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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. Hi Rog,


    The other day I upgraded from REV 7 to REV 8 and now find I cannot choose the save or load folder,
    it always defaults to one folder and when I select the correct folder it just ignores my choice

    As long as there is version 9.x (approx 5 years), the source for line 2 has not changed.
    In line 2, only and always, without exception, the path of the FlightSimulator must be entered.
    Another path is not possible because the existing FSX.EXE file is checked.
    The "red" text of the last line indicates this.
    In other words, there was no other possibility under revision 7. 




  2. Da das von Ihnen geschilderte Problem nicht bekannt ist,
    verfahren Sie wie folgt:

    Wenn das Problem bei Ihnen wieder auftritt,
    beenden Sie die Verbindung zu P3D (Connect to FS).
    Warten Sie ca. 30 Sekunden und stellen Sie die Verbindung wieder her.

    Tritt das Problem bei Ihnen erneut auf,
    beenden Sie die Verbindung zu P3D (Connect to FS) und beenden Sie den FlightSim Commander.

    Anschliessend packen Sie den kompletten Unterordner des FlightSim Commander  /SUPPORT in eine ZIP Datei
    und senden diesen, mit einem Hinweis auf diesen Beitrag, an meine e-mail Adresse.
    Die Adresse finden Sie hier: www.fscommander.com

    Volker Heine




  3. Hi Edgar,

    Open the file file Aircaft.fsc in the FSCommander subfolder /user with an editor.
    Here you will find the following 3 entries.
    Replace the character / with a space.

    ## = current number

    ##,Avro RJ70/BAe 146-100,5827,350,38102,23856,5000,1800,270,1800,270,390,300,150,0, 1600
    ##,Avro RJ85/BAe 146-200,9360,350,42011,23173,850,1800,230,1800,230,340,320,150,0, 1510
    ##,Avro RJ100/BAe 146-300,5827,350,44226,25531,850,1800,290,1800,280,420,300,150,0, 1300

    ##,Avro RJ70 BAe 146-100,5827,350,38102,23856,5000,1800,270,1800,270,390,300,150,0, 1600
    ##,Avro RJ85 BAe 146-200,9360,350,42011,23173,850,1800,230,1800,230,340,320,150,0, 1510
    ##,Avro RJ100 BAe 146-300,5827,350,44226,25531,850,1800,290,1800,280,420,300,150,0, 1300

    Do not forget to save the file.

    Please excuse the inconveniences.

    You can find the QW flight schedule in the folder / Documents / FSX.



    btw. The FSCommander love's the QualityWings Aircrafts

  4. Hello Tom,


    Is there some reason why I can't type the letter Q in the airport search boxes?

    Yes, I have made a mistake checking the keyboard input.
    The problem has been solved.
    Please use this link: http://www.fscommander.com/files/fsc96upgrade.zip
    Download the ZIP file and copy only the FSC.EXE into the FSC folder.
    Exchanging the existing FSC.EXE.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.




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