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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. Hello:

    Apologies to Holger and Jon for popping in here on this thread that might best be moved by MODs to the EFFC Forum.


    I'll just refer Merkava to info on this scenario and what can be done about it:




    Assuming you are using a 3rd party add-on terrain mesh in FS9 (with or without Ultimate Terrain USA water polygons for Lake Cushman), that is the effect one will see... until another fix is finally released.

    The above thread mentions a project I have been developing that will solve that problem; feel free to post into those threads for discussion there.

    Hope this helps! :D


  2. Hi Ed:

    Sorry if this may not be a brief or succinct "just the facts" reply to your post; nor can I say that it is intended I should be seen as speaking on behalf of the hard-working developers of EmmaX here. :oops:

    And I guess apologies are also due in advance to those who would prefer shorter posts and less content in an otherwise low traffic forum system; I do prefer to actively participate and enjoy the camaraderie here by posting regularly (however silly it may seem at times!) lest things become... as quiet as the grave ! :|

    As I see it, there are a number of issues involved in why EmmaX could... and perhaps SHOULD take a considerable amount of time to be "properly" produced.

    It may be there are so many issues, that they just may not readily lend themselves to a simple newsfeed scrolling across the bottom of our screens as we occasionally pop in to get an update at simFlight forums. :wink:

    If one wants to attempt tracking how EmmaX is coming along (or any other product for that matter) beyond the announcements that may appear from time to time in dedicated "stickie" threads, including why it is progressing in the direction it is, and how it is progressing, one must visit here and other FS forums regularly and read through multiple threads to keep up to date, as is the case with other FS websites that may report news pertinent to forthcoming FS products by different developers.

    I think you'd have to agree that Francois and his fellow contributors work hard to bring us news when available via the forums and the simFlight news page, FSAddon.eu and other venues, and although it would certainly be nice to have a highly comprehensive, centralized "one-stop" news source one could go to periodically for an update on all things FS, the FS community is extremely diverse as to how it does things and how information is disseminated, so "the onus is... well, on us" to go the extra mile to stay informed. :(

    Admittedly, though, it seems that historically most FS add-ons simply "appear when they are done", with little or no preceding fanfare and without the developers being taken to task for the what, how, when, where, and why of their product release!

    This situation brings to my mind (and in fact... not a very strange mind at all, Ian !) the dialog from the famous movie "The Agony and the Ecstasy" (1965), "in which Charlton Heston as Michelangelo paints the Sistine Chapel for a stern Pope ('Your commission is to decorate the ceiling') portrayed by Rex Harrison. This account (adapted, like Lust for Life, from an Irving Stone door-stopper), presents Michelangelo as an unreliable contract worker and the pope as a chronic nagger".

    Pope: "When will you make an end?"

    Michelangelo: "When I'm finished."

    "There's precious little ecstasy involved here, and the agony seems to be mainly over missed deadlines--a remarkable theme for a big-studio movie that cost 12-million 1965 dollars. Michelangelo just can't get his work done! The filmmakers and the audience know why: he's a genius, and geniuses act that way. But the pope, for most of the film, refuses to understand, like most patrons. There's a heart-warming ending, though. Just before dying, the pope sees the completed Sistine Chapel and confesses he would rather have been an artist than a pope--a point he didn't bother making earlier, when he threatened to bring Raphael in to finish the job".

    Excerpted From: http://www.robertful...m/artmovie.html

    An already full-featured Emma Field is available for everyone to use in FS9 even now, but some people have clearly "moved on" to explore new horizons, as is commonly seen with real world pilots.

    Others have indicated that they deleted Emma Field and/or FS9 because they "needed the hard drive space for FSX" (not sure I understand that... as FS9 only needs 6 GB, Emma Field a few dozen MB, and FSX less than 15 GB).

    IMHO, in order for an FSX Emma Field to please everyone and sell enough copies to justify the extra work that the FSX SDK requires compared to the FS2004 SDK, it would need to have both a familiar "look and feel" to it... AND some new content. :idea:

    It seems to me that even if there was not a concern over "look and feel" issues, there are more than these yet to be discussed 2 major challenges to be overcome in making Emma Field for FSX a lasting success:

    1.) Way too many people have "moved on" from Emma Field to check out new interests; participation here in the EFFC forum has dwindled to appallingly low levels.

    However, that being said, it is difficult to keep people interested in any FS forum, and I have observed other forums go through a similar "life cycle" of change over time.

    And IMO it is thus far not feasible to produce an FS add-on as complex as Emma Field every 2 years to stay ahead of the inevitable quest for new entertainment features by "adventure-hungry FS consumers" to keep all of them actively involved with any version of Emma Field.

    Still, I must say that over the last 2 years I have also noted there has been a general decline of activity in the online FS community in a number of FS websites I visit periodically; one might wonder if this apparent "FS-Apathy" may be due to a current stage in the FS product life cycle being in between 2 major contending versions of FS.

    It may also be due to uncertainty, confusion, and frustration in the FS community (both "End-Users" and "Developers") induced by multiple changes in FSX as it was "incrementally released" over 1-1/2 years.

    The result of this IMO is that the FS community ended up with a thus far more limited (but improving gradually!) selection of FSX-compatible add-ons than is now available for FS9.

    Furthermore, there has not been (thus far) a FS9-to-FSX converter utility released (no easy task, but DO-able!), nor has there been a comprehensive tutorial issued by ACES themselves on how to port and update preferred legacy add-on content from FS9 to the new FSX SP2 standard that ACES apparently wants to push for inferred (but NOT promised!) compatibility with FS-11.

    But I should not fulfill anyone's expectations by indulging in too much "conjecture". :lol:

    2.) Even if the exact "look and feel" of Emma Field were precisely duplicated into FSX (yes it can be done; and no, "look and feel" objection claims would not likely be vindicated as meritorious or formally actionable!), we would still have the same pattern of people satisfying their curiosity (preferably after buying a copy of EmmaX!) and then relatively quickly moving on again... unless something exceptionally NEW and compelling were to be added to the Emma Field experience! :roll:

    Some aspects of creating such "new" content is, in general, a bigger job under the FSX-SP2 SDK; other aspects of it are impractical to consider using the present methods provided by ACES via the SDK, as they would not likely be possible to run on the average end-consumer's computer.

    But there's hope... watch the ANIMATED ENGINEER in this July 20, 2008 YouTube video from ACES' TrainSim 2 kiosk demo: :mrgreen:

    So building a complex add-on product with "Living World" SimObjects/AI Traffic, and enhanced multimedia content will likely require 3rd party development tools and very skilled programming, which is both time consuming and costly... even for dedicated individuals with a high appreciation for FS to consider undertaking on a contingency basis (which is how many FS add-ons are ever able to be produced believe it or not)!

    Even if/when the task of duplicating an existing, familiar, animated Emma Field is achieved, there remains the issue of whether end-users will be able to run it on their computers with performance comparable to what they had in FS9, due to the overwhelming demands that FSX itself (prior to tweaking!) puts onto a persons system components.

    I'd hesitate to say that there has been a purposeful delay in beginning the EmmaX scenery object work (to distinguish that very complex part of the development work from the terrain scenery part of the excellent work already done by Holger over a year ago).


    And as Francois and Bill W. have explained, other projects were already in the production work cue that had been committed to completion before Emma Field.

    Personally, I'm compelled to say that the longer it takes for Emma Field for FSX to be released, the more likely it is that an outstanding product will result! :P

    We've already seen what happened when FSX was released (IMO pre-maturely!) just to make an arbitrary production roll out date: many problems were initially left unresolved that lead to changes induced by incremental service packs, and repeatedly a changing set of standards was issued by ACES that required developers to adapt their work methods and sometimes restart entire projects already underway (aka the "moving target").

    The GOOD part of the FSAddon developers maintaining a commitment to their production schedules such that Emma Field would not be released until possibly sometime later next year (?), is that more insight and tools may become available to FS developers as more understanding is achieved of how to better integrate 3rd party animation and sound engines (such as Maurizio Gavioli's IntelliScene) into FSX, and possibly also insights gained as a result of ACES ongoing work on TrainSim 2 may filter out into the FS development community.

    AND... it is likely more people will have upgraded to more powerful computers and thus would be better able to render a "new and improved" Emma Field in FSX; animations in FSX are likely to require we all begin shopping for a computer upgrade by next year!

    Let us take care not to disrespect necessities of the development process for what is likely to become an award-winning FS-Addon !

    After all, I believe we can be assured some "very great minds" are working diligently on what will undoubtedly be a fine product ! :)

    Kind Regards,


    PS: For younger or International readers - Sergeant Joe Friday and the Dragnet TV Series:



  3. Hi Ed:

    Have you seen this thread as well? :roll:


    Evolving EFFC threads sure can leave one "Flabbergasted" at times! :P


    Flabbergast - 3 thesaurus results

    Main Entry: flabbergast

    Part of Speech: verb

    Definition: surprise

    Synonyms: abash, amaze, astonish, astound, blow away, bowl over*, confound, daze, disconcert, dumbfound, make speechless, nonplus, overcome, overwhelm, put away*, shock, stagger, stun, throw, throw for a loop

    Antonyms: expect

    flabbergast - 3 thesaurus results

    Main Entry: flabbergast

    Part of Speech: verb

    Definition: surprise

    Synonyms: abash, amaze, astonish, astound, blow away, bowl over*, confound, daze, disconcert, dumbfound, make speechless, nonplus, overcome, overwhelm, put away*, shock, stagger, stun, throw, throw for a loop

    Antonyms: expect

    * = informal/non-formal usage

    Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition

    Copyright © 2008 by the Philip Lief Group.

    Cite This Source

    Main Entry: stagger

    Part of Speech: verb

    Definition: To overwhelm with surprise, wonder, or bewilderment.

    Synonyms: boggle, bowl over, dumbfound, floor

    One might almost say EFFC threads sometimes induce a feeling of being... Gobsmacked! :lol:



  4. Meanwhile, back in Bill+Phil's (and CBris'!) fabulous BushFlight Northwest at Pleasant Valley by Big Seth's barn, an unsuspecting sheep had been lured into just the right position for one of CBris's daring barn-storming fly-throughs. :wink:


    Apparently a wager had been proposed by a certain fellow with a predilection for hats; extra points and some credit were covertly offered at the Emma Field bar for a successful "Sheep-Tipping"! :twisted: :lol:


    GaryGB post-14010-128689654612_thumb.gif

  5. at: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=74093&p=455935#p455935

    The more I think about it though, the more I do like the sheep idea... Can we expect something ovine in the way of lawnmowers at Emma Field? One wonders...

    Chez Fritz had finally been exonerated from suspicion of inviting Cecil's wooly friends into the old hangar shortly before dinner time. ;-)

    WARNING: Cherished Archival Content - This is how things "were" at EFFC not long ago; how's about us making things "lively" here again? :roll:


    Soon, the reknowned "oeviators" of our EFFC Black Sheep Squadron were once more seen aloft at Emma Field! :mrgreen:

    GaryGB (aka "Garois")


  6. Well, it had to happen (GaryGB just couldn't be that serious for so long... could he?) :wink:

    Apparently my "Butt-Floss PlumBumStar Swift" livery is now the rage among Aeriane flyers. :lol:

    And on my very next flight at Dillingham (Oahu) which I appreciatively prefer to call "Bill-ingham", just what did I see? :shock:

    Retired Japanese-Samoan-Hawaiian Sumo Wrestler "Konishiki" out flying in full regalia during a visit to his relatives!!! :mrgreen:


    PS: "Stable" flight can be achieved... with just the right amount of Elevator trim! :idea:

    Oh yeah, almost forgot; get this great scenery here:




  7. Meanwhile, thanks to Time Dilation, back safely in Emma Field 2004, EFFC's Annual Christmas Variety Show took place as usual... :wink:

    Fritzois graciously accepted an honorary Fireman's Hat into his large collection of head wear at the the insistence of Fire Chief Michael Rapp (an award for noteworthy individuals whose efforts to prevent fires have been an inspiration for others to emulate)... in a ceremony known to locals as "Taking The Rapp" :P

    Uncle Elmer and Wabbit (as "Groucho") did a stand-up comedy routine lampooning ideas of a possible fire in EFFC's "future" :roll: :lol:

    Once again, Wabbit wowed the crowd in another performance of the Nutcracker, this time accompanied by Officer Barbie;

    (folks said that night, all dressed up in her tutu... "she really looked like a doll" !) :shock:

    Then, inevitably, things began to get rowdy; as Old #5 flowed, Nurse Ursula performed a fashion show: "EFFC-Too Hot To Handle!"

    'Tis the Season To Be Jolly!!!


    PS: Fritz -Cook, Waiter, Chief Dishwasher at EFFC's "Chez Fritz" was once summoned by Wabbit in desultory French slang: "Garçon"







  8. Hi All:

    Here's yet another perk for those who want to enjoy Plum Island at night... and using Helicopters too! :mrgreen:

    "Heli-ocity" for 2B2

    It seems that the the owner of Plum Island Airport, "Historic New England", has now authorized the relocation of an entire building of compatible style, and deemed a classic "New England Object" worthy of preservation... onto the Plum Island premises; it is be to operated as a Bed & Breakfast for both tourists... and wayward aviators after their long flights across the country from the PNW. :idea:

    An anonymous benefactor and Plum Island enthusiast (rumored to be a certain C. Brisland) was able to convince the owners to place a helipad convenient to the grounds, so he could periodically use it as a "Heli Hotel". :wink:


    Just unzip this file into [FSX install path]\Addon Scenery\, add it to the Scenery Library, and set the time of day to "DUSK" or later; helipad spotlights will only be visible during dusk and night time hours, but helipads themselves are otherwise always visible.

    NOTE: The default "FSX install path" is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X

    For a default FSX install, unzip into C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\

    To add this to the FSX Scenery Library, and load it while paused during a flight:

    1.) Unzip this file into [FSX install path]\Addon Scenery\

    2.) In FSX, click "World > Scenery Library" (Scenery Library opens)

    3.) Click "Add Area" and browse to "2B2_Helipads" in the [FSX install path]\Addon Scenery\ folder list

    4.) Click "2B2_Helipads" so you can see a "Scenery" folder in the browse window

    5.) Click "OK" (you are returned to the FSX Scenery Library)

    IMPORTANT: Keep this new folder above the entry for Plum Island in FSX's Scenery Library "stack" of layers :idea:

    6.) Click "OK" (FSX Scenery Library re-indexes itself, and returns to your flight already in progress)

    Be sure time is set to DUSK or later:

    1.) Click "World" > "Time and Season" (Select Time and Season opens)

    2.) Set "Time of Day" to Dusk or later

    3.) Click "OK" (FSX returns you to your flight which is already in progress)

    BTW: Don't want the static Helicopter on the pad next to the "Heli Hotel"?

    To deactivate the Helicopter and re-load your FSX 2B2 scenery while paused during a flight:

    1.) In My Computer > Windows Explorer, browse to [FSX install path]\Addon Scenery\2B2_Helipads\Scenery

    2.) Right-click "2B2_Resort_Helipad_Heli_Only.BGL" and re-name it to "2B2_Resort_Helipad_Heli_Only_BGL.bak" to deactivate it.

    3.) Back in FSX, click "World > Scenery Library" (Scenery Library opens)

    4.) In the FSX Scenery Library, click any checked scenery area entry to "un-check" it, then immediately "re-check" it

    5.) Click "OK" (FSX Scenery Library re-indexes itself, and returns to your flight already in progress)

    6.) You should now NOT see the Helicopter on the Helipad next to the "Bed & Breakfast"; all else should be unchanged.

    PS: Feed back welcomed; this has not yet been tested with AI traffic and may be updated again soon. :idea:

    Enjoy! 8)






  9. Stay tuned...... and please, don't burn down the forest while you're waiting ! We still need it ! :lol: :lol:

    Somehow, parched for Old #5 after a long flight in the PNW, I read this as: "Still... we need it!" :lol:

    Hmmm... might have to see what happened to the Cheese & Old #5 transport truck missing in action enroute to Plum Island! :shock:

    Oh, and then there's always the secret "production and storage facility" up in the Olympic Mountains! 8)

    Note to self: Check into these things next week upon return from Thanksgiving Holiday in the North Woods of "Da U.P.", eh? :D

    Take Care, all, and have a safe Holiday (even if you aren't in the USA... life is short, so have a holiday anyway)! :mrgreen:


  10. I reckon you should build it just down the road, and have some burned out stumps where the old one was... :wink:

    One must be very careful when describing fellow EFFC members; they'll pull one's bar stool out from under one's "6:00" when one least expects it! :lol:


  11. I think Gary has been smoking tooooo much POT lately :mrgreen:

    Hi Brad:

    I've never once been a smoker or a druggie... but my imagination does fly "as free as a bird" sometimes; can't afford to be stoned! :wink:

    [EDIT] (I just couldn't resist using that pic of a "flaming" porta-potty!) :wink:

    BTW... just be careful where you point the exhaust of that Pyro Potty during practice taxiing at the ends of Emma's RWY 18/36 ! :mrgreen:



  12. Personally we feel there is more behind this than just a still blowing up...... can you spell conspiracy? Sabotage?


    Don't worry folks... Emma may look a bit different in the end.... the Trade Mark 'Emma Field' and all the intellectual rights to it are safely and firmly transferred from LAGO S.r.l. to Silver Cloud Publishing, which happens to own FSAddon Publishing. :wink:

    Please: may we "cut to the chase scene" here? :shock:

    What in the "Hec(k)uba" are you alluding to? :?:


    Do we now have a "look and feel" licensing issue with Richard regarding EmmaX as compared to prior Emma Field versions? :roll:

    PS: Hasn't the EFFC community (and Lago / Georender customers in general) had enough uncertainty over the years? :idea:


  13. Inspired by pyrotechnics of Brad's misadventure, EFFC members vow to bring "Flame Thrower Recliner Racing" to Emma Field! :twisted:

    Brad, not to be outdone, develops a worthy contender of his own for flaming runway racing action! :lol:




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