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FSUIPC7 Trial license - available here

John Dowson

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19 hours ago, Jason Chandler said:

This isn't for a trial license but for a recovery of my license purchase.

Then why post in this topic?

19 hours ago, Jason Chandler said:

I believe I purchased FSUIPC 7 in March or April of this year. I just can't remember what site it was purchased through. If you'd be able to help, I'd really appreciate it.

All licenses are purchased from SimMarket. Your license/key details will be in your SimMarket purchase email, and also available in your SimMarket account.


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22 hours ago, cyclo said:

could you give me a trial license to test before buying.

License sent.

22 hours ago, cyclo said:

I would like to try connecting flitedeck to fs2020 but I don't know if it will work,

Not sure what device you are using, but if its the streamdeck, maybe try this user contribution.: 



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I don't know why the Forum always chooses that unfortunate Picture 😅


PilotsDeck (should) also works with a free Copy of FSUIPC. Like with FSUIPC itself, some Functionalities do not work (like sending Lua Events or the FSUIPC-vJoys).

Some StreamDeck Profiles come with Lua-Scripts, so a registered Copy is recommended 😉

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