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Thomas Richter

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Everything posted by Thomas Richter

  1. That's because it's a .Net application, compiled at runtime. Thomas
  2. Hi, just in case if this is the actual line you use, your Prosim folder really starts with '!' ? RunIf5=READY,CLOSE,MIN,d:\!Prosim\utils\prosimutils\Prosimutils.exe Thomas
  3. Hi, just to confirm I did run a test, no mcro file in use. Only the Cirus II connected as it is with latest FSUIPC5.103j and the PFCHid64.dll (5.01). Make sure you have all latest versions installed/ updated to current versions. Throttle unit is seen as Controller 17 with axes: THR_L = X THR_R = Y PROP_L = Z PROP_R = R MIX_L = U MIX_R = V Values are all from -16384 to +16383, so all OK. Tested with FSUIPC5.103j and PFSCHid5.01 Manufacturer= Precision Flight Controls, Inc. Product= PFC Cirrus II Pro Vendor=0689, Product=C200 Serial Number= PFC Cirrus II Pro 16: ... Ok, added as device #1 3125: Using macros from "F:\FS\Prepar3D v4\Modules\PFC.mcro" selected Thomas
  4. Hi, you will find the Documentation and a SDK in Download Links. Thomas
  5. Hi, could you please provide a FSUIPC log file, running a short session and entering FSUIPC and closing, then fully closing P3D. Thomas
  6. Hi, very strange! So do I but it installs normal under Windows 10. Thomas
  7. Hi, make also sure your virus program is off when downloading the FSUIPC5_installer to ensure it doesn't get modified ! And of course download again the FSUIPC5_installer. Thomas
  8. Hi, that problems is mostly related to graphics driver. Just try P3D in windowed mode rather than in full screen mode. May be your graphics driver is out of date or the graphics card has a problem with that, if it works in windowed mode. FSUIPC does use the normal Windows function for its panel. Thomas
  9. Hi, please update to latest version FSUIPC5.103 and then 5.103e first. Thomas
  10. Hi, please try deleting the entries in [JoyNames] section below: [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=Yes then FSUIPC will rewrite those. In case you used already JoyLetters you can change manually later the letter of the controller to match your assignments. Thomas
  11. Hi, Pete will see this. Btw- did you try a different controller instead, if you have any that would be seen as a joystick controller? You can uninstall the driver in Device manager, when the x-52 is connected you select remove device. That will remove the device and when reconnecting the x-52 windows will search and install the latest driver it can find. Thomas
  12. The problem I might be one of those devices where the vendor is not to convert into a number. There was something already before with a strange device but Pete fixed that. You might have to wait for Pete on 15th. Device at "\\?\hid#converteddevice&col01#5&1b81d3df&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Thomas
  13. Hi, in case none has FSUIPC in the crash reports you need to track it more down by using the same scenario where it crashes but without the other add-on. That means deactivate GSX, ActiveSky and use a standard AC instead of PMDG. That's the first approach you have to do to find out which Add-on will force the crash, if it doesn't crash then activate the next Add-on and run again, and so on. The only way to find the problem. Also is PMDG updated to latest fixes? And keep using FSUIPC5.103e for that. Thomas
  14. Hi, did you try as well with 5.103e ? You will need to send as well the Widows crash report, from EventViewer. Thomas
  15. Hi, did you check the SDK? It clearly tells to read and write Offsets there is no need for registration. Also there are Offsets available to check if FSUIPC and WideFS is registered. Thomas
  16. Hi, is there a Saitek driver installed for the X-52, if so did you try uninstall and install again? Thomas
  17. Hi, could you please check three things. 1/ starting without the controller, as you said that works, and then plug in the controller. Closing the session and sending those three files again please 2/ using a different USB port for the controller on the PC and try start with controller connected, may be some registry problem 3/ downloading this tool HidScanner.zip, run it and send its log file please Thanks Thomas
  18. Hi, as the log file and also the INI file clearly shows you don't. FSUIPC5.103e was released on 3rd of July 2017. Please update and try again. Thomas
  19. Hi, as Scotfleiger said check that Controls are disabled in P3Dv4 what might have speedbrake assigned to that lever. In P3Dv4 you cannot disable/enable Controller via CTRL+K as it was in FSX/ P3Dv1-3, only in menu->Controls->Other. Thomas
  20. Hi, may be the FSUIPC5.ini file had something wrong in it somehow. Maybe just delete the FSUIPC5.ini file, so FSUIPC5 will create a new standard one on next start. Thomas
  21. Hi, you don't do anything wrong but wrong thinking. P3Dv4 is 64-bit and that means it can address up to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 Byte, FSX/ P3D was as a 32-bit application able to address max 4 GB = 4,294,967,295 Byte. So as you see no need to know how much is available, the limit is now the memory of your PC. That means this Offset is no longer supported in FSUIPC5. Thomas
  22. Hi, best is always to post into Main Forum, posts in a not related Sub-Forum might not be seen ... best is to present the FSUIPC4.ini file and also the FSUIPC4.log file after a short session where you just tried the programmed keys, fully closed. But before testing please activate in FSUIPC4 Logging tab 'Button and key operations' and also 'Events (non-axis controls)'. Thomas
  23. Hi, please check also the latest FSUIPC5.103e and send the files again. Thomas
  24. Hi, the install log is not really helpful as that worked OK. The FSUIPC5.log, FSUIPC5.ini and FSUIPC5.JoyScan.csv might give some more info, please send those. What I found about the crash source, Sig[3].Name=Fault Module Name Sig[3].Value=ucrtbase.DLL Sig[4].Name=Fault Module Version Sig[4].Value=10.0.10586.788 , is that you might find FSUIPC5 or P3D in that registry key what should then be deleted. First check if something is there. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps Thomas
  25. Hi, very weird but good to know. Thanks! Thomas
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