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Hi MJKERR, yes you are the controller so therefore have to issue instructions accordingly. If you see potential conflict areas issue a "Hold Short of XX" (although holding short sometimes blocks the intersecting taxiway but that's another story).

Whilst it is unrealistic for aircraft to ram each other because the other is in its way, you will find a controller will issue something like "wait for the company traffic to pass and follow it" or something similar. That is they will generally always know which aircraft will have priority when approaching intersections.

For example, if I have a BAW come off at A9E I will have it taxi via B, if the next is a BAW and comes off at A10E I will have it go via A so that there is no conflict. Also I will issue a Hold Short of C to the one that came off A10E just in case I am distracted elsewhere.

With your example of aircraft taxiing on Foxtrot conflicting with Bravo, just give one the command to hold short of the other ie Aircraft on Foxtrot "Hold short of taxiway Bravo" and so on.

In your first example give the second aircraft arriving at A10E a hold short of either Echo or Bravo if the other will conflict it there.

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17 hours ago, Salad said:

Whilst it is unrealistic for aircraft to ram each other because the other is in its way, you will find a controller will issue something like "wait for the company traffic to pass and follow it" or something similar. That is they will generally always know which aircraft will have priority when approaching intersections.

Another good example of why I feel we definitely need a “give way to” instruction included in the new Tower XX version (e.g., “UAL 652 give way to DAL 256 at taxiway E” with UAL 652 then automatically continuing to taxi after DAL 256 passes by).  This way the controller actually controls who is going to yield to whom (as it should be).  This will also allow the controller to be able to focus more on his/her other traffic as it would create one less potential confliction to have to worry about.  In addition a “give way to” instruction would help reduce the use of “…hold short of…” instructions and then having to remember to tell the holding aircraft to “continue taxi” after the conflicting aircraft has taxied by it.

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5 hours ago, MJKERR said:

Just doing what it states from Feel There
Reports all issues and problems

That's not true at all. At least half the posts are you blogging ... starting with the very first post in the thread.  

6 hours ago, MJKERR said:

Spotted my first white plane
Updated my Tower 2011 schedule to Tower 2013, HVN from 777 to 788
However it should have been 789 !

What is FeelThere supposed to fix here? Looks like the issue is self-inflicted to me. I think you're taking "all issues and problems" a little too far.

And two final points regarding your "bug reports":

  1. Have you ever seen the phrase "no log no bug"? So, if you follow the letter of the law this whole thread has no bug reports. If you want your blog to be recognized by FeelThere as bugs, you need to limit your commentary and include the necessary supporting information 
  2. A lot of your commentary is dealing with the game engine which we all know in longer supported. Good luck!
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  • MJKERR changed the title to X

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