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A/T wont Idle/spd constraints


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A/T wont Idle thrust even when there is excess speed regardless of it being a selected or managed speed. please see the approach. the only way I could slow down was to disable A/T and use speed brake. i believe this issue has been touched on already but here is a vid check out the arrival. SP1 correctly installed. this is the 2nd flight and is the same behavior each time. Just seems like the A/T wont move to Idle even when needed. I also noticed that I had a speed constraint of 220 on a way point that the aircraft followed then the next way point had 200 as a spd constraint but in-between the speed went too 240kts. i didn't allow this to happen as i took over the throttle so dont know if when i get closed to the 200kts constraint it may have slowed down, it should not speed up in between anyway. it did sucessfully keep the 290/.70/3 I set in descent correctly just didn't idle the throttle in the later stages where its important for it to do that quickly to get me ready for landing. i also had to disable A/T for finals as if i put it on it just would not idle.



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27 minutes ago, Matty260191 said:

no idea but fast forward the video above you will see it never idles its always adjusting and adding.

We can't test the video, that's why we need the saved flight. If it's not the situation where we can reproduce the problem then it's useless. Please re-create the problem and save the FLT file just at the TD.


Thank you



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33 minutes ago, FeelThere said:

We can't test the video, that's why we need the saved flight. If it's not the situation where we can reproduce the problem then it's useless. Please re-create the problem and save the FLT file just at the TD.


Thank you



i mean do any flight and try do a popper arrival. this stuff should be picked up by the testers. the throttle just doesn't like to idle even when it should on slow down and descent. next time I bring myself to fly them I will do just that.

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fsuipc auto save just exactly the same. it just tells the sim to save the flight. i know what they want I'm not confused by that. I'm confused at why such a basic function like the A/t letting the throttles stay at idle is such an issue for so many even after SP1. I am not the only one having this issue.

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