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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. Hi John:

    Sounds like an excellent flight to take; please keep us informed of any other threads where we can read of any progress with this! :D

    BTW, Thanks so much for your kind assistance with the TeamSpeak part of our upcoming Nov 1st, 2008 Fly-in at Plum Island! :mrgreen:

    PS: I was wondering if you, Francois and Ed Wells could compare notes and get the TeamSpeak part of the EFFC server back up? :roll:


  2. Hi All:

    Here's the link to Bill's current favorite aircraft he reportedly plans to use for the Plum Island Fly-in, "Tim Piglet Conrad's fabulous Mooney Mite for FSX" freeware aircraft is here: :wink:


    NOTE: Sim-Outhouse sometimes has a goofy login process for new (free) memberships which are required to download; just keep trying! :idea:

    Alternatively, if Sim-Outhouse login fails (gotta' fix that guys! :twisted: ), the aircraft is available at Flightsim.com:


    The FSX version on Flightsim.com is "m18_mite.zip" at: http://www.flightsim.com/cgi/kdl/main/8p?dSst104b

    Feel like trying your hand at an outrageous livery? :roll:

    ...Try Tim's custom "Mite" repaint kit: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/soh_ftp/fsx/M18C_KIT.zip

    Also, please note Bill W. has posted a custom "livery" via his link above for the Jaguar repaint; these are just the textures and an updated aircraft.cfg... you still need the full aircraft download installed first (via either of the links I posted above) if you want to try this baby out. :)

    Hope this helps! :D


  3. Hi Francois:

    Perhaps with a brief session of "troubleshooting" via a scheduled PM session, you and Ed can get Emma Field's server fully operational for both FSHost MP visibility/chat ...and TeamSpeak as well! :idea:

    Thanks for everyones' dedicated, ongoing efforts with this! :mrgreen:


  4. Hi Brad:

    Sounds like somebody's having fun while I'm still tied up with busy work at the office! :lol:

    Just to clarify again for other readers who may drop in on EFFC threads randomly, not tracking the multiple threads on this topic:

    Was the server you used successfully for both FSHost MP and TeamSpeak the one from John "JP" Blevins - N12JP ...discussed here: :roll:


    Thanks for keeping us up to date with this! :D


  5. Hi Brad:

    Are you following up on your thread here :?:


    If so, I gather that you are saying you and Dobie were able to use both the MP / TeamSpeak functions on the MP server from John "JP" Blevins - N12JP (who kindly offered his server in this thread):


    Could you clarify which server you meant? :roll:

    I was concerned that a final decision needs to be made and publicly announced regarding date and server location for your October 2008 Fly-in. :!:

    The message I am getting from Francois is that with his current FS computer down, he can't further configure and test the Emma Field server until his new Vista PC will be available "after the FS show in November".


    Apparently, (unless Francois is willing to get 3rd party input from someone on esoteric nuances of setting up/troubleshooting the latest version of TeamSpeak on the Emma Field server), you may have to take the October 2008 Fly-in elsewhere for that particular event. :(

    I don't see it as feasible to try and struggle with "chat mode" text messaging methodology to conduct a Fly-in that involves documenting departure, touch-and-go contact, or return times with multiple flyers... that IMHO would require fast voice communications via TeamSpeak. :oops:

    I believe general recreational flying MP would still be quite accessible via the Emma Field server, and not having TeamSpeak should not discourage folks from getting together and having some fun with that; I know I'm certainly looking forward to doing some MP flying again soon! :P

    Thanks to all for their respective patient efforts with these matters! :D


  6. Hi Ed:

    I think many more of us will be ready soon as the weather is getting colder now. :D

    I'd sure like to see the TeamSpeak server operational as it adds a nery nice dimension to MP flying; and for a Fly-in, its essential! :oops:

    BTW, as the end of this month was under consideration for the proposed Plum Island Fly-in, I'm concerned we might need to consult with someone who knows the more obscure quirks of TeamSpeak setup so we'll be ready to proceed with setting a date and doing some practice flying the "Masschu-sites"? :roll:

    Hey Francois:

    Perhaps we could ask for an informed opinion from John "JP" Blevins - N12JP, who kindly offered his MP / TeamSpeak server in this thread:



  7. Hi Bill:

    Looking Good! :D

    I was wondering when we might hear from you again... hope all has been well with you. :roll:

    How's things coming with that cool looking lake scenery you showed us last time we talked here in the EFFC forum?

    Hope to talk again soon... 8)

    PS: You've got mail!


  8. IMHO=In my homo opinion" :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted: I can feel something coming back @ me :twisted: :twisted:

    As seen on Gaim:

    "(17:59:43) The Man: eye make up (any more than eyeliner) is just kind of creepy, IMHO"

    Hi Brad:

    You are no doubt referring to the third entry on this page: :lol:


    Actually, I was referring to the meaning in the first entry: "In My Humble Opinion" :wink:

    You might find this to be a better future reference for the many abbreviations used in online forums: :idea:



  9. No, don't postpone the fly-in just cos some of us can't run FSX! Even if Bill hasn't got time to run up a one-off AFCAD to put me on the runway so to speak, I can live with being an 'outcast' if I have to...Andy

    Hi Andy:

    IMHO it should work OK having both FSX and FS2004 (FS9) MP participate in this fly-in, even though it is possible that the runway positioning might be an average of 1/2 Kilometer apart between FS9 and FSX. :)

    For this fly-ins designated airports (other than Plum Island 2b2), it should be possible to place a dedicated runway in FS9 that is aligned with the FSX default runway; that's assuming it doesn't cause a significant visual mess with the other default FS9 runways at each airport. :idea:

    The resulting AFCAD2 files for temporary use by FS9 pilots in this fly-in could perhaps be derived from the FSX default airport location data in AFX.

    IIUC, Plum Island might have custom AFCAD2-FS9 / FSX-Airport files for temporary use in this fly-in derived from Bill W.'s FSAddon 2b2 airport? :roll:

    Maybe we could better see what the feasibility is for a 2 FS version Fly-in as this week unfolds and the airports are studied by everyone. :wink:

    I'd certainly hope for this event to be open to all flight simmers in FS9 and FSX with a bit of extra preparation. :D


  10. A great choice, Tim! :D

    Quite befitting our very own special part of the World... real or virtual! :P

    After all: Emma Field is only fictional to non-believers! :mrgreen:

    I'll see your Dick3 and raise you a Dick 2: :wink:

    PS: Would one regard that as a plethora of Dicks, perchance? :wink: :lol:


  11. LOL, or I could release an altered AFCAD file based on the add-on version. Might be a cheaper option. :wink:

    Hi Bill:

    That's an excellent idea, and very generous of you to offer some of your limited available time to do that! :)

    If FSX and FS9 AFCAD2 / FSX Airport file versions were also made available as an "intro" to the Plum Island airport outside of simFlight (as well as "internally" here at simFlight for the fly-in)... done in the right manner (and I would assume without the premium photoreal terrain and scenery objects), it also might help more folks discover the enjoyment to be had by purchasing your full package even if they aren't able to participate in the MP session. :P

    Hmmm... Plum Island "Intro-version" ? All the better we should "introspect"... while being "out-going" with our many fellow flight simmers on a fly-in! :lol:

    Speaking of "leveling the playing field":

    During Pups' January 2008 Fly-in, we noticed that the airfields were in different locations in FS9 and FSX, so we'd see people flying MP in FS9 landing at locations distant (and usually out of view) from one's own aircraft in FSX; sometimes they were underground! :shock:

    We also saw that if everyone was not using the same terrain mesh, mesh resolution in meters, and mesh complexity, some MP aircraft were not visible to other MP flyers on the ground... depending on the local lay of the land in FS9 versus FSX, or even in the same version of FS !!! :oops:

    Perhaps in addition to Plum Island having an AFCAD2 / FSX Airport BGL file to align the 2B2 runway between the real world and the virtual world in FS9 and FSX, we might also do the same for the other designated airports :?:

    No doubt your own time might be too limited to move all the other airfields, but I'm wondering if others here would see it as desirable to have a single designated runway to be used at all the locations for this fly-in, that is properly aligned between default FSX and FS9, since we'll likely have both sims used on the MP server?

    The AFCAD2 / Airport BGL file could be made available via simFlight and/or AVSIM / other FS sites offering downloads (without requiring registration?) :idea:

    To have a fully aligned runway between default FSX and FS9 by both Lat/Lon positions and Elevation at the designated airports of this fly-in, I also wonder if we might do well to ask fly-in participants to set certain parameters in FS so that their ground positions and altitude match up with that of other MP flyers? :roll:

    It might add realism, compelling better skill and courtesy among participating pilots when everyone is on the same page and can see one another properly.

    Besides, some might find that their TrackIR devices keep getting in the way of the lights on their mining helmets! :mrgreen:


  12. Hi Brad:

    Tim and Bill W. both have raised some good points. :)

    In Pups' January 2008 Fly-in, we all were allowed to use our choice of aircraft in a given GA class; I think most folks would like to use their (current) favorite GA aircraft.

    I also think having folks download, install, and learn fly a non-default aircraft semi-competitively between now and the end of this month might discourage participation.:oops:

    BTW: ...only 3 weeks until Halloween, kids! Gotta' have time to finish our costumes, put up the party lights, and re-stock the Plum Island canteen with cheese and old #5! :lol:

    It's certainly well-intended to try and level the "playing field" by having all pilots use matching aircraft to demonstrate their flying prowess via a timed challenge, but IMHO the FUN factor is of primary importance when encouraging participation by as many as possible during such an infrequent event.

    Naturally we'd also like to help promote familiarity with the Plum Island airport and see more folks discover the enjoyment they could have in that area of FS if they were flying around in their own copy of Bill's excellent scenery package. :)

    So... as we "feel the love" of EFFC camaraderie, lets also help Bill, FSAddon and simMarket feel the love as sponsors of the MP server freely provided for our benefit! :!:

    The more the merrier I say, and whatever encourages more involvement by both the experienced "Elite Cadre" and newbies to EFFC MP activities might be a good idea. :idea:

    During Pups' January Fly-in, we all agreed to achieve the goal of a full landing, ground maneuvering, and take off with due courtesy for other flyers while reaching as many airfields as possible and still arriving back at Emma Field within a specified time frame.

    I believe the total elapsed time frame was considered along with the completion of the full circuit as a basis for establishing the best score and subsequent winning of the prize.

    It seemed that scenario worked out rather well, and I'd personally enjoy seeing even more folks join the MP Fly-in this time. :wink:

    May I suggest that perhaps we might open the protocol for this fly-in to discussion over this week with input from prospective flyers as to what they'd like to see this time around? :roll:

    Hope this might be of some additional help in making this an extra fun occasional for all! 8)


  13. Adapted From Shakespeare's Richard III, 1591/2: :wink:

    Faithful yet fearful Emmaite:

    Rescue, my Lord of Norfolk, rescue, rescue!

    The king enacts more wonders than a man,

    Daring an opposite to every danger:

    His horse is slain, and all on foot he fights,

    Seeking for Richmond in the throat of death.

    Rescue, fair lord, or else the day is lost!

    King CBris III:

    A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!

    Valorous Spotlope:

    Withdraw, my lord; I'll help you to a horse.


  14. Hi Jeff:

    As a habitual ATI Radeon user, I'm not tracking the driver revisions too closely for the NVidia cards, but there are numerous threads addressing that issue relative to FS on AVSIM and Simviation forums.

    The card you have is a good performer though:


    Any DirectX updates should always be installed when available, as they usually produce visible benfits for FS:


    Happy Flying! 8)


  15. Hi Jeff:

    What video card and driver revision are you using? :roll:

    And have you updated DirectX9.0c lately? :?:


    The billboard trees are usually a sign of missing textures or a driver/DirectX issue.

    WHOOPS! Stop the (key) presses... :shock:

    I goofed! I had a 3rd party FSX-RTM compatible KPWT add-on I was testing from Simviation.com still loaded above Mark Smith's Bremerton. :oops:

    I flew Mark's scenery again in FSX-SP2, and I now do see the semi-transparent tree texture "billboard" issue there, but cannot evoke a crashbox collision.

    The tree texture slow and improper draw order reportedly requires re-attaching .DDS textures as materials, and re-exporting the MDL to fix. :?

    Hope this helps explain the Bremerton scenario; Mark's scenery will have FSX anomalies until modified by Mark (or someone else with Mark's OK). :D

    Alternatively, consider the FSX compatible KPWT I tested recently (watch out for the WPS readme file; it opens in Works or Word only!):


    Hopefully we'll hear from Mark Smith again sometime soon! 8)


  16. Hi Jeff:

    I tried flying around KPWT in FSX-SP2 with crash detection turned ON, and could not duplicate the crash over the runways at several altitudes. :)

    I'm wondering if you might have collided with the crash box of Mark's hot-air balloon at 534 M (1751.963 ft.), N47.491106 W122.764793 :?:

    This is the first time I've noticed the balloon (I don't get over to Bremerton too much lately), and I'm wondering if it is only displayed at certain times. :|

    The balloon is apparently intended to be seen for quite a distance, but I don't think that a larger crash box would be in the MDL parameters except by error.

    Anyone else have some feedback on this scenario at Mark Smith's Bremerton? :roll:

    Hmmm... Lets see how out of control the absenteeism actually is at EFFC Forum...

    "Bueller...? Bueller...?" :P



  17. Hi Jeff:

    Check the "sticky" threads at the top of the EFFC forum index page 1; and there are scattered posts throughout the forum that we'll see EmmaX eventually. :)

    I was particularly encouraged by what I read recently in "Emma Field X Project Changes" at:


    Apparently "Maurizio (Gavioli... of VistaMare Software), who made the underlying technology for 'making things move' in the original, has managed now to get his IntelliScene middleware to work on FSX too." (thanks for that exciting news, Francois! :mrgreen: )

    Note: Edit in red by me.

    We had Holger's preview screenies of the wonderful job underway with the terrain for EmmaX in "Emma Field X - first set of landscape screenshots uploaded" at:


    NOTE: Holger's working preview link is:


    And of course Bill shared a prototype preview of the main Emma Field building (what I think of as the "clubhouse") at:


    So, things look very encouraging, and I'm sure that both Holger and Bill are committed to use of the FSX-SP2 SDK methods during development so that when EmmaX is finally released, it will likely have a longer usage life... as it has been implied by ACES that FSX-SP2 compliant content will work in FS-11! :P

    PS: < I just had to use this cartoon I've been saving for the right opportunity > :wink:

    Hope this helps! :D



  18. I don't care how < expletively >runny it is! Now bring on la belle frommage de la pays (or whatever...)

    Cheese us, Gary, limburger up a bit. Hey folks, 'e dam well nearly blue it, with those puns. It's an ill chester who makes bad puns like that. I bet that tickled you so much your pantys gawn. Y Fenni was better than that, and he was a stinking bishop, and he could only get a long on a pair of black sticks. As for Dorset blue vinney - that is a way bit too much of the good liffe.

    Gawd, that was a hilarious opening volley! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Not sure I could top that one by the renowned inventor of Lilliwaup Blue faux Limburger! :D

    Anyone else care to try (...some "cheese topping" that is)? :P


  19. Well, Chris: Looks like this thread really Gruyere reputation as an aircraft repainter! :mrgreen:

    As the Fromage fracas continues, I see here that some aspiring cheese pun-dits have indeed aged to perfection. :wink:

    Perhaps with some additional resource material, even more will show how acculturated they've become? :roll:

    The British cheese names seem quite ripe with promise for hilarity (uh-oh... I might be reviled as a "Lord of the Hundreds" for promoting this!): :lol:


    Note: The also-rans < ....I'm afraid it's a bit runnier than you'll like it, Sir! >:




    Back on topic: Now that you've created a Muenster, do you polish that plane with a "Chamois d'Or"? :P

    PS: Keep an eye on it so it doesn't get "filched"! 8)



  20. Hi Jeff:

    I never fly with crash detection turned on in either FS9 or FSX, so I am unfamiliar with that problem on my own system. :wink:

    I have read there are certain crashes reported (rarely!) with an occasional FS9 scenery, if one only has FSX-RTM or FSX-SP1 installed. :idea:

    Do you have FSX-SP2 installed (either the free SP2 download, or the one installed via FSX Acceleration)? :roll:


  21. That Plane :( Smells Bad :(

    Bradster, I'm 'gladster' you said you actually liked the plane when I talked with you later today; for a moment when I first read this i thought you were trying to say somebody "cut the cheese"! :oops: :roll: :lol:

    But were that the case, I'd assume you were detecting that "Emmenthaleroma", and I'd tell you to go stand around in EagleSkinner's body shop hangar over at Valley Field for a while and sniff the paint fumes; soon you too would be "unable to smell the cheese"! :mrgreen:

    PS: Hey Chris... close call there; almost had to fill EagleSkinner's paint sprayer with "Slacker Lacquer"! :twisted:

    Apparently he meant "Looks good... smells bad"; er, well, that's what Vinny & Guido said after they got back from visiting him to rap on his knee-caps! :wink:


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