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Pete Dowson

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Everything posted by Pete Dowson

  1. Well, the Weather crash one is the more usual symptom of corrupt weather files, as I said -- your previous crashes probably would be responsible for that. But as you omitted to show the FSUIPC4.LOG file I could not swear to it. With the log I can identify if it is at the exact position for the weather reading to commence. Did you delete or rename the .WX files in your P3D Files folder in your Documents? Did you delete the wxstationlist.bin file again after your previous crash? As for your random crash whilst flying, that could be due to almost anything, maybe even one of the bugs corrected inP3D since version 3.0. You never said why you were not keeping your P3D up to date. I think that's a mistake. It would also make it a bit pointless reporting your crashes on the L-M Forums, which is otherwise where I'd suggest you "ask for tipps". Pete Pete
  2. Ah, that's better/ Yes, sorry. That version of SimConnectP3D3 is only compatible with P3D 3.2. I hadn't realised L-M had changed the SimConnect interface between 3.1 and 3,2. I've made a version which is compatible to 3.0 and 3.1 as well, but it's not due for Release till Monday, with 4.95 Just finishing updates to documentation. However,here's a pre-release link to the changed version: SimConnectP3D30.zip Alternatively, if you installed (or already have installed) any of the FSX versions of SimConnect, from the Redist folder in P3D, then all you need to do is delete the SimConnectP3D3.DLL from the Modules folder. Then FSUIPC will use an FSX version quite happily. Pete
  3. The offset address given for the crash is very strange: Fehleroffset: 0x52b38300 This is actually going to be in a library I think, because it isn't within FSUIPC code. The usual reason for a crash at this stage is a corrupt weather file -- either wxstationlist.bin in the same folder as your Prepar3D.cfg file, or the current default flight's .wx file. It happens when FSUIPC gets access to SimConnect and starts reading weather data. So the first step is to try deleting those. The station list will be rebuilt by P3D. BTW why are you still using an old version of P3D? Best to keep up to date and bug fixes are on-going. Prepar3D.exe version = Pete Fehleroffset: 0x52b38300
  4. Yes, it should be. See the SDK folder in your NGX installation. That includes a complete set of "custom controls" you can use for inputs to the NGX. No. Almost nothing in the NGX uses FS variables, which is what the offsets contain. You need to use custom control assignments. Pete
  5. As stated in email, the log is not finished and shows no useful information. Show the completed log saved in the FS Modules folder! Pete
  6. As stated clearly (?) in my first reply, " saved into the same folder from which you ran the Installer."! Pete
  7. I think you have one or more of these problems: 1. Your Registry is incorrect, not showing the correct details for your current sim installations, as it appears to say you have FSX. 2. You are not using a current version of the FSUIPC4 installer. The earliest supported at present is version 4.949p. 3. You are using one of those awful "migration" programs which distorts the way your FS installations look. I can help determine the best course of action if you show me the Installer's log file, which is saved into the same folder from which you ran the Installer. It is a text file and you can paste it into a reply here. Pete
  8. No, sorry. I'm done with hacking into binary code these days. Even with the P3D one in FSX, it was the only one of many G3D crashes I could find a way around, and I only did it because it was the most common one and one I could reproduce. It was fixed in one of the FSX-SE releases and in P3D by version 2. It is noticeable on the Lockheed-Marting forum that there are more problems with PMDG aircraft on P3D version 3 than with any other add-on. I would assume that L-M are working with PMDG to resolve these, but no one says so either way. Even so, I think you need to report your problem in the Forum just like all the others. Pete
  9. No, that's just METAR data. It would be used to provide ATIS reports and work out performance details for planning, but there's no radar data there. ASN provides a matrix of the area around you detailing levels of water in the air at the altitudes appropriate to the Tilt setting. I can do this accurately because it actually places the clouds containing liquid water at those places. Pete
  10. As ammamalhas says, whether some lights work or not depend a lot on the modelling for that aircraft. The first thing I should ask, though, is whether there are switches for these in that aircraft's cockpit? If so, can you switch them on there, with the mouse for instance? If so, when you use the FS toggle controls for them, do the switches operate in the cockpit? If yes to both, then that's as much as you can expect the controls to do. Whether there's actually any lighting effects depends on the modelling. If there are switches and you can operate them with the mouse but the controls don't change them, then maybe the model has implemented a different way of doing this, maybe a keyboard shortcut. If not you could try other ways, like mouse macros or using L:Vars. Pete
  11. The wxstationlist.bin file is in this folder: C:\Users\Office\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\ Just delete it. It will be rebuilt next time you run FS. It is updated from time to time by online weather downloads and gets corrupted when something happens during that process. The other weather files are the various .wx files in your "My Documents" Flight Simulator X Files folder. If you delete them you'll just lose any specific weather saved with your saved flights. If you use online weather or a weather program that won't matter. But you could just rename them as a test. I can't help here without seeing the run-time FSUIPC4.log. The file you've included is only the Install log. Isn't there a file called "FSUIPC4.LOG" there too? It's more important to see where things went wrong. If it isn't there then it means FS actually hung BEFORE FSUIPC4 even got loaded! So that would indicate an FSX problem instead, maybe a corrupt install. From the Install log this strikes me: Checking version of the FSX EXE: ... Version 10.0.60905.0 (Need at least 10.0.60905.0) Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect: Found SimConnect build 60905 (Original) You seem to be using the original bug-ridden release of FSX! Later that same year two free updates were released, and they really are essential -- SP1 and SP2. You can still download these and install them, and I would strongly recommend you do this. SP1: FlightSimulatorXServicePack1.aspx SP2: FlightSimulatorXServicePack2.aspx An alternative would be to uninstall your FSX altogether and get the Steam FSX-SE That can be had on bargain weekends at only about £4.99 or $9.99. It is an updated version of FSX with better all round reliability and performance. microsoft-flight-simulator-x-steam-edition http://store.steampowered.com/app/314160/ Pete
  12. Sorry, I still can't figure out what it is from that picture. Do you mean the clock device in the main instrument panel? Unless the makers of the panel have provided a way to do this, it may not be possible. What sort of macro? Writing to an L:Var, or one made using the Mouse Macro facilities? Mouse Macros only work with gauges written strictly to a now aging Microsoft gauges SDK. Very few modern aircraft use this nowadays, unfortunately. It may be available as a local panel variable (L:Var). You could list those (there's an assignable FSUIPC control for that), or even log them in real time using the supplied Lua plug-in for this purpose. If you can identify the L:Var then you can write to it using a macro. The details are in FSUIPC documentation (about page 40 in the Advanced Users guide). Pete
  13. The only useful logs for such things are the WideClient log, which you supplied, and the WideServer log, which you've omitted. The error: 172 Trying TCP/IP addr, port 8002 ... 21188 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out is a little strange. If it was "connection refused" I'd say it was down to firewalls, one ed or the other. But maybe Win10 is different in this respect. The only other thing I can think of is that the Port it is using (8002) is already being used by something else. You can try a different one. You would have to change it in WideClient.INI and in the [WideServer] section of FSUIPC4.INI. One other thing. I notice one of the files mentions a Wireless LAN adapter. Are you attempting to connect wirelessly? Judging by past reports this is known to be problematic with WideFS. Can you test with a wired connection at all? BTW your FSUIPC is now out of date. The earliest supported version is currently 4.949p. Pete
  14. Yes, Engine 1, 2 3 or 4, whichever throttle(s) you are trying to do this for. It's just shorthasnd to say saying "1, 2, 3, or 4 as appropriate" every time! The explanation is pretty straightforward. I couldn't do any better than PilotJohn I'm afraid. Pete
  15. See the User Contributions subforum above. There's a thread there entitled Throttle Manager to Allow Axis Forward/Reverse Toggle Pete
  16. Aha! It's a little bug. Fixed now. Sorry. That must be a VERY long-standing one. Evidently no one has tried to use it for that in the past, or has but failed to report it. For "Toggle airport name display" I'd rather have a count as well. It'll be the one byte at 305D, incrementing 0-255 and back. If you only want to test one bit use the 2^0 bit, but I think you are safer checking a change in the value -- otherwise with bit toggling you can miss two successive uses of the control made quicker than your monitoring (I can double tap a button or key pretty fast for those two controls -- a way of cheating with single bit detection?)... That, and the fix to 32FA for Reload user aircraft will be in the ext released version, hopefully by the end of this week. Pete
  17. FSUIPC is not a hardware controller. It deals with FS controls. Providing a device provides good reliable inputs then you can calibrate it. If a device misbehaves then it can do little about it. Personally I don't like Saitek devices, but they are the most popular -- probably because they are relatively cheap -- and folks do manage to get them to work well. I don't know why their installer sometimes makes the sort of mess you describe, but I'm sure it's not too hard to fix. Did you follow the suggestions I made? Pete
  18. Assuming you have the correct version of FSUIPC (nothing earlier than version 4.949p is supported for fSX), then there are two usual reasons for that. The first is a corrupted Weather (.WX_ or wxstationlist.bin) file. It happens when FSUIPC is ready and starts reading the weather data to supply to applications. The weather is stored in an unchecked binary form and any corruption can cause hangs or crashes. The second is a rogue joystick device driver which is hanging when FSUIPC does its joystick recognition scan.. I could probably tell you which by looking at the FSUIPC4.LOG file -- this is always needed if you are asking for help. It's a text file created every time FSUIPC runs, and you'll find it in the Modules folder. You can paste its contents into a message here. Well, uninstalling FSX doesn't remove any saved flights with weather files, and reinstalling the same FSUIPC merely puts the same FSUIPC back. Neither are likely to change the two problems I just mentioned. As clearly stated in the User Guide (didn't you bother even to look?) in a section actually entitled De-Installation (on page 8), removing the FSUIPC4.DLL from the Modules folder is all that is needed. If you've no other addons in there you can of course delete the entire Modules folder, that's up to you, but there's nothing else of FSUIPC4 than the small DLL stored in the Modules folder. If that isn't there, or if it is simply renamed, it isn't loaded and plays no part whatsoever in your simulation. What's that supposed to be, an insult? There are many thousands of FSUIPC users without problems. If there is a problem in some essential files which causes FS to hang when FSUIPC is present, they will no doubt come back and bite you some other time in some other way too. If you just want to give up and hope for the best that's your choice, but I may be able to help if you want me to. Just try to be more constructive rather than make unjustified comments like that.. Pete
  19. I see. And this is just for Reload user aircraft and Toggle airport name display? For the former isn't the counter changing at offset 32FC sufficient? That changes when that control is used as well as when a different AIR file is loaded. (There's also a count at 3F02 for flight loading). Pete
  20. But what would the flag in an offset actually mean? You won't know if it was on or off to start with, and loading flights and so on, or using the menus, could change it without any control being detected. Sorry, but I really don't see the point at the moment. Pete
  21. What elapsed time? Where are you seeing it counted? Pete
  22. Okay. Good. Thanks. Those lines above are the ones which confirm it is using the revised DLL okay. It will be included in the next Installer Update. I'm just waiting for some feedback on the new PMDG 737NGX CDU offsets I've added. Thanks again Pete
  23. Not sure how you can call it FSX yourself. Is renaming an option in Steam? Things being on different drives is completely irrelevant. They are installed on your system. It also isn't really a good idea these days, because the "Program Files" folders are protected from writing (since Vista days). FSUIPC's Installer makes the Modules folder (only) read/write, but the other folders can give other applications problems. This is why many folks have to run FSX or FSX-SE"as administrator" -- to give them enough provilege. Okay. Are you reformatting both drives and reinstalling Windows? If not, before your simply delete anything make sure you use Windows' Control Panel, "Programs and Features", and uninstall FSX, FSX-SE and Steam. You may need to run a Registry Cleaner too, because the uninstall leaves traces in the Registry. Pete
  24. Er, not the original, obviously (that one crashes, as you showed me), but the replacement DLL in the ZIP I gave you a link to! If the DLL isn't there you aren't testing anything, are you? Pete
  25. The SimConnectP3D2.DLL should have been deleted by the FSUIPC4 Installer. It does get deleted here. It won't be used unless you are using P3D version 2.x. Pete
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