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WildCard last won the day on December 24 2021

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  • Birthday March 15

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    : Canberra, Australia

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  1. I thought that was why there are 2 'Airline' IATA codes in the schedule. The first one is for 'operator' and is used for callsign and flight number, the second is the 'airline' and would be used for the livery. nvm, found the obvious mistake. The first is being used for all 3, and the second is completely unused even though it was clearly intended to used for liveries thus allowing these types of flights to work.
  2. In the game B1 does not exist, it is designated as A1. The end of A1 closest to B is not attached to B and therefore can not be routed over. WSSS is a strange mixture of old taxiway designations mixed with the new designations, and some of the new ones are not on the correct taxiways. This is rather strange considering the official taxiway changes and designations were published on the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore website about 4 months before the airport was released for the game.
  3. In Tower!3D the maximum taxi speed is 20 kts, that's approximately 33.7562 ft/s. (You or one of the devs might recognise this number.) This is about right for most aircraft. However, the taxiing acceleration is rather slow, being around 0.0125G (≈ 0.4 ft/s2) in Tower!3D. The maximum acceleration allowed for passenger comfort is usually stated to be around 0.1G in most whitepapers about taxi flow optimisation, although those same papers show 0.05G (≈1.6 ft/s2) is usual. Expedited runway crossing acceleration would definitely use 0.1G for passenger planes and up to 0.2G for cargo. Cheers, Daniel
  4. Load airfield: airfields/klax ASM: Find asset: airfields/klax ASM: Asset not found Load internal data: airfields/klax Add gate: T3_in MEDIUM to Terminal_1 Add gate: T5_in MEDIUM to Terminal_1 Add gate: T7_in MEDIUM to Terminal_1 Add gate: T9_in MEDIUM to Terminal_1 Add gate: T11_in MEDIUM to Terminal_1 Add gate: T13_in NOLIMIT to Terminal_1 Add gate: T14_in MEDIUM to Terminal_1 Add gate: T12_in MEDIUM to Terminal_1 Add gate: T10_1 NOLIMIT to Terminal_1 Add gate: T8_in MEDIUM to Terminal_1 Add gate: T6_in MEDIUM to Terminal_1 Add gate: T4B_in MEDIUM to Terminal_1 Add gate: T4C_in MEDIUM to Terminal_1 Add gate: T4A_in MEDIUM to Terminal_1 Add gate: T21_in MEDIUM to Terminal_2 Add gate: T23_in MEDIUM to Terminal_2 Add gate: T25_in NOLIMIT to Terminal_2 Add gate: T27_1 NOLIMIT to Terminal_2 Add gate: T28_1 NOLIMIT to Terminal_2 Add gate: T26_in NOLIMIT to Terminal_2 Add gate: T24_in MEDIUM to Terminal_2 Add gate: T22A_in MEDIUM to Terminal_2 Add gate: T22_in MEDIUM to Terminal_2 Add gate: T38_in MEDIUM to Terminal_3 Add gate: T37A_in LIGHT to Terminal_3 Add gate: T36__in MEDIUM to Terminal_3 Add gate: T35_1 MEDIUM to Terminal_3 Add gate: T34_1 MEDIUM to Terminal_3 Add gate: T33B_in NOLIMIT to Terminal_3 Add gate: T33A_in MEDIUM to Terminal_3 Add gate: T32_in MEDIUM to Terminal_3 Add gate: T31B_in MEDIUM to Terminal_3 Add gate: T31A_in MEDIUM to Terminal_3 Add gate: T30_in LIGHT to Terminal_3 Add gate: T123_in NOLIMIT to Terminal_TBIT Add gate: T122_in MEDIUM to Terminal_TBIT Add gate: T121_in MEDIUM to Terminal_TBIT Add gate: T120_in MEDIUM to Terminal_TBIT Add gate: T119_in MEDIUM to Terminal_TBIT Add gate: T106_in MEDIUM to Terminal_TBIT Add gate: T105_in NOLIMIT to Terminal_TBIT Add gate: T104_in NOLIMIT to Terminal_TBIT Add gate: T103_in NOLIMIT to Terminal_TBIT Add gate: T102_in NOLIMIT to Terminal_TBIT Add gate: T101_in NOLIMIT to Terminal_TBIT Add gate: T41_in MEDIUM to Terminal_4 Add gate: T43_in MEDIUM to Terminal_4 Add gate: T45_in MEDIUM to Terminal_4 Add gate: T47A_in MEDIUM to Terminal_4 Add gate: T47B_in MEDIUM to Terminal_4 Add gate: T49_in1 NOLIMIT to Terminal_4 Add gate: T48B_1 NOLIMIT to Terminal_4 Add gate: T48A_in LIGHT to Terminal_4 Add gate: T46B_in MEDIUM to Terminal_4 Add gate: T46A_in NOLIMIT to Terminal_4 Add gate: T42B_in MEDIUM to Terminal_4 Add gate: T42A_in MEDIUM to Terminal_4 Add gate: T40A_in MEDIUM to Terminal_4 Add gate: T51A_in MEDIUM to Terminal_5 Add gate: T51B_in MEDIUM to Terminal_5 Add gate: T53A_in MEDIUM to Terminal_5 Add gate: T53B_in MEDIUM to Terminal_5 Add gate: T55A_in MEDIUM to Terminal_5 Add gate: T57_in1 NOLIMIT to Terminal_5 Add gate: T59_1 MEDIUM to Terminal_5 Add gate: T58_in1 NOLIMIT to Terminal_5 Add gate: T56_in NOLIMIT to Terminal_5 Add gate: T54B_in MEDIUM to Terminal_5 Add gate: T52B_in MEDIUM to Terminal_5 Add gate: T52A_in MEDIUM to Terminal_5 Add gate: T50B_in MEDIUM to Terminal_5 Add gate: T61_in MEDIUM to Terminal_6 Add gate: T63_in MEDIUM to Terminal_6 Add gate: T65_in MEDIUM to Terminal_6 Add gate: T67A_in MEDIUM to Terminal_6 Add gate: T60_in MEDIUM to Terminal_6 Add gate: T62_in MEDIUM to Terminal_6 Add gate: T64_in NOLIMIT to Terminal_6 Add gate: T66_in MEDIUM to Terminal_6 Add gate: T71A_in MEDIUM to Terminal_7 Add gate: T71_in MEDIUM to Terminal_7 Add gate: T71B_in MEDIUM to Terminal_7 Add gate: T73_in MEDIUM to Terminal_7 Add gate: T75A_in MEDIUM to Terminal_7 Add gate: T75B_in LIGHT to Terminal_7 Add gate: T77A_in NOLIMIT to Terminal_7 Add gate: T76_1 NOLIMIT to Terminal_7 Add gate: T74_in MEDIUM to Terminal_7 Add gate: T72_in MEDIUM to Terminal_7 Add gate: T70B_in MEDIUM to Terminal_7 Add gate: T70A_in MEDIUM to Terminal_7 Add gate: T80_in MEDIUM to Terminal_8 Add gate: T81A_in MEDIUM to Terminal_8 Add gate: T82_in MEDIUM to Terminal_8 Add gate: T83_in MEDIUM to Terminal_8 Add gate: T84_in MEDIUM to Terminal_8 Add gate: T85_in MEDIUM to Terminal_8 Add gate: T88_in MEDIUM to Terminal_8 Add gate: T87_in MEDIUM to Terminal_8 Add gate: T86_in MEDIUM to Terminal_8 Add gate: T69_in MEDIUM to Terminal_6 Add gate: T68B_in NOLIMIT to Terminal_6 Add gate: T68A_1 NOLIMIT to Terminal_6 Add gate: T67Z_in NOLIMIT to Terminal_6 Add gate: T67B_in NOLIMIT to Terminal_6 Add gate: T22Z_in MEDIUM to Terminal_2 Add gate: GA1 NOLIMIT to Terminal_GA Add gate: GA2 NOLIMIT to Terminal_GA Add gate: GA3 NOLIMIT to Terminal_GA Add gate: GA4 NOLIMIT to Terminal_GA Add gate: GA5 NOLIMIT to Terminal_GA Add gate: GA6 NOLIMIT to Terminal_GA Add gate: GA7 NOLIMIT to Terminal_GA Add gate: GA8 NOLIMIT to Terminal_GA Add gate: GA9 NOLIMIT to Terminal_GA Add gate: GA10 NOLIMIT to Terminal_GA Add gate: T128 NOLIMIT to Terminal_TBIT Add gate: T129 NOLIMIT to Terminal_TBIT Add gate: T130 NOLIMIT to Terminal_TBIT Add gate: T131 NOLIMIT to Terminal_TBIT Add gate: T132 NOLIMIT to Terminal_TBIT Add gate: T134 NOLIMIT to Terminal_TBIT Add gate: T133 NOLIMIT to Terminal_TBIT Add gate: T135 NOLIMIT to Terminal_TBIT HTH, Daniel
  5. On a slightly more serious note: What version of the game are you running? For steam versions of the game, the patch that fixes this should have already been automatically installed and therefore the problem could be caused by one of the things scoobflight has suggested. For non-steam versions of the game, you will need to find the post in the forum which has the update from feelThere. No idea why that post did not get pinned. This patch probably has not been included in the latest downloadable installer, as it is only 4.5 months old. (age added at end of sentence so it will be easier to update when quoting in future posts. note: remove this note 😛)
  6. @Sky King This is due to my patch and using foggy weather. Remember I just removed over 50% of the existing weather code and am now in the process of cleaning up the loose ends. I've also fixed this particular problem with the adirs, but that's just a symptom. Once I finish fixing the cause I'll release a new patch.
  7. Try it without 'November'. The plane identifies itself as "FIVE SEVEN SEVEN SIERRA TANGO".
  8. Good to see you've got the balls to do the colour corrections properly. 🙂 Get your minds out of the gutter, I'm talking about the RGB balls.
  9. Most homes that have internet have both. Internet is the thing that is not in your home (Circled in RED). Ethernet is the wires that connect devices in your home to the modem/router (Circled in GREEN). If there are no wires, then you are using Wi-Fi. The modem/router (blue and yellow squares) are usually the same device in a home setup.
  10. In the magical world of video editing, this is called adding another sound track. You assume correctly, the liveries have been created and included in a pack. It doesn't exist in a RC pack but in a pack created by... someone who isn't me 🙂
  11. Why would a software publisher/developer provide support for a third-party unofficial patch? Patches also require that the original game is already installed before they will work, they are not a stand-alone product. Even for games that provide a built-in method for loading "mods", the developers of those games only provide support for the unmodified game. It is usually standard practice that when an error is reported in these types of games, that the first question asked is "Does this happen without any mods loaded?" Also the level of support provided is usually proportional to the amount of money paid. i.e. you get what you pay for Paid game = professional paid support Free patch = unprofessional unpaid non-support Daniel
  12. Here's a game log from a modified version of the game that shows where potential problems are in the schedule due to duplicate flight numbers. IATA: LAX - 92 flights Add Arr: 07:01 - RPA6285 Add Arr: 07:01 - RPA3213 Add Arr: 07:09 - RPA3025 Add Arr: 07:09 - RPA3120 Add Arr: 07:25 - RPA3115 Add Arr: 07:46 - RPA3288 Add Arr: 08:00 - RPA3228 Add Arr: 08:29 - RPA3112 Add Arr: 09:02 - RPA3239 Add Arr: 09:10 - RPA3113 Add Arr: 09:50 - RPA6261 Add Arr: 09:50 - RPA3253 Add Arr: 09:58 - RPA3114 Add Arr: 10:41 - RPA2965 Add Arr: 11:13 - RPA3292 Add Arr: 11:51 - RPA6243 Add Arr: 11:51 - RPA3297 Add Arr: 12:18 - RPA3214 Add Arr: 12:18 - RPA3214 WARNING: Incoming duplicate flight RPA3214 found! Add Arr: 12:48 - RPA3087 Add Arr: 13:48 - RPA3092 Add Arr: 14:08 - RPA3039 Add Arr: 14:20 - RPA6246 Add Arr: 14:20 - RPA3021 Add Arr: 15:20 - RPA3003 Add Arr: 15:31 - RPA3104 Add Arr: 15:43 - RPA3298 Add Arr: 16:17 - RPA6244 Add Arr: 16:17 - RPA3196 Add Arr: 16:22 - RPA3251 Add Arr: 16:41 - RPA3058 Add Arr: 17:07 - RPA3282 Add Arr: 17:16 - RPA3230 Add Dep: 07:00 - RPA2965 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA2965 found! Add Arr: 07:25 - RPA3115 Dep: 07:54 - RPA3003 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3003 found! Add Arr: 07:09 - RPA3120 Dep: 08:05 - RPA3087 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3087 found! Add Arr: 07:09 - RPA3025 Dep: 08:08 - RPA6243 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA6243 found! Add Arr: 07:01 - RPA3213 Dep: 08:08 - RPA3297 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3297 found! Add Arr: 07:46 - RPA3288 Dep: 08:20 - RPA3092 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3092 found! Add Arr: 08:00 - RPA3228 Dep: 08:32 - RPA3104 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3104 found! Add Arr: 08:29 - RPA3112 Dep: 09:00 - RPA3214 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3214 found! Add Arr: 07:01 - RPA6285 Dep: 09:30 - RPA3094 Add Arr: 09:10 - RPA3113 Dep: 09:55 - RPA3282 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3282 found! Add Arr: 09:50 - RPA3253 Dep: 10:26 - RPA3039 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3039 found! Add Arr: 09:58 - RPA3114 Dep: 10:35 - RPA6246 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA6246 found! Add Arr: 09:50 - RPA6261 Dep: 10:35 - RPA3021 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3021 found! Add Arr: 09:02 - RPA3239 Dep: 10:43 - RPA3023 Add Dep: 10:58 - RPA3230 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3230 found! Add Arr: 11:13 - RPA3292 Dep: 11:58 - RPA3298 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3298 found! Add Arr: 11:51 - RPA3297 Dep: 12:38 - RPA6244 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA6244 found! Add Arr: 11:51 - RPA6243 Dep: 12:38 - RPA3196 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3196 found! Add Arr: 12:18 - RPA3214 Dep: 13:03 - RPA3058 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3058 found! Add Arr: 12:48 - RPA3087 Dep: 13:19 - RPA3191 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3191 found! Add Arr: 12:18 - RPA3214 Dep: 13:33 - RPA3049 Add Arr: 10:41 - RPA2965 Dep: 14:05 - RPA3244 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3244 found! Add Arr: 14:20 - RPA3021 Dep: 15:05 - RPA6263 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA6263 found! Add Arr: 14:20 - RPA6246 Dep: 15:05 - RPA3053 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3053 found! Add Arr: 14:08 - RPA3039 Dep: 15:25 - RPA3122 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3122 found! Add Arr: 15:20 - RPA3003 Dep: 15:57 - RPA3072 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3072 found! Add Arr: 15:43 - RPA3298 Dep: 16:22 - RPA3024 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3024 found! Add Arr: 15:31 - RPA3104 Dep: 16:32 - RPA3140 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3140 found! Add Arr: 16:22 - RPA3251 Dep: 17:02 - RPA6300 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA6300 found! Add Arr: 16:17 - RPA3196 Dep: 17:02 - RPA3121 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3121 found! Add Arr: 16:41 - RPA3058 Dep: 17:12 - RPA3119 Add Arr: 17:07 - RPA3282 Dep: 17:36 - RPA3287 WARNING: Outgoing duplicate flight RPA3287 found! Add Arr: 17:16 - RPA3230 Dep: 18:03 - RPA2974 Add Arr: 16:17 - RPA6244 Dep: 18:40 - RPA3255 Add Arr: 13:48 - RPA3092 Dep: 19:30 - RPA3078
  13. SFO,LAX,E75,YX,2965,10:41,12:00,1,YX Overrides the departure due to the duplicate flight number. So when the game looks up the plane by flight number, this is the flight it finds, not the departure flight.
  14. You don't have a departure to start the schedule. Every plane in your schedule is a restarter plane and starts by incoming. That pause before 100% loading is the game fast forwarding time to try and find an outgoing plane to start the game with. I'm surprised it doesn't get stuck there. Additionally almost every incoming plane has a duplicated flight number as an outgoing plane. These planes are not restarter matches. This will cause problems. In this case you don't have any departures at all due to the duplicate flight numbers. The flight you see in your log that can not find a 'free terminal' is an incoming flight, not an outgoing flight. You do have a restarter/outgoing flight with the same flight number, see previous point. p.s. Useful information that would have been helpful in working out what was wrong. The time you tried to run the schedule from. The modified airlines.txt file for the schedule. The modified terminal.txt file for the schedule
  15. This is an old version of my tower3d.rec file. The game hasn't been able to handle commas in the commands since v3.0 (end of 2017) Try EliGrim's updated one at
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