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Ground Collisions


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In Tower 2011 aircraft approaching each other from different taxiways would sort themselves out without "bumping" into each other. The only time they crash into each other is if they are heading in opposite direction on the same taxiway. Pro doesn't seem to have this feature. An aircraft coming on to a taxiway after landing will taxi straight into an aircraft already on the taxiway. A big penalty. In RL the surface movement controller would take care of this. In Tower, with a single player, you are doing the job of about 4 RL controllers at once.

Could the feature where a/c on taxiways approaching at right angles, automatically sort themselves out as in Tower2011 be introduced into Pro. Trying to handle 70-80 A/C per hr & sort out every gnd taxi movement makes my head hurt.

Kev M

Brisbane Australia


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Agreed.  These kinds of instances are frustrating.  I understand the need to give players the challenge of avoiding collisions, but it is just not very realistic.  A better approach (perhaps for a future version of the game, would be to have difference intersecting scenarios created an increased risk of collision, instead of an automatic one..  It would also be great to have the "Give way" command available, which is used all the time in real life.  I.e. "United 5324 give way to the Delta 737 crossing ahead of you on taxiway B."  This way, instead of having to force the plane to stop, and the tell it to go again, the plane will simply slow down, or stop momentarily if necessary, and then move on once the traffic moves past.

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To Avwriter

The give way command would work fine & be realistic.

To Vic

I will try to simulate the situation but it is not that easy. It depends on the traffic. A common Scenario is in JFK where a heavy lands on 13L & goes almost to the end & on taxiing on Bravo meets an arrival turning off at taxiway Delta at 90 degrees, they don't give way & collide.

I will see what I can do to show it.

Kev M


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Attached is a gnd collision between BAW116 & SVA20. at JFK.

Do you need additional info or log files?.

An extract from page 6 of the instructions.

". Youre responsibility is to use “HOLD POSITION” commands to keep aircraft off of the active runways and to keep planes from getting into situations where there can be a collision."

In multi player, that is fine, keeps the gnd controller on the ball,  but in single player, which I think is most of the time, it can be a handful in busy periods. I don't really know if there is a fix for this as it is a design feature of the sim & I think it would be difficult to make it like tower 2011 for single player operation & as it is in multiplayer operation.

I might have to just be more diligent.

Kev M


Gnd Collision.jpg

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On ‎4‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 3:22 AM, 707FAN said:

In Tower 2011 aircraft approaching each other from different taxiways would sort themselves out without "bumping" into each other. The only time they crash into each other is if they are heading in opposite direction on the same taxiway. Pro doesn't seem to have this feature. An aircraft coming on to a taxiway after landing will taxi straight into an aircraft already on the taxiway. A big penalty. In RL the surface movement controller would take care of this. In Tower, with a single player, you are doing the job of about 4 RL controllers at once.

Could the feature where a/c on taxiways approaching at right angles, automatically sort themselves out as in Tower2011 be introduced into Pro. Trying to handle 70-80 A/C per hr & sort out every gnd taxi movement makes my head hurt.

Kev M

Brisbane Australia

This is another perfect example as to why Keyboard Shortcuts would be of great service. Kev you are very correct that Tower 3D expects way too much from users. I don't think any of us want it to be necessarily easy, just reasonable. Currently we have to lower the traffic, find 2-4 MP buddies, or stick with TIST.


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I mostly play KPHL (at least when I'm not caffeinated enough for KSAN!) and since I've started selecting #35 for arrivals, I've gotten a similar ground collision.  This was between a small commuter craft holding to cross 17/35 at "G" for runway 8 and a craft landing on 35 exited and slammed into it.  Unless I plan way ahead and select "take first right" when instructing the craft to land (where i suppose the pilot would be daft enough to slam into craft lining-up at 8?), I don't know how else to avoid it.  I've only just recently started playing, but it seems the "pilot" ought to be smart enough to continue to the next open exit.  Previously, this has happened at an exit from 9R; a craft in the exit waiting for taxiway cross-traffic to clear is rear-ended by a landing/exiting craft.  Will try to save the log file next time.


Yes!  Keyboard shortcuts would be awesome--especially sim speed ones.



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What I have noticed is a ground collision can occur at any intersection that is not 90 degrees. In the screenshot, taxiway N crosses at an angle, not 90 degrees. At 90 degree intersections, one aircraft will wait for the other aircraft. 

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2 hours ago, Eriam JH said:

Unless I plan way ahead and select "take first right" when instructing the craft to land

Once the plane has landed, and is still taxiing, you can use the commands:
#airplane1; VACATE RUNWAY LEFT ONTO TAXIWAY ;#taxiway1


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52 minutes ago, futureboy said:

Once the plane has landed you can use the commands:
#airplane1; VACATE RUNWAY LEFT ONTO TAXIWAY ;#taxiway1


Thanks,  Ricky.  I'm coming to understand it's time to stop being so lazy and get a headset.  :D


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