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FSLabs Spotlights Profiles to provide cockpit lighting in the EJET at night

Jeffrey S. Bryner

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I've been trying to get a confirmation email so that I could post for/regarding the new V3 eJets, but, alas no reply. Strange -- so I changed my email.

Anyway, loving the new eJet V3, but the night lighting in the Virtual Cockpit is a problem indeed. Not sure when the SP will be out and how it will be addressed. I'm going ahead anyway and posting this to help out the community with the problem in the VC with night lighting.  I have created FSLabs Spotlights Profiles for the 170, 175 and 190. I'll try to finish the 195 as quickly as possible. The link to the files is below along with a link to the FSLabs SpotLights page. Drop each FSLSpotLights.ini file in the folder of the respective aircraft (same folder where the aircraft.cfg file is). You will need the FSLabs Spotlight utility installed; it's free.  The lighting follows the real world EJet.  

I have tested these with P3D V4.5. 


FSLSpotLights.ini file for the E170: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jun2uz3jhkbobc3/FSLSpotLights.ini?dl=0

FSLSpotLights.ini file for the E175: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3tphfni953ay4tk/FSLSpotLights.ini?dl=0

FSLSpotLights.ini file for the E190: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u9bkpmly0soh3g9/FSLSpotLights.ini?dl=0

FSL Spotlights.ini file for the E195: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jkquqzcy5cq3s8r/FSLSpotLights.ini?dl=0

FSLabs Spotlight Utility: https://www.flightsimlabs.com/index.php/spotlights-2/ 


Jeffrey S. Bryner

Edited by Jeffrey S. Bryner
Adding link to E195 FSL Spotlights.ini file
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1 hour ago, axelsubo said:

I'm a little confused though.

1. Do I have to run the FSLSpotlights manager every time I fly the plane?

2. Does it fix the no lighting during the day issue?

3. Can we adjust the brightness of the panel lights?


Hi Alex,

Once installed, FSLab Spotlights loads automatically for each aircraft where there is a FSLSpotlights.ini file.  The attached image is an example of what the E175 folder should look like once you've installed / copied the FSLSpotlights.ini file there. In the sim, you can verify it's installed by select the Addons menu and look for the entry for FSLabs Spotlights. If that's not there, it's not installed on your computer. If it's there, select it and make sure it is not Disabled.

Now, once you've loaded the eJet, the controls for FSL Spotlights might be a bit hard to find at first, but it is normally in the lower left corner of the screen. It's a semi-transparent window, minimized. You can click on the caret (looks like a small "v") to expand the window. It's resizeable using the handle on the lower right of the FSL Spotlights control window. Once you expand it, you'll see the different groups I've programmed; Chart/Overhead, Flood/Storm - Captain, Flood/Storm - FO, and Dome. These can be turned off an on individually by clicking on the green dash/check mark.



This does address lighting day and night.

You can adjust the brightness by editing the spotlight. You need to do that with the FSL Spotlights Manager. There's an editor there.  That said, the colors and brightness, I tried to match from videos and photos I saw of the real EJet cockpit.  The Dome is an incandescent color and fills the cockpit with light from behind. The floods range from blue-white to white, so if it feels too bright, you may want to adjust them. Also, check your HDR, Brightness, Saturation and Bloom settings in Prepar3D.cfg [GRAPHICS] section. That makes a difference. For my config;



Hope this helps.


Jeffrey S. Bryner


Edited by Jeffrey S. Bryner
Incomplete answer and missing image
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1 hour ago, HighFlier said:

Wow this just fixed all my night lighting issues. Very much appreciated and now I enjoy the EJets during the night just as much as I do during the day. Thank you Jeffrey!

You're welcome; glad it helps. I'm trying to get the 195 done, but with the holidays and flying this airplane, I'm falling behind.

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I added the link to the FSL Spotlights.ini file for the E195 in my original post above, and including it in this reply. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jkquqzcy5cq3s8r/FSLSpotLights.ini?dl=0

I also wanted to add a comment offering a tip to make the FSL Spotlights in this post work effectively with the existing lighting capability in the Feelthere V3 EJets. Attached here is a screenshot  of the illuminated overhead panel. To get the best combination of the EJets VC lighting with the FSL Spotlights, only turn on only the three(3) lights labeled under the group  COCKPIT LIGHTS. They are; MAIN PNL, OVHD PNL and PEDESTAL. They are the highlighted in the green rectangle in the attached screenshot for reference.  

Happy 2020 to all.

Jeffrey S. Bryner


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On 1/4/2020 at 9:14 AM, Shom said:

@Jeffrey S. Bryner this is great thank you!

Question - is the chart/overhead suppose to light up also the overhead section of the cockpit? I've tried it specifically on the E175 and it lights up only the chart section leaving the overhead dark.

Thanks again

Hi Shom,

The chart/overhead lighting are a type of reading light in the EJET Cockpit. Their lighted is directional and concentrated, so they do not light the cockpit so much as they light a small area the light is focused on or directed toward. Technically they are halogen, so emit a blue/white light. The lights are located overhead on each side of the cockpit fore and aft.  You can see these lights UTC Aerospace's lighting catalog for the EJET: https://utcaerospacesystems.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/01_0082-Embraer-E170-175-and-E190-195-Lighting-Equipment.pdf 

Specifically they are these items: 

  • Halogen Reading Lights P/N 2LA007278-XX
  • Flight Crew Reading Light P/N 2LA006265-00

You can actually get a glimpse of this lighting in a real EJET in the first 4 seconds (actually at 0:03) of this video as the chart light is focused down at the tiller steering control. 



Hope this helps.

Jeffrey S. Bryner

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  • 8 months later...
On 12/29/2019 at 5:28 PM, Jeffrey S. Bryner said:

I've been trying to get a confirmation email so that I could post for/regarding the new V3 eJets, but, alas no reply. Strange -- so I changed my email.

Anyway, loving the new eJet V3, but the night lighting in the Virtual Cockpit is a problem indeed. Not sure when the SP will be out and how it will be addressed. I'm going ahead anyway and posting this to help out the community with the problem in the VC with night lighting.  I have created FSLabs Spotlights Profiles for the 170, 175 and 190. I'll try to finish the 195 as quickly as possible. The link to the files is below along with a link to the FSLabs SpotLights page. Drop each FSLSpotLights.ini file in the folder of the respective aircraft (same folder where the aircraft.cfg file is). You will need the FSLabs Spotlight utility installed; it's free.  The lighting follows the real world EJet.  

I have tested these with P3D V4.5. 


FSLSpotLights.ini file for the E170: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jun2uz3jhkbobc3/FSLSpotLights.ini?dl=0

FSLSpotLights.ini file for the E175: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3tphfni953ay4tk/FSLSpotLights.ini?dl=0

FSLSpotLights.ini file for the E190: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u9bkpmly0soh3g9/FSLSpotLights.ini?dl=0

FSL Spotlights.ini file for the E195: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jkquqzcy5cq3s8r/FSLSpotLights.ini?dl=0

FSLabs Spotlight Utility: https://www.flightsimlabs.com/index.php/spotlights-2/ 


Jeffrey S. Bryner

@Jeffrey S. Bryner thanks again for this great lighting enhancement.

Question - could it be the E170 download link does not include the correct file? I've noticed it is identical to the E175 ini and when using the E170 at night within P3D the lighting isn't correct/ some lamps don't work.


Thanks for the help

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/19/2020 at 6:59 AM, Ricardo Saraiva said:

Sorry for re-opening this topic (and if it is kinda off-topic), but does anyone knows if FSLabs is accepting new subscriptions to the forum? It's my second day trying to sign up, but they still didn't approved my request... Thanks in advance

Make sure you put the details as requested (first and last name etc...) otherwise automatically you will not get access

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On 11/20/2020 at 6:18 PM, Shom said:

Make sure you put the details as requested (first and last name etc...) otherwise automatically you will not get access

I think I did everything right, but still... Thanks for answering tho... I'll wait a few more days and try again...


Update: I probably messed something up when I was signing up... I tried with another email that I usually don't use and it worked... Anyways, thanks for the help (and the light profile is awesome! Thanks guys 😊 )

Edited by Ricardo Saraiva
I wanted to give an update about my problem without opening a new post
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  • 3 years later...

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