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New to Tower3d Help needed


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Hi guys, I just downloaded tower3d yesterday and am loving it. I've seen on youtube people have real airlines with liveries and call signs but I have only default fantasy ones. I bought my tower3d pro on steam. How can I get the real aircraft for gatwick airport and will it work on steam?

Also, some of the taxiways such as Lima my voice recognition doesn't pick it up clearly all the time. Is there anything I can do within windows speech api to correct this?

Thanks for your help in advance :)

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1 hour ago, The_Controller said:

How can I get the real aircraft for gatwick airport and will it work on steam?

First you need Real Traffic, it replaces the fictitious airlines with the real airline names and white aircraft models. Then you can buy Real Color Packs for the different airports to get liveries for the planes.
You will find all worth knowing here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/588190/discussions/0/1735507300809282463/#c1735507300810240926

1 hour ago, The_Controller said:

Is there anything I can do within windows speech api to correct this?

Train the Windows speech recognition several times and on different days, this should provide a good foundation. The speech recognition will improve the longer you play the game.
Further information on the use of speech recognition can be found here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/588190/discussions/0/1861616237337417643/#c1861616237337882271
You won't need many of these steps, since speech recognition already works for you, but it doesn't hurt to read through the post once.

I hope this helps and welcome to the forum.

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To clarify further, it is not necessary to buy Real Color packs for every airport you intend to play, as long as you do not mind seeing a few white planes here and there.  These packs are cumulative and each one you get will benefit your other airports.  You can be strategic in your purchases.  For example, let's say you buy several American airport add-ons.  Even just getting the RC packs for 2-3 big airports (like KJFK, KSFO, KMCO), you will find that you have decent coverage for most of the others, and then you can gradual fill in with more RC packs as you like, without having to buy them all.  However, if you have RC packs for several American airports, and then buy a single European airport add-on like, EGKK or EDDF,, you will likely feel the need to get the RC pack for that airport, as the percentage of American airlines will be much lower than European airlines.  Then, if later on you pick up another European airport or two, you may find you already have pretty good RC coverage and don't really need the corresponding RC pack for that one.



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Okay that's all working fine but I'm having real issues with saying taxiway hotel on the philedelphia airport. It just doesn't work properly. Everything else is working perfectly fine. I've tried saying it in different ways, pronouncing it differently etc it just doesn't pick it up. Its really annoying because its such a vital taxiway. Any suggestions?

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6 hours ago, The_Controller said:

Everything else is working perfectly fine.

Hope anyone has an idea. I have the same issue with klax and taxiway delta. All taxiways at all airports are fine, only delta at klax is not working via speech. Pretty annoying and I couldn't find an answer yet.

It was working at first but stopped working after ~100 hours game time.

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