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crbascott last won the day on October 2 2022

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  1. @ftn1984 I'd recommend checking out this post: https://forum.simflight.com/topic/85934-tower-3d-pro-real-colorsaircraft-master-list-by-airport/. It will tell you what liveries are available in what packs. Keep in mind there has been no active development in regards to T!3DP for several years. Focus in son T!S3. Also, if you haven't figured it out, this forum is "dead". If you have any further questions I'd recommend moving to Discord. FeelThere, Nyerges Design, and ATC_Center are servers you may want to join.
  2. You can still learn stuff here, but the forum itself is dead. Support and discussion has moved to FeelThere's Discord server.
  3. Highly unlikely.
  4. Very much a fan of this concept. πŸ‘
  5. That's a bug with T!3DP and as you know support for it stopped quite awhile ago. From what I understand, T!S3 has pretty much been written from the ground up so it is a little premature to talk about fixing things until it released. I'm sure at the appropriate time Vic will share all the new and improved features we'll see with the new release. And, do you really want to know "what has been done" (i.e., line for line code) or are you more interested in the totality of how gate availability will be managed in the new release?
  6. Firstly, in the future you may want to mention your topic is dealing with Tracon!2012 to avoid confusion. Secondly, a bird strike in this game should only happen on departure. So, your description of the situation seems to to contradict the emergency types described in the manual. The following is from the Controlling Inflight Emergencies section manual regarding bird strikes: The pilot will call, "Departure, XXX would like to return to the airport due to bird strike.” You must route the plane for a landing at the departure airport. The plane must land within 10 minutes. For each minute longer than 10 minutes a penalty of 200 points will be issued. If you sent the flight to center there will be a 1000 points penalty. Bottom line - no matter the emergency you need to get the plane on the ground ASAP. Thirdly, the points (fines) don't matter. πŸ™‚
  7. T!3DP and Tracon!20122 are not compatible. Tracon!2012 does not have Real Color. It’s a radar screen, no reason for airline liveries. Tracon!2012 does have Real Traffic. T!3DP has Real Traffic. They are not the same - the file/folder structures are quite different. Tower!2011 has Real Traffic and theoretically is the same as Tracon!2012. Tower!2011 and Tracon!2012 are compatible. Tower!2011 SE and Tracon!2012 SE are compatible. However, you cannot play a non-SE version with an SE version.
  8. Taxi speed has been a T!3DP pain point since day 1. I don't want to be confrontational but I would disagree that we saw faster ground movement in T!3DP. I spent more hours than I'd like to remember on this topic and the fastest taxi speed was only 19 kts. So, to be honest, a taxi speed of 25 kts would be a welcomed increase. But, obviously an increase to 25 kts is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to taxiing characteristics. I think the predominant opinion for T!3DP was that pretty much everything about taxiing was too slow - including acceleration (initial, after a stop/turn), runway entrance, exiting the runway (coming to a complete stop even on high speed exits) to name a few. But this is not news as this has been discussed for several years now and obviously mentioned in wishlist items. So, to simply answer your question, a realistic taxi speed would be welcomed as long as other realistic and improved taxiing characteristics are part of the overall picture. Thanks, Craig PS - If you are wanting to slow something down - the pushback/start process would be something I would recommend taking a look at.
  9. Why are you complaining? It won't have Heathrow at launch. 🀣
  10. I looked at the flights individually.
  11. Due to the proximity of 16C to 16L, 16C really can't be used for arrivals in normal/heavy or simultaneous operations. However, during lesser traffic it can obviously be used to lessen the taxi time from 16R. Looking at 13:00 local time on Saturday (see totals below), 16C was only used twice - both GA departures. 16L was used for 3 arrivals, all heavies. Although not all heavies, as a couple (including a dreamliner) used 16R. 16L 16C 16R Arrivals 3 0 24 Departures 30 2 0
  12. Loading a full schedule is not an issue with the game. However, as you suspect, arrivals and possibly departures will not spawn assuming your schedule has realistic traffic volumes. Also, the game has a bug where it will not go past midnight. So, if you have all four days in a single schedule file you definitely will never see the majority of the flights. At a minimum, each day should be a separate file and then I am definitely a proponent of snippets.
  13. Make sure there is no space between the colon (:) and TRUE (i.e., GENERATE:TRUE). The documentation in the manual for this parameter appears to be incorrect. You didn't specify, but make sure to include the six time block parameters and at least one aircraft type parameter. Additionally, you'll probably want to add your secondary airports to the airports.txt file in the Databases folder.
  14. The message would seem to indicate those airports are possibly not setup correctly. Did you setup the secondary airports to use auto-generated traffic or traffic from the schedule file? Is your schedule file custom or from Real Traffic?
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