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ATC AlaskaGuy

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Everything posted by ATC AlaskaGuy

  1. does anyone know if I can go through the airline list and amend it or correct things in it and then use it in every airport that I have by like adding what goes to this airport or what goes to that airport and make it all to be one airline list?
  2. the next airport from what I have seen and or been told is KDFW
  3. yeah I have had to do the same thing not a big deal just time consuming like you said.
  4. I never got a private message from you pete
  5. hexed I am going ot try and look at something else with Dubai for some reason only in the time 00:00 it takes forever to load so there might be to many emirates flights not sure it this is the issue although when I first got Dubai and it was the original schedule that came with the airport it was doing this to but even worse.
  6. ok I fixed that I thought you meant the airport file my bad I was able to go into it and fix this thank you for letting me know.
  7. I have also changed some of the call signs as that voice recognition on windows 10 has some issues with the way things are spelled so I have altered some of those to.
  8. nope look more closely and you will see I have altered those to
  9. https://forum.simflight.com/topic/87597-omdb-dxb-custom-schedule-files/?tab=comments#comment-532236 here is the link to my custom schedule for DXB-OMDB Dubai International Airport
  10. and I Just checked the airport file I posted and KWI is in there that airport is Kuwait international, and like I said that one is in the airport file, the other one GSM is not in any airport file that tower 3D Pro has.
  11. just checked and KWI is in the original file as well as the files I have in all the airports for airline.txt file the other one is not a airport that is even in the original airport files so don't know what that airport is.
  12. is there going to be a new master list now that KRDU is out?
  13. omdb_terminal.txt omdb_airplanes.txt omdb_airports.txt omdb_airlines.txt omdb_gaandlocaltraffic.txt omdb_schedule.txt
  14. yeah I know right!
  15. would they have put those in the airline file in preparation for KDFW
  16. I was wondering if anyone new if that the new Cargo airlines that are listed in the airlines.txt file for KRDU will actually work in Tower 3D Pro
  17. does it say sp1 or sp2
  18. and I got a email saying that the new sp for KSFO is out now to
  19. on nyergesdesign's website it said the version that is out now is sp16v17
  20. I am having a issue with downloading the newest real traffic on nyerges Design website it says the newest one is is RT_ Tower3D_PRO_sp6v17 and I can't download that my links are only letting me download the old one that is RT_Tower3D_Pro_sp6v16a? And was wondering if I am the only one having this issue.
  21. well your way of doing that isn't funny and only someone that is a typical Narcissist would think that is all I am saying is that your comments are not funny and not helpful its also called bullying and doesn't help anyone.
  22. none of them do in tower 3D Pro I was just saying would be kinda cool if in the next version of tower if that is something that can be integrated into the game.
  23. so is all you like doing is criticizing others & not help others because criticizing doesn't help anything all you are doing is creating more issues and not actually helping anyone so if you do want to actually help someone then answer their question and not criticize.
  24. like I said though in the airline file Air Chatham has the wrong iata and iaco codes air chatham should be cva 3C and cargolux is clx cv and this is according to Flightradar24
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