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To all, 

 I use FSX Acceleration in Win 7-64 and Registered FSUIPC.

 I've been trying to use the "Axis Assignment" tab in the registered Ver of FSUIPC Ver to assign the "Steering Set" option to my CH throttle's Mini Stick "X" axis.

With a "clear slate" ,  each time I move the mini stick in any direction to get a mini stick X (or Y) axis to populate the "Axis #" block,  only the throttle's "Z" axis will appear there.

For troubleshooting / testing I have tried disabling the throttle axis in the FSX options controller axis tab settings but get the same results.  Any tips or solutions for other

things to try  will be appreciated.

  Screen Cap attached.

Thank you,

Ken Boardman






what shows the mini stick in Windows Game Controllers Setting calibration, did you you calibrate the controller there?

Also you will have to send or attach your FSUIPC4.ini, FSUIPC4.log and FSUIPC4.JoyScan.csv files. All files are located in \\Modules\\ folder within your FSX installation folder.


7 hours ago, elsmoko said:

For troubleshooting / testing I have tried disabling the throttle axis in the FSX options controller axis tab settings

As well as what Thomas and John advised, you should complete disable controllers in FSX if you are assigning in FSUIPC, not just de-assign specific axes, otherwise you are liable to get conflicts.




It would seem that at some point someone  (perhaps even me > face is red now 🤡) had disabled

the mini stick axes in the (advanced) FSX Throttle settings.  After resetting the CH Throttle axis

setting to default,  the FSUIPC axis assignment for "Steering Set " worked as normal and it

works great !  >  NW  steering  without rudder movement. 

  Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction,  and thanks again for the indispensable

FSUIPC software.

Best to all,



Well,  seems I spoke too soon.  Worked great once and then didn't work.  So I've set the mini mouse axis to the Rudder control in FSX

Controller Setup and for now I'll just live with rudder moving with nose wheel >  with luck,  in the same direction (and correct direction ~:) 

Best to all,


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