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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. Hi Chris:

    "Subject: Investment Advice from Britain...

    If you had purchased £1000 of Northern Rock shares one year ago, it would now be worth £4.95; with HBOS, earlier this week your £1000 would have been worth £16.50; £1000 invested in XL Leisure would now be worth less than £5; but if you bought £1000 worth of Tennents Lager one year ago, drank it all, then took the empty cans to an aluminum recycling plant, you would get £214.

    So based on the above statistics, the best current investment advice is to drink heavily and re-cycle. :mrgreen:

    A BuzzFlash Reader"


    Maybe Uncle Elmer should introduce a version of Old #5 to the market in a pop-top can? :wink:


  2. I had the impression that Brad, Pups and Bill Womack were thinking of the last week in October 2008 as a more feasible time. :)

    Pups has been rather absent from the forums here lately, so we need to get in touch with him to see what he thinks of that time. :roll:

    Brad is also awaiting a reply on the proposed airfields and would like to further coordinate Fly-in details; I'm just looking in with good intentions now and then to see if things are coming along OK (not sure if I can participate if asked to help out, due to some other real world commitments yet to be confirmed).

    Where's that doggone, er... dog gone? :|

    "Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone

    Oh where, oh where can he be

    With his ears cut short and his tail cut long

    Oh where, oh where can he be?"


    Earth to Pups, Earth to Pups... come in, Pups; do you read me?



  3. LOL, I thought that the lack of lighting at the real field let me off the hook! I'm pretty busy with Tongass Fjords and Emma Field right now, but if you'd like me to take time off from those projects and make some fake lights for the runway, let me know.

    Show of hands? :wink:

    Whoops! :shock:

    Er, uh, shall we just say: "the NAYs have it... hands down!" :oops: :lol:


    Sheesh: we wouldn't want Bill to take time away from Emma Field now would we? :roll:

    Although Bill could no doubt enhance his already outstanding Plum Island scenery with some cool night lighting, I'll bet most here would rather he looked into offering that option later, so he can maximize his time on the 2 priority projects he mentioned are currently in the works. :)

    Hmmm... maybe the "Mystery Helper" might provide a rudimentary feature enhancement for that sometime soon! :wink:


  4. Well, it seems that Brad has started a new trend among the Emma-ites! :wink:

    Apparently CBris' new "Lilliwaup Blue" Faux Limburger bar cheese had a stronger binding effect on the intestinal fortitude of EFFC pilots. :shock:

    It seemed that they needed to supplement their Old #5 intake with something to stay... just a bunch of "regular" guys; soon, they'd all gone "Plum Crazy" for PRUNES ! :mrgreen:



  5. Good point on the flight dynamics there Chris; I did seem to need a lot of elevator "down-trimming" in that aircraft, especially at full throttle! :oops: :mrgreen:

    PS: (That wouldn't be the first time somebody told me to "Get The Lead Out...!") :lol:


  6. Inspired by Bradster's idea for a Plum Island theme aircraft in this thread, and by the possibilities offered by the BrightStar Swift presented in the simFlight Screenshots Forum, GaryGB tests out a few ideas. ;-)


    Already having a bad case of "Prune Plum Butt" (aka "PLUM BUM") as purplish bruises from bungled landings on his rump, he cheerfully makes light of his poor airmanship skills in this novel experimental aircraft... and stitches a silk screened image of a "Twofold Prune Plum" onto the seat of his padded amateur aviator jeans. :oops: :P


    ( Twofold Prune Plum: http://www.worldofst...ups/PFO6043.php )

    Finally, he perfects the optimum design for a "Butt-Floss PlumBumStar Swift" livery, and rapidly struts his stuff at the Emma Field proving grounds! :mrgreen:

    (Butt Floss: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&defln&ct=title )

    PS - Next: The exciting adventures of "Rumpledbumskin" (...or was that "Rumpelstiltskin"?) :lol:




  7. Hi Francois:

    Well, all in good time... meanwhile, keeping up the good sense of humor is an important priority! :lol:

    Hopefully others here will test the EFFC MP server for FSHostClient and TeamSpeak connectivity, so all will be in readiness for a Fly-in at Plum Island later this month? :roll:

    I'll try out (and report on functionality of) the alternate server so kindly offered by John "JP" Blevins aka N12JP, so we know how my MP software setup is doing otherwise:



  8. Hi Gary. Yes I started TS again yesterday after installing it anew.

    Might well be that I did something wrong, or changed the port address or something :oops: :oops: :oops:

    What are you using to get in?

    TeamSpeak Login Parameters (from "Quick Connect" Dialog Box)

    Server address:

    Nickname: GaryGB

    Password: (you know who...) :wink:


  9. Initial test of MP session using default FS2004 login and chat window worked OK; nobody else was out there though! :)

    I hope to test the "New Emma Field Server" further this week with at least 1 other participant via FSHostClient and TeamSpeak software in both FS2004 and FSX. :roll:

    Francois: Thanks very much for getting the system back up and running so soon upon returning from your travels! :D


  10. "Passing" through Boston, consequences of Little Buddy's lunch in Worcester become evident: he'd gotten a side order of "Boston Baked Beans" with the Coney Island Hot Dog! :oops:

    As the odor from the cab permeates into the storage areas below, loud gagging and coughing reveal that an infamous "stowaway" is aboard! :shock:

    Soon the stench from the cab mixes with the "aroma" of the EFFC Limburger starter culture, disrupting nearby traffic as the truck roars by on the street. :?

    Wouldn't you know, it was just our luck there was a Boston Motorcycle Policeman passing by who called in the apparent HAZMAT threat! :(

    Dang... another stop for a HAZMAT investigation... and yet another delay while on the way to Plum Island! :lol:

    After explaining that the smell was really from the Boston Baked Beans and Coney Island Dog (with extra Chili!), the EFFC shipment was released again! :mrgreen:





  11. Hi Dougal:

    I believe we will first need for Francois to rebuild the MP server upon his return from vacation (next week?). :wink:

    After that we can refresh our memories and test our configurations for FS9 and FSX to get things to run on MP server. :)

    That being done, one of us could perhaps offer additional input beyond the very nice tutorials by Larry aka "Pups" aka Skinny Puppy:


    That thread links to some of the recent info on the topic that Larry put together for the January 2008 Fly-in. :idea:

    If the complexity is still a bit overwhelming right now, after Francois has things up and running, we can also create a concise "express" Step-By-Step walk through to complement the more detailed guides available.

    Hope this helps as an initial orientation! :D


  12. Uncle Elmer was back at the EFFC from his Safari in the "Dark Incontinent". 8)

    Inspired by CBris' "Zebra" repaint, he decides to supplement the dwindling EFFC income of late by starting up a new business to make money selling Ice to all the flyers, bikers, picnickers and campers who frequent the premises... er, "dwinking" rather heavily. :wink:

    Elmer decides to call his new business venture "Ice Station Zebwa", in memory of his exciting time in the wilds of Afwica. :P

    Rumors have it that he may just place one of these next to the Fuel depot at Plum Island too ! :mrgreen:

    Yup, a bit obscure... "chilling", the effect some cartoons have here! :lol:

    "Reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes (-The Aviator!-), who had experience both as a movie producer and a defense contractor for the U.S., is said to have watched Ice Station Zebra dozens of times on a continuous loop in his private hotel suite during the years prior to his death."




  13. Places like that make good selling arguments for motorhomes - a BIG Winnebago (or two) and several plots of land around the country with hook-up points for the utilities.

    Hmmm... maybe now that "mobile home" on the runway at Plum Island doesn't look so bad after all! :mrgreen:


  14. Hi Dougal:

    I hope you'll be feeling steadily better each day, and that we'll see you flying the friendly skies above Emma Field again soon. :)

    PS: There is talk of a Fly-in the the 3rd or 4th week of October at Plum Island MA to celebrate Bill Womack's great new release through FSAddon... perhaps you can join us then? :roll:

    Take Care! :D


  15. Some of us here are taking our time in this thread simply to offer suggestions; I personally will welcome whatever it ends up to be with the understanding that all such websites are a "work in progress" over time based on priorities... as it would be in any business. :)

    I already have my own methods of researching products that are working OK for me, so I wouldn't feel compelled to agonize over the evolution of the proposal; but I certainly would like seeing anything that helps simMarket become more robust, wherever and whenever it is feasible to implement.

    I want to know that simMarket will be there when it comes time to buy something in the future; and I see the continued existence of simFlight Forums as reliant upon the revenue stream of simMarket... so I tend to regard them as interdependent web sites, and hope the connectivity goes well between them. :idea:

    I think consumer satisfaction will ultimately be the factor that determines whether web ventures adapt, survive and thrive. :P

    Some web ventures survive and thrive with the same style of web pages they've had for many years because their customer service is very good; others do so because they are easy and/or time efficient to use, or provide a valuable online reference service. :D

    Still other web ventures might become popular (at least initially) by providing a novel style or entertainment value; to me these are of fleeting and transient value, and lead to an expensive "keeping up with the Joneses" type of thinking... which can distract from one's primary focus or business goals.

    IMHO, customer service, ease of use, time efficiency, and perceived value for consumers all are critical to sales volume and web venture viability ! :shock:

    It's obviously up to Miguel and Francois to decide what and when they want something done with their web sites; how or by whom they arrange to get it done is of course at their discretion as well; I hope to whatever extent a "Product Feedback / Reviews Forum" gets implemented, that it will prove to be a benefit-- rather than a detriment-- to the patrons, visitors and administrators/moderators.


  16. What an excellent video, Andy! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    That reminds me so much of the adventures I used to have in the Lake LA4-200 EP Amphibian with my colleague and his lovable chocolate lab. :D


    When he was younger, he could easily jump in and out of the aircraft cockpit with amazing precision; as he got older we'd have to lift him up and in.

    Although we never got him to tolerate the comedic "sight gag" outfit of an aviator's cap and goggles, he would ride in the back "rumble seat" and place his head between our shoulders to cover up his ears and reduce the noise on long flights (in between jumping from window to window leaving his nose marks everywhere!). :P

    Although he he always yipped and complained during takeoffs and landings, he otherwise did quite well with most of any flight. 8)

    Those sure were great times; pets can really be wonderfully adaptive companions... even when flying! :mrgreen:


  17. Hi Larry:

    Sounds like a good plan! :)

    I'd be sure to check the registry for your installed add-ons (often found by either the publisher or product name under both HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE) after initially installing them to the dummy FS folder chain; this will help verify the add-on entries correctly point to the target folder chain (path) that you finally put the add-on in for use with your active copy of FS. :idea:

    Hope you're back up to full functionality soon! :D


  18. A simple link from the main product page to the new review section on this forum would suffice. There was a ‘Do you want to write a review of this product?’ link on the page before and that could be linked here. ‘Here’ in the sense of the location of the new review forum.

    Having the review section here would allow control over people that merely wish to abuse the system and their posts could be deleted if they serve no useful purpose other than a rant or abuse of a publisher. There shouldn’t be a delay however in posting them since that tends to discourage people from writing. I belonged (still do) to a forum that did that and the posts dropped dramatically because of the time it took for the moderators to approve the post. They finally realized that and now the posts are instantaneous.


    That seems like a good way to still serve the purpose of providing additional insights on a product for a prospective buyer: have the link right on the simMarket product page open a new window or tab to a "Product Reviews Forum" which they can browse without registering (registration required of course, to post). :)

    It would seem prudent to keep the original simMarket product page open so they won't forget about their prospective purchase when they become "captivated" by the forums like some of us! :lol:

    To further assist the prospective buyer, the first page they see could also be a prepared simFlight Forums search result, listing threads containing that product title or fairly specific keywords related to that product page on simMarket they are entering the system from; alternatively there could be a clearly legible sidebar menu with those links.:idea:

    That same page could also have links to threads on additional work from that particular developer and/or software publisher, or to other topically related titles. :roll:

    I personally wouldn't want to see a mini "pop-up" box instead of a full web page (I hate those frickin' things!) :!:

    It would take some initial extra web page programming, but I think customer feedback and incidental "discoveries" of additional products that are related and/or apparently popular due to the number of displayed "search results", and a linked "Product Reviews Forum" could increase immediate and subsequent sales for simMarket. :P

    Hopefully it would also provide additional incentive to fix the simFlight Forums phpBB search engine which, in my experience, still allows only limited functionality. :|

    It could also increase the potential number of folks who upon seeing the great environment we have here in the simFlight Forum, might join us and become a regular forum participant, and an even more enthusiastic Flight Simmer (who of course... periodically makes more purchases at simMarket!) :wink:

    Hope these ideas develop into something beneficial for everyone! :D


  19. Ian:

    I like that idea,seems to me that forums (which require registration to post) are a better place to encourage discussion and challenge of posts that are inappropriately communicated, hopefully leading to ongoing clarification and a better understanding of a product by prospective buyers. :)

    Some valid viewpoints expressed here! :!:

    I have noticed that some websites allowing anonymous informal reviews/comments do seem to have reviews by apparently genuine end-users who write very well considered reviews, which can be quite valuable to consider for a prospective buyer; sadly they are in my experience far too infrequently seen in such settings! :(

    Other websites (and Blogs) end up incurring rants by people apparently frustrated with one or more products from a company.

    Some of the rants seem to have a clearly communicated legitimate consumer/end-user experience basis for dis-satisfaction; others appear to be the result of a novice user not being prepared for the extra considerations that ultimately end up required to make their system able to accommodate the software, and yet other rants are non-specific and don't adequately make the case for or against the product in a manner helpful to the inquiring mind of a prospective consumer.

    It seems to me that the usual layout and environment of such "review and comment areas" more often seem to compel overly simplistic brevity than what I would prefer to review before I decide on a purchase. Although I have greatly appreciated the rare gem of a thorough in-depth anonymous end-user review in such "quasi-forums", I usually cruise multiple full-fledged forums, user groups and query search engines for formal reviews about a product before buying. :wink:

    Also, in such "review and comment areas", the temptations of anonymity without accountability when compared to a forum where one must register, seems to invite less useful input, and may be a place where an individual will simply post (or "dump"!) and move on, rather than a setting where ongoing discussion might take place with a greater diversity of insights and clarifications being expressed, and where recurring issues with a product in a thread might then allow a reader to achieve a consensus for themselves as to the pros and cons of purchasing a product.


    I don't think what we are seeing here could be compared to the recent issues on E-Bay (I'm citing an extreme example here as an illustration... not saying you were making this comparison of course), where apparently efforts were made to deny the opportunity to post feedback on a vendor (allegedly) because E-Bay didn't want to lose sales volume when vendors complained about what was said about them and threatened to take their business elsewhere.

    And yes, there are unfortunately many new challenges to operating any type of website nowadays which lead to time-consuming and costly distractions from one's primary goal(s), and make one wonder if it is all worth that hassle. :shock:

    I believe those of us who may be less experienced running a complex commercial website might do well to give a certain benefit of the doubt, and convey a bit more courtesy to those actively trying to "pilot" a web venture through a constantly changing environment. We must remember that all that complexity has to be dealt with while still making an overall outstanding end-user experience such as we have in the simFlight forums available... essentially for free! :oops:

    To cite a somewhat parallel example of what I consider a web-related problem, the average user of business e-mail is now statistically known to spend 2 to 3 weeks of time per year sorting through spam; at first we had to do this manually... now (years later?) we finally have better software which is worth using to filter through that spam.

    I choose to minimize e-mail (and thereby SPAM!) so I can spend my 2 to 3 weeks a year flying and/or on vacation, and thus I do my best to maintain privacy of my various e-mail addresses, while using voice and fax as a first priority knowing that a high proportion of people I might otherwise communicate with may now or eventually have their e-mail address book "compromised" by web-scum without their knowledge... and I'd soon be receiving vast amounts of spam. :evil:

    So my way of dealing with that particular problem has been to "temporarily disable" that e-mail feature in my interactions with all but the most informed and secure users until there is a better software workaround to prevent me from being distracted from the things that are of primary importance to me.

    I didn't have occasion to see the simMarket reviews area while it was online, but for the moment, as Miguel indicates to be "temporarily" necessary, perhaps a forum is the best place for exploring in detail all that's involved with a particular product... in a manner that is fair to both the developer and the end user? :roll:


  20. Gawd, that's hilarious! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    He's bitin' the hand... er, paw that feeds him! :P

    I thought this was pretty funny too, as one of the kids playing sounds of another dog barking on the computer laughs himself into a gasping cough:

    As if man's best friend wasn't fun enough already, now we can have fun with 'em on the computer! :mrgreen:


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