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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. It should be... You are holding it as an unsigned byte (UB) - try changing that to SB. If it still doesn't work, let me know and I will check using negative values here. John
  2. Just noticed that you posted this in the FAQ sub-forum, where it explicitly states NOT for support requests. Please use the appropriate support forum when requesting support - in this case it would be the FSIOPC7 / MSFS sub-forum. I will move this topic to the correct forum. John
  3. Ok, thanks for the update. Argh! You should get into the habit of making backups before major updates, just in case...can save a lot of time....! Good luck! John
  4. Details are currently on the Download Links -> Useful additional programs page, and will also soon be on www.fsuipc.com (once I have gotten around to updating this page): John
  5. A couple of things you could try: - assigning to the default keypresses instead - F1 to idle, F2 (on repeat) to increase reverse thrust - assign a button to Throttle Reverse Thrust Toggle (or Set Reverse Thrust On/Off) and then use throttle axis for reverse. Also available for individual engines. - if assigning to the above in FSUIPC has no affect, try assigning in MSFS. If it works when assigning in MSFS but not FSUIPC, you can assign keypresses to the events/controls in MSFS (there may already be a default key press assigned, if so you can use that) and then assign to the key presses in FSUIPC. There is also no problem having mixed assignments - some in MSFS, others in FSUIPC. Note that I don't have the Fenix and so cannot test these. It may be that you also have to calibrate for reverse thrust in the MCDU first - see the following tutorial: Also, please see this post on avsim" https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/619709-solved-fenix-throttle-calibration-no-reverse-on-axis/. Maybe some other Fenix/FSUIPC users can help you further with this.... John
  6. No it won't - that is an illegal button assignment - you can only assign to one action per assignment line. You need to adds 2 additional assignment lines for each of your 3 buttons. If you have no current assignments to those buttons (which I guess is the case, as you are just using the button flags which are toggled automatically), for button 1, assign the press to Button Flag Clear for button 2 (i.e with parameter 56 * J + B, as stated in the manual), and either then duplicate this assignment and change the parameter to clear the button 3 flag, or (if your buttons are the press/release type) you can assign to clear the button 3 flag on release. As well as not being the correct format, you need to clear the flags when the buttons 1/2/3 are pressed, NOT on the rotary buttons, which should just inc/dec the appropriate value (and not change any flags). John
  7. I can't see how the CRJ profile can be loaded when you are using the PMDG B728. Could you please attach your FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.log file, the latter generated when you experience your issue, i.e. with the PMDG aircraft loaded and the CRJ profile selected 9please exit FSUIPC7 before attaching the files). Does this also happen if the PMDG us the first aircraft loaded or only when you switch aircraft?, i.e. if you exit MSFS / FSUIPC with the PMDG aircraft loaded and then restart, is the CRJ profile also then loaded? Thanks, John
  8. Great! Yes, I am sure there is...are you using button flags for you compound conditions? if not, switch to using those. Then, when button 1 is pressed, you can have two additional assignments that clears the button flag for your 2nd and 3rd buttons, and similarly, button 2 would have additional assignments to clear the flags for buttons 1 and 3, and button 4 to clear the flags for buttons 1 and 2. See page 21 for details on the "latching" flags, as well as the controls to set/clear/toggle these manually. Btw, I have just noticed that you are using FSUIPC7. There is a specific sub-forum for FSUIPC7 / MSFS - I will move this topic to that subforum. John
  9. Do you have a license? You need a registered version for the lua facilities - if you have not purchased yet, please try the trial license, available here: Use the provided resources - the documentation that comes with FSUIPC (there is also a zip file containing example lua plugins), and the forums - you can look in the FAQ sub-forum and the User Contributions sub-forum for lua scripts that others have provided. John
  10. You should always try the trial license before purchasing, to make sure that the registered FSUIPC version is suitable for your needs... This sounds very strange - FSUIPC isn't doing much here, except receiving data from the FS, and no difference between the free and registered version. Could you leave it running for a few minutes to see if anything changes, and if not, exit FSUIPC and then show me/attach your FSUIPC7.log file. You can also try disabling auto-start (i..e re-install and uncheck the auto-start button). Then try starting FSUIPC7 once your aircraft is loaded and ready-to-fly. John
  11. Yes, of course - that flap lever is an up/down control. You can also use the flap axis on the Bravo - the far right axis. Sorry, but not sure what this means... Up should move the flaps up one position/notch, and down should move the flaps down one position/notch. You could try searching to see if there is a specific preset available for the flaps in the aircraft that you are using and use that - see https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/. Otherwise, if you let me know the aircraft you are using, I can take a look here and advise - if its a default aircraft or an add-on that I own. John
  12. It is normal for a small freeze when saving data for a complex aircraft. This is nothing to do with FSUIPC - that just calls the SimConnect function to save the state. However, if its taking that long, this is usually due to anti-virus interaction. Try removing the flight-save folder from anti-virus scanning - that should improve things somewhat, but you will most probably still get a delay, but should only be a second or two. Also, to get around this issue, there is a control function that you can use to activate/de-activate the auto-save function (only works when the auto-save function is active), which is Auto-Save Toggle (1151). You can use this to disable auto-save on take-off and approach, which is where this pause causes the most issues/frustration. John
  13. No, I am afraid not. FSUIPC only receives axes positions (as well as buttons/switches) on change. The standard way to get around this is to always start with your levers in the zero position. John
  14. Could you please also activate logging for Buttons & keys as well as Events, and produce a short log file (i.e. load a plane, turn your selection rotary to the required position and then try to inc/dec, then exit FSUIPC). If you do this with the logging console open (Log -> Open Console....) you may be able to determine what is happening and fix this yourself, otherwise attach the log and I will take a look (you can compress/zip it if too large to attach directly). John
  15. Maybe the FBW A320 has changed? I would ask about this on the FBW discord channel. There has been no change in how FSUIPC activates hvars (or uses calculator code) for quite a while. You could also try the MF preset A320_Neo_EICAS_2_ECAM_CHANGE_PAGE_HYD - this just activates that hvar though so you will probably get the same issue, but you can ask about that on the MF discord channel. John
  16. First, look for the offsets which hold the fuels tank quantities - you probably want to use the fuel tank level offsets starting at 0x0B74 or 0x1244 (not sure why these are duplicated....). I would monitor them first (using Log =>Offsets) to verify that they are changing as expected. Then create a lua script and use event.offset to receive the level every time it changes. When it reaches a certain level, you can then send the control (using ipc.control) to switch fuel tanks, and maybe also start monitoring the level in that tank as well to switch to the next tank when the level drops below a certain quantity / %age - you can so this for as many tanks that are available. See the FSUIPC Lua Library document for details on how to use these functions. Note also that the script should be auto-started from your FSUIPC7.ini, most probably only in the profile for the aircraft for which you want to use the script. See the Advanced User guide for automatic running of Luas. John
  17. As I keep saying, they are available in the forum from that link I posted. I will also add a link to www.fsuipc.com. This would be useful for many support questions as I could then post a link to the relevant html section of the documentation for support requests that are covered by the documentation. Well, I should be able to export the original documents to html format (and maybe tweak a bit), rather than pdf. This has been on my to-do list for a long time, but unfortunately I don't have much spare time after dealing with support request and keeping up with FS updates.... I would also like to start a wiki for questions/answers, but again, its a matter of resources (mainly time!)...just me supporting many products, both freeware and payware... Not many users actually look at the current resources available - documentation, FAQ, User Contributions, contents of the support forum... John
  18. We do - they are here: I have not put them on www.fsuipc.com as I don't think they are needed....this has never been a problem before... In an ideal world, I would also have the manuals in html format on the website. If only I had time to do such things....! John
  19. Pete retired a few several years ago, although he does help out still on occasion. Please note that f you have problems with your WideClient connection to WideServer/FSUIPC, I always need to see four files, preferably with their original names (i.e. not renamed): WideClient.log, WideClient.ini, WideServer.log & FSUIPC?.ini. It is also useful/helpful to know what version of FSUIPC you are using...as you are using P3Dv5, it must be either FSUIPC5 or FSUIPC6. Your WideClient.log says it is version 6.999z4, so its WideFS6 (32bit) but I am not sure what that version is (before my time I'm afraid). I guess you are using that as your client machine is 32bit (Windows 7?), no? Anyway, if it was previously connecting ok and no longer is, it must be due to a change in your network. Consult the provided documentation - it will either be related to a workgroup name update/change, or a firewall - either on the client or server machines. Test with both firewalls disabled, and if it connects ok then, start one at a time to see which one is blocking the connection. John
  20. Well, as I don't know what version of FSUIPC you are using, I am not sure - for FSUIPC4/5, they will be installed in an FSUIPC Documents folder under your FSUIPC installation folder. For FSUIPC6/7, they will be installed under your Windows Documents folder. The provided Installing and Registering FSUIPC document, available both in your FSUIPC documents folder AND in the fsuipc zip file you downloaded that contains the installer, details what is installed and where. They are also available from the Download Links -> Documentation section of this forum, although the ones there will not be the latest as I updated those less frequently. I don't know how to make this more obvious....I suggest you just look for them.... John
  21. That will (most probably) be the profile name. If you want a separate profile for the PMDG 737, remove that aircraft from the profile section in your FSUIPC?.ini file - (you don't say what version of FSUIPC or FS you are using!). Then set-up a new profile for the PMDG 737... No idea - please see the section CALIBRATING FLAPS WITH SPECIFIC DÉTENTES in the FSUIPC User Guide. Any further issues or questions, please include your FSUIPC ini and log files - and it would help if you let me know what FS you are using. John
  22. Please see the provided Installing and Registering FSUIPC7 document, section Invalid Key Problems. And please always consult both the documentation and the support forum first before asking for support. Most questions have already been asked and a solution available. This same question has now been asked hundreds of times... John
  23. You can assign either in MSFS or in FSUIPC, or have some assignments in MSFS and others in FSUIPC - it is up to you. However, you should not have assignments in both for the same axis/button/switch, as this will cause issues, If you are assigning in FSUIPC only, you should create an empty profile in MSFS so that you don't have this dual assignment problem. Otherwise, you can keep the default assignments for your device/controller in MSFS, but make sure you remove/delete an assignment if you decide to use FSUIPC instead. Most people would use an empty profile in MSFS and assign everything in FSUIPC. You would set-up the Honeycomb Bravo as you would any other controller, so I am not sure I understand your question. For the Bravo AP functions and trim wheel, see this for a basic configuration: For the throttle axes, you would set those up as you would any other axis. It is usually a good idea to assign to the standard throttle control first in your general profile (i.e. no profile selected) using Send to FSUIPC calibration and the Throttle control, and then calibrate this on the first page of the calibration tab. Different aircraft use different throttle controls (and it also depends on the number of engines the aircraft has, of course), so you would then set-up specific profiles for different aircraft (or groups of aircraft). Please see the provided documentation (User Guide and Advanced User Guide). You can also search this forum for issues other people have had with Bravo set-up, which may help. John
  24. It's John, not Pete... First, make sure you back-up your registry before doing anything - you should always do this before editing the registry, just in-case. Then delete completely from the left-hand side. John
  25. This sounds like your joystick axes gave changed (in the windows registry to digital on/off axes. This is not relayed to the FSUIPC update, but maybe to a windows or driver update. To resolve, see the following FAQ entry: Although the FAQ entry is for Saitek devices, it applies to all hardware when this occurs - just use the appropriate PID and VID numbers for your device, John
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