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Thomas Richter

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Everything posted by Thomas Richter

  1. Hi, yes you have to. FSUIPC5 is a new product complete new developed while WideFS7 code could 'mostly' used converted to 64Bit and implemented into FSUIPC5, that's why Pete doesn't charge for it again for those they have already a Key and that's why the Version number didn't change, still WideFS7. Thomas
  2. Hi, FSUIPC4 and FSUIPC5 provides additional Offsets for PMDG models listed in related PDF files in subfolder ..\Modules\FSUIPC Documents\ i.e. for PMDG737NGX you will find Offset Mapping for PMDG 737NGX.pdf To control switches ... you need to send Controls, as you found already in their SDK. Thomas
  3. Hi, FSUIPC4 and FSUIPC5 uses both the same WideFS 7. So if you already bought a key for WideFS7 that worked along with FSUIPC4 then you can use that Key as well for the FSUIPC5 installation (WideFS registration). But you say you bought a Key for WideFS6, that is for FSUIPC3 (FS9 and earlier). Check which WideFS version you actually bought. Thomas
  4. Hi, as a minimum you should show the FSUIPC.log file. The actual Version, when latest is installed, is If the installation was correct done and FSUIPC runs correct then I would guess that maybe the add-on miss-interprets the Version Offsets what it seems to check. Thomas
  5. Hi, there is no need for FSUIPC5 to have that. Thomas
  6. Hi, your problem might be the security setting in Windows. As you installed in the default Programs folder instead of any different folder, what is always suggested, AppPath="C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\" So Windows seems to block programs from writing files in that folder. Also did you install maybe P3D with administrator rights and FSUIPC without or vice versa? The both needs to be installed with the same level. Thomas
  7. Hi, you didn't read the above ! You need to install latest version Install_FSUIPC3999z9b.zip but you still run FSUIPC3.999z8 what gives of course an error. Thomas
  8. Hi, when you say you are using the same hardware/ software combination as Lude2Envy does, he clearly states that that the hardware/ software combination (P3Dv4/ FSUIPC5/ Add-on AC) works for all, and even for PMDG, but not for the CRJ add-on. That makes relative clear it is not related to FSUIPC5. I guess you did the simple test with your hardware and the CRJ add-on by defining the throttle direct in P3D? Also without any information like FSUIPC5.ini & FSUIPC5.log files there is not much to help. There are different LOG options in FSUIPC logging tab like Axis events to get an idea what is going on, when selected and a very short session the logging will show if maybe something interferes with the throttle. Thomas
  9. Hi, you actually only misst the first paragraph in the FSUIPC5 History.pdf file located in ..\Modules\FSUIPC Documents\ where it states Thomas
  10. Hi, FSUIPC5 is a new product, new developed from ground up. The price at SimMarket is already reduced, time limited. Thomas
  11. Hi Pete, As said above the latest public download is V3.4.22.19868, the later version you use might not be or maybe will never be published by L-M because of P3Dv4 if it was only a beta Thomas
  12. Hi, above this Forum, Download Links -> Updated Modules ... FSUIPC version 5.103j only, for those with 5.103 or ... Thomas
  13. Hi, the FSUIPC5.log file is not complete, FS didn't close. But the last entry is 149 seconds after start. Your FSUIPC5.ini file shows that you selected 500 seconds as saving interval ! So how should you see a saved file ! Thomas
  14. Hi, did you try with latest interim version from download area? Thomas
  15. Hi, no not at all. Separate files are available since FSUIPC4934 (April/ May 2014). The Documents folder in Modules folder is very helpful, there you will find the file Profiles in Separate Files.pdf it describes itself. Just check that file for more information. Thomas
  16. Hi, There is NO problem caused by FSUIPC5 but it was a BUG in P3D caused by L-M. Also there is no repair needed to get that work, just install the L-M Hotfix for P3Dv4 and update also its Content with latest installer. Thomas
  17. Hi, the install log file is stored in the folder where you did run the installer and also in your FS installation folder in subfolder \Modules\ Thomas
  18. Hi, profiles are stored in the FSUIPC5.ini file as long you don't select the option to store them in a different folder. Thomas
  19. Hi, make sure you use the latest installer you will find above in download section. Thomas
  20. Hi, for FSX/ FSX-SE and P3Dv1-v3 you use FSUIPC4 and for P3Dv4 you use FSUIPC5 (different licence than FSUIPC4). Thomas
  21. Hi, in case you want to read, why do you set then offset_readvar to write only status? In case it is set to write only there is no other value that you set it to in the first or any other modified place and so it returns only that value. Thomas
  22. Hi, in case you found the Offset in Offset list you will have seen as well in its description 'L:Var read and write requests' and how to do it? That will answer your question already and how to do. Thomas
  23. Hi, it seams IVAP captures exclusive key input. Just to make sure you use equal settings just copy the FSUIPC4.ini into P3Dv4 Modules folder and rename it to FSUIPC5.ini (keep the original one renamed) and check. Thomas
  24. Hi , AutoSave option in FSUIPC5 works OK. In case you don't provide any information please send your FSUIPC5.ini file and FSUIPC5.log file. Also you might have some filter in P3D active that not all saved files are shown, and check the Prepar3D v4 Files folder for saved flights (sub-folder in Documents folder). Thomas
  25. Hi, Question was only that it wasn't a typo against the actual name. Thomas
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