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  1. I second that! Thank you very much for your great efforts!
  2. Thanks for your remarks @EliGrim 🙂 I would only switch to the Steam version if the developers/publisher offer it as a courtesy. That's why I asked if there is a way to switch versions initially. I won't buy the game or any DLCs again. For the sake of completeness I currently have the following airports: Base (KLAX, KPHL, TIST), EDDM, KATL, KBOS, KDFW, KJFK, KLAS, KLGA, KSAN, KSFO, LPFG and OMBD + real color + real traffic 😉
  3. Ok that's unpleasant ... I hope a more convenient solution will be introduced with the new game version (but that's for the wishlist thread) 😉 Thanks!
  4. Didn't want to start a new thread but my question fits into this one somehow ... I bought the base game, real traffic and numerous (+-10?) airports+real color packs on atcsuite/feelthere via bmtmicro over the past several years/months. Is there any way to switch to the steam version afterwards without having to repurchase everything? The price difference of the website version doesn't really bother me, but the (re)install/update process of this game version is tedious. It often kept me away from starting a new session because I didn't want to check manually for any updates and have to reinstall every single of of them.
  5. Unfortunately I got stuck at 63% as well. Copied all files in the KBOS folder and replaced some of them with the 1800 hour. *edit* I already had installed real traffic sp6v12 - reinstalled it and now it works.
  6. Since we are in the tower3d.rec file already ... has anybody found the correct code to taxi via runways? We had this question in another thread some time ago but the suggestions didn't work.
  7. I also had that issue this week with various packs. I e-mailed bmt (orders@bmtmicro.com) the order id, purchase date, product id and password according to the mail I got when I purchased the packs. They have been really quick and replied after 3-4 hours (re-activated the links and they do not expire in the future).
  8. Thanks for the schedule. Haven't played KLGA for a while and I am happy for some new challenges, so I started with 10:00 but there are two arriving Envoy 3675 right at the beginning. BNA,LGA,ER3,MQ,3675,10:03,00:00,1,MQ BNA,LGA,ER3,MQ,3675,10:05,00:00,1,MQ
  9. Am I missing something or isn't there any sale on https://www.atcsuite.com/tower3d ?
  10. Various airports of Tower!3D Pro are currently on sale on steam. Is there something similar planned for atcsuite, feelthere, ...?
  11. Thanks for the advice, we will try that.
  12. Hello, I just played a MP session with a friend on KJFK. We both have the newest version of the airport (4.2a) with the only difference he has the steam version and I have the download version. Since we played with 4L for departures I (Ground) had to taxi aircraft down on Kilo. On my version the intersections downwards this taxiway had the names K1, K2, K3 and K4. On the steam version the intersections had the names K, K1, KB, KC. I also wasn't able to direct the planes via KE nor KK. Do you have any idea what happened or what we can do to solve this?
  13. So it's in work but obviously not the next one 😉
  14. Wasn't there a statement that the airport after KMCO will be in the UK?
  15. I have noticed this as well on the intersections with LA, M and MA taxiing from the parking positition to the runway.
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