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Everything posted by spokes2112

  1. Pete is correct, if using HSI CDI it takes whatever is slaved to NAV1 be it VOR1 or GPS. Getting NAV CDI:1 ( or derivatives ) will always produce what is coming from the nav radio regardless of being slaved by GPS for the AP.
  2. You could assign 2 keystrokes - one to kill dynamicfriction.lua & one start it. IMO that would be the easiest way. One could also write a LUA to control how dynamicfriction.lua is run or stopped but that would require editing as your hangar changes.
  3. Try calibrating your yoke through the Windows calibration dialog. That should give you back the full +/- 16380 prior to entering FSUIPC or FS.
  4. Ignition (spark) is self imposed with the starter for jet engines in FSX. To start a jet engine both have to be true - Fuel Valve - open Mixture - full rich ( even though for a jet engine this must be true ) If either the Fuel Valve is closed or the mixture is full lean the engine will stop or not start.
  5. The default FSX 737 uses "TOGGLE MASTER STARTER SWITCH" with a parameter of 1 for the left engine and 2 for the right in it's actual gauge code. Try using that. Roman
  6. Bedrich, Maybe try this - In XML -- (FlightPlanWaypointApproachMode, enum) -or- (FlightPlanApproachMode, enum) (spelling differences between guidebook and SDK) "GPS_APPR_TYPE" NONE = 0, <---- According to The GPS Guide Book this is enroute (pg. 160 / pg.172 pdf 8.5x11) TRANSITION = 1, FINAL = 2, MISSED = 3 And in the FSUIPC4 offsets status it is listed as 0x6160 as read only with a note of ?-SimC Mapped to SimConnect variables, but validity unknown. Needs checking and feedback please Hope this helps, Roman
  7. Ray, Pete will be away until the 5th of January.. In the mean time, maybe try this - You are using 2 buttons, GEAR_DOWN (66080) and GEAR_UP (66079). Try using just one button and using GEAR_TOGGLE (65570). 12=P1,4,C66079,0 13=P1,5,C66080,0 Becomes 12=P1,4,C65570,0 Even if you do not like that way of using the buttons on the joystick it may help Pete diagnose why the individual commands do not work.
  8. Thank You Paul !!
  9. You should be able to do it without a problem. 1st use the first byte (0x66C0) of the user offsets to select the 3 modes you want. (0-2) Then in the Lua code you would use 3 of the next available DWORDs in the user offsets area for each of the raw axis'. (0x66C1, 0x66C5 & 0x66CA) The following is an example for a recip setup in pseudo code. (not at my FS rig) If 0x66C0 = 0 then send 0x66C1 to the #1 engine throttle axis offset send 0x66C5 to the #2 engine throttle axis offset send 0x66CA to the #3 engine throttle axis offset End If If 0x66C0 = 1 then send 0x66C1 to the #1 engine mixture axis offset send 0x66C5 to the #2 engine mixture axis offset send 0x66CA to the #3 engine mixture axis offset End If If 0x66C0 = 2 then send 0x66C1 to the #1 prop pitch axis offset send 0x66C5 to the #2 prop pitch axis offset send 0x66CA to the #3 prop pitch axis offset End If I wrote something similar for a gentlemen using only 2 axis'. (Beech Baron) It "may" have been written into one single Lua (???) but in any case the code is there, it may help. This thread. BTW, Pete will not be back around until November 25th.
  10. Pete, Thanks for the info! The other gentleman has already created his. Genious! while I am a hobbiest. Will keep plugging at though, never delved into the FSUIPC WX functions and if anything it WILL be a learning experience. Thanks again, Roman
  11. Pete, I was wondering if there is any easy way to determine if the WX system in FSX/P3D was updated either globally or via the other injection styles, by the internal FSX 15 minute update engine or via any WX program regardless of the interface used. (FSUIPC, Simconnect, or other) The reason why I am asking is that a program called Duenna used for the Around the World Race (or other), flight validation & monitoring, and finally tracking is only partially working in P3D. The author of Duenna, it seems, is unreachable by the Executive Committee. The complete Duenna "system" is wholly matured and creating another complete system would be difficult, requiring a multitude of people with a plethora of skills. In the mean time myself and one other gentleman are creating 2 different "watchdog" programs to supplement Duenna. He is using Simconnect while I am going through FSUIPC/DLL for dot net. All of the validation parts needed to supplement Duenna for P3D are available in FSUIPC but the WX part is eluding me in scope. I would like to include FSX in this watchdog because the committee and myself included, think that the Jeppesen built in WX system may go away, if and when is a big ??? Could a "counter" be created by you if easily done? Or could you give me a little nudge in the right direction on how to take care of the WX part? Thanks in advanced, and, of course, for the excellent support, Roman
  12. First thing to try is to update FSUIPC, you have quite an old version... Go here. Newest is 4.936c compared to your 4.853.
  13. According to past posts from Pete, anytime there is an update released for P3D a new FSUIPC will have to be released as you mentioned - Due to memory locations.
  14. In short no, most likely would have to be done in the gauge coding itself.
  15. Out of the 8 bits (2^7) of the single byte at offset 3123 only the first 4 bits are used. 2^0 = bit zero = 1 2^1 = bit one = 2 2^2 = bit two = 4 2^3 = bit three = 8 Sending a 1 to 3123 would swap Nav2, sending a 2 to 3123 would swap Nav1, sending a 4 to 3123 would swap Com2 and finally sending an 8 to 3123 would swap Com1. You could also combine the bits to do multiple swaps at the same time. Add them up. Sending a 13 to 3123 would swap, all at once, Nav2, Nav1 & Com1. (8 + 4 + 1)
  16. Pete is gone until september 7th. In the mean time take a look at "FSUIPC4 for Advanced Users" page 29, look for FSUIPC custom control 1007.
  17. Kevin, I have a version 1.1 for you. I scrapped the idea in post #10 about easier calibration. I feel that may a bit too much and some logic anomalies may occur. Otherwise I added a "latch" which takes care of problem #1 in the same post above. The controller will not connect to FS until the controller gets in a settable range based on what the what the value for FS is at the time of mode change. In "both engines" & "left engine" it will not latch until the controller matches what the FS "left engine" is at. Range for right control for FS "right engine" only. This will make the axis "unavoidable consequence" at least more livable. In ALL 3 lua files there is a new setting, "range =". This is a value +/- of the current FS value at the time the mode was changed. It will not "latch" until the controller gets in this range. If you are having problems latching, raise this number. I tested all the way to 500 but at that high of a number the controller will "jerk" the FS control slightly at the time of latching. The faster you move the controller, the higher the number should be in order to latch. In just the throttle lua there is even one more setting. My FS install did not like the "lua" type display window and would occasionally crash FS on an aircraft change. It works fine in the "greenline" display, results may vary. The setting "greenline =" will change between "lua" and a "greenline" type display. In order to see the "greenline" display make sure that the setting in FSUIPC/About "Hide all single line messages" is unchecked. (greenline now default) To install, just copy these files over to FSX\Modules and overwrite while FS is closed. You should not have to do anything else. With these new files you should add to your preflight SOP or at any aircraft change - When in "all engines" mode make sure all 3 controllers (throttle,prop,mix) are latched by being able to move freely with your throttle quadrant. (Standard issue anyway for real aircraft) Helpful hint - If you need to adjust any of the user settings use FSUIPC/Key Presses and assign 2 keyboard keys to the following. Lua MAxis Throttle & LuaKIllAll. This way you can make changes without exiting/restarting FS every time. Once all setup nicely you can delete these commands. You can get the files here. Hope this works, and...... Much better. I needed to get this type coding done for my controller's lua anyway. :D EDIT - These should work as long as your throttle quadrant has raw outputs of -16383 to 16384. (Fingers Crossed) If it doesn't and the outputs are different we would have to figure out what the raw outputs are. Roman
  18. Quick idea.. Profile specific?
  19. Sorry will not be able to get back to you for 4-5 hours.. Keep trying, it should :idea: work.
  20. Kevin, I already have a better codes set in mind. 1. After switching modes, the axis of the controller will not engage until within a small range of the current axis already set in FS for each throttle, mix & prop. 2. Easier calibration - instead of having in the both "mode" the controls set to "all" engines set the control input to engine 1 and 2 separately. Drawback at this point - only good for 2 engines. Just a quick test and this should work for 3 buttons. Through the "Buttons + Switches" interface you could use Offset Byte Set with the offset being x66C0 in all 3 modes. Button 8 value = x00, Button 9 value = x01 & Button 10 value = x02. Or hand editing the .ini under [buttons] XX=P0,8,Cx010066C0,x00 XX=P0,9,Cx010066C0,x01 XX=P0,10,Cx010066C0,x02 Will not have much time today to try new coding but hopefully tomorrow. Glad it is working for you.
  21. Kevin, It is all set and tested although the readme has something left to be desired. You can get it here.
  22. Kevin, It is much more complicated than just a button assignment and axis assignment. You will need a LUA file tailored to your needs. I have a LUA file that will have to highly modified and will give it a shot. There is one drawback to using this method. The axis of the controller does not know where the actual FS control is therefore when you switch modes and move the controller axis the FS control matches the controller axis. In any case will help out in creating a LUA for you, it may take a few hours/days since it's been awhile
  23. Pete is away until August 17th. I would check that the slopes are coinciding with each of the throttle axis' .
  24. Pete is away until August 17th but in the mean time you might want to take a look at the following topic.. Note LUA programming required. http://forum.simflight.com/topic/70239-can-an-axis-change-its-function-depending-on-a-button-state/
  25. Yes you can and it works splendidly. You will have to do it by editing the FSUIPC.ini manually in the [buttons] section. (FSX\Modules\FSUIPC.ini) All the information is available on page 21 "COMPOUND BUTTON CONDITIONS" of the "FSUIPC for Advanced Users.pdf". (FSX\Modules\FSUIPC Documents\FSUIPC for Advanced Users.pdf) A good trick prior to getting started is to make a drawing of your joystick and label each button with the button number and it's intended future assignment(s) that way once you get going it will go much easier. Here's an example - 29=CR(-0,8)0,5,C65615,0 ;Trim Up Button 8 = not pressed, Button 5 = pressed as a repeat for the control - trim up. 30=CP(+0,8)0,5,C65759,0 ;Flaps Up Button 8 = pressed, Button 5 = pressed as a non-repeat for the control - flaps up . 31=;SPARE FOR 5 32=;SPARE FOR 5 33=CR(-0,8)0,6,C65607,0 ;Trim Down Button 8 = not pressed, Button 6 = pressed as a repeat for the control - trim down. 34=CP(+0,8)0,6,C65758,0 ;Flaps Down Button 8 = pressed, Button 6 = pressed as a non-repeat for the control - flaps down . 35=;SPARE FOR 6 36=;SPARE FOR 6 Hope this helps, Roman OOPS! stepped on Pete's post :-(
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