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The Boston runway incursion


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I remember a while back Boston had an issue with takeoffs on 22R whilst other planes landing on 27. It would give you a penalty, as the game seemed to believe they were crossing runways. After that I’ve been very hesitant of using 22R for takeoffs and instead using 4L. Now I wonder, without testing this myself and possibly getting penalty points, if anyone know if this ever got fixed?

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Me and gnome had this the other day when using 22L and 27 for arrivals - then 22R and 22L for departures. We were utterly stumped by it so we just switched over to using the northeast flow (32, 33L and 32 for arrivals - then 33L and 27 for departures) ... that works somewhat .. just watch the arrivals carefully. Departures aren't an issue.

Hopefully this will be fixed in the next version of Tower 3D :)

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