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Posts posted by GaryGB

  1. Don't smoke in the outhouse

    Weary from another long trans-continental flight, and feeling the effects of his recent intake of Guacamole, Lasagna, and Fritz' new "3_Alarm_Fire" Chili recipe at the "Chez Fritz" diner, Brad overlooks an important warning sticker on the inside of the potty door, then commits a grievous error of "smoking in the outhouse"! :oops: :lol:



  2. Hi Joe:

    Interesting to read more about Kenmore! :)

    I had thought the Salmon Bay/Lake Union/Union Bay channel might still allow the Lake Washington water level to be affected by tides; but that is certainly a narrow waterway, and would have an isolating effect I suppose.


    Looks like a great place to hang out and see what comes through there! :P

    In the future, I'd like to see a more detailed Kenmore scenery in FS, with AI and SimObject animations as a tribute to that facility... which is so important to seaplanes in the PNW! :wink:


    Thanks, Joe! 8)


  3. Hi Joe:

    I just discovered this! :)

    Yes, the beloved Lake Amphibian was a part of my flying experience for a few years; thanks for the pix & video to bring back the memories. :wink:

    That ramp at Kenmore in your video was too steep for a Lake Buccaneer's tail; there's no shock absorber, and it could damage the retractable rudder! :shock:

    I sure hope that guy uses a different ramp in the future! :oops:

    I gather you live nearby, and might know if the tide was low at the time? :roll:

    I'd be rather disappointed if Kenmore only had ramps to accommodate float planes and amphibians with larger gear instead of also being able to safely accommodate smaller "belly-landing" amphibians like the Lake (with low tail slope angles). :!:

    Thanks for sharing! 8)


  4. That was a fun flight. I just wish Gary could start from the airports we would start from instead of the Airport we were going to :P :P :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :P

    It's true... being way over-commited with my available time but trying to still participate, my insistence on flying by the seat of my pants "VFR only" has gotten me lost on the last 2 fly-ins, so I had to overheat the Spitfire several times to catch up (after finally getting my bearings). :lol:

    Worse yet, during my Alaska flying yesterday as I tinkered with a few things outside FS with the Spitfire "flying itself" (again! :oops: ) at 325 KIAS, the distance I quickly ended up off course was so great, I had to "jump" to the next waypoint a couple of times! :shock:

    At one point Ed politely asked where I was, and I was compelled to reply that I was apparently in outer space, having taken a wrong turn in the Spitfire somewhere around the Stratosphere! :P

    Clearly I have met my rendezvous with destiny; my not taking time to preview the land marks of the group flight plan in a large expanse of unfamiliar terrain, and being frustrated by delays getting the GPS back up onto the screen in FSX on my older system has finally compelled some changes. :wink:

    I'm setting up a 2nd big monitor on the other port of my video card and expanding my desktop to allow simultaneous display of the GPS and FS Commander. :idea:

    Ed was kind enough to give Brad and me a few tips yesterday on how to set up FS Commander as an additional backup for the GPS and FS Map function, so hopefully when I can get some more time to fly, I'll be able to "wing it" with the rest of the group; many thanks Ed! :)

    And extra special thanks to Dobie for sharing his interesting personal stories of when he lived and flew in the area of Alaska that we were touring... it was a fun adventure!

    Next we'll see if I can get the GPS to run properly, even if I might have "a screw loose" now and then! :mrgreen:

    PS: Uh-oh... could be another "Navman" in the making! 8)


  5. Sporting a new hat after hours at a recent FS gathering (and feeling the effects of his spirited beverage), Francois works the right pedal, and the charming lady to his left works the other pedal... in a torrid episode of "Rudder Footsie"! :oops: :P


    When asked about the reason he had a hard time flying straight in FS that evening, he replied that he normally only drinks Old #5, his GPS wasn't working properly due to having "a screw loose", and "Off course, I wasn't working the other rudder either!"! :mrgreen:


  6. Hi Bill: Outstanding!!! :shock: :D

    This is excellent... watching our beloved Emma Field come back to life in FSX before our very eyes! :P

    I'll be looking forward to more exciting installments in this important news thread! :mrgreen:

    Hmmm... I wonder what building might show up next... stay tuned folks! :lol:

    PS: Sorry about the odd digressions so characteristic of the EFFC tradition for "evolving" threads! :roll:

    Thanks again for all your creative expertise; clearly our Emma is being well taken care of! :D


  7. Hi Chris:

    < ...Paging Dr. Patch Adams! > :lol: :lol: :lol:


    This weekend I'll see if I can "Doctor up" all the sets of files to consolidate them into one ZIP file, and improve the "Doc"-umentation in an accompanying ReadMe file. :wink:

    As to clarifying this thread's posts, I suppose we could too... but would it be as much fun then? :P

    BTW, those who have tried Bill's patch with the latter "2B2_Ground_Lites_For_Ver_1_1_Patch.zip":

    I'd like to be sure this works OK on everyone's add-on layering scheme in the FSX Scenery Library, so feedback is always welcomed... along with the encouraged (and greatly appreciated) extra perk of banter! :wink:

    PS: Once this is well-tested, does anyone think we should put a copy in the FSAddon 2B2 forum too? :roll:

    Happy Flying! 8)


  8. Hi All:

    Today Bill Womack has released an update / "patch" for Plum Island here:

    (Bill Womack's updated Plum Island "patched Version 1.1" release)


    An update for the "2B2_Ground_Lites.zip" file is now attached below for compatibility (flickering solved by changing elevation of the light splashes).


    If you already have installed the "2B2_Ground_Lites.zip" file posted above, use the same installation process described for that file with this newer "2B2_Ground_Lites_For_Ver_1_1_Patch.zip", to simply over-write any existing original "2B2_Ground_Lites.BGL" file from above. :idea:

    Happy Flying! :D



  9. Heh - Heh - Heh... for a moment there I thought my own sense of direction was off too, and figured that all the time I was actually at the Bear Gulch in the Cascade Mountains, rather than the one in the Olympic Mountains. :shock: :P

    Sheesh, I must be getting befuddled by my "intemperate" consumption of Old #5 ! :mrgreen:


  10. Bear Gulch with the wooden bridge perhaps?

    Will it be FS Genesis compatible? I know it's very darned optimistic to expect an addon to run with every single scenery enhancer going, but BG was definitely "unmatched" against FSG before. And besides, FSG is probably the defacto standard for meshes alongside only very few others. Perhaps an e-mail to Justyn? Maybe he can fix it his end so that the whole of the "Olympics" is matched to Emma Field.

    Hi Chris:

    We've already got the entire PNW under control; especially at Emma Field, which we keep highest on a "pedestal" of course! :mrgreen:



  11. Hi Bill:

    Thank you so much for taking another look at the RWY18/36 ARP coordinates! :)

    I'm delighted to hear we'll be able to accommodate our fellow Emma-ites during MP Fly-ins and other activities at Emma Field regardless of the version they are presently able to run on their available hardware and FS version. :P

    I'm excited too that we'll be seeing further enhancements of Bear Gulch, which is already great fun... and 1 of 2 reasons for folks to buy the excellent:

    "RAS - SCOUT, CITABRIA AND DECATHLON" packages for FS9 and/or FSX: :idea:



    <ahem> Seems to me Bill W.'s talents and wonderful Bear Gulch creation deserves much more said than this (with pictures!) on these product pages:

    "Included Scenery: Bear Gulch Aviation is a private bush strip and ranch located at the western end of Lake Cushman, in the mountains forty nautical miles east of Seattle in Washington, USA."

    In the mean time, since simMarket didn't provide the details, here's a link about Bear Gulch on the RealAir website:


    Bill's Bear Gulch page was down when I tried to view it, so here's a few pix in an AVSIM review: (got a new link yet Bill?)


    Oh, I thought you'd find this interesting; maybe we'll see a firefighting mission for Bear Gulch in the future? :idea:


    Probably now there's no need to release the "EFW 1,2,3,4" test airport files for FSX at this point unless someone PMs to request one from me. :roll:

    BTW: My copy of Dragon NaturallySpeaking Pro is the real secret of my prolific "verbalepsy" (... I couldn't keep up with bloody typing otherwise!). :wink:

    PS: I hope to see a " Bill W.'s Folding Soap Box © ®™ " displayed as a transient effect in EmmaX, so via a animated SimObject in an online event using TeamSpeak, I can occasionally pontificate some "Expostulatory Remonst-Rant"... (as Fritz clicks a "remote" so the box folds, toppling the speaker!) :lol:

    Kind Regards,




  12. Hi Ed:

    I agree that it would be preferable to have the Emma Field runways for FS9 and FSX aligned with each other for purposes of MP flying. :)

    Regardless of the ability to afford a computer upgrade, I would like to see FS2002 and FS2004 users of Emma Field still able to participate, and to keep the EFFC community in touch with one other. :roll:

    The EFFC happens to be a potential base of over 1200 users from which simMarket and FSAddon draws sales for Emma Field and related bush flying packages for scenery and aircraft. :!:

    Although FSX (and add-ons which require it) may potentially be quite wonderful on a powerful computer, some people... due to hardware budget, limited time and energy available to deal with the challenge of a new learning curve, or the re-installation / re-configuration effort for a new FS environment, will choose to remain for now in FS2002 and/or FS2004.

    I'd rather NOT see these people left behind if we can avoid it; yes, we'd like for them to upgrade if they can, but some simply can not/will not do so.

    Personally I'll not miss a chance to help a simmer based on a terrain positioning issue; that is why I started the EFSTEP development project 1-3/4 years ago.

    NOTE: Emma Field Scenery Terrain Enhancement Project (EFSTEP) had its inception in this thread:


    Yes, EFSTEP is alive and well, working to give users in FS2002, FS2004 and FSX all a means to integrate Emma Field into the surrounding real world terrain.

    During development, care was taken to not disturb existing feature attributes of Emma Field, and other major add-ons for the contiguous Emma Field area.

    EFSTEP is tested on an older system, compelling SDK development to produce reasonable frame rates; it should not require a state-of-the-art computer to run.

    EFSTEP terrain mesh will offer the highest resolution possible that a given version of FS is able to display based on available source data precision, and will allow Emma Field to be displayed in its original context while surrounded by the enhanced landscape.

    EFSTEP FS2002 and FS2004 format terrain mesh files can be set to run with priority replacing any terrain mesh released by others, including FSX-SP2/XPack format compressed multi-LOD file packages.

    EFSTEP terrain mesh output into the FSX-only minimally-lossy format can also be implemented with display priority to better integrate any current or pending version of Emma Field into the surrounding landscape; users can allow automatic display of optional mesh files, or choose manually what they wish to be rendered in a given FS session.

    Concerned Emma Field fans can be assured that retro-compatibility AND enhancement of terrain is achievable, to allow all FS users to join in. :wink:

    I'm not saying developers should always provide an FS9 version or FS9 accommodations with every FSX version when an add-on package is released, but IMHO what we have here is a simple choice of positioning for an FSX runway for a fictional airport to keep a community together and excited about Emma Field. :idea:

    Promoting happy flying at Emma Field and the PNW is what may lead to increased bush-flying related sales, and sales are the reason we have this forum system online; if sales dwindle, this forum system with all our happy memories as a valuable part of the FS community... will become an endangered species.

    I'll be releasing some simple demo airports shortly (based on the Emma Field airport layout) which will be positioned at various possible positions around the terrain flatten/exclude BGL that I had made available for the January 2008 "Pups" Emma Field Fly-in; revised versions of that and other files can be made available any time.


    These airports with ICAO names EFX1, 2, 3 ,4, etc. will allow users to fly around in FS, see what the lay of the land is, and determine what hazards they might encounter on a given flight path from each proposed RWY 18/36 position... including the "legacy" original Emma Field FS2004 RWY 18/36 location.

    I believe it will help for all options to be explored right inside FS, and that all versions of Emma Field and cherished add-on's such as Bill D.+Phil C.'s sceneries can be accommodated as well... with no risk of falling off precipices into ravines.

    GaryGB so loved the FS world, that he can (and has!) move(d) mountains around Emma Field for the enjoyment of the FS community. 8)


    We can still have a custom Emma Field FSX airport for MP Fly-ins that will align with other legacy FS flyers, so EFFC can survive and thrive as a community.


    I will be in touch regarding the FSAddon procedures for ensuring that 3rd party add-ons impacting an existing or pending FSAddon product will work OK.

    Bill W.:

    I am curious what the ARP coordinates are for the location where you encountered the "ravine"; I am intimately acquainted with the entire Emma Area from my work with very high resolution DEMs in various GIS programs; multiple FSX prototypes do not show a terrain problem with legacy Emma RWY 18/36 placement in my experience thus far... but I'm always open to new learning!

    I'd be glad to share any info which might help further efforts to produce a compatible Emma Field FSX RWY... all while still exercising your artistic license. :D

    PS: Thanks to all here for patiently and courteously exploring options, and for seeing the matter through to a mutually beneficial discussion and resolution. :wink:


  13. WHOOPS! :shock:

    That's what I get for working on this 'til after midnite... so tired I forgot to attach the file! :oops:

    I'll be back at my FS development computer a little later this morning, and will post the attachment ASAP.


    The "2B2_Ground_Lites.zip" file is now attached to the announcement post above! :wink:

    Thanks for the heads up. :lol:


  14. Hi All:

    I created a little "Enhanced Ground Area Definition" (..."E.G.A.D.") for 2B2: ground night lighting; hope you like it! :D

    Just un-zip this "2B2_Ground_Lites.zip" file into the following folder:

    "[FSX install path]\Addon Scenery\2B2_Nocturnal_Immersion\Scenery\"

    In FSX, be sure 2B2_Nocturnal_Immersion is "checked" in the FSX Scenery Library before a test flight! :roll:

    Please let me know how it works for you. :wink:



    FYI: For Bill Womack's updated Plum Island "patched Version 1.1" release use instead

    "2B2_Ground_Lites_For_Ver_1_1_Patch.zip" ...posted below, again on page 2 of this thread at:


    Use "2B2_Ground_Lites.zip" attached just below in this post ONLY for the Plum Island original Version 1.0 release (un-patched)



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