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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. Hi Harry,

    the log file shows the following information: File: C:\FSC9\database\weather\fsc_metar.tmp not exist!
    If this file does not exist, no data has been downloaded or the data could not be written to the specified folder.
    The reasons for this are not known to me.
    So far, no user has reported a problem with the NOAA download.
    Currently I can receive all weather data from NOAA.



  2. Hallo Christian,

    der "schwarze" Hintergrund kann in jede andere, beliebige, persönliche Farbe geändert werden.
    Teste mal die Funktion "Color Themes" unter "Options".

    Eine geographische Darstellung der Map wird es auch in Zukunft nicht geben. (copyright- und lizenzrechtliche Gründe)
    Aber möglicherweise liest Du im Handbuch, Kapitel 12, für Dich eine sehr brauchbare Lösung.




  3. Hi Carlos,

    please read here: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/60271-important-everyone-please-read/ 

    If you discovered any inconsistencies in the Airac Cycle, then contact the respective provider.



    NOW my q is how can I edit those waypoints so I can add the correct airways for those INT myself

    You can't edit data from the Airac Cycle. You can only carry out the planning manually from Waypoint to Waypoint.



  4. Hi Thibault,

    As I wrote it in thread # 2;
    I can not verify your problem.

    The function to manage the focus is as old as the FlightSim Commander .
    It was never necessary to change anything inside the function. Especially not in the revision 7.

    I have a similar network configuration as you.

    Using the FlightSim Commander on a client via WideFS and also fly at IVAO.
    I also typing texts into IvAp. The FlightSim Commander has never stolen the IvAp focus.
    There is an exception: A refresh of the Map always steals the focus.

    Please read the attached URL.
    Quite certainly your settings do not meet the specifications. Publish here screenshots of your settings.
    Window-> Options->
    1 screenshot from the Display Tab
    1 screenshot from the Flight Tab
    1 screenshot from the Online Tab



    Here, the topic of active focus (GUI) is well explained:

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