Line 1 is not an arbitrary number, it’s the game time that the aircraft contacted the tower.  Same with Departure tag  

Line 2 should be an arbitrary 

Line 3 is the time (in minutes only) that the aircraft is expected to arrive at the terminal/gate.   This also goes for the Departure tag. I believe they changed the strip from the original 2017 launch at some point. 

time on the strip can be full time or only minutes after the initial contact time is listed. 

you can also type in the center column if you want to add notes. 


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