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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. Well, its good to hear from Ol' One-Eye again... I was wondering when we'd get to read some more of his adventures! :lol:

    That Goshawk livery sure looks great, Chris; a well-weathered, and fine-feathered "bird" there! :shock: :D

    I'm wondering if there would also be a way to get some of your excellent "believably beat up" repaints for use on static and AI aircraft objects in a rustic bush flying scenery project... can such a thing be done with your creations in the future? :roll:

    As one can normally only load and fly 1 aircraft at a time, and one otherwise only sees a particular aircraft when it is already installed on one's system and someone else is controlling it via an MP session, I was thinking it would be a good idea for aircraft developers to include AI and placeable static scenery object library versions of an aircraft along with the flyable aircraft in the package (each configurable in the repaint of one's choice... du jour?). :idea:

    Since part of the fun of visiting different airports is the flying, and the other part is seeing a number of unique and fascinating aircraft in the air, parked, and in the hangars, it would be an extra perk for us flight simmers to see our favorite aircraft around... even if we are actively flying about in a different new one which has captured our imagination for the moment. :P

    Not a bad way to add even more value to an FS add-on aircraft package (keeps the repainters even busier too)! :wink:


  2. I can hold a tune ever so well - as long as it's on a CD, a take or even an old gramophone thingy...

    Yup - Python severely influenced my youthful development. Late sixties... My parents' generation was definitely not amused by such obscene rubbish - that was good enough for us; it just had to be good. It was.

    And now the next generation likes stuff like the Simpsons and South Park and Family Guy... Jeez! Now that is obscene!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Speaking of the gramophone and obscene, did you hear the one about the priest crossing the border? :P

    When asked by Customs if he had any pornographic materials, he thought for a moment, and replied: "Of course not, I don't even own a pornograph!" :lol:


  3. Hi Larry:

    Knowing that you and many others here have numerous sophisticated FSX add-ons, I must present the answer in context with a caution. :)

    IIRC, one of the purposes for the DLL.XML file was to allow individual permissions for add-on DLLs ("Modules" in FS2KX parlance) to run... or not run in FSX. :idea:

    For example, many people had trouble with Instant Scenery after FSX-SP1 was released, and some recoding had to be done. :?

    If I'm not mistaken, to get the new SP1 compatible Instant Scenery module to run in FSX, one had to go "turn off" ALL other add-in module permissions (in the DLL.XML file in order to allow only the "prompt" for Instant Scenery to run... or not run that module.

    Upon "allowing" the Instant Scenery module to run permanently for the first time, it was listed as "active" in FSX and would always be available from the embedded FSX menu bar pull-down menu.

    Yes, the FSX GUI prompt-generated internal listing process changed the entry for Instant Scenery in the DLL.XML file from True to read False; there were a few other bumps in the road as well:


    One then had to re-edit the DLL.XML file and change all other add-on module listings from True to read False before FSX would resume working properly with all modules. This was done only with Instant Scenery as I recall, and everything resumed working properly afterward.

    Here's why I don't want to just say one can always edit the DLL.XML file for any add-on module.: :roll:

    I believe some FSX add-ons may perform functions in other areas of the system besides the DLL.XML file when the GUI "prompt" method is used to grant permission for an add-on module to run for the first time.

    For this reason I would normally NOT suggest directly editing the DLL.XML file to change True to read False rather than via the FSX GUI prompt mechanism.

    But, I believe I had read somewhere that in the case of the FSX SDK, it was declared OK to do this direct edit of DLL.XML as no other actions were being performed in other areas of the system.

    NOTE: Because the risk of mangling DLL.XML is high (I even had mine mangled by a commercial Saitek X-52 driver installer!), I recommend using the innovative freeware "ModuleToolX" (currently at version 0.4) to safely edit the module config files (exe.xml and dll.xml) for FSX:


    With FSX NOT running, and using "ModuleToolX", I would go ahead and try editing the DLL.XML file as follows:


    Traffic Toolbox



    ..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\Traffic Toolbox SDK\traffictoolbox.dll

    ...To now read:

    Traffic Toolbox



    ..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\Traffic Toolbox SDK\traffictoolbox.dll

    When you next run FSX, you should see the GUI prompt to run... or not run the module (give it permission!); it should then always be available in FSX. :wink:

    Think of the above XML files as the FSX version of the FS2KX [OldModules] section module status listing in the FS config file plus much more options:

    For example, in my FS9.CFG file:





    I just found this excellent post by Jaap (aka baksteen33) and Burkhard here on simFlight which should also answer this, and perhaps some other related questions:


    Hope this helps! :D


  4. Hi Joel:

    I believe the MP server is down right now, and Francois is away for another 2 or 3 weeks; if I understand correctly, he will be better able to get this matter resolved upon his return, so no MP until then? :roll: [EDITED]

    It is best to use the FSHostClient software from http://www.chocolatesoftware.com > http://www.chocolatesoftware.com/fshostlient.html > http://www.chocolatesoftware.com/fshostent1.1.zip rather than the default FSX "GameSpy" option. :idea:

    FS2004 (FS9) of course has a built-in MP client that works OK, and also offers a chat mode window; set it up with the same info as FSHostClient.

    If FSX is installed, one can install FSHostClient and use it in either FSX OR FS2004 (don't yet know the FS9 "workaround" if no FSX installed.) :|

    Pups posted info on the EFFC Server for the January 2008 Fly-in here:


    Pups also wrote a tutorial on TeamSpeak for the January 2008 Fly-in entitled: "Puppy’s (almost) all-inclusive guide to online flying"


    PS: If you've encountered the "gatekeeper" at Emma Field, you'll know the EFFC Server password :wink:

    Hope this helps! :D


  5. After some hard riding, "The Lone Stranger" (now revealed to be Francois) catches up to the EFFC Emergency Shipment truck in Worcester MA just West of Boston. 8)

    Here we see Francois admiring motor scooters over lunch in one of Worcester's many diners that the scooter club visits as a group riding activity. :)

    Suddenly from somewhere nearby, he hears the loud, un-mistakable screeching of truck tires, muffled indignant shouting, and a diesel engine roaring away. :roll:

    As "Little Buddy" leaves the side alley after he parked for a "Coney Island" Hot Dog at George's, he narrowly misses jumping the curb and hitting Steve Greenwood! :oops: :shock:

    Steve shouts a few choice, highly intellectual, desultory expletives, then resumes his "mission" spreading the word about the state of world affairs. :lol:

    ...And as "Little Buddy" continued his journey East, he knew it wouldn't be long before he reached Plum Island! :P




  6. Er... whats "shaws"?

    Quickly interpreting the characteristic "Boston" accent, the patron replies:

    "YNOT a tall #5, barkeep... and thank you for asking!" :mrgreen:

    < Uh-oh, too many of those and I might " take a Digga' " > :wink:

    PS: If your Boston area bartender wears a "mid-high front diphthong", you can bet you'll hear a nasal consonant in the Boston English "nasal short-a system"! :idea:

    < Oh, I'm such a " pissah' " > :twisted:



  7. "Number five is alive"?

    That seems familar, but I had so many shots of Uncle Elmer's "Powerhouse" special label spirits recently that my brain tends to short circuit when I concentrate; I might just recall where that's from... if can just get some more input! :lol: :P


  8. ROFLMAO!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    "5Y-NOT"... definitely a must-have repaint! :P

    Hmmm... Operation Elmer-Zebra; do I see an FSX Mission in the making there? :roll:

    I wonder if the Plum Island Airport "Cantine" (what many call a Canteen in the USA) being so close to "Cheers" in Boston ( a real world bar popularized by the TV show) might be comparably nicknamed "'Shaws" ? :mrgreen:



  9. That was hilarious, Chris! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Looks like Wabbit might need to swear that he too "won't go East of the Mississippi river" like Cecil did; except in Wabbit's case, he might be placed on the endangered species list if he "dares to reappear". :oops:

    Uh-oh, could be he'll need an escort by the EFFC "Natural Guard" to set foot... er, paw on the Plum Island Airport. :wink:

    Oh, BTW, I understand the owner of Plum Island Airport is a certain "Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities" (SPNEA) now aka "Historic New England", founded in 1910 for "the purpose of preserving for posterity buildings, places and objects of historical and other interest". :idea:



    Apparently the "Historic New England" organization regards Wabbit as a classic "New England Object" worthy of preservation... since, according to his fictional biography, Wabbit was born 1940 in Brooklyn, NY, his accent being a cross between a Brooklyn accent and a Bronx accent.


    NOTE: "In 1686, King James II, concerned about the increasingly independent ways of the colonies, including their self-governing charters, open flouting of the Navigation Acts, and increasing military power, established the Dominion of New England, an administrative union comprising all of the New England colonies. On August 11, 1688, the provinces of New York and New Jersey, seized from the Dutch in 1664, and confirmed on September 12, 1673, were added[2]. The union, imposed from the outside and contrary to the rooted democratic tradition of the region, was highly unpopular among the colonists.

    Nevertheless, those two present states are reckoned as "greater New England" in a social or cultural context, as that is where Yankee colonists expanded to before 1776."


    The personality in which Wabbit is famous for emerged in 1940 on Tex Avery’s "Wild Hare", but he actually appeared in his first short cartoon in 1938, entitled "Porky’s Hare Hunt". Wabbit's fourth and probably most memorable appearance was in the 1940 short cartoon entitled "Elmer’s Candid Camera", in which both characters would meet and start a long war that is still very much alive today.


    But hey, who says the EFFC can't have some fun with this scenario? :P

    I hear tall tales would have it that the feuding neighbor with the fence (Bob, was it?) who considers certain objects "from the mundane to the singular ...worth preserving" , uhm, well, right in the middle of the runway.

    He's not only grumpy and vengeful, but a reclusive "Tree Hugger" and a (constant) Organic Gardner... his prizewinning crop in local contests being giant maritime "Cawwots".

    Further scurrilous rumors have it that he is apparently a disgruntled U.S. Postal Service worker retired from the local Newburyport Post Office and living off a disability settlement (he reportedly went "Postal"! :twisted: ); he spends his time perusing the L.L. Bean Catalog, as well as Rolling Stone, Mother Earth News, and Organic Gardening magazines.

    Proud of his physique (from spending way too much time working out on his "BowFlex" body building machine), he likes to wear short sleeve shirts ...and wouldn't you know it follows, that as a strong proponent of the "Right To Bare Arms", he is also president of a local chapter of the National Rifle Association (NRA) ! :shock:


    New England cottontail found to warrant listing as an endangered species

    Lawsuit against U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service dismissed after “warranted but precluded” finding

    "Washington, DC — The Animal Protection Institute (API), a national animal advocacy organization, along with David Wade, founder of the Endangered Small Animal Conservation Foundation, have dismissed a lawsuit brought against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to list the New England cottontail rabbit on the federal endangered species list.

    API and Wade dismissed the lawsuit upon FWS’s recent determination that the original petition to list the animal under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), filed by Wade in 2000, presented substantial scientific information indicating that listing the cottontail as endangered is warranted, but that immediate action is precluded by the agency’s chronic backlog of other species deserving of ESA protection. FWS assigned the cottontail a listing number priority of 2, the highest possible priority number, and has stated it will consider emergency listing of the species.

    BUT in the mean time... "Maine and New Hampshire are the only states to have taken proactive measures to protect the species. Maine recently listed the species on the state’s endangered species list, prohibited all hunting of the species, and is in the process of developing a statewide recovery plan. Other states, including New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts still allow hunting of the species."


    Perhaps that might set the stage for a bit more mischief? :mrgreen:

    Hmmm... Kill The Wabbit, eh?


    Oops, I almost forgot; to illustwate Wabbit's wedeeming qualities (and to get Pups involved after sparse EFFC Forum attendance)... a performance of Liszt! :D




  10. As the EFFC Emergency Shipment passed through Chicago, Cecil's "Little Buddy" took a brief detour off Interstate 90 to Northerly Island and saw how the construction was coming as Mayor Daley pursued plans for possibly hosting the Olympics. :wink:

    As he gazed across the drastically changed site, he could swear he saw the ghost of Meigs Field, and he thought he saw some of Mayor Daley's ghost payroll workers still onsite. He wasn't sure, but he could almost see the ghostly construction workers gouging the big X's in the runway being accosted by AOPA members. :(

    He was nearly certain he heard echoes of one worker shouting "I'm just the bulldozer driver... voice your complaints with Mayor Daley, not me!" :roll:

    But, "Little Buddy" was a man with a mission < ...or was than an FS9 adventure? Oh yeah, that's right, this shot is from FSX, so I guess it's a MISSION! >, and he quickly got back onto Interstate 90 via I-80 and continued his journey East to Plum Island. :P

    PS: Nostalgic for Meigs in FSX? Click here for an FSX compatible version! http://library.avsim.net/search.php?Sea&Go=Search



  11. Operation Horace

    After Ian reported the bold daytime raid on the #5 stash at Plum Island perpetrated by rogue forces < rogue-force ? > in the East, Pacific Northwestern forces of the combined L&M (Lean & Mean) and F&S (Fat & Sassy) militias at Emma Field are on full alert < fully alert... for a change ? >. :shock:


    At the urging of CBris, the prized Lilliwaup Blue Faux Limberger cheese, "Horace the Big Wheel" is moved into safer quarters up in the remote production and storage facility of the nearby Olympic Mountains. :wink:

    "Horace", of course, is the first Limburger bar cheese substitute successfully cultivated via "I-V Port Transmutation" in the EFFC Infirmary Neonatal Unit, (maturing under the watchful eyes of local Candy-Striper Officer Barbie and traveling registry Nurse Ursula after the recent cheese famine threatened the lifestyle there). :P

    Little did the covert Military Malcontents (M&M's) so "Esurient for E-Rations" realize that they had made several very serious mistakes: :roll:

    1.) The #5 they commandeered was not "Old"... it was still aging, a critically important step in the detoxification process :!:

    (...wemember Wabbit's mishap?) : viewtopic.php?f=19&t=65559&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=15

    2.) #5 and the special cheese culture must be consumed concurrently so toxic effects of each can be counteracted by the antidote effects of the other, and to offset profound "looseness" of the bowels! :idea:

    3.) They messed with the EFFC's "Victuals of Daily Existance", an "infwaction of extwaowdinawy magnitude" against Uncle Elmer's minions ! :twisted:

    ...I hope they have plenty of latrines in their secret base! :mrgreen:



  12. Having just re-read about the Emma Field Limburger (shouldn't that rather be "Lillawaup Blue"?) I am wondering if the local hazmat isn't related to "Horace"

    Now I wonder how many will pick up on that? I know Horace - how many others do? There definitely seems to be something Horacey about the local blue...

    All that talk of "Lilliwaup Blue" (... dare we call it Faux Limburger ? ) sure makes a guy hungry, doesn't it? :wink:






    I was hungry for some Lancre Blue (not to be confused with "Sacre Bleu", and certainly not with "chancre blue" :oops: until I read:

    Horace proudly wears a very big kilt about the fullness of his wheel... :shock:



    You Pratchett, and I'll catch it... like a "Daft Wullie"! :lol:

    PS: Anyone else in the mood for some "cheesy comestibles" ?

    Cecil's Lake Cushman 'Cheese Filcher' Investigation



  13. As the EFFC Emergency Shipment continues on its journey East to Plum Island, the lone motorcyclist riding the silver BMW 1150 RT followed by a silver Jeep Liberty exits off Interstate 90 to spend the night at Sturgis, South Dakota.

    The next morning, after they visit the site of the Annual Sturgis Rally, they again make their way down Interstate 90 and exit to US Route 16 North of Rapid City for a very, very, very quick lunch. Then they continue down US Route 16 to Alternate US Route 16, exit at Route 244, and disembark at a large parking area.

    Shortly thereafter, the ceremonies begin. :roll:

    George W. Bush meanders his way through some patriotic verbiage, and thanks everyone for re-dedicating the National Monument in honor of his proud family heritage in public service. :wink:

    Suddenly, Dick Cheney steps over and whispers something in his ear; George "dubya" quickly emits his famous <heh-heh-heh> chuckle and announces that he now understands the re-dedication is actually intended to honor the efforts of "C3PO" for his contribution in the computerized entertainment industry. :shock:

    Dick Cheney steps over again and whispers something more in his ear; George "dubya" blushes and once more emits his famous chuckle, announcing that the re-dedication is actually intended to honor the efforts of a certain "3PD" for his contribution in the computerized entertainment industry. :oops: :lol:

    With all the dignity he can still salvage, Mr. President says that he is pleased to re-dedicate Mount Rushmore as "Mount Bushmore" in recognition of the "Head Honcho" of FSADDON joining the other "Heads of State" in a place of national honor for his extraordinary ongoing efforts in promoting "Bush Flying" in Flight Simulator, and he summarily calls a Mr. Francois Dumas up to the podium. :P

    From out in the crowd, the lone motorcyclist walks up to the podium, removes his silver NoLan classic 100E helmet, and proudly shakes the President's hand. After a few pictures, the Secret Service promptly whisks the Presidential party off to their helicopter. 8)

    Francois then wows the enthusiastic crowd of Flight Simmers for hours with details of upcoming products, and tells of his many experiences and travels as an avid Mototcyslist and fellow Flight Simmer of many years. As evening falls, fireworks are seen in the sky... and the day's celebrations conclude. :D

    All in all, it was a very big day, and as an exhausted Francois heads back to his Motorcycle, he says to one of the Park Rangers: "I hope there's a place to stay near here, because I've never been so BUSHED in my life! :mrgreen:




  14. A Lake Amphibian...... now THAT would be a nice project........ I just wish we could get the Lysander finished before Christmas and recoup my investments..... and get moving on further aircraft models ! :wink: Consider it on my list !

    EXCELLENT :!: :!: :!:

    That would be great having the Lake Amphibian available from FSAddon! :)

    Knowing that is under consideration on "THE LIST" of things to do is very encouraging... thanks so much! :P

    Kudos to Francois (and all the talented developers and beta testers) for the ongoing efforts to bring us such fine "FS Add-Ons" :mrgreen:


  15. Thanks for the positive feedback, guys! :D

    It really would be great if someone made fully FSX compatible models of all the Lake Amphibians. :P

    I also wish someone would make the LA4-180 and LA4-200 Buccaneer and EP models for FS9 (there are already Renegades out there by John Woodward and the seemingly now-extinct "RSDG" (Rengade-Seawolf Design Group... whose work was based on that of John Woodward):



    I recommend that interested flyers get the base "Renegade 250" that John had last updated for best FS2004 compliance:


    Then try adding different texture sets to it (especially those of RSDG... those FS2002 textures are OK to use in FS9) for best results. :idea:


    NOTE: The FS2004 model and FS2002 textures do work in FSX, but the water rudder (real Renegade didn't have one!) won't show up in FSX.

    For Darryl:

    Yes, apparently the Killarney Mountain Lodge is adjacent to Georges Bay (I wonder if they had more Lake Amphibians than the Florida 2007 fly-in ? ) :shock:


    Well fellas: perhaps we'll plan an amphibious fly-in somewhere this fall too? :wink:

    As I've often said, once you've flown in an amphibian aircraft that gets its belly wet, with you seated only inches from the water, you'll never look at a non-amphibian aircraft in quite the same way... ever again! :mrgreen:


  16. Hi Glenn:

    There's no doubt in my mind you'd be a skilled and safe pilot in real life flying (just kiddin' around here earlier!) :)

    It's fun to try our skills at new aircraft in FS with comparative impunity, living to joke afterwards about mishaps as we learn. :P

    That Grummann crash video does indeed look like how I first flew Bill Lyons' model in FS9 years ago! :lol:

    I had the opportunty to do a lot of real world flying with a colleague in a Lake Amphibian LA4-200 EP, and I've seen some "porpoising" in my day! :oops:

    Here's a nice video of a glassy water landing in a Lake Amphibian Buccaneer (not sure if it is a 180 or 200 HP; the LA4-200 EP had a more cosmetic dual exhaust port cowl on the back of the engine housing, a 72" prop, and the trailing batwing fillets option rather than vortex generators such as the Lake Amphibian Renegades and Seawolfs used).

    Looks like some mighty good flying there in British Colombia... :D


    And here's a good video of another Buccaneer, this one with the batwing fillets option:


    Here's an outstanding mix of Buccaneers, EPs, and Renegades with flybys & beaching procedures... Wow! :shock:


    Those sure bring back great memories; I'll have to convert some of my photos and videos to digital form and post them for others to enjoy sometime. :cry:

    In the mean time, I'll have to tweak up a Renegade model to FSX specs and try flying the waterways around [color=#BF0000]Plum Island[/color] too! :cool:


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