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Everything posted by FeelThere_Vic

  1. Ricky, Where did you "check the schedule"? Please give yourself a little time, relax and experience the product. There are numerous 747 flights in LAX, but just as in real life you will see more 777s in these days than 747s. Trust me, if you installed the product correctly they are there :)
  2. Please note the software is strictly prohibited to use for training. Other than that we recommend talking to Navigraph about their software. Please let them know you are trying to use it with the Steam version (which is pretty much the same as the fsX version with different paths)
  3. Ricky, Something is wrong with your install. There should be real airliners included.
  4. We will try to keep it around the price of a bigger Tower!2011 airport.
  5. Also; Nyerges Design will take a different philosophy and will update (free of charge) Real Traffic with each airport's release so eventually you will have all the airplanes that are not included for current airports.
  6. It is based on the day's schedule Nyerges Design grabbed that day. You may want to message them directly from their Facebook page.
  7. It's a different file so you guys can tweak the schedule. We re-worked the file system with modders in mind :) It was surprising for us to see how's the community picked up editing the schedules so we made it easy for you Folks. Within the airports you can add (just like I posted a short while ago) custom schedules etc. Nyerges Design provides a full day of real schedule for each airport (and will be upgrade Real Traffic with each new airport's release) but you can re-write it (please make sure to use airplanes ONLY from the airplane list from RT otherwise Tower!3D may crash if it can't find an airplane.
  8. Tom, This is how it was done for Tower!2011 and it worked in the past 5+ years.Visual means visual such as visual 3D airplanes representing real airplanes.
  9. This is correct, just like they released colors for each airports for Tower!2011 we expect them to do the same for Tower!3D too.
  10. Dear Folks, The waiting is over. We are happy to let you know that Nyerges Design gave us the installers a few hours ago so we made it available to all controllers right away. Real Traffic brings realistic schedules, airlines and visuals to Tower!3D. Real Traffic for Tower!3D is available from www.feelthere.com and www.atcsuite.com It requires SP2 which is already available for all existing feelThere.com and atcsuite.com customers and has been submitted to Dovetail for Steam release.
  11. Dear Folks, Here is another Service Pack for Tower!3D, available for free for all existing Tower!3D customers. We have fixed/ added the following: -better camera transition (now when you switch between planes the camera will move instead of jump) -dynamic Command panel based on the phase of the flight (the Command Panel will only show commands available of the current phase for the flight) -flashing yellow lights on the service cars ([pretty cool at the evenings) -more quality settings (you can finetune settings such as bloom and depth of field, antialiasing, etc) -online manual (it's online so we can make changes and add new topics based on your feedback) -terminal weighting for arrivals (tracon will try to line up to the runway closest to the terminal. It will try but no guarantee just like real world). It is pretty visible with the upcoming Nyerges Design Real Traffic. -stability fixes The patch is available free of charge to all current FeelThere and ATCSuite customers by re-using the link they received during purchase. We also sent the build to Dovetail so we hope it will be available on Steam too within a short time. Any new FeelThere or ATCSuite customers will receive their product SP2 included. SP2 will be required for any future add-on including the upcoming Real Traffic and KJFK add-ons. Thank you Vic
  12. Both statements are correct; airports released for any version of Tower!3D will be compatible with the other (Tower!3D Pro) and yes, KJFK will be released very shortly right after the SP2's release. Nyerges Design is wrapping up the installer for Real Traffic for Tower!3D at the moment too. This is going to be a busy week for Tower!3D :)
  13. We will add an online manual accessible from the game. We decided to keep it online so we can edit it based on questions and suggestions from the community: http://www.atcsuite.com/tower-manual
  14. Unfortunately we are not adding any new unplanned features to Tower!3D and Tower!3DPro. Sometimes next year we may open a poll (like we did after Tower!2011) for suggestions, but for now the list of features is closed. I'm sure you will still like the SP2's improvements and the upcoming Pro features :)
  15. Dear Folks, Here are some random sreenshots of us testing the SP2 with Real Traffic and some Real Color too. I thought I share them with you. The SP2 will be free for all customers and will be available shortly.
  16. It's generated and you can also overwrite it.
  17. Yes, it should be OK then.
  18. Real Traffic is for sure. They just released a new version not too long ago for compatibility with the newer airports.
  19. Dear Folks, Here are some screenshot of testing the upcoming SP2 with Nyerges Design's Real Traffic :)
  20. If you contacted BMT they will answer you soon.
  21. Please don't :) One of them will introduce a new feature for PRO too, but that will be another (small) airport.
  22. Here is the new parallel approach system at work. Now the approach can line up airplanes on parallel runways if they are far enough from each other. There will be an override system too for exceptional airports such as KSFO :) On the top of the Command Panel you can see how you could change the runways during the game if the weather require it. Yes, wind will be simulated too :)
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